My boyfriend has been making excuses on why he won't come see me: thoughts?

My boyfriend and I have been involved with each other for about a year now. Official for about 2 months. Just to give a little background. He lives 2 1/2 hours away. For the past month I have been asking him to come and see me. We’ve even made plans every weekend, but when the weekend comes he comes up with an excuse as to why he can’t come. As for me I have visited him multiple times. Even though I have 3 kids. Well the past week we’ve been fighting every night. It seems every time I try and talk to him and let him know how I feel he gets offended. I am by no means perfect but I always try and put his feelings first. Well today I told him that I was done texting him about our problems and wanted to actually talk on the phone. I feel texting can sometimes send off the wrong vibe. Well to make a long story short he refuses to talk on the phone, he says that’s not something he does. But yet he told me the other day the reason he couldn’t call me was because he was talking to his daughters mother about there problems. I told him that if he couldn’t call me and talk through the problem then maybe we shouldn’t talk at all. Of course that made him super upset. We do talk on the phone but EVERYTIME I bring up an issue he either hangs up or says he has to go. I feel like his communication isn’t open and it’s unhealthy. I love him to death but I feel I should step away and take a break. I guess my question is, should I feel the way I feel or should I let it go?



Sounds like you should let him go


Let him go. Too much drama


Yeah, let him go. Hold out for someone willing to work for it.

Yeah… I am sure he is with/seeing someone else… Move on girl! You can do better


Where’s Nev & max when you need em.


If he fightin with baby mama then y u think he wanna hear the fighting with u


For sure let him go sounds like you exactly know what to do! You can do better for yourself and kiddies :blush:

:speaking_head:Girl you are the side piece


Let him go sounds like hes seeing someone else

He doesn’t care about you

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He’s got someone else


Communication is key. I’m sorry that it’s not working out how you thought it would. I’ve been there. If you can’t talk to him without him getting upset about what’s bothering you then you deserve more.

Stop talking to him then wait and see when he talks to you


If he can’t communicate then there’s a huge issue there. Your feelings matter too. I feel like maybe you stepping back for a while may just be the best thing for you. Good communication is key in a relationship next to trust and honesty. You have some thinking to do and I feel like you may need to tell him he needs to decide if he really wants a relationship with you or not. If not let him go. You deserve better…

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You should let him go,soulds like it’s just one sided and he donot care

Cut bait and run! He’s either a cheater or a narcissist… I’ve dated both. Your kids mean way more than him and you need a man that will be part of their lives and support and love you. Dump him now!


Just let him go. He’s either not interested or invloved with someone else.


Let go. Take a step back.

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Hes cheating. Good luck


I feel that you might be the side chick…


Hes got another woman :woman_facepalming:t4:


Girl, he has a whole other woman and family 2 1/2 hours away. He’s not worried about you. Move on and find someone who wants what you want.


Ur a sidechick girl lol


Goodbye!!! You’re worth a man who will not only talk, but will drive to you in the wee hours of the night when you tell him you need him right now…a man that will put YOUR feelings first…don’t mistake good sex or infatuation with love!!! Not to be mean, but he doesn’t love you.

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Run and run fast you guys barely stared dating and look at the problems already. If he felt the same way like you do he would put an effort and not run from the conversation.

Edit sorry didnt see the year part. But still run.

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Focus your energy else where… Count these early signs as blessings, and run while you can.

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Let that man go. You have showed you care and tried to work through it and he obviously dont want to.

Run as fast as you can. You are not his main squeeze.


Hes got someone else girl… Run


Say bye bye baby. Got better things to do.

When you go see him… do you stay in a hotel? Lol


Let him go. If your putting 100 percent effort and he won’t even put 50 and meet you half way something else is going on or someone else is occupying the time you want with him. Find someone new who can communicate effectively with you and that lives near your. Long distance relationships rarely work out.

I think it’s worth asking why you two have been involved for a year but only official for 2 months. There are valid reasons for that of course, but there are “red flag” reasons as well - like mutually agreed upon casual that evolved into serious VS took him 10 months to be willing to commit to a relationship.

It seems like he’s not ready for a serious relationship, and it sounds like it’s not a healthy situation for you. You’re only 2 months in, he doesn’t make time for you, he’s not willing to communicate, and he gets upset and shuts down if you even bring up that you have a problem with that. That’s a big red flag.

Sometimes two people just aren’t compatible in a relationship, and that sounds like what’s happening in your situation. I’d say end it now and find someone who is ready for a real relationship and wants the same things you want.


You deserve better. Thank you, next

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Run far away. No long term resolution

Ehhh. I would break it off it was me. I don’t have the time for all that. You dont have that much invested in each other. He probably won’t come see you cause he has a girlfriend in his town that he is seeing when you aren’t there.


He’s prob married or has a gf


He has someone else move on


Duh, he’s still in love with his ex. Move on, and find someone you more than deserve.


My first impression reading this is he is either still with his kids mom or theres def anothet person in his life. Ive tried the long distance thing, and it’s alwats ended in cheating, miscommunication, lies and I just end up very untrusting. If you cqn trust someone hours away more power to you but it just wasn’t for me. I like to be able to see my man for lunch once a week or drop in when we’re both able to. I’d move on.

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Let it go and get out. Life’s to short to put up with that. You have already put up long enough.

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Tell him you need communication in the relationship or the relationship can’t continue and then if he is serious about wanting to be with you then he’ll do the right thing

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Leave him in the trash :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Leave him. A man who cares for you will make the time not excuses.


You should forget he exists.

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The saying “good riddance to bad rubbish”, is the way to go. He’s probably got someone on the side, if not, he’s just a selfish, childish jerk. You already have 3 kids, why add another?

Dump him and move on, make life for yourself and the kids.


Dump him. He is not worth it.

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Dump him immediately.


First and foremost if he wanted to see you, he would. Him making excuses to not see you is a red flag. Also him not wanting to talk on the phone is a red flag. Since you do live 2 hours away it would be easy for him do you have another girlfriend and that would explain him not wanting to talk on the phone. As well as him not coming to see you. You have three kids and made the time to see him but he can’t come to see you? Something is off with that


I’m sorry but you need to move on! No communication in a relationship mean they ain’t no relationship! Girl it’s time to takecare of you❤


Maybe it’s because I’m 37 and have been married for 18 years, but every time I see these posts about “my boyfriend” and how they’re fighting all the time or he’s a jerk, my answer is the same… End it! Life is too short to spend with a jerk!! You don’t have children together yet, you’re just dating. With this situation, you’re not even talking on the phone. This is not complicated. End it! Find happiness :blush:


My now fiance and I lived 4 hours away from each other. When I worked part time he would leave his house at 5pm to be at my job at 9 PM when I was off of work. He would then stay with me til 4 am and then leave to make it to work on time. 4 hours away. If he wants the relationship he’ll make it work. Not saying he needs to go to the extreme my fiance did but hes not even that far and cant make the effort? Time for him to go


Say goodbye he has someone else in the other town.


I smell a cheater! Honey, I think you might be his side piece…


If he can’t talk to you about problems on the phone and hangs up on you when you try there is a huge issue that will not be fixed by being closer. You need an adult that can calmly sit with you and talk problems through - no defensiveness, no blame, true co-opperation. You deserve better. If he wanted to be with you he would make those trips as often as you do. Run like your hair is on fire because this will only get worse.

Really it sounds very much like he is married or has a girlfriend where he lives and just has you on the side.


I’d he first have time for you .or
First like listening to you then stop wasting your time .cos he’s only using you

Walk, he sounds immature. He’s not taking this seriously at all xx

Let him go you can do better. Need someone to love and respect you.

How about getting in a real relationship.

You have to have someone to let them go. We should be saying, quit being used.

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Hes definitely seeing someone else, wake up, know your worth!

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Do you know hes in a relationship with someone else? If your visiting him, you have to. If that’s the case I dont feel a bit sorry for you.

Walk away he is hiding something

Let him go… Doesn’t sound like he cares about the relationship

Let it all go away, he is not worth it

Sounds like youre not the only one in his life. He doesnt make you a priority i doubt he will make your kids a priority if the relationship continues. Sounds like a bad relationship for you now and for your kids later

I would get out of Dodge
He doesn’t seem to really care and you deserve someone better!

If someone can’t make time for you then they don’t deserve you. It’s not fair for you to be putting in all the work and get nothing in return. Long distance is very difficult and it sounds like his time is preoccupied by something or someone else. Step away now before it goes on too long and harder to let go.

Leave. Not a good relationship for u or your children.

Smarten up. U are being played. Your kids come first. Take care of them first. Do u have no self esteem. boot this guy shot of your life for the sake of your children. Picture how he would act if he lived with u
Smarten up.

Step away and take a break.

Having a verbal conversation “isn’t something he does”? Eek. That’s scary. I would run, not walk away from this relationship. Honestly, cut your losses and just end it. Doesn’t appear to be worth the stress.

Let the ass wipe go…he doesn’t want to be around your kids and doesn’t want to do anything unless he wants , selfish and immature. Find someone netter.

Whatever you put up with while dating, you will have to live with if he/you moves in on the other. This does not even warrant any more explaining, begging, wishing. Just delete his number or block his calls. Go back to fishing, there are more in the pond.

Something is not right! Run while you can!