My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

go out the door, it will not change.

You answered your on question :thinking:
People wake up you don’t have to live like that.

Dump him immediately. Why are u even in a committed relationship so quickly. Examine ur motives

he’s a boyfriend…get the hell out now!

No need to stay with him theres no future in him.

Dump him fast he will never change

The hand writing is on the wall.

I personally would not put up with it!!

Find a new boyfriend!

This will never change, you either accept it or get out now

GET OUT of there! He WlLL NOT change!

Get out now your worth more then that

7 years no change you do the math

As to your question,” What should I do?”
Answer: LEAVE

They never change, get out fast

Why are you still with him???!!! Ugh.

Get out & don’t look back!!! This relationship is going no where & since you are recently divorced give yourself some time to heal before you get into another relationship or you will continue to pick the same kind of losers…I’ve been around the block 79 yrs, divorced once, widowed & now with a significant other for 22 yrs, so I’ve been where you are & then some…

No get OUT now he won’t change

If you don’t make it clear you deserve respect and love and if you don’t do it now, your child will eventually lose all respect for you and your relationship with your kids will fall apart, take my word for it… children learn by example and when you allow a man to treat you that way they grow to believe it’s okay… U surely wouldn’t want anyone treating your daughter that way…She will be in a relationship identical to yourself one-day…best of luck! Your not alone!! Love your self enough to Walk away :sweat_smile:

You answered your own question. Your last sentence

Get rid of him now it’s not going to change

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Run. He will only get worse.

You answered your own question

Leave as fast as you can.

I think you already know what you have to do,

You need to break it off

Move on ,will never change

You answered your own question!

Get out now! I wasted 25 years…

You know what you need to do. Do it.

I agree with Dana. Find another man

You just answered your own question. Walk

This is one of those dumb questions that answers itself.

Time to wave goodbye hes not changing

Then don’t! It will only get worse!

I would think you would get out there as fast as possible.

Think I would move on

Put up with this shit now, it will only get worse after you marry (if that ever happens)

It’s time for him to go.

Very simple solution… leave. You’ll get your answer soon after.

No f’in way - EVER!!! Run.

Get out while you can !!!

Kick that shit to the curb.

You don’t want to treated that way for the rest of you life and he doesn’t want to seem to change.
Leave if you can

If you have doubts, move on.

No. Get out of the relationship

To the curb with his rude ass.

Run, don’t walk, get out now

Leave, life is to short to be miserable

Get out of this relationship now! It won’t get any better.

LEAVE. He will NEVER change

Time to leave, your better than that!

Simple answer… having been there done that… cut your loss and leave him. It won’t get better… ever! Save yourself anymore grief and your child. All the best to you.

If u r asking then u already know the answer

Run as fast as you can!

Girl you need to leave and do your thing

Get the hell out it’s gonna get worse

If he hasn’t asked you to marry him by now, he’s not going to. It should be obvious to you after 7 yrs of treating you and your daughter like dirt, he’s just using you. Don’t know how or why you’ve stayed with him for 7 years! Get out now! You deserve better! He will probably cry and tell you he will change if you come back and maybe he would for a month or two, then he will go back to being who he really is. Leave and dont look back!

Leave now 7 years is to long to suffer.

He will never change. Do not waste anymore time on him.

You are crazy…get the h___ out now while the getting is good

I think you just answered your own question ma’am

Get rid of him .he not husband material

Why would you stay? Be happy!

You don’t they don’t change

Dump him like an old sock

Dump him he will only bring you down

Run don’t walk, he will never change

Get out and away from him.

A shame you have to even think twice!! Get rid of him!

Walk away with your head held high and no bruises…either way Walk away and let everyone see the bruises :fearful:

Go as soon as posible, don’t think twice.

Red Flags everywhere

I would get out now. No more chances. He won’t change.

If that’s the life you want, keep doing what you’re doing. Do you want a family or convenient living arrangement? Seems none of them are getting what they need from each other, so WHY perpetuate it?

If you HAVE to ask the question… you already know the answer.

Why stay with him then?

You are convenient. Move on ASAP.
You are being used.

I don’t know why you would either!

Next…life short…move on

What the hell? MOVE ON!!!

If you do marry him you’re settling. Never ever settle for less than you deserve. Tell him to kick rocks.

Seems seems like you jumped out of the frying pan into the oil.

Seriously, ya wanna live like that ???

Why r u with him?dump him.

Leave while you and. I am there

if you must ask this stupid question then you already know the answer… the rest of your life or bein happy?

Run away from that toxic man as fast as you can

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Leave him! He won’t change.

Get the picture? He’s not in to you ….

Leave him and let do his own thing. Who’s going to do the things he don’t for his self that you for him?

Girl, cut him loose and get on with your life.

Get out of that emotional abusive relationship.

Leave him as fast as you can.

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It will only get worse. Find someone that makes you smile.

I am a man…
Leave the sucker. He isn’t good enough for you

He would be my EX-boyfriend.

You need leave now for your self and kids ,

??? Been with him for Seven Years ! Just had divorce finalized?? Duh!!

When he hugs and attempts to kiss you; fart.