It’s hard being young parents. I was there. You’re learning too. You can remind him that if he wants to eat sooner he can feed the baby as you cook. Or he can cook the meal. He also lives there too and can help with other things around the house. It’s hard to be a sahm and cook and clean the house, while tending to the baby. It’s a never ending job you don’t get to clock out of
Men get PPD too and often the signs are exactly what you’re dealing with now.
They don’t want to help or often acknowledge the baby. Similar to mums who don’t want to hold or deal with their child.
Yes he should help out however there may be an underlying factor as to why he doesn’t seem interested.
I’m giving birth today via C-section (I’m not going into labour whatever we and my OB do, and the baby is almost overdue.) I wish not to experience the same experience you are going through for I am also a first time mama at 30.
But from my experience with relationships I would advice you to set the mood and talk to him heart to heart. Hear him out without judgement and ask him to hear you out too. Speak from your heart, with love and understanding. And tell him in a way you’re not complaining that you need him to help you and that you two are a team and we should work together.
Take a rest, momma!
I was a single mom after all my csections… Best advice?? Do it all yourself, if he wants to bitch he can step up otherwise step aside. It is hard to get time to do things for yourself, but I wouldn’t rely on him at all for any of it.
His true nature has slipped through… you have two choices. Put up with it a d it will definitely get worse . Or leave… and be safe. Narcissists start out sweet and quickly turn bitter and violent.
Suck it up butter cup? Wow. Can’t believe somebody wrote that. Talk to him…tell him your needs tell him you realize he might be nervous too etc…communicate with each other…find middle ground…take turns…and then if he still thinks he’s just the bread winner and you’re his “mom” too…I’d move on. He’s suppose to be your partner…
Wow… so many bitter women with horrible advice. You were both grown enough to have a baby, you need to be grown enough to have an adult conversation. If he says it’s not that hard… challenge him to take the baby for 24hrs straight with no help and see how it goes… but at the end of the day… you need to do what’s best for all 3 of you…whatever that is
Sounds like a boy spoiled when he lived at home. And those kind of men usually never change. How many years of your life, and your child’s, are you willing to be miserable?