My Boyfriend Has Never Said I Love You, Should I Walk Away?

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"My boyfriend and I have been together 4 years and he has never said I love you."

RELATED: How to Break Up with Someone Thoughtfully: 20 Different Ways to Respectfully End a Relationship


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"No I wouldn’t walk away, maybe have a heart-to-heart with him? See how he feels or why he hasn’t said it? I’ve been with my boyfriend 3 years and we barely say I love you, we both know we love each other but I find it really hard to say as I’ve been hurt before in the past I guess it’s kind of a barrier for me, although he knows I do love him … some just find it harder than others x"

"Have you told him, if you have then ask him why"

"My bf and I have been together almost 5 years and we’ve never said to each other either. Actions speak louder than words…plus I’m the one with the issues lol"

"Communicate. Surely you can talk to each other if you have been together 4 years."

"Well does he actually love you? Have you said it to him? Do you know if he’s ever said it to anyone because believe it or not, some people haven’t. It’s foreign to them. Talk to him about it."

"You are willing to walk away from a relationship because of a few words.? I’m guessing if you have been with this guy for 4 years he must be doing something right and proves with his actions that he cares and or loves you… if it’s that important to you that he says I love you then you need to talk to him."

"I’ve been with mine a year and he has never said it. He shows it though so I know he does. & he goes out of his way a lot when I ask for something…Words don’t mean anything. Sometimes people just don’t know how to say it I used to be like that."

"There are certain people that I love…but never say it to. I don’t think in my 28 years… I have ever told my sister that I love her… she knows I do. But we don’t say it. Even my brother… I think I have said once or twice. My mum and dad, on the other hand, every time we speak… I tell them I love them. Different people show affection in different ways. Have u asked why? Maybe he just assumes u know…and feels it's not necessary"

"Some people find it hard to say the words I love you but if he is good to you in other ways and shows you he loved you by his actions then stay but also maybe try to bring it up to him in a calm manner and discuss things"

"Not if that is the only problem you have. Some people don’t express feelings with words."

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