My boyfriend put a blanket over my head knowing it would trigger me: Thoughts?

Sounds abusive to me


He was wrong!! and if he cant respect that… see ya!!!


Yeah, NEXT! He is not the one for you

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Run …do not walk. Run!

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Id be mad to especially if he knew. But if he didnt give him some slack and explain the situation

I would get out now!! Not cool dude!!

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Find another guy. One who will help you conquer your fears instead of making you live them.


If he cant feel your pain and discomfort now, think if he’s the right person for you.

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He is emotionally insecure.

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He needs an ASS whipping!

Hes a ass that’s for sure… no respect for you

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Omg! Get over it! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Narcissistic ass. Get rid of him. He knew the story and how it makes you feel and he CHOSE to do it anyway… Get tf rid of him!!

He (any s/o) should be supportive and understanding, not the cause of added issues.

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I think that was an asshole move of him and that he should grow up and learn to respect you if he really loves you.

Lose him. He’s an ass. Since he knew the story, he knew better than to do it. He was being cruel.


Sounds like you need to figure yourself out and quit blaming others for triggers you didn’t work on.

Sounds like a douchbag! Run for the hills before you get suckered into spending a lifetime with him!

Leave thats toxic as fuck

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He’s gaslighting. Being an abusive prick, then acting like it’s your fault for reacting. Rid yourself of this person.

What an asshat. You need to dump him and find someone who will respect you.

He’s a piece of shit. Toss him.