My boyfriend threatens to leaver me...advice?

My boyfriend threatens to break up with me every time he’s mad but later apologizes and says he doesn’t mean it. Can’t really put into words how much it hurts me and how he says it will change and it never does


The next time he does, open the door and tell him to get stepping.


Beat him to it. Leave first. He’s manipulative. Go find better

So do you want to live with that for the rest of your life or are you going to leave? It’s literally your two options.


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Tell him go! Tell him don’t threaten you!

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Call his bluff next time.


Anyone who does and says things to purposely hurt you doesn’t care about you or your feelings. Move on alone. The right one will come along.


Help him pack? You shouldn’t have to walk on egg shells to make him happy. Let him go


Tell him to pack his bags and hit the door, you deserve better.

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He has abandonment issues.


Break up with him before he says it again


Girl go on about your way… that man does not care for you or about you. He’s never going to stop… my ex husband used to tell me that whenever I didn’t do something he wanted me to do. Finally I got tired and filed for a divorce!! #manipulator #narcissist :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Leave him. Guy sounds like a fucking divvy anyway.

Do you really want to be with someone like that?! Do yourself a favour and leave

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Maybe there’s an underlying issue of past trauma or abandonment that causes him to react that way to certain situations. It’s easy for other people to just comment and say “leave him”. But if there’s an issue somewhere, maybe it can be worked on together.


Peace out Boy Scout- next!!!

To be honest I can be like this from a lot of trauma my fight or flight kicks in and I always run. Maybe he’s similar it’s not an easy thing but some of us are really broken


For gawd sake don’t marry him or move in with him, there’s much nicer guys out there, you don’t deserve that.

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Next time he says that, say “Okay there’s the door.” If he leaves, good riddance but you need to make it known that you won’t be manipulated like that (because that’s what he’s doing, manipulating you)


Break up with him n don’t answer your phone don’t threaten me either good time

Put him out when he says it again.

Trauma response. How’s his relationship with his mom?

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Call his bluff and break up with him.

Big sign of dysfunction, remember this- you’ll end up with what you’ll put up with

Have you considered having standards?

I had a narcissist do this to me and igook me leaving to save myself from that petty bs I’m sorry we are grown adults actions speak LOUDER then words

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Yall been fighting obviously recognize when it’s done. If it’s your problems causing this then change but don’t expect anything from others

Leave his sorry butt.fibt take him back.say goodbye.

It’s abuse. The only thing you can do to help yourself is leave

sounds like a slope into controlling you. narcissistic types will utilize this trick when faced with a moment where you 2 should communicate over disagreements and grow- they do this rather than having to actually deal with the issue at hand. bc now he’s leaving and hopes you forget about the issue and are focused on his leaving and you changing your mind about any boundary or accountability your holding him too.
break up with him. bc if he’s not a narcissist, he’s still toxic and has a lot of growing up to do. it’s not your job to raise and teach him how to be decent and accountable. it’s your job to be a gf and grow together- and it only works if you both are on the same page

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Get rid of him. Sounds like a little boy

You’re not meant to be. Break up with him and block him on everything because what he is doing is called emotional abuse and he’s trying to manipulate you. He’s not going to change. He knows you won’t leave him, hence, why he’s okay with doing this every single time he’s mad. You allowed him back the first few times feeling bad etc etc and he knows this and that’s why he’s okay with not stopping or changing. It’s time to leave this man-child. He’s not the one for you. Someone who loves you doesn’t threaten to leave or tries to manipulate you into staying etc etc and will use communication like a real adult which he isn’t. You deserve better and you know this. Go into therapy and starting learning to love yourself or order a self help book to help you if you can’t afford therapy. Also if there’s children Involved in this situation it’s not okay and it’s toxic and they will eventually start thinking it’s normal and let it slide. Stop allowing him to manipulate you and emotionally/mentally abuse you. You’re better than this trust me

I’m the exact same way. :tired_face:

Insecurity. He breaks up with you before you can break up with him and cause him pain he will struggle to deal with. It’s a coping mechanism learned in childhood. And that’s just it - it’s emotionally immature behaviour. It has to be acknowledged first in order for the behaviour to be changed, but it is possible. I’m sorry you are going thru this. Be kind to yourself and pls never forget your worth :sparkling_heart:


Leave…don’t walk…RUN! He is manipulative and emotionally abusive and if you accept this behavior it will get worse.


Kick that man to the curb!!! He’s childish & manipulative. You deserve better :two_hearts:

A little emotional manipulation going on… Run.

Leave, hes toying with you

Oh, girl…do not let that man come crawling back. You’ve just taught him he can disrespect you and then resume life as usual. He hasn’t changed and won’t change. It’s going to happen again and again and he’s not going to learn any kind of lesson because you take him back. Remember that you deserve better and that YOU are the prize. Men are easy. Like leeches. Don’t let them suck all your self worth and make you think you need them. You don’t. Garbage bag up his shit and put it outside. You’ll feel worlds better, I promise!

It sounds controlling, tell him don’t let the door hit you in your a-- on the way out

So that is a giant red flag and you need to get out of that relationship because it will never change. You are only to going to fall further and further into regret and resentment. “oh but I love him and he’s a great man!” is he though? As an adult in a relationship, (male or female) if they are actually really good people then they should be able to control their emotions and work through them like an adult without using manipulation in the form of a threat.

let him go it only gets worse

Drop him -
It’s a gaslighting tactic, and it’s abuse.


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Why are you still with him? He doesn’t love you, he is manipulating you. You deserve someone who will treat you well and respect your feelings. He won’t change, because you’re an easy mark.


Red flag. Run. No, normal individual throws this into the face of someone they should respect. I’m sorry if there is underlying issues from previous trauma etc., him communicating that indicating he’s always in fight or flight- could explain it. Otherwise, I just feel it’s ignorant and doesn’t take into account your feelings.


Nip it in the bud. Toxic is toxic, there ain’t no making that work.

That’s called manipulation and it has clearly worked for him this whole time. He’s not going to change it. Next time he gets angry (is it something you did or is he pulling the bs he’s mad at you for calling out his behaviour?) When he says “we should break up” or “I’m done with you” just say “ok.” Be calm. Just say “ok, your right”. And be done with his bullshit. He will come back all apologies. Say “no I think you were right the first time, we can’t be together because this isn’t good for me”. Bye bye manipulating d bag and hello starting new with someone who actually values you in the future.

What you will allow will continue.

Well I’m gonna be honest with you if I had someone keep telling me that gonna break up with me I would make it easy for them and just walk away and be done. If he wants to know we’re your going say well u said u was gonna break up so I thought I would just go ahead and do it for you cause threatening me isn’t going to get you anywhere. So do t put up with his crap that’s why alot of times people thinks they can just jerk you around.

He is not in charge of your relationship. Tell him if he feels froggy jump. It’s emotional abuse to threaten like that. Find someone mature enough to not play games.


That is narcissistic behavior at its best things will just get worse please think of you and your mental health and get out before it completely breaks you down. I was married to someone like that and it took a long time to heal. You are worth so much more than that hun. :heart:


next time say k bye. bro thinks you’re an option so he proves time and time again he doesn’t value you.

Next time tell him okay and pack his shit. He’s playing mind games and obviously he has something else going on behind your back. No man is going threaten to leave unless they have a back up plan.

Just say bye! Why do people put up with other people’s crap when they don’t have to…:thinking:

He’s a BOYFRIEND not a child. Don’t try to make sense of it. Just go. Why are you wasting your time!? You 100% will move on

If you know it is a habit, he knows it is a habit and places blame on anger. Nothing has changed and it continues.
It is him showing you his true colors. He does not respect you enough and probably will continue doing it.
Dont stay because there is little hope in change. That is the worst heartbreak to endure. The constant disappointment and pain when they continue doing so and knowing that it hurts you.


You need to start putting a little money aside in a different account just in case he one day decides to leave. He doesn’t sound like a good boyfriend or reliable person

It’s him showing you he has control over you and that you’re to weak to leave him.

My advice is to say “bye”. If he wants to leave so bad let him. Holding that over you as some kind of threat is disgusting and obviously you’d be better off without him. A good man will make you feel safe, not like he’s going to leave at any given time. Tell him well you already put it out there multiple times. So obviously he’s trying to leave. Pack his stuff and leave it on the front door. Change the locks and just be gone for a day or two so he doesn’t try to start anything and then come home to a fresh start.

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That’s called gaslighting and manipulation.

If someone loves you, they won’t emotionally abuse you. Be brave. Leave him. You deserve better…

So say to him “leave then”

That will get annoying real fast, let him leave

And he never your sanity and leave him now.

Let him go… If that’s the way he is he’s not worth wasting your time on him… Life is way to short to wait on one when there’s always better out there.

Let him… leave and block him

My hubby gets mad & says it to. I started telling him: nobody stopping you. Pack your shit. Do you need help packing?
Yes it starts a fight, about how I don’t care, how I don’t want him there. Then I shut him down when I tell him: I don’t NEED you, I WANT you here there’s a difference. If you don’t want to be here I’m not stopping you. I’m not doing this every time you get mad!

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

Run far run fast
And don’t look back
He won’t change

Woahhhhh. Toxic. Find someone who threatens to never leave. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Offered a pack of shit up for an ask him when he can be out

Next time he says it just tell him to kick rocks. He’s using that threat as a scare tactic and trying to manipulate you.

Leave him. He’s not doing you any favors by emotionally and mentally messing with you.

I’d be yelling peace out homie✌️

Give him an ‘Okay.’ and start packing his bag.
Bet he stops it once he realizes he’s not getting to you.
He’s probably doing it cause in my experience, the only ones who threatened to leave every time we argued were the ones who were cheating on me or wanted to break up but didn’t have the balls to do it themselves so they’d try and push me to make them leave.

Girl… leave. Its not worth it. Its a type of emotional abuse. I know it’s easier said than done, believe me. I’ve been there. It’s hard. But you will be so much happier. He will not change. People don’t need to say things like that in relationships. He just wants to see you beg for him to stay and not leave.

Manipulation at it’s finest. If he wants to leave, show him the door. Please do not let any man treat you like this. It’s 100% not worth it and there will always be someone else that will treat you right.

Kick him to the curb
He’s not going to change
Find someone who is willing and able to work at a relationship

Sounds like you need to move on with your life!!!

Tell him don’t let the door hit him on the way out
He’s a mental abuser

Well tell him next time off you go and leave

Let him go now. If you dont, he will make it a habit for all of your relationship to try holding you over a barrel but threatening you emotionally. Ask yourself…is that love? Is that worth staying with him? To constantly wonder when the “next threat” will come out of his mouth? Will those “threats” grow more serious? Is it worth risking your happiness with him and insecurities???

Make him a favor a break up with him

Coercive control, gaslighting, emotional abuse, call it what you like. Make him leave. You don’t need a yo-yo relationship, it’s not healthy.

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That’s manipulation to get his way, time to walk away on your own before it gets so much worse, I promise you it will get worse. It’s not just his decision to leave or stay, you get to decide you’ve had enough and deserve more.

Next time, just break up with him.
Pack your things and leave, ya it might hurt, ya it might suck, but it’s better than dealing with that!

You must accept him, flaws and all even those he says he is sorry for, for what he is here and now. He isn’t likely to change. If you can’t live with empty threats to break it off, you gotta drop him. That goes for every trait of his. You can’t change him. And he won’t likely change himself. People ought to say what they mean and mean what they say. Nothing more nothing less. My grandfather would say any man that says things he doesn’t mean is a pissant. Drop him.

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It’s called gas lighting and it won’t change for the better…he will just get better at doing it. I’m so sorry you’re going thru that.

Tell him if it happens again you are done. It he does it stick to it. You deserve better.

The next time you should disappear for a night or two with absolutely no contact. Go out of town with friends, have fun and take pics. When he comes crawling back, dont tell him any details (even if you are at your families,etc). Let him know that you have no commitment to him if you are broken up. Do this each time he breaks up. Either he will stop or he will move on.

Enough of his emotional blackmail. Next time he says this ( and he will…) LET HIM GO !!! You are worth so much than this. Time for a sit down conversation, let him know that you will NOT put up with his temper tantrums any more.

He is gaslighting you. To get his way and to have you beg him to stay. He is not a man but a immature boy. Next time he threatens to leave help him pack his bag. You need someone that wants to be around you and not play games.

Don’t let him get by with that. Just leave him. He won’t change!

He belives that you will cave to his will when he threatens to leave you …. Pure manipulation… leave his ass now… you deserve better get yourself a good man

My ex did that and the last time he did I said “ok we are done” and we actually broke up :woman_shrugging:t2:

Call his bluff and next time he’s mad, tell him you’re done with this shit and tell him to go. You’re not into playing mind games and his insecurities are what’s breaking the relationship and it’s got to stop. It maybe a wake up call he needs to get help with whatever he’s battling with and work on being kinder and better for you to stay with him