My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

Accept him for the way he is and live with it for the rest of you’re life! Or leave him he isn’t going to change you will survive without him and once you leave him you’ll be so much happier :heart:

Leave the little excuse for a man. You are better off without him. Shake off the fear and get help to make that move. He isn’t rude he is a POS

Seriously? Kick him to the curb. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: There is no reason to be with this one. Your daughter will mimic your behavior. Show her independence. Show her healthy relationships by being good to yourself first.

When they show you who they are the first time believe them.

Why waste time on this loser? Life is too short sweetheart. I wouldn’t waste another minute on him.

You answered your own question … don’t ignore the red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: he’s a jerk move on to someone that will love you ad your kids .

Sounds like u wasted 7 years already!!! I would not waste another minute with a loser like that!!! Tick tock tick tock ur clock is running……

Ask yourself what about the situation suits a deeper need than the need to be connected.

Your mind is made up already. Pack you kid and leave. Go make a life for you and your kid.
But for GOD SAKE stop fucking this dude and leave.

He would be history. Why are you wasting your time with this loser??

Run as fast as you can. This jerk will never change.

You have one life, you choose how you want to live it… Sounds like you might want to reconsider your current situation…

Kick to curb he’s miserable and that is unfortunately that Not your issue move in you will be happier in long run.

So, WHY is he your boyfriend?

He will never change,he’s to selfish! Kick him out ,if not get your own place leave him!

Dump him. Your investment hasn’t paid off. This is not a life you want to raise your kids in. Pretty much describes what he was like in the first failed marriage. Don’t be that guy.

Talk to him. ??? Tell him that he is embarrassing you and to please refrain from disrespecting people and our family members.
It’s a simple request. If he can’t be rational about that… then you have your answer.
An ultimatum must be given.
Or you can just LIVE with it.

You know yourself what you have to do………run for the hills, he’s a pig and you and your daughter deserve more from life……find someone who wants a family life, because it’s NOT him!!

You dont What advice would you give to someone that wrote that same thing you just wrote? Do it!

Seriously? You have to question this? You aren’t going to listen to anyone, anyway.

“Uh oh”… honeymoon is over before the wedding night… sorry😟

I say you need to pack up move on kicking him to carb

I never went to a national park or state park …fishing three times.

You put up with this for 7 years , about time you think of your child instead of yourself and get out , move on to better your life for your child.

You’re with him why?


Then why are you still with him? Dump this loser and leave

Fiancee 7 years. He ain’t gonna marry you. Why should he ? He got the milk for free so why buy & feed the cow. U shouldn’t have let him Use You.

Get rid of this self centered ass, if you are going to do and be by yourself why do you need him??

Get away! He is toxic! You and your daughter deserve a better life! Please go for it!!!

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Your his babysitter for free


Smdh…honey learn to love yourself and when that happens you will see you need to leave him behind

Say good bye and don’t look back. He’s never going to change!

People don’t change. Kick him to the curb and move on. Life is short. Good luck!

Get out before he makes you nuts!
I actually had to go voluntarily into a hospital for 4 weeks! My depression got so bad!

It’s going to affect your kids too.

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Kick him to the curb. He doesn’t care about u. !!

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Save yourself and child from further misery. Get the hell away from him

Leave him before it is to late.

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Tigers don’t change their stripes. He is an ass .

Sounds like a narcissist. RUN and fast.


He is a Narcissist,and with them it will only get worst as time goes on.

Kick him to the curb and think of you and your child.

Dump his ass and get on with your life.

Leave him you sound like a nice lady don’t waste away your life on someone who doesn’t show an interest

Leave him , you and your daughter deserve better!

Kick the idiot to the curb… Find someone more worthy.

Leave that losser. You are in a toxic place. YOU DESERVE BETTER!!

Read your last sentence, the answer is right there!!!

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Drop him it will never get better

He is gaslighting you. Run!!!

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Show him the door asap, a guy like him isn’t worth your time.

Kick him to the Kirby real quick

Yes you do …
Look what you just wrote … you know exactly what you want …
You just have to pay attention to it

Drop him like a bad habit

Darlin, kick his sorry butt to the curb

Why are you still there he is a loser

Leave. It’s all about control. He won’t change.

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Leave his ass… Move on!
Be Happy…

Just read your own comment. If you don’t know what to do after that, then there is no help for you.

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Dump him he’s an asshole but u knew this already

Then get the hell out now.

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You dont…believe me. RUN to the nearest exit…he is an ass.

First off, seven years was easy too long. Second? If he doesn’t want to accept your daughter as family? Kick him to the curb! Think about your daughter. He’s a loser.

Drop him like a hot rock! Get out!

He is a narcissist, they won’t change. Trust me. Leave, take your child & get the heck out of there.

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RUN don’t walk away from this jerk.

You really need to ask? Leave him

Run as fast as you can. Run! Run!

I don’t get why you’re with him then…?

Place his ass on waivers, and move on. Rectal openings don’t change.

Dump his ass life is too short to b unhappy!!

He’s a jerk. I wouldn’t want to be tied to that miserable thing for 5 minutes-

Drop him like a bad habit …

Mine did this time to go

there’s only one solution – Leave him, he’s selfish

Oh no don’t waste another day with him.

2 sides to every story

Run , don’t walk and don’t look back


Are you seriously asking advice, if you can’t see your being taken for a idiot, then you deserve him.

This was right below your post so I thought it was good to share.

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Are you serious. You should know what to do. Leave him

Leave. Plain and simple

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What are you waiting for? It crystal clear. Just …

Kick him to the curb.

Leave!! Just leave n trust me, he won’t care

Oh one more thing for all you whiny ass crybabies. This shit about “you deserve better” is bull shit!!! You don’t “deserve” a dam thing!!! Bitch you “want” better! So stop whining and go get better. Stop airing your troubles on a public forum take control of your situation.

leave him quickly. toxic

If I were you I would NOT

Leave the sooner the better

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I think you do know!

I would leave him in a hurry.

Soooo, what’s the question?
The only one I can see is why have you wasted 7 YEARS on this pathetic, self absorbed loser that obviously doesn’t give two hoots in hell about you OR those kids.
Get out and don’t look back, if you stay you are in for a lifetime of the same. Is that all you deserve?

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Narcissists don’t change. Leave.

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Follow your gut… hes too self centered

Time to dump this asshole. Why would you continue to lower yourself to him. Get a life! You don’t need him.

Your his nanny for free

Tell him to F#%k Off!!!

Ffs why do you stay?

Just get out of the RELATIONSHIP!!!

Hell no you don’t… Leave ASAP