My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

Get rid of him…toxic relationship

Throw him out you deserve better

Run away and don’t look back.

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Get out before it’s to late

Leave. :running_woman: run and run fast

Oh hell no run you can do better

Send his A packing. He want change

seems ur the one at fault…ur the one that has chosen to be with him for 7 years…you must like this treatment

Dump his sorry ass :wave:

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life’s to short for that

Leave him simple bye bye

Get rid of him :wave::woman_shrugging:

Get Rid of him​:raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5:If he means anything to u he will straighten :up:Find his way back,acting like a real man :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5:just my opinion :raised_hands:t5:Life is too short :raised_hands:t5:Amen :pray:t6:

Run fast and far, girlie.

Just glad I’m totally single and I have no… interest in anyone :thinking: :wink:

Kick him to the curb.
He obviously deserves it…

No. I dont think you do!!

Run he will never ever change u need someone who likes doing fun things think about urself an ur daughter living a fun an happy life cause as u both get older u an ur daughter u will regret it dont ever live ur life for a man I’m telling u cause I know there are men out there that wants to enjoy life just as much as u do seems like this man dont care about u an ur feelings he seems like he just wants to by himself an go fishing an dont care what u want to do SO RUN NOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AN GO ENJOY LIFE WITH UR DAUGHTER SORRY BUT SHE SHOULD COME FIRST NOT HIM SORRY JS


Get away!!! Get out!!

DUMP him as fast as you can!!

Move on he’s disgusting

Run for your life girl​:running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4:

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Please Run he will get worse!

Leave him. It will only get worse

Go and go as fast as you can. I wish you well

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You can do so much better!


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Dump the idiot they don’t ever charge


Get out of this relationship NOW!


Why haven’t you left?

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Run and don’t look back

Leave … NOW
Run… get out…

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Leave don’t look back

You’re with a LOSER !

Take the trash to the curb


Don’t stay any longer

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Leave, yesterday, why are you still there?

Get rid of him only gets worse

So don’t. This ain’t rocket science…leave this clown.

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If you have to ask. You already know the answer. Follow your gut. Mines never failed me. Don’t waste another year of your life with someone who constantly makes you question your relationship. You will only end up resenting him and regretting your decision to stay. Easier said than done, I know. But 6 months from ending your relationship, you will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. I’ve seen how many replies you have so you probably won’t see this but I hope you do

Leave and don’t look back, he will not change

You cant change people. You can accept him they way he is or prioritize yourself and leave. You deserve better.

I think you answered your own question.

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Get rid its hard on your own but it will be better for u

Leave before you wind up having a kid with him. It doesn’t get better. Character is character


Who treats their partner like that, throw him in the bin

Last sentence said it all. Leave honey. Ive been in similar and it was not good at all for my mental health. Leave and do not give him another chance.


Ditch him for your own sake and the kids! Sounds like a bum :facepunch:

Reread your post and if you still haven’t figured it out then read it again til you do…


Why would you want to marry someone like this??? Its red flags already , do you think marriage would make it any better ???

Run!!! I seek with that for 18 years, lost alot of years with that BS. You deserve better and so do your kids


Why Are Living W/ A Man n Just Got A Divorce from Another One? Why put your Child through that? U know that Man Is Only Using U 4 Extra Income. MOVE OUT! Get Ur own place and HEAL!!

How many red flags do you need to collect before leaving?
Your daughter is seeing and learning. If the roles were switched and she was you, would you tell her to leave or keep trying to fit the circle peg in the square hole?
Do yourself a favor and move on. You and your daughter deserve better.


Just you can’t change a man only God can 9time out of 10 he No something eating at him

Sounds like you already know what to do and didn’t need to ask the internet

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A wise man or woman once told me you only put up with what you allow. If you do not feel like you are being treated the way you wanna be treated then it’s time to allow yourself to be treated the way you want. You are not asking too much of someone. You are asking the wrong someone. Your kids deserve it, you deserve it. Even your shit boyfriend deserves it. He deserves to have the same treatment he gives out. And if that means letting him watch a good woman go then let him.

Only you can decide when you’ve had enough. Sounds like a bad decision to stay in my opinion but remember your teaching your kids that it’s ok to be disrespected or disrespect someone in their life.

Any of y’all have kids who are saying run! Leave! Go! …

Pause for a minute.
Sit down and do some thinking, write down the things that are bothering you.
Hell even book a relationships counselling appointment and don’t tell him, just say you have a surprise, and if he doesn’t want to go in with you that’s when you say “we either sit down and talk about these problems or I leave, I don’t need this, kids don’t need this, it’s unhealthy all the way around”
I recommend having an actual conversation before just leaving because who knows it could turn completely around for you and you two could be the happiest you’ve ever been!
Relationships don’t work anymore because we run.
If you love him and want to try to fix it, then just give it your all hun. That way you know you tried. I of course don’t know the whole story and maybe you don’t love him anymore because he’s being such an A-hole by the sounds of it but honestly do what ever you feel is right. Your happiness is important too, don’t forget that. :black_heart:


Go and leave it’s not going to get better did you leave your ex to be in the same kind of relationship life is to short to stay for the sake of it

Better to see these things now then waiting till y’all are married or you will be getting divorced again. He is showing you his true colors.

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You just answered your own question and the end of your paragraph. Know your worth! You don’t deserve someone to treat you like that. No one will change. They are who they are.
If you are questioning your life the way it is now, it will be ten times worse later.
Value yourself and self-worth. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.

Tell him… communicate, give him a time to change if he doesn’t, leave. One thing…
Never make a threaten or say something you won’t follow thru with…be real!

Either accept it or dump him. Easy.

End it…life is way to short to be unhappy or for him to make you or your kids feel unwanted or un happy. It’s not worth it…

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Do you want to do 20 more years like this??

Get rid of him. He’s not rude, but verbally abusive. You can do better.

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It will not change you can’t change someone they have to change themselves. Get out while you can he probably has another on the side

Well you already know the answer… I wouldn’t stay with that.

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Qu’en on ai pas heureuse qu’on a essayer de dialoguer et que c’est sans changement ya pas 36 solutions vous aller vous séparer d’une façon ou d’une autre …en ce moment tu es malheureuse et le restera jusqu’à ce que tu le quitte …donc plus tu tarde plus ce sera difficile et long donc agi

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Tell him to piss away off

No, don’t spend the rest of your life with this asshole, 7years wasted already. Don’t you think you deserve better than this shit? I think you and your daughter do. He’s a capital loser honey. Leave before you get pregnant with his child,you don’t need a child with this dumbass


Get the hell away from him before it to late


Leave before you end up being someone else’s baby mother and filing for divorce again.

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It’s clear, he’s NOT going to change. DUMP him! Find a decent man, not a boy in men’s clothing.


Well if you hope he will change you are wrong. I don’t welcome that kind of drama and grief in my life.

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ur in a dangerous relatesion ship,get out before it,s too late

He has no RESPECT for YOU or your FAMILY! Run babe run!


He isn’t the one. Let him be miserable by himself. He is unhappy with himself and now your officially divorced the pressure on him. He doesn’t want to change and is gaslighting you. Leave

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You’ve already wasted 7 years with someone when you could have found the one… How much more time are you going to waste? You live once, who wants to live miserable when you can live happy!

Marry him, he’ll change!..said no one ever!


Get out it’s not gonna change !

Absolutely NOT !!!
Trust me…

I would get out while you can. He sounds like a very miserable person to be around.

Oh girl you just the babysitter of his kids move on


No, do not may his ass!! Get out NOW!! RUN! So many red flags!

You’re wasting our time and yours talking about what the issues are. You know what needs to be done, when you’re ready, you’ll do it.

You dont!! Run as fast as you can! You aren’t tied to him at all. Put yourself and your child first

Sounds like other stupid people I know. You really have to ask what to do? Stay where you are, be miserable and shut the hell up or get out.

Run…hes not going to change, only get worse as time goes on.

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I was with my ex for 7 years and dealt with the same!! Never wanted to anything with the kids, if he and I went out it was always to the bar right up town (the only one he will go to in the SAME SMALL town he’s always lived in) never liked my music, or anything for that matter, always seemed gloom and doom and we had NOTHING in common…it was mentally, physically, emotionally everything draining!!! Please don’t waste anymore time letting someone drag you down…it feels WAY too good when you get to be YOU again!!! Even do a pros and con of the relationship see which is better or worse or needs work and really think about what kind of life/example you want for not just your kids, but you as well…it’s better for them to see you truly happy :blush::heart: hope nothing but good things and good vibes and love for your future!!!

Run girl, run. What are you waiting for? A frog never turns into a prince in real life. Speaking from 70 yrs experience.


I had a relationship like that I let him go and I feel more relaxed more peaceful being alone then a toxic relationship

Sounds abusive if you ask me. Time to move on

Well darling if you’re to dumb to realize what you are seeing… Then stay with him forever cause it was meant to be… Dumbass

Seriously, get the Hell away from that it will only slowly get worse

He is nothing more than a friend. 7 years, why ro long. He’s wasting your time and, keeping his eyes :eyes:moving.

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Leave him. He won’t change and you deserve to be happy.


No miracle gonna happen here it usually gets worse so I would move on ASAP! No point to waist time plus I would much rather be single and focus on my kids then to deal with his bs life is way too short to be unhappy❤️ all the best to you!

It’s def time to go. He isn’t going to change. Time to do you and be happy. You don’t need him. If he hasn’t changed for the better in 7 years he definitely isn’t going to

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Girl RUN! Don’t wait for something else to go wrong, do it now while you aren’t married.