My boyfriend kept a pregnancy from me. His ex is pregnant & he could potentially be the father… I instantly freaked out on him… Am I in the wrong? Bc Idk why he would keep it from me if it’s not his kid.
He probably didn’t tell you cuz he’s not sure if it’s his. But, he should’ve said there’s a possibility. I’d be concerned how far she was and how long yall been dating
Youre not in the wrong. Hes lying to you…
I would be more concerned that he jumped into a relationship with you right after ending another one. You might be just a rebound relationship. As far as her being pregnant how far a long is she? How long have you two been together? Lots of things to consider but if he is the father you need to let him be there for the baby.
I’m more curious how long you guys have been together.
How far along is she?
You just want us to say he’s the bad guy but you won’t give anymore information besides him being your boyfriend and her being pregnant and him not telling you. We need more context to help determine.
He should have been up front with you, but if the pregnancy happened before you two got together then you don’t have a right to be upset about the pregnancy itself. I would be more concerned about being the rebound relationship. I hope he steps up and does what is right, if he is the father.
Run…don’t walk
Sounds like hes a needy little boy
No you are not in the wrong you are his girlfriend and he shoudlv told you
Why even waste your time on this person lol
Girl run get away and get a new man he’s drama. Give him back to her and save yourself from the life of drama that’s coming. Cut him off completely
Boy am I glad I never had a deal with that. Sounds like you are in for a life of drama.
I have questions… but you should probably
So you guys must not have been together for very long. I understand being freaked out, but you shouldn’t have freaked out on him. And he probably didn’t tell you because maybe he himself just found out, especially if it’s only a possibility that it is his kid.
No your not in the wrong
He cheated on you with the “ex”
And got her pregnant
And then to make matters worse
He was deceptive and hid the pregnancy from you
My best advice is run fae
Run fast
And don’t look back
If it’s not his kid why would it concern you?
Is the only reason he might be the father that she is pregnant and he didn’t tell you? Or?
Why do you think he’s the dad? How long have you been together? You sound a little unhinged here, but hopefully I’m wrong.
That’s the reason he didnt want to tell you … freak out now or have a few more months of happiness then freak out on him … it’s a no brainer
I’d ask myself why he didn’t tell you.
- Maybe he wanted to know if it was his or not before starting drama.
- Was he afraid of lossing you over it?
- Was he Maybe not ready to tell you yet? Obviously you haven’t been dating long.
- Maybe he was afraid if he said it it would (or wouldnt) be his.
- Was he Maybe afraid of the way you would react? (This would be my guess on so little info).
- The way you worded things makes me think he’s denying it being his kid. If it’s not why would he have told you? It’s none of your business.
I know there is probably way more to this than 3 sentences, but ask yourself questions. Stop acting like you’re 12.
I would run
He cheated on you and didn’t give a f*** about your feelings or how you felt
He got another woman pregnant
Do you think he still loves you I don’t think he does because no man would do that to a woman that he loves
Also a cheater will always be a cheater but even after things even get better things don’t really get better because the trust is gone and that’s all you guys will argue about is that and that’s what ruins relationships it’s best that you leave and let him deal with his own stuff he’s not the right man for you because he left you and cheated on you with another woman and got pregnant meaning he did not use concept do get yourself checked because he could have multiple partners that you don’t know of