I need to know if I am over reacting about this…over the weekend my boyfriend took me out fo rmy birthday…we were drinking…after we left dinner we went to my friends house to finish hanging out…well my boyfriend ended up leaving with someone else whoch upset me because I wanted to have all of his attention that night…when I got home and he came home I couldnt find my phone so i asked him to call me but he accidentally called the friends house that we just left and when i asked him how he go this number he told me i texted her from hsi phone one time which is NOT true…and also i was like “why are you calling her, I am not her” and he replied “i wish you were her”…then said he was jk…but it hurt me…
He sounds like a real winner.
Just remember, you’re showing him what you will tolerate and this behavior will continue.
That would be a hard no from me.
Love yourself enough to dump him or you will end up hurt more in the end.
I wouldnt personally want to be with someone who wishes I was someone else. I would never feel good enough or always wondering if he was thinking of someone else and what not. I’d leave him but that’s my option…you have others.
Big bright red there’s a reason why her number is in his phone. If he says he wishes you were her then he means it. Save yourself the humiliation & dump him!
& on your birthday. Nope gotta go!
Tell him you wish he was someone else to . The biggest beefy hottest guy you know
Leave him alone and get a new man
For one I would throw him to the curb for leaving with someone else on your birthday let alone any time and second honey I’m sorry he was not joking, get out now it will only get worse, good luck
Besides the shady stuff, he ditched you and insulted you on Your Birthday. There are others that won’t.
Um he is telling you ,you just have to really listen and be your own hero.
When a man says and shows they don’t want you, believe them. He’ll waste your time and break your heart if you let him.
Don’t put up with this very poor treatment. He’s doing it because he can. He’s quite disrespectful. Apparently he wants to play the field. Let him go. He’s going to hurt you more and more. I’m sorry.
He isn’t the one for you, no real man tells the person they truest love that, not even as a joke, don’t waste anymore of your time on him. If you do marry him it will just end up in divorce if he is already doing crap like this!
He left with another girl. Came home later. Then tells you he wishes you were her? Cut that line loose yesterday, love!
Bye bye for me. Believe me end it now
I hate to say this but he wasn’t kidding. You deserve better than that. If you stay, he will cheat like it’s his job. Don’t ignore the
That’s not a joke, he plainly told you the truth. He wants her not you. Next……
I think you are too good for someone like him.Not worth any tears. Best u find out NOW…he is showing u his true colors.So his wish is granted.He can stop wishing n pursue her instead. Someone BETTER n more DESERVING awaits you. Don’t stick around for him to degrade n disrespect you .I’m sure your parents didn’t bring u up to be a doormat for someone to wipe their feet on.Good Luck.
Hello, wake up. He’s a real ass, let him go now, he’s shown what he’s like. Run!!!
Big red flag he’s not a keeper I’d be kicking him to the gutter,but then he’s not my boyfriend.Personally I would free myself and find someone who appreciates me for who I am and not wishing I was someone else.
This whole situation isn’t even screaming red flags. Just flat out saying ‘this guy is a new definition of dbag.’ Im actually just shocked he had the audacity to LEAVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE, and if that wasn’t/isn’t bad enough, he then says THAT?! MF WHAT. get rid of this asinine poor excuse for a man. Give him to this rando girl, give him back to his mom, give him back to literally anyone else and go find you someone who deserves you, cause this dude ain’t it
Wtaf are you for real ??
Flick that peice of and flush it away !!
Get rid of the asshole jeez he not even kool he probably slept with her !!! Run
Why is this a question? STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and leave him!!! And don’t be surprised when he tries to get with your friend either
I wouldn’t be with a man that goes home with someone else on my birthday
He left with someone else on your birthday? Wow! And you still talk to him?
He’s a dick . Let him go girl , you deserve better xxx
You just said he left with someone else? Why would he leave you there and take someone else? Isn’t that a red flag there as it is? He’s clearly cheating or wanting to or looking elsewhere
Time to go separate ways. Now.
Honey it’s time to get another boyfriend
He’s showing you who he REALLY is. He ditched you ON YOUR BIRTHDAY for SOME OTHER FEMALE…then said he WISHES to be with someone else. He’s cheating and telling you then going to blame it on alcohol or gaslight you and claim that’s never what he said … Just leave now.
Red flag leave him … trust me it will hurt less if you do leave now !
You have at least 3 red flags in one paragraph… I think you know what you should do.
Uhhh not only is your man a dog, but I’d check your friend too.
There are so many red flags here I don’t even know which one to start with.
Bottom line, he’s a walking red flag. And it’s beyond inappropriate he wants your friend and somehow got her number and lied about it. (If he didn’t get it from you, he got it from her).
You deserve way better than him, but I’d also question your friend.
Red Flag Number 1.
He left with someone else on YOUR birthday - IDGAF if it was a friend, male or female.
Red Flag Number 2.
You straight up caught him in a lie about him having that number.
Red Flag Number 3.
That “I wish you were her” was out of line and f**ked up - not a joke and not something you ever say to someone you claim you love and are in love with.
Connect the dots, girly. I’d leave him and question this “friend”.
Sounds extremely childish.
Use that giant red flag as a cape and fly away from him.
What ever you tolerate for him to do to you he will continue. Eventually it will get worse. Cut ties now and find someone that cares for you. Don’t waste your time on this boy. I said boy because a man won’t treat you this way. How can you even be around him after he left with someone else. ? Don’t be his rug to walk on.
That is not ok. Who did he leave with? Comparing or wishing you were someone else…? I would not stay with this guy. Sorry that happened…
Get Rid he’s already made his move with someone else…just dump.his arse and dont be second best.
I’m not understanding the question
He left with someone else ON YOUR
Except jokes are supposed to be funny. He left your own birthday with someone else, that alone would be weird to me but the comment too? Nope he can leave since that’s how he feels.
Leave him why u telling us and hanging around it’s obvious he an idiot and to disrespect u like that
That would be the last birthday that the pos ruined
Lol red flag gtfo of that relationship unless you’re okay with being cheated on
He’s seeing said person behind your back.
Nope sell his ass on the side of the road fr.
Yeeeeaaaaa fuck that guy dude
What the hell. Leaving with someone else on your bday is bad enough and then wishing you were someone else is so hurtful. That’s not even funny. Sounds like my first boyf who was so completely hurtful.
Time to put him in the bin.
Wow, sounds like he’s showing his colors and that wasn’t actually a joke at all but thr truth! His actions also prove that’s true because he left with someone else. Please give yourself some dignity and get out of that relationship. It’s not for you Hon and you deserve better.
Dump him,drunken words are sober thoughts
Find someone who wants you to be you all day everyday. I made the mistake of trying to stick it out with someone who showed me over and over that I wasn’t what he wanted. You need to end that relationship like I eventually did. You can’t make someone love you. I know that sucks but find someone who doesn’t make you doubt your worth.
Leave him. This happened to me for my 16th birthday. Turns out when I couldn’t find him in the party he was doing the deed with someone in his car. I found out when she gave me his hat in school a couple weeks later. He lied and said we walked to a deli. Which I knew was a like because it was closed at that time. Leave him. He’s not worth your time and he’s lying to your face. I’m not projecting. You’re worth more than he’s giving.
Drinking/drunkenness brings out and shows people’s true colors. Google drunken words sober thoughts. I’d leave the relationship it will be better for you. You will be happier even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.
You can give him his wish. Disappear. He can find someone else. You deserve to be with someone who thinks you are the most wonderful girl he has ever met and he is willing to do ANYTHING to make you happy. Go live and be happy.
Birthday or not, YOUR boyfriend should not be leaving with someone else and leaving you there. MASSIVE RED FLAG. Then to wish you were someone else? He is not boyfriend material not for you, not anyone, until he grows up and learns how to treat people. Please think carefully about staying in this relationship, nothing good will come of it. Trust me, I know from bitter experience. Respect yourself or no one else will respect you.
So you were celebrating YOUR BIRTHDAY and he left with SOMEONE ELSE? Why are you letting yourself be treated like that? Kick him to the curb and find someone who loves you for who you are. He’s not worth it.
Don’t waste any more of your precious time on that dude. Get out and give him what he wants…someone else. Love your self girl!
Sounds like he’s cheating with your friend. That is super shitty but he left you on your bday and had your friends number in his phone. That is two huge red flags. Also what he said to you in way out of line. I would end it now. The longer you stay in a relationship like this the more you’ll get hurt in the end.
Yeah. That doesn’t sound like a joke. That sounds like him trying to get that off his chest in a way that doesn’t cause a fight and/or him being alone. Drop him and the friend. Even just leaving on your birthday was trash.
You are not overreacting at all, just leave him period. There is no question at all that he was up to no good since he left you there.
Break up with him. How many more signs do you need? He left you on your birthday. With someone else. Has other girls phone numbers in his phone. Says he wishes you were someone else. Girl, this man does not love you! Quit wasting your time with him and find someone who will treat you right.
You know the real answer already… you know this is not the one. I would leave, there no point in wasting your time on someone who says they wish you were someone else, even as a joke. If you stay you’re allowing him to treat you that way in the future since he’ll think you’ll tolerate that kind of behavior.
Another thing, he’s your boyfriend not husband, so it’s easier to walk away now.
Also, it was your birthday and he left you. Even if he hasn’t made that comment, he showed you aren’t his priority.
There’s a few ways you can handle it, be the bigger person and give him what he said he wanted, someone else. Or start making remarks back “god I wish you were taller like x” “god I wish I had someone with an actually decent sized d—k” “god I wish you did _____ like so and so”
I would be a genie and make his wish come true!
He’s not joking. You would be better off leaving. Sorry you deserve so much better.
Girl please! He’s handing you the scissors!! Cut him loose!!
Sounds like his sober thoughts to me. I think I would move on…without him
Your tolerating what he is putting out which he sees is ok. And it’s not. People who talk like that and just say JK after aren’t kidding. He apparently has a thing for her. I’d leave
Him leaving with someone else and not you wasn’t your first clue…cut your loses and just leave hes not worth the space you are giving him in your heart
If you haven’t cheated with her yet he’s going to
Time to single him up to let him be with that other person that he wants you so desperately to be
If he can make that joke and feel okay after then he is telling you the truth. Especially if he had been drinking that night. 90% of the time when drunk people say significant stuff like that, they are showing you what they think. Now thats not everyone, but it happens alot. I wouldn’t be able to sit right knowing he made that "joke"tbh. Not only did he say that he left with someone else on your birthday.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them. He will break your heart.
I wouldn’t be hurt that would piss me off… Hopefully you know this type of behavior Doesn’t just go away it only gets worse.
After reading all of it, did you tell him that it hurt you? If not, I definitely would, Tell him that you know he said he was joking but that it really hurt you but considering he left with her and then called her and that’s really suspicious to me And I would probably ask her about it
You could always be his ex girlfriend
Did you ask your girlfriend about it
You need to ditch him fast.
Run it won’t hurt for ever
He’s not joking no offense so get rid of him because you don’t need that shady crap
If you have any pride at all, you are packing your bags NOW !
Kickem to the curb. You don’t need to be an option
Leave now. There’s nothing to discuss.
You actually need advice on this?
Without even reading all of it yet, no you are not ever reacting oh I did was read that statement and your question and there is no overreacting and when someone says something like that
What would you say to a friend ? There’s your answer … you deserve better
Run girl, just run. Do it today…this dude needs someone just as trashy as he is
you can’t make some one love you,move on
He’ll sober up & apologize, just know that he meant what he said. With a little liquid courage. Don’t put up with it bc he’s gonna hurt you much more than that in the long run. Dump his disrespectful ass.
I’d be looking more into that if I were you. Suspicious there’s already something going on between them. Leave him.
Are ya not seeing the red flags here
Not a joke, he said the truth and is probably already seeinv or screwing said female
Get the hell outta there !
That’s the issue?? Not YOUR bf leaving with someone else?! Girl hes a pos an you deserve better.
Hello, whole men disposal? I need a pickup, yes, the whole man.
Why settle for being 2nd best. Leave him or kick him out. He is not worth it and he wont chng. Find someone that will make you #1
I don’t think he was joking . Sorry you are hurting . I would be too
Gurlllll… I would have kicked his a s s to the curb so QUICK and that would have been a wrap for me . My man leaving me on MY BIRTHDAY? WITH SOMEBODY ELSE?
Nah. That’s funny business right there .