Damn girl. I’m sorry. Go hang out with your mom or best friend. That always helps.
Leave him you deserve better
My ex did something very similar and I told him to leave and he left. Didn’t care didn’t explain, left his two infant kids and his wife(me). But… you move on and you’re all better off without him. Just go to court for sole custody and have it in black and white.
Advice is change the locks.
I’m sooooo proud of you for making him leave you deserve soooo much better !!! Stay strong you can do it
I still say child support, change locks, check in with doctor. Your daughter should never think this is okay for Dad’s to do!!
Leave him without explanations. Change locks, examine you by a doctor, file for child support and be strong . Eventually you will find a better person to love. He does not know what is love nor how to respect. You deserve love and RESPECT.
This is one of the biggest hurts that one can do to another. You can get thru it but marriage counseling is necessary. He probably said nothing because there is no excuse. You sound young. You sound angry and it’s justified. He didn’t know why either so just left (the coward). You have to decide if you want to keep this marriage. It happens in a lot of marriages. If you want to try, get counseling . Marriage and kids get boring and in a rut. Some people want it to be always exciting. Ain’t gonna happen.
Blast truth hurts by lizzo and remind ya self you 100% that bi***
Not many people are actually faithful. That is why I am not in a relationship and I do not date.
Pls leave him him it probably won’t get any better because the trust is gone. It takes along time to trust again,if ever.You and your baby deserve so Much better.You can do this believe me.
Relationships are not easy they are never going to be perfect. I have been married 29 years now we have had our fair share of ups and downs. You need to go and talk to him again one on one just you two. Talk to each other be honest with each other and if he tells you something that is hurtful you need to find a way to make things better for the both of you. We have 3 grown up kids and it was hard work. Talk to him you are adults and see if there is a way to reconcile. Talk to each other.
Let him go!!! Hes not sorry he will continue!! Move on with your life…it will be hard but it will be better
Typical malfunctioned male! He’ll never change. He seeks women’s attention for his validation as a “man”.
Leave. It’s hard now, but in the end you will be teaching your daughter to respect herself. Staying shows her that it’s acceptable to get cheated on and stay and that’s not a future any mother wants for their child.
Get your things in order figure out the care of your daughter and how you will co parent and separate I’m not saying divorce because time will only tell, if you guys are willing to try go to therapy trust has to be rebuilt, there has to be forgiveness and left in the past to start fresh. If he’s not willing then find someone that appreciates you and your daughter and respects your family. Sending healing prayers your way.
I blocked him but he didn’t even call… girl. Throw him the fuck out
Be grateful. You saw his true identity and that is better now than later. He doesn’t respect you and child. Heal and find someone else.
I’m a woman and mum also… I feel how you feel.
You will survive just shut him out of your life…
I left my sons father when he was 3 months old but for different reasons. My main thing was my sons safety and him growing up happy. He’s now 2 yrs 4 months old. I stepped up for myself an son, after 1 1/2 being single I’m now dating a guy whom adores my son an vice versa. My bf is old fashioned (opens doors for me, pulls out my chair to sit etc. He’s been very sweet). A keeper is worth waiting for, once you love you for you and push fwd the right one will come. Til then do you an baby girl you don’t need a boy like that.
This is really hard to imagine… I’ve read a lot of books, spoken to a lot of people, and had faulty relationships also… especially if he walked out instead of opening his phone… trust feels so far away right now… and it is. That’s the reality. Another reality you might have to accept is that the relationship is in fact over. However, it doesn’t have to be. Thousands of couples get through infidelities, it just has to come from a genuine place of reconciliation in both sides. If he can admit whole heartedly everything he’s done, show you this woman, be completely honest with you about her and their relationship… and then if he can do the steps he needs to do in recovering your relationship… and if you can truly forgive him, find a place deep down that can truly accept his infidelity, and if the two of you can work at this day by day… then there will be a light at the end of this very long dark tunnel. I’m sorry you’re going through this… it’s heart breaking. And I wish nothing but the best for you. Be strong. And it’s ok to cry your eyes out.
You deserve better. He is not for you. God has someone better💕.
Let him go. He’ll do it again. Your life will never be the same again if you take him back. You’ll always be wondering with ever call he received or make, every text, everytime he’s on the phone you’ll always keep wondering and that is not a good way to live…too stressful. Also, and this is major; you need to set a good example for your baby. Yeah many responses here suggest that you seek counseling etc. But the trust is gone and you’ll end up in a nasty relationship that your child should not be in the middle of. Your boyfriend is dishonest and broke your heart and that will never go away, but he may still be able to be a good enough friend so that both of you can parent without drama for your baby’s sake. Just remember you don’t have to take him back because of your child. I know how it feels to give love freely only to find out that your spouse is cheating. It puts a permanent stain on that love you had.
Do’nt worry about him u need to be strong for ur daugther and your self the most important person now is ur baby some men will never change you can’t change him but you can change you so worry about ur baby and let him go you need to be strong ,and stay strong it will take time for all ur hurt, to heal just takecare of you and ur baby
Most people who cheat will continue to cheat. YouTube has a series of videos called red flags of a narcissist, by thrive after abuse and the internet has information on codependent relationships. Check these out to see if either apply to your situation. If it is there are lots of internet resources to help you know how best to handle this.
Get a lawyer to establish child support ASAP! I know that’s the last thing on your mind right now but try to thing ahead and look at the big picture! Look ahead and don’t believe his lies… There is a reason the windshield is so big and the rear view mirror is so small…
Unfortunately you have just been taught a lesson. Let it hurt but don’t stay in the hurt. Move on and learn. Understand that you deserve better and better will come. Stay strong sweetie! Lesson learned!
I’m sorry for this. It’s very hurtful but Thank God he was a boyfriend and not your husband. He is selfish and uncaring and you don’t need that zero just ask God for a hero. Concentrate in being the best mom for your daughter.
Honey, it hurts like hell right now. Been there. But he is opening you up to find a great man for you! Respond the way you would want your daughter to respond if this had happened to her. You’d want her to hold her head up while walking away. You’d want to to be stronger than any hurt she is feeling. Any man willing to do that deserves the type of woman that was on the other end of that video call. He doesn’t deserve you.
This man is clearly not ready for a committed relationship , the woman apparently knows that he has a woman and she should be ashamed of herself !
Let him go !!!if he can realize what he lost he will make the effort to change his behaviors if not I’m sure you will
Find someone worthy of you !! Good luck and god bless !
You are a strong woman. You will be the best parent to your daughter. God bless you.
You will NEVER be able to trust him again. Go file for child support and move on. You and your daughter deserve better.
Honestly be thankful he showed what kind of “man” (using that term lightly) he was before your daughter got to much older. Let him go and be thankful he showed his colors. Once the hurt eases, anger will set in, loosing a love in any form you’ll go through stages of grief. A very normal process. Take time for yourself and your child.
Stay strong, and love that little one, god bless, hugs💜.
The wife/girl friend is always the last to know. Some guys are just ignorant and disrespectful to ladies regardless of how well they are treated at home. You telling him to leave is a step in the right direction. The fact that he hasn’t called is a clear indication that he don’t deserve you. Let him go n work on healing for yourself and your baby
Prayers for you and your family I’m so sorry you are having to deal with a cheating husband but better to have found out that he is a cheater than plan a life with someone that doesn’t understand the true meaning of love your better off with out him
You should occupy your time with revenge body and focus on your little girl!! Get your head straight: great pointers here…1. go file for child support, he still has an obligation to his child. 2. put together an exercise plan and start now! this will increase your endorphins and help you feel better physically! 3. Get plenty of sunlight as that will help with feeling so sad.4. Gather your girlfriends and cry, laugh and be upset! That’s only for one day, the next day move on with your life! You have only one day to cry… Then your plan should go into action!
leave him don’t be sad for him you deserve so much better than him when your ready one day take care of yourself first then when your ready find a guy that is worth it
If he can’t be Trusted ask yourself if that’s what you want in your Life, think of yourself & your Daughter he’ll always be her Dad on the other hand you don’t want to expose your Daughter to your Arguments or unhappiness,
You are Fine China,don’t let anyone treat you like a paper plate.
That’s so sad and I’m sorry you’re going through that. The sad thing is he didn’t even try to hide it and left when given the opportunity to either leave or explain himself. Seems like his mind is pretty much made up I hope things get better for you. I really do.
That was a true sign he didn’t respect you let him have the trash they deserve each other you will find a good man and happiness
This is hard but two homes for your child is always better then the child having to listen to yelling and arguing then growing up thinking that’s how a relationship is supposed to be
It hurts to love hard sometimes. When it’s good it feels so good. When it’s it sucks. Don’t ever think you don’t deserve better than him. Time will heal your heart
Sounds like he did you a HUGE favor, by leaving!!! Count your blessings!
Sorry to hear you’re upset but when I tell you you’re better off without a fool like that (you won’t feel like that now) but comfort yourself with the fact that he will do the same to the one he’s with! You don’t need a waster like that
God bless you and your daughter. Now that you know his true mindset it will be easier to move on. You saw with your own eyes that he is willing to put your health at risk by cheating. It isn’t a bunch of he said she said crap. Look yourself in the mirror and know that you deserve someone that loves you for who you are and not what you are. Know your worth and you are worth a lot more than being cheated on. Don’t get reeled back in when his fling don’t work out like he wants, because you already know what he is about and you want and deserve more than he is willing to give. Above all love yourself more than to stay in a relationship with someone that don’t love you enough to stay true to you. Keep your head up and smile your beautiful smile. You will find happiness and I was told by a dear friend where one man won’t another man will. It is true. I know from experience.
The only advice I can give is to work out custody of your daughter. Who gets her? Visiting rights? etc
Him being a father and him being your man are 2 different roles. You let him be and find your peace
Perhaps your be true love will find you it’s tough to hear right now but it could happen
Seems like this girl knows abt you.
Never trust a man like that! NEVER
I’ve been thru this with 2 kids. 13 years later, I’m so glad I didn’t waste another day of my life with him. I’m now happily married and my husband has raised my kids as his own. There are better days coming for you!
So sorry. You will find a husband at some point. Look for a Godly man.
I’m so sorry. You deserve so much more.
you deserve better:{
Do not Take him back
Leonid Dario Ciuffoli
Bless your heart. Please dont take him back. What you allow is what will continue. I was 14 when i met me 21 year old bf. When i was about 16 he got my best friend pregnant and done exactly what yours has done. He ran away and didnt call me. I begged him to come home and told him i wouldn’t mention it. He came home and i said marry me or im done. We got married. 14 years i stayed with him. I lost count how many times he cheated and i said it doesnt matter. At least 3 different woman and men daily for 14 years.
In the end i plucked up the courage to leave. He was arrested for rape, sexual, physical, mental, and financial abuse as well as child abuse. I then met a men that treats me like a princess. I still cant believe my luck 5 years on. We are married now and leaving my ex was the best thing i done or i wouldnt have found what i have now. I know irs easy to take him back cuz of your child but you are teaching them that its ok to be treated this way and let it go. Huge hugs hun xxxx
Hun, you’re not stupid. It’s horrible and heartbreaking what he’s done, but it isn’t your fault. We trust the people we love, that’s not stupid, it’s human. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your daughter. You both deserve so much better.
Dont ever give him the time of day again hun, no human deserves this kind of hurt. You have a beautiful baby girl, do exactly what you would want her to do if this happened to her. One day he will totally regret this stupid choice he made. A real man doesn’t cheat or walk out on his family ever. He didn’t just walk out on you that day, he walked out on his daughter also for a nasty home wrecking whore. Your better than all of this. Go make your life great!
If it were me his ass wouldn’t be back. He could go be with his skank and forget he ever knew me if he survived the throat pinch first
Walk, no run away, he is not the man for you. Would you want your daughter to grow thinking men are cheats? It will hurt and you will cry and rage, but in the end you will know you made the right decision. Once a cheater, always a cheat. I know from experience.
Make sure he stays gone. Not only is he a cheater but he’s either an idiot or he wanted to get caught. Nobody writes “my babe” for everyone to see like that.
Sorry you are hurting. Sounds harsh, but better now than later. Losing 6 1/2 years to an asshole is bad enough, but at least it isn’t 6 1/2 yrs and a day. Dint let him waste any more of your life. You deserve better.