My boyfriend told me he never wants to be married again

My fiancé and I said the same thing when we started dating, neither of us ever wanted to be married again - I didn’t want anymore kids… now we are engaged to be married in October. Peoples perspectives can change.


You’re only a few months into the relationship and already talking about babies and marriage :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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Your best bet is to talk to him. Tell him what you just said. That it has always been your dream to be married, and ask if him if he thinks he may change his mind in the future. I mean all you can do is lay it all out And if he says no way then you have to decide if you can or will put your dreams on the back burner. And then you both have a Big decision to make. Good luck, I hope this turns out the way you want it to.

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aside from the fact its only a few months and u want babies and marraige.
being married is just a peice of paper. if doesnt change how your relationship is.
if u wanna break up over a peice of paper and maybe , just maybe find someone willing to get married. you could be waiting years.

Some people just dont want to get married… yas havent been together long enough yet, but work out if it’s a deal breaker or not and if it is move on now…
I don’t want to get married ever… never have, never will…

Marriage doesn’t make a relationship better. Don’t ruin what you have over a fancy dress and expensive party.


You both need to have an honest conversation with each other This is not something you can compromise about wanting to be married will not just go away. Maybe he will change his mind I know my sister did on marriage but If he has already been married I doubt it would

Unlikely he will change his mind. Why do you want to be married? Is it the party/gathering/pretty dress etc or do you believe there is a commitment that will make you more secure? He is being honest.

I mean… I’ve been with my husband for 11 years and we’ve only been married for almost 4 years, with a relationship you have a certain amount of freedom because if it doesn’t work out you can just break up and leave. With a marriage? A divorce and most of them get very ugly, maybe his did? The truth? Marriage isn’t what it used to be… as you can see have the people say it’s just a piece of paper, and it’s really not. A marriage is being with someone through the good and the bad, it’s accepting that we’re all flawed beings and we make mistakes… it’s also knowing that just because you’re married and made sacred vows that it isn’t going to make someone loyal or stay faithful to you and only you. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows ya know? Also y’all have only been together for a short time, so why are you talking about marriage? You are aware that you can and will chase him away. Give him time his opinion may change but don’t push it on him.

Meet in the middle and have a commitment ceremony? But i wouldnt be talking about that for a couple years yet.

Rule him out honey. He’s a user and that’s all.

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His mind is made up. PLUS it’s only been a few months. You really would like to be married find someone else. A paper doesn’t mean anything now a days…

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I wouldn’t count on him changing his mind. I understand your desire to be married. There are legal benefits to it. And you could argue there are romantic connotations to the idea of making a commitment. There are also the religious aspects. You also have to weigh that against the fact that a lot of people are fine living together, only to be miserable after they get married. Nobody knows why it happens, it just does. I would let things ride for awhile. If the subject comes up, gently ask for his reasons.


Marriage is not a be all and end all if you truly love someone why do you need a piece of paper to prove that.


Had an ex tell me that once too… 2 years later when I came to terms with the fact I would never be married, he broke up with me, moved out state and was married 4 months later.

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You’ve only been seeing him a couple months… How do you know you want to marry him?


It’s still very early in your relationship. Just be happy with a man who loves you and your children. Maybe a few years from now he may change his mind. But really being married on a piece of paper doesn’t make you more happy and in love.


Mine said the same. We have been together 30 years. Nine years ago he proposed and we were married.

He probably won’t change his mind

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You have compromised enough in life choose you


If he’s not willing to give you something that means so much to you, then he’s Not the one


My husband always said the same thing when we first got together but here we are now, married for over a year.

My husband said he would never get married, we’ve been married for almost 2 months now :heart:

Love him like you are married to him. You don’t need a piece of paper for that. Js…


Don’t give up something you’ve always wanted for someone else. 3 years into it when you’re in love you won’t be happy. Marriage is more than a piece of paper.


A few months only? You think he’s the one? You don’t even know him.

Get out now before he wastes your time


It’s early. I’d never compromise what I had planned for. I’d leave him alone

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Me being married after 3 years NOT A FEW MESLEY MONTHS, I didn’t want to marry THAT SOON. I don’t want to be married period, but am because I love him. I feel forced and hold resentment. Not that I wanted to be with anyone else but to change my name, share half of everything, etc. it is not all about you. But you don’t even know someone after only a few months that’s just ridiculous. Reevaluate in a FEW YEARS!

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Be happy with what you have

I said the same and got married last April after 9 years together lol

Mine said this too. He proposed 1.5 years later. We have now been married 10 years.

Your have decide if that’s a deal breaker. But my dad was married to my mom till i was 4 (separated when I was 2) and he’s been with his girlfriend (also previously married) since I was in middle school and I’m now 28 and neither of them want to get married again :woman_shrugging:

A friend of mine says she won’t get married again but would be open to being engaged, even having a wedding celebration but no official paperwork. She had a messy expensive divorce and wouldn’t want her children to lose anything she had in proceedings with someone else.

Marriage is just a piece of paper. If you “love” him like you claim you do then focus on what you guys have and maybe eventually he might change his mind but i personally would not use that as deal breaker.