Trust is the basis of a relationship… Either the trust was broken because he was chatting with someone he shouldn’t… Or trust is broken because he feels like he can’t be honest with you about porn or whatever. Either way… Something deep has come up and needs to be hashed out. If you or he don’t have trust bigger problems are sure to follow.
Ewwwwww well that is strange and creepy! He is either lying or cheating!
He’s full of shit, cheating! Save yourself a bigger heart ache… dump his lying ass… no future there!!
If he was gonna tell you then why hide it.
.he went with the lesser of 2 evils.
Whatever he was doin was FAR worse than that.
And you can already feel that.
Trust your gut.
He’s full of sh!t.
If he had to delete it, then he knew it was wrong in the first place. Save yourself the headache and leave
Nope! You already know exactly what was going on
Definitely watching porn
You should RUN far away.
If he had to hide whatever he was doing and lie then there is more to it
Throw the whole man away
Deep down you already know…
Just from my experience, he’s hiding a lot more than porn. My ex was cheating on me for over 4 years and was constantly hiding his phone and even broke it in half one time so I couldn’t see what he was doing.
Nah, that’s not for me sis. I’d be out.
That’s shady AF!!! I can literally pick up my husband’s phone at any point in time and him not have an issue and vice versa. We do wake up every now and then in the middle of the nights and either one of us will be on our phones and not once have we ever thrown our phones. I’d be pissed TF off if he did lol
Trust your instincts!
You already know the answer.
You can not trust him!
He threw his phone. Refused to let you see it.
Ran in to delete whatever it was. And it was not porn! Promise.
Good luck sis
Do yourself a favor
Wasting time is a horrible way to LIVE your LIFE. Promise.
Ask him to open a blank text message. Then look at the “frequently used” section. Check if there are mushy or suggestive emojis there that he hasn’t sent you. You’ll have your answer.
Red flag. Bye…that’d be it for me. Don’t settle for less than you deserve girl…
Doesn’t matter what it was, if he felt the need to hide it even if it was just porn there is already a problem.
Oof, a good rule of thumb is if you don’t trust them now you won’t trust them in a month or a year from now… he may have been just watching porn but the fact that you’re feeling this way is a red flag! Get yourself a partner you trust completely and you will be amazed at how free you feel!
if you can’t trust him now, you certainly won’t later. I’d leave. let him have his phone and whatever on it.
Get a hold of the whole ass man disposal and get rid of him.
If there is doubt and trust issues…why stay in a relationship… it will not get any better and you will drive yourself crazy wondering …worrying…and searching …
I feel like asking this question you already know you dont believe him
- Why would he be watching porn with you right beside him?
- I’m going to share my very similar experience. I hope it helps. I dated a guy who I honestly always had a feeling was cheating but could never find any proof, so I stayed with him. He would never let me see his phone, if I even tried to look something up on his phone he would freak and snatch it from me. Now, I’m the kind of person who sees porn as cheating, so I thought that’s what he didn’t want me to find. Well, his friends tried to warn me, so did his exes, I didn’t listen. Now I’m not this type of person, but I had a bad gut feeling that he was doing something behind my back, so I told him we should switch phones and go through them. He flipped out and ran to the bathroom, locked the door, came back out and gave me his phone (like he thought I was stupid or something). I eventually found out he was snapchatting a bunch of girls, some of his exes, and had pictures of girls in his photos. There were naked photos of girls we knew in different albums with their names, some only 14 years old (he was 22). He was also sleeping with at least two girls who sent me proof they were meeting up and having sex.
Maybe your boyfriend isn’t doing anything that bad, but he’s definitely doing something bad. He should be an ex, and you shouldn’t look back. I promise you that you’ll regret staying with him and finding out months or years later that he’s cheating on you.
He’s guilty of more than just porn. Who has a reaction like that, unless it’s something that he knows would end your relationship. I mean to run to the bathroom and delete it… red flag. It’s time to leave, or you’ll end up more hurt in the end.
If you have questions abd he hiding there is a reason. There are only 3 acceptable reasons. He was looking for your bday gift, Christmas gift or fixing to propose and was looking at rings
Porn? You’re grown adults, men don’t act like that over looking at porn. He may have been embarrassed but he wouldn’t have deleted it. Nope. I even asked my husband and he said nope that is a panicked guy who was talking or sexting another woman and didn’t know what to do.
If your name is on the account, you should be able to get records of all calls, texts and search history from your service provider.
If looking at porn while laying next to you… Issues!!! I dated a porn addict… Leave that red flag
Yeah no bye. Be done and gone. He’s doing you wrong if he’s going to throw his phone.
I had an ex who would ask me to answer all his messages then out of nowhere he was hiding his phone, turning it over, back towards me in bed while his phones on the floor next to his side of the bed… then BOOM found out he was fucking a skanky 17 year old.
So he can tell you it’s pornography but not show you? Maybe its the kind of porn he’s watching that would be a concern or maybe its not porn related at all.
You don’t need us to answer this
IF it was porn, there was absolutely no need for all that.
Listen to your intuition. She’s your best friend! Don’t EVER doubt her. She’s there to protect you.
If you have to question it the answer is probably not the one you’re hoping for
Yea girl, he’s hiding something. Leave
You don’t know if you should believe him or not??
I’m curious as to how old you 2 are.
You choose to believe him or not. If you choose to, great move on and let it go. If not, it’s time for you to let go and move on.
He’s too freaked about porn… It may be true but I would be checking his bill to see what phone numbers he texts most. Good luck. Hugs and love!
Imo porn is a no no in relationships. But in saying this as someone else has mentioned maybe it was the type of porn he was watching but also if it were porn he more than likely would of been turned on. Throwing your phone across the room though sounds suss…
I was gonna say I do the same damn thing but I immediately turn it off or else my husband would be like you are gonna be tired tomorrow blah blah. But then I read he deleted things, nope, that’s just fishy
He’s lying. If it was porn it would not be such a big deal. It was more than that. That’s your red flag. The nerve of doing that crap right next to you. Thinking he’s fooling you. Ugh.
If you’re not having sex with him and he knows you would have an issue with porn, that is one thing. Tell him it is fine and he doesn’t need to do that… then just pretend you’re asleep and "wake up’ again an see what happens. One red flag doesn’t mean danger, I am a person of second chances and I give the benefit of the doubt… allow him enough rope to hang himself or move on because you’re going to question yourself to the point of sabotaging the relationship… and it could very well be porn, most likely not, but I’ve been accused of things I absolutely haven’t done under circumstantial situations and it is hurtful to say the least
Ehh that’s shady. I had an ex who I finally figured out cheated on me all the time. I was just naive and believed his lies for far too long. He would do this exact same thing. I wish I would have figured it out sooner. To be honest, deep down I did know. I just didn’t want it to be true.
Sounds like he was watching porn
YOOOOOO whatever he’s hiding is big!
I do the same thing with my partner LITERALLY:joy:.
Definitely watching porn my husband did same this when we started dating went through his phone and he even felt bad the next day and confessed his love for porn Lmaoo that was 3 and a half years ago we’ll be 4 years in July
He willing told u he was watching porn so why could he not show u,Xxx videos maybe what he was watching as the can actually video call ppl etc…go with ur gut instinct!!!
To me porn is cheating. Also if he’s deleting hes not being honest nor faithful leave while you can
Oh nah, if ur still at bf and gf terms and u dont know if you can trust him get proof or get walking… or running
My ex husband would do this. However, he would flip if I even picked his phone up because I was cleaning the counter it was on. Always safeguarded it, always had it on his possession when not in the same room, always had it faced down, would ALWAYS take it to the bathroom and lock the door (I figured at first it was because he was embarrassed about pooping with me and wanted something “to-do”), hell- he even once flipped his shit because I offered to plug it into the charger when he mentioned it was dead. If I brought up anything regarding his phone, it always led into a fight- even asking to use it to call my dad when mine was dead. Didn’t matter if I remained calm and asked why he felt the need to not trust me to even touch it. I never cared to go through it. My gut told me something was wrong. I turned that feeling off for years trusting him and saying it was my active imagination creating drama.
THEN 3 years into our marriage I got a message from a girl stating she didn’t know he was married (doubt that) and they had been screwing around with each other for a long time. I defended him and said she was mistaken, he’d never do that. She sent me photos of their conversations, them, and dates when he went “hunting” and they were together. When confronted, he argued it was a “computer bot” and he was screwing around with it on a joking level. Seriously? Turns out the underwear I found in my dresser was hers and not mixed up in our laundry from the laundromat like he claimed when I found it…
Not saying that this may be the same thing, but for the love and respect of yourself… TRUST YOUR GUT.
Secrets i cant stand. Porn tho… we can fall asleep with uncensored girls gone wild on autoplay for all i care. Watch it with him but tell him no more secrets
Hes got a bitch on the side.Kick his ass to the curb if your smart.You will always question yourself,on if hes cheating.Dont put yourself through the stress.Find an honest man.
I’d push the issue ask him if its porn why did you throw it that’s nothing to hide…no response or his story sounds fishy just flat out ask who is she and why then leave him clearly he’s got something to hide and he’s willing to lie about it
If youre still in “boyfriend/girlfriend” terms and cant trust him, just leave while you still can!
Don’t care what was on his phone. If he had to throw it and then delete it ,it can’t b trusted period.
Brooke Brantnall wooooooooow i dont recall writing this but story of my life
What does your gut tell you??
That does scream shady but does it always mean something bad? My husband and i have completely separate phone life’s so neither one of us knows what goes on with the others and that piece of privacy has always been good in our relationship, of course everyones is different but if its all good otherwise and hes not distant to you or any other signs he would be cheating id assume its a present. If there are other signs then thats completely different.
If you’re asking Facebook, there’s your answer.
No. That was another real girl. He’s cheating
Idk does he normally freak out if you mess with his phone? maybe he was looking at something he wanted to surprise you with? If he hasn’t given you any reason to think he’s unfaithful I would try to talk to him about it.
If you believe that pigs must fly
Sounds like he was talking to another chick.
If he was only watching porn thats not a big enough deal to throw phone and quickly delete what ever porn is harmless so my thoughts are he was being shady on tinder or grinder or chatting up people
If it WAS porn, then it was NOT healthy porn… just don’t have children or animals is my advice
Sounds like he was talking/seeing another have intuition,use it.especially if youre asking,you already know your answer.dont waste anymore time on the loser.
Oh c’mon… talking to another girl. Totally obvious …
I’m sorry, but it doesn’t sound good.
Dude. He’s lying to you! Leave his ass. You shouldn’t need to ask a bunch of strangers what he’s doing.
Is it normal for him to watch porn? Cause if it ain’t then he wouldn’t have thrown that phone…sorry…
Not your business…
Girl just focus on yourself!
Lmao threw his phone and ran to bathroom to delete because he didn’t want you to see him watching porn? Right, and the sky is green, the grass is blue and the sun rises in the west, sets in the east and, cows go oink and, pigs go moo I could go on but you get the picture. Those saying that maybe he was looking at a surprise for you and didn’t want to spoil it make me laugh. His reaction to being caught was way too extreme for that to be the case get real people. One thing I learned over the years is my intuition (gut) has never been wrong listen to yours. I wouldn’t even waste my time trying to get the truth or and explanation out of him.
If you’re planning to stay make sure you catch him slippin. Next time slip in some melatonin and go thru his phone! Just make sure you find proof to get your answer.
Nope. It was a lot worse if he admits that it was porn. Trickle truthing n half lies. Gtfo there ASAP cuz it’ll only happen again
Maybe he was watching weird porn lol
Me and my husband never look through each others phone. It’s the only private thing we have. He may well of been watching some porn that he may think would of offended you. How would you feel if it was porn? Has porn ever come up in the relathionship? He could of been ashamed if it was porn that he shouldn’t be aroused by but is curious by. Lots of porn categories out there that are deemed as fetish, he may just be embarrassed to his fetishes
Innocent until proven guilty. If you have suspicions over the relathionship then why are you in it
If you share a phone plan log in an view the data around that time…if it shows media then he’s telling the truth if it shows text messages then he was up to something and talking to someone else (if that’s what you’re worried about) but if you’re really concerned and have doubts then there’s likely already other issues that have been stirring and this just made your doubts/suspicious worse which means there’s issues that likely need to be addressed in your relationship.
Could have been watching a 'cam girl. It’s more interactive as far as porn goes. Could have been worried about being caught watching/interacting with someone live streaming.
Hes talking to someone else!
If he is willing to tell ya he was watching porn, why was he lot willing to show you?
Might be innocent but weird…
However, he’s already broken trust by being secretive. Depends on where this takes you… Might start be the start of troubles to come so I guess just keep an eye for now and see how you feel over time and what your gut tells you x…
Maybe it was GAY porn.
People need to stop hating on women who question suspicious behavior, It’s not always insecurities, you have no idea what they have lived through.
Hiding something. I had the same issue with my ex, the day I left is the day he moved his “new” girlfriend in.
Nooooo… you don’t go through someone’s phone! People deserve privacy! If he’s cheating you’ll find out sooner or later. Eyes open, mouth shut. Eventually he’ll tell on his self.
He got caught, obviously you guys have trust issues because if it were pron he would not have had issues he may have been embarrassed but he would not have thrown the phone risking breaking it over porn. That was a way over reaction but then having to go to the bathroom to delete it. I would not get serious until you know 100% you can trust him fact his behavior says you can’t.
Oh geez… give him the benefit of the doubt he was looking at porn, and could very well be embarrassed you caught him, and maybe just maybe he likes stuff that’s not what you like… but asking random strangers on Facebook isn’t always the best option. Go with your gut!!
Ask for his phone and look into his deleted photos. You will see things there. Also if you go to well on my phone to safari or and hit that little square at the bottom you will see things he’s looked up recently.
Oh sweet thing… Dump and run. Just do it. You will save yourself a whole lot of hurt in the future.
There are real men out there who won’t do that. There are. Don’t waste anymore of your time or your energy or your heart on this one. RUN!!!
If you have to ask “should I believe him or not” I’d say you don’t believe him and something is telling you not to … Trust your instincts and start a convo with him about it
Either he’s cheating or you have an issue with porn that he knows about (and you possibly forgot to mention in this post) or he’s got some weird kink he truly is embarrassed about👀 I’m leaning towards the first and I agree with PP.
Ask for the phone. Check his recent calls. Check his contacts list. Check his browser history and recent tabs. Check his recently deleted pics in his phone. Check his hidden gallery. Check what kinds of texting apps he may have and look at them. Check his snap and see if he has any recents. Check the times of any snaps sent to and from and check dates on ALL APPS!!
Did he close his eyes and pretend you weren’t there Typical childish behaviour. He reacted like that because he was up to something shifty. Something maybe you wouldn’t agree with, as it crosses boundaries. Get more info from him then go from there. Must admit his reaction was a little extreme for pxxn.
Because I hate going full left, I’m just going to say accept the “porn” explanation this time around. However, if it happens again, tell him “WELL LETS WATCH IT TOGETHER”, and then watch his reaction then… Hey🤷🏾♀️
Ask to see…if hes hiding porn he could be hiding other things or might be later down the road…HONESTY!
Who cares what he was looking at. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who cared so little about my feelings.