My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

I think lovely you might need to Change boyfriends :weary:

Wake up - you know what you need to do. Just do it!

You know what you should do. Do it!

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Your boyfriend is rude! Well:
Thereā€™s your sign!

Canā€™t blame you for that and it WONā€™T get better! Cut your losses now and find someone better

Sounds like itā€™s time to say good-bye to this guy! He wonā€™t change!

Life is to short to spend it unhappy

I wouldnt that know way be in relationship

Run as soon as you can :pray:

Nope :-1: get rid of him rather quickly donā€™t settle for anything else other than pure bliss

To the curb you are better than that

I wouldnā€™t spend 1 more minute with him. Mine is a jerk too.

Agree with Anne, they donā€™t change. Run

Not worth your while.

Get out nowā€™ donā€™t waste anymore time on this.

Why are you with this Guy?
Run ! Run as fast as you canā€¦ then start going to some CODA meetings to help never get into a relationship like that again


You donā€™t want to hear my answer

Sis, he doesnā€™t like you. Lolā€¦. Itā€™s as simple as that.

No you donā€™t. Do it now enjoy your life.

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No you donā€™t ā€¦ walk away ,run

Really? I think you do know.

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Get out while you can !

You are free to leave any time.

You dont. Get out now. It will get worse.

Thatā€™s probably why his first wife got rid of him :joy:

If you two donā€™t have any kids together, you might as well leavešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

Sounds like you have already made your decision, move on

If youā€™re not happy move on

You need to get a new boyfriend heā€™s more than rude heā€™s an ass dump his ass :rofl:

Put him in your past where he belongs.

Run.As.Fast.As.You.Canā€¦ NOW!


Dump him as fast as you can. It will only get worse.

Maybe itā€™s you and not him.

Put a stamp on him and post him!

Not gona change. Start making plans.

If you have to ask time to go

Geeeezzzzeeeeeee. Get a new life for you and your daughterā€¦now

And youā€™re still with himā€¦WHY???

Ditch the rude bastard

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Seems you are just jumping from the frying pan into the skillet. Leaving one bad relationship to be in another bad relationship. Donā€™t be afraid to be alone with your daughter. Itā€™s a lie that ā€œEven a bad love is better than no love!ā€ Itā€™s not. 7 years is more than long enough to tell heā€™s not a keeper. Do as he does with a unsatisfactory fish, throw him back.


Sounds like you should leave!! It will only get worse

WoW. Narassist RUN FAST dont screw your life up twice you cant see this ā€¦OMG Grow up

Why on earth would you,RUN

Get rid he will bring you down !

RUN!!! Thatā€™s what you should do.

Run while you can!!!

Move on! Donā€™t waste any more time. They donā€™t change!

RUN as fast and far as you can!!!

Sounds like verbal abuse! Move on. Your kids deserve better.

Donā€™t spend a y more precious time with himm

RUN fast. Do not look back.

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Your last statement answered your doubts.

Donā€™t. It will likely never get better. Period.

Leave donā€™t need him.

The very fact that you ask shows you know the answer. You want verification, honey you got it! This is not a "man " ! This is a spoiled little boy in a manā€™s body. He has you to take Care of him and is 2 kids and your own, while he does his thing. Why should he change? You are willing to be disrespected and walked all over! Do you want your daughter to grow up thinking this is how it is supposed to be? You need to hit that door and keep going!! NOW

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No, you donā€™t! GET OUT!!

So you keep on making bad life choices.

You know what you need to do!

Best to just leave now. Sounds very selfish.

If you are asking the question, you already know the answer! Get out of that relationship!

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You should leave this relationship if you can call it that.

Seriously? Seriously?
You donā€™t what you should do? Seriously? Seriously?

Take a walk away from that.

Leaveā€¦. Heā€™s not changingā€¦

Scare tactics when he gets that belligerent

Show him to the door.

You are a place holder until he finds something that he deems as better.

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I say run away as fast as you can

I briefly dated a jerk like that. It took me longer than it should have to leave, but I am so glad I did cos I met my now husband a couple years later and he is a wonderful man. Leave honey, he doesnā€™t sound like a good guy at all.

Get out he wonā€™t change

Run as fast as you can.

I think you already know your next step. May not be what you want but I think it is what you need.

Get him out off your life now

Get out now. Heā€™s not going to change

Leave this boy alone. He sounds like a great catch. If you want change, you be the change you wish to see and walk away.

If you enjoy rudeness and you like being treated that way then definitely stay with the man

Run girl he doesnt care about you or your kid- why cant you see thatā€¦ kids can also tell when their parents arent happyā€¦ not healthy

It seems this page has become a forum for repeating the same advice over and over. And that the answer is obvious even to the persin who posted the question.

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I think you answered your own question.

Get rid of him. Heā€™s damaged goods. You can do better.

look up narcissist and the damages it can cause. You need to get out before you are stuck forever. You and your kids do NOT deserve that. Period!


Get out while you can.

Writings on the wall!!! You blind or like living in his ugly world?)

You are going to wear yourself out trying to make him change. Heā€™s not going to change. Tell him goodbye take your daughter and go

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You obviously donā€™t want to spend the rest of your life like that or you wouldnā€™t be making this post get out why you can you deserve better

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So why do you stay with him

Leave him. Your life doesnā€™t sound like itā€™s going to get any better. You can do it without him.

Why r u asking you no what to!!! Leave!!! Immediately!!!

Time to take the high road. I met a man who didnā€™t include my kids in anything. Wasted 5 yrs of my life with him. Better late than never. I dont want to be with someone so shallow

Sounds like a no-brained to me

Tell him. Give him a chance if no change walk away

Tell him to make up his mind or out he goes dont put up with that crap

How fast can you walk away from this babyman

What would you even consider staying in this relationship??!

Leave his ass alone it will only get worse

You answered your question in the last sentence.

You know what you should do.

Run away as fast as you can!

Time to find a new man.

Heard the expression kick to the curb