My boyfriend for 3 years, the man I have a child with, and the guy I thought I was gonna marry just recently told me he was attracted to males. He said it was something he already knew before I first got pregnant with my first child and something he knew all along. I’m currently 4-months pregnant with our second child. He has completely shut us out of his life, occasionally showing up here and there, but yea… This situation happened in a matter of days. Last week we were just a happy family, living together and him telling me he loved me, saying we’ll be together forever. What do I do? How do I react? My heart is broken because the man I thought I was gonna be with forever, that picture got ripped away. He said he knew he was attracted to males, but he fully hasn’t got to know to what extent. I know he has a lot to work on with himself, but I have a lot of stuff now I have to work on too. Please help. I need advice about my hurting heart.
Say Bye-bye to him ! Glad he told you about himself … Some people they won’t admit it , that’s even worse. That’s the fact he likes man, not anyone’s fault, but he did treat you unfairly by tell you this late… Reality, discuss with him about payment you will need for children, maybe let him pay little more since it was awful get you into this position.
Move on … you two can co parent so he can explore his sexuality and you can take some time to love on yourself and your children and process this situation then find love again when your ready👉🏼 whatever you choose I wish you and the kiddos happiness
…holding him back will only have him hating you later…let him go…as hard as it will be,…but for the sake of both your sanity,and for your childrens sake…better to try n part on good terms…then bitterness later…and who knows!? A Mister Perfect could be waiting for you,too!..
I know this hurts and I’m so sorry. I also know that it’s a blessing he came clean. I’m sure you feel like your whole world is upside down. I’d feel that way. This is life giving you the opportunity to move forward and find out where you are supposed to be. It’s horrible this is happening while you are pregnant. Get your support group together. Lean on the ppl who love you most. Push forward. It will not be easy but you will be ok. Take care of you. I’m sorry this is so heartbreaking. Be patient with yourself. Baby steps every day will get you thru this. Focus on all you have to be grateful for, including the fact he found the courage to be honest. The worse thing in life is to be part of a lie. You need to look forward to living an open and honest life w someone. Firstly, yourself. Good luck♥️
I’m so sorry
It’s terrible that he wasn’t willing to acknowledge this before now.
Hugs to you.
Do your best to take care of yourself and your babies.
Your heart is understandably broken, take some time to process the hurt and then keep moving forward.
First you have to think of your babies before anything. Second in time your heart will heal. This is the time you need to work on you and get yourself together to be the best mom and person you can be. God takes people out your life for a reason use this to motivate yourself to get to your full potential. Last let him be and let him find his way in life. He is obliviously confused about his sexuality. Learn to co-parent with him and just use this as a learning tool and experience. You got this with God’s help and plan you and your babies will be ok.
Just be glad that you are not already married to him! I’m sorry you are going through this. Stay strong for your babies. One day at a time. There is nothing you can do to change his mind. He sound very selfish for not telling you to begin with!
I have been in your shoes. My ex husband and I have two daughters together. We were married for 11 years when he came out to me. It felt like I was punched in the stomach. We did try to live together but we knew that the best the to do was to go our separate ways. Our divorce was finalized on July 7th, 2016. As hard as it is the best thing to do is to let him go and let him be his true self. Yes it hurts but will hurt more staying with him. If you need to talk pm me please.
Such a drastic change in his demeanor towards you? Sounds like he’s already been hooking up with another man or men. And he claims he’s known this about himself for awhile now? Sis, take yourself, your child, and your pre-born child and high tail it out of there. Keep them kids from him. Serves him right for deceiving you.
Be happy he told you I’m sorry I would be on my hands and knees blessed I didn’t fine out when he gave me something like Aids. I know it hurts but try to think of how you will move forward for your child and let him move forward because living a lie is going to hurt even more:heart:
I think it must have been as difficult for him to tell you, as it was for you to hear it. Give yourself time to process this information but dont forget that you love him. It may not be the love you dreamed of, or the love that’s going to end in marriage. But he trusted you enough and loves you enough to be honest…be greatful for that…
My sister dated her high school sweet heart, got engaged in another country and came out to him before it was too late. Sorry this happened to you♡
Move on child support and get checked for std’s
Move on!!! He’s into guys . I don’t care how much you love him. He left you alone with your child and you’re pregnant. Nope move on. He’s disgusting .
OH GIRL LET HIM GO!..Find you a REAL man! God bless you & them babies.
All I can say is be there for him. It’s hard to come out of the closet with out people hating. Just know it’s not you either. I’m sorry, only time will heal
Move on!! Good thing he told you but he shouldn’t of waited so long!! Work on yourself!!
Be there for him tell him that’s fine but tell him he still needs to man up and be a father. He don’t have to like or love u or woman for that.
Just a first notion, he is lying, as to not hurt you too badly. Sorry nobody should feel the pain you are feeling.
Move on, focus on your kids, expect nothing from him. Work on your acceptance of this new normal and your healing.
Well,at least he came clean with you,dont hate on him,just pray for him.
Sounds like a lie to me… like he’s just trying to get out of the relationship. But I dont know him so…
Let him go and keep moving forward! Don’t let a heartbreak keep you from living your best life
Take care of ur children and move on.Let him find himself bc he will hate you if you dont
He was probably hiding it in the car loser for a long time he just didn’t how to express his self
Doni really want to be with a man that sleeps with other people? Period
Praying for you both.
B glad happened now. Sorry
“My kids are so loved” is the title of this page!!! WTF does your bisexual man have to do with this??? Lord bless the ignorance in this world!!!
so…he is Bi-sexual…interested in both men and women…not really all that uncommon. insist on protection from now on…get yourself tested for AIDS.
So… This is such an infuriating situation. I don’t care who people are attracted to as long as they dont pretend to be something they’re not. What a selfish POS bastard. Girl let him go he isn’t worth the dog shit on your shoe.
I’m sorry hun but he may have just used you to have kids he just made you his fag hen he shouldn’t have waited for you to have kids to tell you I hope you move on and find a man that will love you and your kids if he can hide this there is no telling what else he will hide