My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

He should hit the curb honey…

Ditch him now, before any more kids arrive

Why are you even with this selfish person? Nothing but heartache down the road. Leave whole you are still young, in good shape and not brain washed by him…

WTF is wrong with you? GET RID.

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Know what to tell him now?

Flush the turd. He’ll never change, so why settle.

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Time for a new boyfriend

You answered your question… You know.
Move forward.

Get out now! Don’t waste another day on that selfish man!

Leave the jerk . It will only get worse

Leave the jerk, better to be alone

You’re stupid if you stay with him. Value yourself and move on.

Look up Narcissistic personality. Seems like you got yourself one right there!

So why are you with him? Take your kid and go

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Sounds like text book narcissism. Drop him, he ain’t worth your time or love.

Tell him if he can’t straiten up to get out. Too many great guts to waste your time on a looser.

Why the hell are you still with the good-for-nothing loser?

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Hell no. R u nuts. He’s a loser. Run and run fast. He’s never going to change. He doesn’t respect u or ur feelings and only thinks of himself. Can’t u see that by now? Find someone
who wants to spend time w u and ur child. Time is ticking away and ur just wasting it away on someone hoping that they will change. Not going to happen.

Just know you are better than this. Been in similar, refused to “give up”. Not worth it. Live your life, your kids ARE that important. Seek out a shelter. Get out, get UP. You can do it, as hard as it is. You will see…

You see that door girl time for you to walk the heck out and slam that door behind you. You can do so much better than to stay with a jerk that is self centered and a complete loser.

honey get him out or if its his house run just as fast as you can somewhere else, hes a hater, you will never find any peace, or happiness, if he is that bad now, not maried to you, he will get much worse after you do, he will think he then has the right to knock the hell out of you and the kids anytime he gets in the punching mood. please leave him and find happiness he will only get worse, god help you and your kids you deserve better.

You already know the answer. Why do you want to live that way? Let that “man” be alone” and figure out how to act by having to do everything himself.

He is excess baggage in your life. I found it easier to be a single mom than having a man/child in my life. Jettison him quickly. Tell him he has 30 days to find other living arrangements.

After the 1st couple lines of this I thought get shut of this waste of space …he should WANT to spend time with kids …he should WANT to date you…he’s like a 4th kid don’t be his doormat kick him out

Dump that sorry bastard. Take time to yourself. Care for your daughter. Do not let that piece of shit ruin you and your daughter’s life and happiness. Your a strong woman. You got this

Your crazy if you spend anymore time with this jerk. You deserve better.

Why do you stay… no woman can ‘love’ a man that treats her and her family this bad!

Find a handsome gay guy friend who doesnt act gay to hang and do stuff with make him jealous or leave your not in a relationship anyways thats two roommates at this point. Or ask him wtf is his deal maybe he has something inside fuckin him up

Well he is your bf. So…what to do, what to do?
Respext YOURSELF bc your kids are watching and that’s how they will expect to be treated.
My real advice. RUN.

As a woman…I ask you why you stay. He is obviously not in love like you are. You can’t fix what you didn’t break. Leave him and his mess behind.

You free him up to be selfish while you raise and entertain children.

If it’s causing you stress or unhappiness your relationship will never get better because you’ve condoned it to long.

You’ve been engaged for seven years he’s a loser get a hint

Get rid of this jerk if he makes u feel bad. Life is too short.Surely there is a man that would improve your life!

Then dont. Pray for the strength to walk away, and stay away. Dont worry about him hell be fine.

kick him to the curb . He is not worth your energy.

He is a psychopath, and he could possibly hurt you and your kids. Get away from him. He needs help.

Doesnt sound like fun to me! You are wasting life with a slug. Get out

Kick him to the door…he’s never going to change!!!

Show him how rude he is.

you be stupid if you stay with that slug

Loose him now, don’t waste another minute of your life.

WHY WOULD YOU STAY WITH AN ABUSIVE PERSON?? Get out of this bad situation!!

Kick him to the curb, he has no respect.

DUMP HIS A$$. You and the child deserve bettet!!

You seriously need to ditch this jerk!

Throw the whole man away. He’s a jerk and clearly doesn’t care about you.

Leave him now. You will never be happy with this jerk!!!

If you stay with him, you are the stupid one.

Drop him and love yourself!

Kick him to the curb and mive on.

Kick him to the curb. You dont need someone like him. He seems like a user abuser and a looser.

Get the hell out! He’s a jerk!

He is a looser leave

Dump his ass FAST. You’ve already wasted 7 years. He’s not going to change and the problem is HIM. If he can’t spare a compliment or “teases” by being mean. He’s an asshole and deserves to be alone. Don’t waste time feeling sorry for him or worrying about hurting his feelings he doesn’t have any.

One word " NEXT". Don’t waste your life on a miserable idiot.

If you can’t see yourself spending the rest of your life with him, why spend 5 more minutes? you have been with him for 7 years and he is that rude, it is time to move on. He is selfish and it will not get any better. He is an emotional abuser and you have to decide if you want your child to grow up with that!

Drop him don’t put yourself or your kid though that crap!

Sorry but I’d dump his ass

7 years? Fiance? Don’t waste one more second of your life with this idiot. You and the kids come last in his world. You are at the bottom of the junk heap. Take your daughter and run and never look back. It will only get worse. You are only a housekeeper, cook, babysitter, laundress, nurse, oeganizer to this man toddler and it will only get WORSE. You and your daughter deserve so much more. RUN AND DON’T LOOK BACK!

Drop him like a hot rock.

Dump his ass…simple. He’s a looser.

You’ve Already Decided, JusT Do iT

Who makes this stuff up? Smh

Run why get a divorce from one just to be tied down by another jerk, your better off alone and so are your kids

DUMP THE CHUMP…! He’s a Miserable Person… & Once He’s Tired of Being Rude… He’ll Start Using You as a Punching Bag…! Get Out While You Still Have All of Your Teeth…!!!

Dump him you deserve better.

Dump his ass!!
Don’t look back!!

Throw him to the curb

Get Out know your worth

Dump him, you deserve better!

Dump him you deserce better

Yes, Quick Fast In A Hurry

Leave him!! He’s using you!!

Woman… what is wrong with you? Wake up!

Are you really that stupid?

Dump him before you marry him

Kick him to the curve

Get out of the relationship…

Adios bye bye his lost . Never let a MFKER DISRESPECT YOU OR YOUR LOVED ONES

Kick him to the curb.

Leave him you deserve better

Piss him off straight out

Listen to your. Head

Queen, you deserve better!

Get out now and don’t look back!!!

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It want get any better!!

You deserve better! Know your worth

Kick his arse to the curb !!!

Get the hell out now

Get him out of your life. You deserved better. His a jerk.

Wise up and leave him. Period.

Duh. Leave the jerk.

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No thank you won’t change

It’s the bottom line for me!

You are crazy girl. Kick his ass to the curb and get a life for yourself and your daughter. He ain’t worth the powder to blow him to hell. But if you find some do it anyway. He’s an idiot and will never change.

Kick him to the curb

Na-na, na, na
Na-na, na, na
Hey, hey, hey
Read Steve Harvey’s : Think like a Man, Act like a Lady,
And, then, also, watch Tyler Perry’s:

  • Madea’s Family Reunion,
  • Diary of Mad Black Woman …
    In one day

Leave now! Don’t settle

Simple RUN RUN RUN???