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"Am I right for feeling this way? I started my period yesterday and my boyfriend wanted to cuddle and lick my ear while I’m cramping in pain from menstrual cramps. I shrugged away because I’m uncomfortable and in pain and he says he’s going to leave me alone, and sleeps on the opposite side of the bed with his head by my feet. I wake up this morning to use the bathroom and go back to bed and he wakes up starring at me angrily and has and attitude and won’t talk to me when I try to talk to him. I feel like no matter what I do he thinks I have an attitude towards him or that I’m being funny when I’m not. Am I being funny acting? Idk what to do, because I want this relationship to work."
RELATED: Amy Schumer Didn’t Know How to Feel Shame About Her Period and She Doesn’t Want You to Feel Shame Either
The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Throw him a pacifier since he wants to act like a baby."
"If he’s not mature enough to understand women and menstrual cycles… he’s NOT mature enough to be in a relationship."
"Holy, just tell him you are agitated cuz your in pain, no one wants to be licked when they’re in pain he should respect some boundaries and man up maybe get you some midol and chocolate"
"Red flags, red flags everywhere."
"Parents teach your kids about periods so they don’t end up like this dusty prize."
"You need to communicate if you are wanting that relationship to work. You didn’t say you explained to him why you don’t want to play around like that, you just shrugged away from him. He probably felt rejected. Simply communicating and using words would more than likely solve that issue. If not then red flag."
"You mean you’re wasting your time on a child who throws tantrums lol"
"Communicate. Let him know how you’re feeling, and listen and attempt to understand how he is feeling. Communicating to truly understand and help each other will help you guys so much. My bf and I have been together for 3 years and we just started doing this 6 months ago and our relationship is better and healthier than ever before."
"A bit childish for him reacting that way. My husband of 20 years knows to leave me be and make sure I don’t run out of tampons. He knows I don’t like to play when in pain or feeling off. I mean I cuddle but he knows not to go beyond that. It’s called respect."
"You should tell him what you’re going through that way he knows better. My hubby knows not to touch me during my time of the month"
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