I’ve been in a relationship for six and a half years. We have a daughter she is almost two years old. Yesterday someone called my boyfriend. I was handing him his phone but looked at who called him. The name was ‘’ my babe” in our language. I was choked … I answered the video call and saw a girl showing her ass in a dress. The minute she saw me, she closed the call. I asked my boyfriend what is this. He said it’s nothing. I told him to open his phone right now, or he could leave. He left. This really broke my heart. I trusted him with blind eyes and can’t believe how stupid I am. I’m lost and don’t understand how he could do this to our family. He always acts normal and told me every day how much he loves me. He didn’t reach out to me at all. I just don’t understand why. I blocked him, but he didn’t even call to explain himself. I’m so done right now. I can never trust him again. I feel so sorry for our daughter.
He’s not worth shit. Leave him.
Good. Walk away. Dont unblock. Nothing only allow him to see kid and THATS IT! I learned hard way dont give second chances to cheaters.
Its hard but clearly he doesn’t even want to fix it. Try and forget about him.
The best advice I can give, from someone who went thru this, is to not look back. Whatever this fling is that he is having will not last and he will try to win you back. Please please dont fall for it. It’s not worth it. You and your daughter deserve better
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Dont let it get you down, neither you nor your daughter deserves that mess. Youre a Queen!! Now wipe your eyes, fix your lipstick…and slay!! you got this girl
Leave his sorry self
With time, you’ll get over him. Just focus on raising your baby girl and let him be in her life as much as he wants
That was you and your daughter blessing actually someone more loyal and trustful is waiting on you
You are worth more then him. You have to remind yourself of this everyday.
I’ve been in the same situation as you and the best advice I could give you is LEAVE HIM… It’s hard at first and it takes time to move on but it’s all gonna be worth it for you and your kid. Running back to him isn’t gonna fix what he did to you. What’s Done is Done!! You and your Daughter deserves Better
If you blocked him then how could he call to explain?
You can’t and shouldn’t trust him
That happened for a reason, walk away and don’t look back.
Been there, done that. Only when I first kicked him out because of it, I only knew of ONE… Once he was gone, I found out about a LOT more. He even tried with my neighbors, and DID get in bed with a close family member on my side!! She was always over, but acted like it was to visit me and my little girl… Bastard! Not worth ur time. Move on! There is MUCH better out there!!
If he did it ONCE, he WILL do it again!!
I’m so sorry…been there…it hurts. Close the door and take this time for yourself and your daughter. You’ll find clarity.
Go forward with your daughter and don’t look back. It’s his loss
Tell that boy Adios , Being a single mom will suck for the first few weeks but trust me. Its worth it at the end. No more stressing about a dude when you have a precious baby that already loves you for you.
God has bigger and better plans for you, my dear
I’m sorry he hurt you like that.
Leave him and hold your head up high dont stay in a relationship like that I’m sure youd child would much rather see you happy I’m a single mum no its not what I planned but I’d rather he happy with my kids then with a cheating scumbag you deserve better
That’s really heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. Time heals everything so just give it time. Right now you probably feel like your whole world just came crashing down. Leave him and don’t ever take him back. Cheaters never change.
Just because you two never worked out he can still be a dad it’s hard to put the hurt and bitterness aside but the hurt and bitterness will turn onto you from your daughter in the end xxxx
I’m very sorry for what happened and what you’re going through. If that is a mutual place of your own do NOT let him back in for any reason. If you’re living with family of his leave asap. Whether your married or not take him to court for custody and child support asap. Don’t unblock or allow him to explain, it’s all lies anyway. Don’t keep it a secret either. Let people know that he has broken your home for another woman. Stay strong, stay classy, you’ll be ok someday. It’ll take some time but whatever you do don’t let him back in. It’s not a mistake to cheat, it’s a choice. He didn’t care about destroying his family or losing seeing his daughter every day so neither should you. You want what’s best for your daughter stand up for yourself and set a good example for her.
He might be waiting for you to calm down or thinking of excuses but let her have him. You don’t need that garbage. They deserve each other, especially since she knew exactly who you were. Very few people will truly be sorry and even fewer will never do it again. If you chose to give him another chance do it knowing very well that most people never change and you’ll find yourself in this situation again and again.
Good luck, I pray for your peace of mind .
He didn’t try to explain because he knows he got caught red handed. Keep ya head up momma!!!
It’s so easy for everyone to say leave but to be in the shoes is different especially after being together for so many years and building a family… listen I been with my kids father for 14years and he has cheated we have 3 kids together he had 2 outside of me I accepted it try to work it until his second babymother just had his 3rd one… call me a fool or whatever but I was fighting for my family a family I never had but he is amazing father to my kids been there since day one never walk out… we are no longer together 3rd strike your out sorry I’m trying to pull away but it’s very hard but I know I have to cause I’m wroth more then that! You do what you think is best for you and your daughter maybe y’all need some time away then rebuild or maybe it’s just the end! But whatever you choose choose with your brain not with heart! Hard to do but it’s best to do! I know your pain alll to well please feel free to inbox me and we can chat! Keep your head up your daughter looks up to you!!
Part ways focus on yourself & your daughter. But still let him be a dad.
No honey dont feel sorry for yr daughter or yrself
Yr better off without someone like that
It’s not easy to let go of someone u love but u deserve better
God bless u I hope it all works out 4 u
Easy for everyone to say leave, I don’t understand how that is gunna help right now. That feeling you get and the heartbreak whilst trying to care for children is the worst pain there is… just sounds like she needs a friend or someone to listen to her so she can vent! I hope you get through this it’ll take time. I’m sure he’ll be in contact soon about your daughter maybe he’s just gone for some head space hopefully you’ll be able to talk things through. Sending love to you💕
Be strong!! For your daughter!! God opens our eyes when we need it the most !! My prayers to you
I wouldn’t even have listened if he tried to explain most likely lies. He probably will try to come back when the fling wears off or she dumps his dumb ass. Seriously love yourself more and move on he isnt mature enough to have a beautiful family and you deserve better. I know your heart broken but push thru to a new life. It will take time be patient with yourself.
Since he left you for her…you have become his side chick…not good
Be thankfull yall dont own a house togther or married or anything legal besides the child. It makes it so much worse like stuck. If you don’t have any of the legal contracts then press on best you can itll continue to happen. Things will never be the same. Esp when youre blindsided by something like that thats the absolute worst.
at least he took himself out. yes it hurts, I know the pain of a cheating baby daddy. I loved him but with I saw multiple girls on his messenger, I closed myself from him. the baby was still in my tummy, I was so broken by it but blinded by puppy love that I ignored it. when our daughter was born I tried to see if things would change, when they didn’t, I left and didn’t look back. I cried for days, but had to do what I can to protect my daughter from a father like that.
For starters… Stop calling yourself stupid and belittling yourself.
Secondly… Do what’s best for you and your daughter. Let the dust settle, then decide if it’s something you can handle long term (wether he continues to step out, or not…)
Third… Expecting another’s actions to meet your expectations is setting yourself up. (ie to call and explain, to come back, etc)
And lastly… Y’all have a daughter together. Do NOT block communications! Do not accept negative such as screaming or bullshit… But blocking will not rectify the situation.
Just my dirat opinions/thoughts. Good luck, sincerely.
Your are not stupid to love and trust, only if u expect him to change. Sorry sending
Well that was easy for him he didn’t want to explain he just probably went over to her house
End the relationship.
I know it hurts right now but you need to leave him and continue your life without him. Once a cheater always a cheater. I caught my bf 2 weeks ago, never looking back. Even if he begs dont take him back. The trust is broken and you will always question everything he does. You dont need that kind of stress. Focus on you and your daughter. It will take awhile for your heart to heal and the only way is by loving yourself and your baby girl. Take it from me I’ve been through it 2x. Never trust a man that cheats. They never change, they only get better at hiding the cheating.
Painful and heartbreaking! but end it now! You can do better for you and your daughter, you deserve better! He will not and you can not change him
You can do this. Stay strong. If anything is joint separate it immediately show him you will absolutely not put up with this and your worth more! Bc you are! It’s gonna be hard. It will get better.
Be strong! Nobody deserves that!
Be strong. This happens to the best of us. It takes time to feel better but it will feel better. Time heals all
Let him go. Trust me. It’s better that she see you single than in a toxic situation.
The best thing for your daughter is to see her strong as mom handing her business. It’s better for her to see her mom alone and happy then with someone miserable. You already did the right thing just keep it up. Sorry your going through this. It’s takes time but you will feel better.
The selfish choices of others are not reflection of you in anyway!! I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way and hurting. Nothing you could ever have done or do will stop a jerk from making selfish choices.
Make sure get all the proof of infidelity. File for divorce and child custody bring your proof. You dont want that woman around your kids if she dont give a shit about your marriage she wont give shit about your kids. Better be safe then sorry.
Girl I’m so sorry. But at least you found out now and not later where things could have been worse and your life could completely be fucked. Just get yourself together I know it takes time but do it for you and your daughter. Boss up, get better things in life, and become a better and stronger women then ever before.
He will call in time. Trust me! But you will have had time to think by then.
End the relationship and pray he can still be there for his daughter. You’ll hurt, it happens. Your daughter can still have a happy life as long as you two can coparent and put your daughter first before the 2 of you and your feelings
Don’t be a fool like me see I was dating and he told me all the time he love me and I have been divorce and …but anyways I was with this guy and it started out good ND then I found out he was cheating on me and yes I for gave him and all that but love let me tell you it just keep happening time after time he cheated on me 4 to eat Be I know I’m a fool and down right dumb for putting up with it so if that is what you want take him back like I did …but think about it don’t be a fool like me …
Oh I’m so sorry. I don’t have much advice, but just keep your head up and always keep your child’s best interests at heart.
He doesn’t deserve you. You can do so much better. He is testing you by leaving. Do not let him back.
Plenty of fish in the sea! Focus on your happiness and move on from that dog!
Let him go and never come back … soon he’ll realize what he lost and when he does he’ll be miserable
Oh man I’m so sorry
People keep saying leave him… but he left already! No excuses, no pleading, no apology, no nothing! He just upped and left! I’m sorry but that says it all!! He didnt even try for his family! He already wanted the out and took it 1st chance he got with out even looking back!! I’m sorry for you and ya babe to be put in this horrible, awful position but it looks like you dont really have a choice about any of it now! Take time to grieve! and then take more time to heal! You’ll be strong again! you have to be for you child! And when u are ready you will find someone who is truely worthy of your love!!
Wait a minute… he had her as My Babe??? Did he want to get caught? Was this his easy out? Because so… give it to him but remember this isn’t because of anything you did or didn’t do, this is all him.
Its painful but if his family mattered he would have never walked out and I’ll bet money he went straight to her. Once a cheater always a cheater, accept the broken heart, mend it and show your daughter your strong enough to walk away and do this on your own.
I’m almost at 6 years in my relationship, if I caught mine like this…
I would move on, mothers don’t need to show their kid’s that they’re hurt.
In time u will find a Man that respects u and your daughter.
Im sorry. It sounds like he does not really love you. Your not the only one this happens to. I know this hurts you so much. That you are worried about you baby girl too. It well all fall in peace soon. Even it he came back and said he’s sorry, you well never be able to trust him again. And if he did this once he well do it again, and again.
Why do you feel sorry for your daughter? He didn’t cheat on her. Don’t keep her dad away from her just because you’re upset. Don’t be that mom.
Be strong keep moving forward. Don’t look back. You don’t need explanation for answers you already have. If you allow it he’ll come back and do it again.
You deserve better… look out for you and your daughter from now on… it hurts you, and you feel stupid but the stupid one is him… and youre not alone you didnt lose him he lost yall. God bless you and your bbygal hope you heal properly and always put your baby before anyone or anything because she is a blessing and God gave her to you for a reason… you will never ever be alone in this world again… you will always have her. Hang on
Cheaters NEVER change
Drop him and move on. This has obviously been going on for a while and that girl has ZERO respect for herself. Let the two be together, you’re better off with a real man.
Stay strong. I’m so sorry this is happening to you and your daughter. I always try to find the positive in things… and mine out of this is at least you found out. He doesnt deserve you. Cry as much as you need to. This will take time to get thru but you can do it. Listening to lizzo good as hell or truth hurts, will help
Unt unt uh now did this man rape you cause the man I had kids with raped me. Not so fast you want to hold this relationship as long as you can. You decided with your female organs to transform your body. A female should never be president and only the past know they don t give showmanship than the past is doomed to repeat it self I mean do we really give taliation. So my advice to you would be showmanship. Don t overreact let him tell you. Your husband you may as well call him is obviously demonstrating to see what would happen. Your daughter girl you were about to walk out on him. To make a long story short… You don t want to end up at your parents house alone with kids parents controlling therefore the gang.
Take him to court and get child support and custody squared away immediately. Hire a lawyer. Don’t waste time on sentimentality on someone who is clearly broken. It’s not up to you to fix him. Concentrate on your daughter move forward with your life
Wow hun that’s rough. Just keep moving forward not back.
The fact that she hung up shows that they both know the disrespect they’re doing to you!!! It’s one thing if she didn’t know, it’s a whole different situation when they know. With that being said, your feelings and heartache was not a priority on his list. You have your answer, it is up to you if you want to forgive but please remember that your child is your priority!! Take your time as you want to make your decision with a clear mind!! Good luck
Sorry to say this but it looks like he has been done with your relationship as well. And really what could he say??? Now you just need to cry, scream , get it over with and work on you and your daughter. It is obvious that he does not respect you or your relationship… Take him to court for child support…get on with your life, you deserve so much better. Yes, it hurts. Trusting someone who does not deserve your trust …hurts . But now you know.
When ever something like this happens in your life you have a choice. You set boundaries in your relationship for what should be acceptable and what’s not. Forgiveness is good BUT some people in relationships think if they forgave me hmm and continue to do it because they never think you will leave. It will effect you and your daughter if you stay and he continues. Even if he doesn’t continue you won’t trust him and there will be way more arguments to come. The slightest things will be a trigger. By his actions alone by just leaving are cowardly. At this point you only have ties with your daughter with him. I personally wouldn’t deal with it. A lot of people that cheat don’t think much about how it’s going to effect the other person. I wouldn’t be sticking around for him to bring a sti to me or not be loved full heartedly. Obviously he’s good at hiding it or you’ve just trusted him so much that you didn’t see the signs. If he’s willing to go to counseling maybe try that but the way he left speaks volumes. Js
It’s kinda sick everyone thinks child support! Take it one day at a time and worry about your daughter! You don’t have to explain anything yet! You have every right to be upset and hurt! Clearly he is a dog and you don’t need him anyway! Stay focused on the things that matter and what’s best for you and your baby! Karma is a B*tch!
Trust is broke, it never comes back. Never! You think you can or are trusting them, but you’re not.
He did the deal breaker, hold your head high and move forward as hard as it is. If she had his number he knew you would find out. He wanted to get caught, it was his easy out.
U don’t want your daughter to grow up and think that’s ok
Men ain’t shit - amen
He left you, for whatever reason none is acceptable for your heart’s sake, take it as a sign and find a way to let him into his child’s life without you getting hurt
Move on, he left which means you don’t mean much to him. You don’t want your child to think that it is okay to be in a relationship like that.
So sorry.got to be brought when something like this happens. Good luck
Stay strong… You did the right thing. Its going to be hard at first but i promise it gets better.
What goes around comes around … silence will drive him crazy, you’ll see.
Stay strong and stay away. I was a single mom of 2 children and it was hard but worth it over being with a cheating bastard. The right guy will come along and treat you and your baby exceptionally well. Never settle!
Be done and save your heart a lot of torture
What a piece of shit!!! You deserve better!!!
Please stay strong. I know you are hurting right now and you have every right to be. The way I feel is that if he really loved you he would not have just left and then stopped contacting you before you blocked him. I know you have a daughter together and hopefully he will want to be in her life. If he doesn’t go after child-support and move on with your life. Trust me I believe in karma and Karma will come back around to him. I do believe that a cheater is always a cheater. Once they do this to you if you forgive them usually They do it again. Be thankful that you caught this now. Trust is almost impossible to get back once somebody cheated
Don’t even waste your words and time on him just block him, get custody and move on
I’m going thru the same thing it’s heart crushing
For someone to act like nothings wrong, tell you they love you everyday… and be having a whole nother relationship? Thats sociopathic as hell… he left like he domt care. That’s emotionless and cruel. My heart is actually hurting for you right now
I’m so sorry. I promise this will just lead to more heartbreak if you lwt it, hun😔
Im sending good vibes your way🙏
Throw the WHOLE loser tf AWAY!! Im sry ur hurting.
That’s going to happen to a lot woman just I am saw happy by my self loveit don’t cry get strong
Ok please take one day at a time. At least over the next few weeks. Be kind to yourself. Wait and see what happens. After 6 and a half years your daughters father will be in touch, then you are going to have to make some tough decisions. Hold your head high and put yourself amd your daughter first. Xxx
Be grateful you didn’t marry him, and found out sooner rather than later!!! So sorry… You’re not alone though, asking for support is smart, this happens to a ton of women, sadly! Don’t let that back into your life or babygirl’s life. It’s T-O-X-I-C
My x cheated on me and begged for another chance. Then he cheated again. I’m on my own and happy because I don’t have to worry what he’s doing behind my back. He got a girl pregnant before we split up. He is now living with her, her daughter and their daughter. I’ve been told he is not happy with her and has cheated 3 times in 2 years. So he has got his comeuppance. A leopard never changes it’s spots.
It hurts, but you’re better off without that crap. You got a baby girl to raise, can’t be playing his mind games. And they are mind games. He’ll come crawling back with some bs excuse, you’ll forgive him and try to work it out, as soon as you think everything is going good, he’ll do it again. It’s an endless cycle, dont put your baby girl through that. The trust is gone. There’s no building it back
So sorry this happen to you & your daughter but, Darlin he’s a man & men do these things & never think one thing about it.
Fuck him he can’t appreciate a real woman I’m sorry for your hurting.
Stay strong I no how it feels my husband of 10 years and we have 3 kids cheated on me with my best freind while I was asleep upstairs with my 3 children on the night of my brothers wedding it is absolutely hurtful… I can only say to you is look after your self and do what’s best for you in order to look after your daughter you have to look after your self it is hard to say this but dont let that bring you down at all make it get you strong chin up girl your amazing people like that are weak as hell nothing wrong with you somma wrong with him.
Once a cheater always a cheater! It is well known.
Sorry you are suffering but this will probably lead to a better guy and a better life.
Keep Strong!
Change the locks now file for child support and most of all call your doctor and get checked because if he has been sleeping around no telling what he might have given you