My boyfriend will not change my cat litter

I would question his reluctance to help you during your pregnancy. Couples should be willing to help each other out when needed.


When I was pregnant, my now husband wouldn’t, but… I only asked and he couldn’t handle it lol… So… I wore gloves and a mask when I scooped them out and Me and my little one were fine! I pushed mowed my yard 6 months pregnant… You can do it!!

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Good grief :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

Girl, some women in my country are working in the fields picking up cow shi+. You’ll be ok. He doesn’t like cats, you know that. They’re YOUR responsibility by choice.


I would tell him he’s insensitive and being an asshole, but if you have to do it, follow this. It does raise a red flag as to what he’s willing to help out with, sounds to me he’s will say that to you about the baby when she comes :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Still your responsibility and your animals. If you can’t mask up and wash hands well afterwards, then you don’t deserve to have them. Pets are a part of your family ie your first babies whom deserve to have a clean place to do their duty as much as you do in your bathroom. Reminder they do lick their paws and then walk all over everything and at times lick other surfaces too so keeping that area cleaned every day will be less likely you get sick during your pregnancy.


He’s right It’s not his job cover your nose as well as you can and clean it. You want the cats right?

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Then get rid of your cat or hire someone else to do it . My grown kids have pets and I do not clean their messes. That is not my responsibility. I’m sure he has plenty to clean up after his mom. Buy gloves if you have to do it yourself and wash your hands after your done. What are your plans for after the baby is born?

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Get a automatic litter box that cleans itself! Literally the best thing I’ve ever invested in. It cleans after every-time one of the cats uses it. I’m 33 weeks with my 3rd and it was well worth the investment, I spent like $450 on it, but they make cheaper ones im sure.

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Find someone else to change the litter

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Wear gloves when changing it.

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Give him a brake he’s not the one who wanted 3 cats


Ur pregnant not dying… change the damn thing its ur pets

F YOUR cat litter! I have 6 kids. I love my kids. I can’t stand cats. You’re being a brat. Pay somebody to do it if he won’t lol. Gosh people are so entitled. I feel for the man.


I get the thinking. She states he also doesn’t seem to care for her well being. Leave this man alone. If he is showing you he doesn’t care now don’t expect a baby to change that.


Why cant you change the litter, wear gloves and a mask

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Mask and gloves and clean it daily and it’s not bad, it’s just the annoying discipline of it all. We can catch toxoplasmosis without being pregnant, so don’t fall for the fear so much :yellow_heart: it’s horrible how they make it sound so bad during pregnancy when it’s possible to catch it all of the time.
Some people just do not want to do it, or will not, or won’t to your liking either, so stick with it, it’s a fight that will break you apart.


honestly when i got pregnant, my fiancé always changed my cats litter for me even tho he hated it.

it is very dangerous for those who are pregnant to do so, due to lots of risks with the smell and such. also toxoplasmosis. even if he hates it, he should be understanding that it isn’t safe for you to do it anymore while pregnant.


My husband is a cat person and I’m not. Your pet not mine…he can change the litter. I changed a whole lot of diapers of children we created together and he did not.

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Change it yourself. I have a cat and changed the litter myself whilst pregnant, wore gloves and a mask … easy fixed. Those cats are your responsibility not his.


You can’t make anyone do anything. You chose to have cats and chose to be pregnant knowing you have cats. Wear a mask and gloves and leave the window open.

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The majority of this comment section missed the point here entirely.


Wear gloves and a mask and wash your hands after.
They are your pets not his so your responsibility

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I don’t like pets. Maybe consider giving them out.

Invest in one of those electric self cleaning litter boxes. You already knew he didn’t like cats

You know you’re pregnant and all these things…you know he hates cats…hire someone to take care of you and your stuff. If the dude can’t handle a cat box, what shall he he do with dirty diapers, late nite screaming , rocking and rocking, or morning feedings. Oh and don’t forget throw up everywhere, that does happen
If he can’t handle a cat box, when you shouldn’t have on anyway, either put the cats or him out for the night and figure something else out

Wear a mask and wash your mf’ing hands … do it yourself tf

Wear gloves. Honestly if you’re cats are inside cats and don’t eat rodents. You should be ok. Just wear gloves. You’ll be ok. I didn’t wear gloves or a mask. Changed my cats literally and my child is thriving.

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Use a mask and gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. What do you think our mothers had to do before the warnings about kitty litter were around? What do you think single mums without boyfriends have to do??


Get dust free litter or hire a neighbor kid. But if you question his parenting skills, you better have a talk with him real soon. Like tomorrow.


Wear gloves after the cats have a :poop: lift it right away you will be fine xx


A cat and a baby are VERY different.
I don’t like cats or dogs and I still wouldn’t clean up after someone else’s pet no matter who they are. It’s your cat, and your house, put on a mask and gloves and do it yourself.


I agree with him. Face mask and gloves for you.


I’d look on and ask for a responsible person to come do for you as you still need help after the baby I’d born. I’d find some to help you feed to after after delivery since he probably won’t do that either. Lots of people out there do these types of things for jobs. Pay good and say thank you often. :blush:


Wear gloves and a mask hun. And wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.


I’m assuming you knew how he feels about your cats BEFORE you invited him into your bed? (I’m assuming that he is the baby’s dad). He IS a jerk to not help you, but, like I said…


I was 38 weeks pregnant & still changing my cat litter. Use gloves and a mask & you’re good.


Wear a mask and gloves to change the litter box…or put the cats outside…

Empty the whole cat box with gloves don’t do that scooping anymore

My partner does it as he knows it’s not good. But if he isn’t here I just wear a mask and gloves wash hands after…done :woman_shrugging:

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They’re your cats? Or did I have a stroke and misread that? Wear a mask…. Wash your hands…. Take care of your own animals… if you can’t clean up after animals, can you clean up after a baby?


Just change it. the risk of toxoplasmosis is for outside cats… not indoor.and it doesnt rly happen… are you huffing the litter?:roll_eyes:


Good lord really… I changed both of my cats litter boxes throughout being pregnant with both of my two boys. No issue at all just clean it they are your pets, you’re responsibility and you shouldn’t have to rely on him to do that. Maybe make sure you change it more often so you don’t have allot to clean.


Your Cats and his BABY are 2 completely different things how rude of you to downgrade him as a father before he even gets a chance at raising his child. :woman_facepalming:t2:

I dont get the other half of the women who bashes a guy who takes care of his sick mother and is probably dealing with a lot already while this lady is expecting him to change litter boxes for pets he did not agree to care for…and they dont even live together. Like where is the common sense?

If you are so concerned the cats put you at risk dont expect someone else to instantly pickup your responsibilities at your command, you chose to have cats and knew what pregnancy risks entail when caring for cats, take care of it yourself and grow up. Literally anything could kill you, and you chose cats going into this pregnancy. Cut the guy some slack, wear an N95/gloves, and do it yourself.


I’m 23 weeks pregnant and change my one cat and 4 kittens cat box daily…. Work 80+ hours a WEEK, make dinner, clean the house on my own etc. Please get over yourself this man is literally taking care of his sick mom. It’s not hard to clean out and I think you’re over reacting


Comparing how he treats your cats to how he will treat his daughter is SUPER extreme… I hate to break it to you but those are your cats, and if one day he chooses not to be a dad that’s your baby lol fucked up but it’s facts. You can’t guilt someone into doing something. I’m sure there are plenty of single pregnant women who have had cats. You’re going to have to figure out how to handle your responsibilities… and it probably shouldn’t have taken you to 24 weeks to figure it out…

I personally wouldn’t endanger my child for a animal

Be careful if he doesn’t like cats… cats are very easy to love.

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they are not his cats, that is however is his baby. cats, which are animals && your baby, which is a human are two totally different things. oh my.

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Get rid of the boyfriend since you love cats and he hates them you will never have a future together anyway.


I have a funny feeling 3 cats will be going to their local humane society once baby comes :frowning: if dad hates them already, he’s not gonna allow his child to be around them cats! :frowning:


Just change it yourself. :roll_eyes: he doesn’t live there and they aren’t his cats.


Chang it yourself he is right

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Should have thought about that before you got pregnant…your cats your mess…clean up after them or get rid of the cats…


You guys don’t live together so get used to doing everything on your own including taking on most of the responsibility of your baby, did u guys talk about this before getting pregnant or you just automatically assumed he was going to do it? What’s gonna happen if u guys move in together in the future knowing he hates your cats??


Just do it yourself & know that you may be doing alot more by yourself


Mask and gloves you be fine


Cats and newborn babies are also not a good mix by the way…

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I wore gloves and never had a problem. The caution is a parasitic infection transmitted from :poop: on to your hands.

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It sucks that he isn’t being supportive in that department. Take the necessary precautions to protect you and baby. And scoop it. Also maybe invest in an automatic litter box that will scoop it for you. You just have to change the poop tray. It will help as you get further along in your pregnancy.

The kitty litter is dangerous to pregnant women only if you have cats that go outdoors & then come in the house & use the litter box. If your cats are house cats, no problem.

I guess I’ll be the odd ball out. First, I am so sorry that people are being so cruel to you. My husband handled the litter during my pregnancy because he knows the dangers. One of the cats belong to his son, the other is mine that we adopted together.
I also possibly have an autoimmune disease so it’s very important for me to be careful with those sorts of things and I had a complicated pregnancy. Either way, you’re carrying his child. It should not be too much to ask.
I don’t understand why so many think that you’re being unreasonable over this. You have to worry about you and your baby over everything else. He should’ve thought about the responsibilities of caring for his mother while he was impregnating you.
I feel sad for those who don’t have the type of man that would selflessly for this, even without being asked.
Jason Bradner


Wear an m95 mask if you can find one, those will protect you from what you could breathe in whereas the regular rectangle masks only protect others from what you could breathe out. The only thing dangerous about cat litter I think is if they are outdoor cats that eat mice and whatnot as they can carry a parasite from the small animals they eat outdoors.

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Pretending that you have concerns about him looking after his child because he doesn’t want to deal with your cat shit from 3 cats is a bit if a stretch pet.

Don’t be so precious. Change your own cat litter

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My cat is my cat. I had him before I met my partner.
I’m 28 weeks pregnant. He changes it usually, but If it needs doing before he gets home from work. I simply do it, wearing a mask and gloves as a precaution just in case


Thats why i dont have a cat cause i dont wanna change cat litter lol :laughing:


If you keep your home clean and got the cats from indoors and didn’t take in stray cats you’ll be fine. I changed my 4 cats litter the whole pregnancy and I never got anything. Cats get toxoplasmosis from birds, lizards and mice they hunt.


Get rid of your cats


It’s not your well being at risk but your child’s. They aren’t his cats, they are yours. It’s your responsibility to clean up after them. Wear a mask. Stop bitching because he doesn’t want to take on your responsibility.

I changed mine, but then if he can’t assist in something this simple… you have your answer as to what he’ll do with the baby… and the can’t live with you coz he needs to look after his mother… again doubt he’ll do anything different with the baby

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Wish some of these people could just be nice.


Put on a mask and gloves and change your self. I’m not changing no one’s cat litter i do not care


If your cats are indoor only and don’t hunt and eat raw meat from rodents then you have a higher likelihood of getting toxoplasmosis from eating unwashed veggies. They are your responsibility and if you can’t hire some to care for them or wear gloves and masks then get rid of them if it is causing you so much stress. He didn’t make the commutator your cats only to you and if your so concerned about how much he will commit to the baby then discuss that separately as it is a separate issue.


Yes there is a small risk to your health if you touch the cat waste with your bare hands etc, but there’s ways around that as mentioned above. He doesn’t like cats so I don’t think it’s right to assume this is how he will treat your child. If you are worried about your cats waste then might be best to rehome them if you can’t take the correct measures to look after yourself and them at the same time as its also a risk to young babies. Don’t judge how your partner will treat your kid before it is even born, that’s unfair on him.

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Changing kitty litter is only a problem if you intend on playing with their shit. Honestly, use gloves and you’re all good.

You guys are going to have much more difficult issues to compromise on once this baby arrives. With all due respect you should probably put on a mask and gloves and change the litter for Your cats… You’re going to have much bigger challenges to face with this man in a few months. Best wishes :two_hearts:


Your pregnant :pregnant_woman: you don’t have a illness omg :flushed:


Mask and gloves. Although I agree that your carrying his child and he should be helping you, cut the guy some slack! He’s looking after his sick mom all day and then coming to your house to be told to look after the cats he doesn’t want. And please don’t compare cats to your baby. Listen to what you said “this makes me worried about how he’ll treat our baby”… so because he won’t change cat litter he won’t look after your kid… but you see him take good care of his mom every day! Wth kinda judgement is that! If he takes care of his mom he’ll take care of your child.
Mask and gloves, clean your own cat poop. Women everywhere do it everyday while pregnant. Do you drive ? You could crash and die. Do you eat? You could choke and die. Your not going to get hurt cleaning cat litter if you use precautions and don’t leave a filthy litter box for a week.
Sorry if that sounds harsh but you need some reality.

It’s not his cat so I wouldn’t expect him too. It would be nice of him but I don’t blame him for not wanting to. Maybe buy the cat box liners, then put the liter in. That way you just pull the whole bag and throw it away with all the litter in it. Much easier.


My man hates cats but he still changed the cat’s litter box. Throw the whole man out!!!


It’s fine to change it .

I changed my cats litter throughout my entire pregnancy and my son was born healthy and is just fine now, but remember one thing his true colors are starting to come out and this may not a be a good relationship for you js


Wow. They are YOUR cats! He can love a baby and hate cats. You want them? You take care of them. The guy is already caring for his sick mom and you’re worried that if he doesn’t want to clean a disgusting litter box, that he won’t clean a baby? Maybe you should give the kid to him and you worry about your cats.


His own home to take care of his sick mom :thinking:
Sounds like bullshit to me
Fuck that dude
He will never do you any favors
Know this now and move along focusing on you and baby.

Wear a mask and gloves and just change it. They aren’t his. He shouldn’t have to.


If your able to but bag liners for the litter try do so, these enable you to just lift up the corners of the bags when you need to change it. Wear a mask/face covering and wash your hands

This is a joke right? As a mom of 3 and had cats for 2 pregnancies and changed the litter every 2 days glove and mask you will be okay

You can’t convince him to do it if he won’t already & Im so sorry to say it like that. talk to your doctor about if masks can help you.

You can still change the litter. Just wear gloves and then wash hands after.

What in the intitled… it’s your cat mama. Not his if he’s said he hates them this is your responsibility…wear a mask and gloves and go for the cat litter that isn’t crystals


They’re your cats not his. Y’all don’t live together. He has his on responsibility of taking care of his mom. If your that worried then wear a mask and change it it not then u know the next best thing. Rehome them sorry.


Hire a teen neighbor to do it. I doubt he’s going to change his mind. If you do it wear a mask and gloves.


Kayla Zalenski HAHAHAH wtf

Yall are missing the point entirely


This must be a joke, comparing a damn cat to a baby is stupid and insane.
You are pregnant not disabled, put some damn gloves and change it yourself.
Those are not his damn cats , if you can’t take care of them just rehoused them

You CANNOT compare YOUR cat to HIS CHILD! he hates cats and u knew this and now ur pregnant and expect him to do something he’s never done? No wear a mask wash ur hands and ask someone in YOUR FAMILY to do it! Not his responsibility


Get a self cleaning litter box :thinking:


Imagine what else he won’t do lol


Please tell me this is a joke, this is ridiculous.