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"My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year now…we met just after easter last year. I have a 5-year-old son and love going all out for him for easter but my boyfriend who just moved in basically yelled at me and said I was doing too much…that easter was not a second Christmas… but I like spoiling my kid on holidays so now I feel torn… I don't want drama with him but I wanna go all out for my kid…how do I handle this?"
RELATED: 10 Creative Hiding Spot Ideas For Your Child’s Easter Basket
The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Is he paying for it? Are all your bills paid? Then it shouldn’t matter"
"Kid over boyfriend. Period."
"Your child not his. Kid over boyfriend. I’d say bye to that dude"
"That’s your child and he is not your father. You should not fear his reaction"
"He is right, it’s not a second Christmas but I’d never let a man dictate what I can and cannot do for my children!"
"It’s your kid do what you want. The bf doesn’t get to tell you what to do when it involves your kid"
"Tell him to stop being jealous over a child. Smh I go all out for my kids and idc who doesnt like it. My kids are happy."
"If you’re paying the money for it, do it. It’s your son and it sounds like this means a lot to you."
"Your kid, your decision. Spoil your kid. Maybe get a new bf"
"Your kid. He doesn’t have a say unless you’re using his money."
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