My boyfriend will not change my cat litter

I work at a vet clinic. Just wear gloves and change it every single day. You can bag the litter box before you put the litter in it, so you can take the whole bag out and not have to worry about touching anything.

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Well I guess he thinks it’s your cats & so you’re job to look after them "& I would never expect anyone to do that " and please keep cats away from your baby when it comes they carry many germs & my Daughter got the worst case of ringworm from the cat we had & turned me off cats forever " never owned one since :wink:


If he can’t change cat litter for you in the time you are carrying his child, that just proves to me he doesn’t care and won’t care. It isn’t about whose cat it is, it is about looking after your person and doing what is best for them. Especially if they are risking their life to bring a child into the world with you and you can’t even pick up cat poop. He is TA.

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Just don’t have cats :nauseated_face:

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You can use a litter scoop and then put it in baby nappy bags so your not actually touching any poop your just acting precious

Change to a more natural or low dust litter like pellets or pretty litter and you shouldn’t have any issues changing it.

I’m genuinely shocked at this :rofl: they are your pets?
If your that concerned about the cat litter while pregnant change it to a natural cat litter so you can change it yourself… hahaha, oh my goodness, talk about precious :rofl:


I think that you saying you’re worried about him being able to care for the baby is just an excuse to convince him to do the cats. He’s the father of that child and wants it - so of course he’s going to take care of it.

Right if u cant care for the cats get rid of them…cats are really bad for new born babies anyways…in my culture they take there breath and kill them…jus sayin watch out!!!


The point is is he should be looking after your well being. Point blank PERIOD. if he’s already gone half the time looking after mommy and or hopefully working than the least he could do is damn change the litter. He put the seed in and he’s already doing bare minimum. Yes I’d be totally worried for when the baby came. A child is a really big responsibility and if he is having issues looking after you especially while you’re holding his baby then I’d be having real conversations with him on what you expect and how you like to be treated.

Litterly no one is going to support your behavior


Sorry, but your BF sounds like a real tool… despite the fact that HE doesn’t like cats, he knows YOU like cats. The fact that he knows it is dangerous for pregnant woman to handle cat litter and he still will not help you with the cat boxes, leads me to believe that he is juvenile and inconsiderate. Sadly you have chosen to procreate with this man… you should have known better. Anyone who doesn’t like cats… well… would have been a hard pass for me personally, but… :woman_shrugging:t4:


If it’s not his house why would you expect him to change YOUR cats litter tray. It’s your responsibility and if you can’t do it maybe you shouldn’t have cats


Just change the litter. I always changed the litter when I was pregnant and never had a problem. :roll_eyes:

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No sorry how can you equate how he feels about cats to how he will be towards a baby? That’s crazy thinking for a start you are so overthinking this.They are your animals your choice to keep them.Wear an apron gloves and surgical mask an do it yourself you will be fine.


#1 WHY are you pregnant by this loser?
A BENEVOLENT man would do for you the cat’s and the baby.

Mask and glove up, get a self cleaning litter box.


Gtfoh! I agree with HIM!

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It’s not like you have A cat…you have 3, and knew all along that he’s not a cat person.

At some point you would expect them to move in together, If he despises cats and activley chooses to not help his pregnant girlfriend with the litter box. How is he gonna change diapers? Support the animals she obviously loves? Feed them? I mean it’s a little ridiculous that her partner won’t help with such a trivial thing when it could make his girlfriend and future baby very sick. Shouldn’t you be doing anything for your kid? He should without a doubt atleast try and CARE about the animals you love.


Get rid of your cats.


The amount of “what in the heck did I just read” in these comments…
My advice (coming from a mom of 3, former animal control officer and cat owner):
Wear gloves, and a mask, and change their litter. The risks are so low it’s really fine…

Not taking his side, because I do believe men should help in a lot of ways, but he doesn’t live there, and they’re not his pets. A baby is no comparison in this situation to me.

Also, I really feel like if this is already an “issue” between y’all, it’s likely going to continue if he moves in. Pick your battles


Use gloves and wear a mask when you change the litter. Make sure to wash your hands afterwards. You’ll be just fine.


Some of y’all are real pathetic :joy::woman_facepalming:t6:

Tip it straight into dustbin bag .why get annoyed with him .your cats .and don’t compare your cats with your baby on your boyfriend so not fare .think u need to grow up ABIT x

I’m confused at the part where you decided to have a kid with him knowing he doesn’t like cats at all, when you have 3 of them. I’m grateful to my man for caring well enough about the safety of our unborn child to keep it away from me since we have 2 cats ourselves.

Get rid of the boyfriend. You can do this by yourself. Wear mask and take out a little at a time if not Try to find someone to change the litter for you. Get rid of the bum. You don’t need him. ? For what


I’m literally blessed to have the type of man who do anything and everything to make sure I’m safe and I don’t have cats. To all the cranky, haven’t got none in months, saying otherwise are settling for the wrong type of man. You are a queen an should be treated as so. To me this would be an eye opener as to how the future would be because if he can’t do this simple thing than what else won’t he do in the future. Talk to him have a real sit down and see what he says and how he reacts.

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Stfu. A cat doesn’t equate to a child… and furthermore change ur own fucking cat litter. I feel sorry for this guy. Ur a complete idiot. YES

Wear gloves and a mask. Wash hands thoroughly afterwards despite gloves. You’ll be fine.

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Put gloves on and clean up it’s more unhealthy to have dirty litter trays. Wash you hands thoroughly when finished


1st of all remember u r the godess in this relation ship…my "donor would not change my cat little and when our qst born came he wouldnt change her poopie diaper…warning aigns are there…if he was all in he would do anything for u! Hit them brakes…I fell into “I’ll do it” and cover my face…he is either all in or u need to be out! Dont wait on no man to do u! U got this!

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What will happen when u have the baby will u have to care for your child alone to since he doesn’t live with u or will he move in with u and hire a caregiver for his sick mom I would worry more about that then the cat litter if u cant take care of the cat find a new home for it because once the baby comes it’s going to be even harder to care for a baby and cats won’t be fair to the cats if u don’t have time for them.

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My husband hates cats(im99.9% sure he absolutely loves our cat though), but let us get a kitten a little over a yr ago… If me or our 11 yr old can’t get to it due our schedule, he’ll do it. There is no excuse for him,especially since he knows it is dangerous for you!! He sounds like an azz!! I’m sorry girl… I wouldn’t usually call this a red flag, but in this case I do!!

Not his place to change them it’s yours there your cats, he looks after his mum. It’s selfish of you to just expect him to help change them

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Just Chuck the crap in the bin my gosh :roll_eyes:

Ummm🙄 …just wear a mask if needed, I changed cat litter while pregnant, if you scoop it every day it’s not bad at all, also they are not his cats and yes maybe he should want to help you but you all don’t live together and he hates cats …why are you together???


Unbelievable on the level of selfishness and entitlement. You knew he despised cats and it’s your responsibility to take care of the cat, not his. I can’t blame him, they stink! So caring for his Baby and a despising cats aren’t the even the same, so for you to hold that over him is being really petty. Mask up and wash your hands or get a friend to do it.


If your cats are indoor cats only, it is very unlikely they will have toxoplasmosis. You are at far more risk doing outdoor gardening without gloved on as other cats may have used your gardens as a litterbox.


Look up kone litter box liner bags on Amazon . It will be alot easier n less mess.

U are being irrational
A baby
3 cats
R u serious🤔
Not his house, not his pets, not his kids, not his responsibility
Tell your mom come change your cat litter💥
Get rid of the cats and Do not ever compare that baby again


Its real simple its clrarthat he doesn’t care about your well being and health nor the child’s. So there’s your answer. Never put anyone before yourself or your off spring. I’m not saying leave him, I’m saying put your foot down. No one is more important then you.

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Oh lord get a damn mask and change it. Stop your crying about it. Smh.

Litter is the least of your worries…

He is in for a big surprise when baby arrives.
Especially when scooping litter takes all of 45 Seconds.
Teamwork is just as important now as it will be when baby gets here.


Throw away the litterbox and just let the cat outside, problem solved. :slight_smile:


Why do you need 2 keep 3cats.understandable u love cats. Don’t impose on your boyfriend. He is right. It’s not his responsibility. Don’t compare wat he can or should do. He not taking of ur cat but care 4 an ailing mom. That gives you reason he’s responsible n can care 4his baby


Why don’t you just put on a mask :mask:

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They’re not his cats and you’re not married. So he has the right to refuse. Since its his baby he could get someone to do it. You could get someone for that matter. It doesn’t mean he will be a bad dad just because he doesn’t help with your cats.


Put gloves on and a mask and change it. Its your cars….

Have him help you buy a self changing litter box as they are not his cats or good to be around new babies maybe regime them for a little while

They’re your cats, you look after them.
Imagine how it will be when you have the baby of he won’t do this for you

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It’s ur cats .ur house .that’s such a lazy excuse


Umm, just change the damn litter box. Why should he have to come over and change it for you? Lol

WOW just WOW I wouldn’t want to have a baby with you! Find home for your cats🤦🏻‍♀️


i changed my cats litter n i waa pregnant twice

Cats that are indoors are highly unlikely to carry the toxoplasma parasite. They get it by hunting and eating small animals that are infected or eating something that has been contaminated with feces from another infected cat. So unless your cats are indoor/outdoor you are fine. Wear gloves. Wash your hands afterwards. You will literally be fine.

Double mask and handle your business love. It sounds like you are in for being a single mom. I hate that you are finding out now. Best of luck to you, the cats and baby.


Uhhh automatic cat litter that self scoops into the bag…

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How is he going to be when he changes a shitty nappy? That is worse than changing cat litter.

I can’t I just can’t with this :rofl::rofl::rofl:


So I think it’s bullshit but I’ve been here too. Wear gloves and a mask, clean the box and wash up afterwards. My kid is 13 now, we made it without his sperm donor.

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I’m 37 weeks pregnant and have changed the cat litter my entire pregnancy with no issues…

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You’re pregnant & know that it’s dangerous to change the litter…. Get rid of the cats or get a self changing litter box. I’m sure it’s just your hormones being triggered but I don’t blame him for not wanting to do that for you… ya can’t compare a care of cats to a newborn lol


Poo I wouldn’t want to change it either! Ur pregnant not fucking cripple


I changed mine pregnant, with a mask gloves and sanitized and washed up after .

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I would question how much he actually cares… love me, love my cats…just saying


I changed the cat boxes when I was pregnant so did my sister use a mask it’s not that hard they are your cats not his


It’s safe to change litter boxes while pregnant as long as you don’t leave the turds for a long time. But generally this is something people should be doing anyway. Litter boxes should be scooped as soon as possible.
Toxoplasmosis parasite cysts take between 24 hours and 5 days to become infectious when they have become dried up turds and that’s even if your cat has it. Even when pregnant it is not healthy to handle dried up old turds then somehow inhale some of the poop powder.
Cats are only infectious for 1 to 3 weeks after infection with the likelihood of shedding the occyst being 0 to 1%.
Proper hand washing should help if someone plans to scoop 24 hour old turds with their fingers but again that’s really something people should be doing. So I’d probably use an appropriate scoop and practice hand washing. Wear a mask if you are unable to scoop within 24 hours.
Toxo usually spreads via dried up old turds left in the garden by wild animals, from eating unwashed vegetables, undercooked meats that are infected and drinking dirty water. Avoid these and you will be fine…
20 years in the pet industry specifically changing hundreds of thousands of litter boxes and allot of pregnancies and neither me, nor any of my relatives or female coworkers have caught toxo or come up positive for the antibodies.
You are more likely to do damage to you and your baby due to the increased blood pressure from the stress of fighting over a litter box.
Either ask nicely if he can change it anyway if it’s causing too much stress for you. It’s poop and it stinks and everything smells worse when your pregnant.
In the words of the comedian Ali Wong “I’m busy making an eyeball”.
Save your energy for other stuff.
Save your anxiety for other stuff.
If he does not come over every day do not save the boxes for him. You’ll have to do it yourself.
For clarity an example of toxoplasmosis prevalence in babies is 880 out of every 3600000 births so 0.02444%


Pregnant women cannot touch the cat litter and all of you are begin so harsh towards this poor girl. Y’all need to grow up.


Literally there’s so many uneducated people on this thread it’s ridiculous. She shouldn’t be near that litter box. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t “his cats” they are together and he don’t even live w her. The least he could do to take care of his child’s mother to make sure her and the unborn is safe is change some damn poop bin that takes like 45 seconds. He is literally doing bare minimum already. It’s literally known it’s highly toxic while pregnant and just a safety precaution for the simple fact is that things like this show love and being cared for which he’s not doing.

I wore a mask and gloves … thankfully he came in at the perfect time because I was stuck and couldn’t get up once lol :joy:

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Aww it’s so disappointing to see other mama’s and women coming back with rude and negative comments. Of course it is her kitties, her responsibility. But she is pregnant and for the duration of the pregnancy (for the safety of the baby) he could just suck it up and help her. It’s not the end of the world and wouldn’t be forever. A kind gesture wouldn’t hurt whether he likes cats or not. My daughter in law is pregnant and I’m not a big cat fan (although I really do love animals) and I would do it for the safety of my grand baby. But in the case that he absolutely refuses, get you some rubber gloves and an N95 mask and clean it the best you can. Wash your hands up to your wrists after. Good luck with the new baby and happy Mother’s Day.

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Your cats , it will be his baby. I reply don’t understand what the issue is? Why can you not change it yourself, as long as you don’t stick your head in and sort the kitty litter , try eating it, or using your bare hands to pick up the shit , then go eat without washing your hands. I would say stop being entitled and lazy

All yall saying " oh I was or am pregnant and I change it all the time" good for you but it’s actually highly toxic and is known to cause birth defects and or death. Why take that risk with your unborn? Having a child with anyone is a team situation effort.

Wear gloves and wash your hands afterwards . You can change it you just need to make sure you follow hygiene procedure


I did it and was fine

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Really change cat litter smh . You can’t do ??? …so what happens when baby come …baby won’t get change cause it’s not your turn…
I guess being spoiled and pregnant is only on TV… Clean the LITTER!!!

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He doesn’t live there and he doesn’t even like cats so I can 100% see why he wouldn’t do it.
Also to question how he’s going to treat his CHILD because he doesn’t want to change YOUR cats liter box? Sounds a little wack as those are animals that he hates #1 and #2 he doesn’t live with you so their none of his responsibility at all.

A baby is SO MUCH different then cats. I convinced my partner to let us get some kittens- he doesn’t like cats like that. Guess who cleaned the litter boxes? Not him. Guess who is the absolute BEST DAD EVER and is ALWAYS there for his son’s and me? He is.
So to compare an animal that is YOURS- that you may of had before he entered the picture or that you got without any conversation with him about it- to YALLS (yes both of yours) CHILD- is wilddddd imo. But I’ma blame it on your pregger hormones.

You should’ve thought of that as soon as you were pregnant tho and YOU should’ve come up with a solution as they are YOUR cats.

For instance:
You can wear gloves, mask and make sure you have a fan on in the bathroom.

But if you’re THAT worried about it- buy a self cleaning litter box, all you’ll have to do is empty a tray every few weeks or so and boom- problem solved.

Don’t wanna do either of those? Then get rid of the cats.

You’re not gonna question what type of dad he’s gonna be because he won’t change a litterbox (that once again doesn’t belong to his animals NOR is it even in his home) when YOU WONT DO IT EITHER.

There are ways around changing a litterbox while pregnant. Just don’t be huffing the damn thing and wear a mask :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

Yall are evil bitches lol :laughing: :rofl: #toxic

Lol will he change diapers

Okay whoa ladies! Her concerns are a bit valid because if it was me I would be a bit worried about how he would react to changing a diaper too but we have all been there with our pregnancies with one thing or another. There is always something new each pregnancy that gets a mom worried. The underlining issue isn’t the litter box it’s that she is asking him for help with a simple task and he is flat out refusing to help her even though her and the babies well being may or may not be compromised isn’t the question. Obviously she has been taking care of it up till now so maybe it’s a “I can’t bend over and touch to clean it out” type of help me out.


Per the CDC “If no one else can perform the task, wear disposable gloves and wash your hands with soap and water afterwards. Ensure that the cat litter box is changed daily. The Toxoplasma parasite does not become infectious until 1 to 5 days after it is shed in a cat’s feces.”
He doesn’t live there, he didn’t get the cats, you know he doesn’t like cats. You’re fine.


They are YOUR cats NOT his.
How’s about you put those gloves and mask on and do it yourself.
It is not his problem you have 3 cats.


I don’t know a single person who didn’t change their cat littler.
Wear gloves. Don’t sprinkle it all over yourself or ingest it and I think you will
Be fine.

As far as him refusing to change the cat box and you comparing it to neglecting his own kids, it’s not the same thing.
It’s cat shit and piss. Not his cats either.
Could he do it and save you from having to worry like you are? Of course.

Is this a warning sign he will not change baby diapers or help out? No.


You cannot force anyone to change the litter and there should be more than ONE litter box for 3 cats in a place, preferable in different rooms, away from their food and bedding. I remember an article published some years ago, in the Readers’ Digest, “Mystery of the sandbox killer” that was a true story! Maybe as others have mentioned daily disposable gloves and some kind of mask and extreme washing of hands between times. Could he not try and help 2-3 days a week at least and you do the other days?

Here’s something I just came across myself too ! It would be a problem saver I’m sure .

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I’m assuming you had the cats when yall were just dating before getting pregnant. They were 100% your choice your responsibility.
There are so many reasonable safe choices to do in cleaning their litter and caring for them than handing that whole part off to someone else you Know doesnt like them.
Wear a mask, put on gloves and change it yourself. Or what tf have you been doing in these last 20 weeks??
Dont ever compare taking care of a child over caring for a cat. It is not the same. He will not be treating yalls baby like a cat.


Get the automatic ones

But they also got ones with holes in bottom pull up bags too. Saves litter too.

From exeperience, I had 2 cats and 2 ferrets when I was pregnant. My bf absolutely refused to clean the litter/cage or anything no matter how much I asked or explained the danger of it. When baby came, he didn’t help at all so it’s def a red flag

I did it my whole pregnancy despite my partners willingness to help. Wear a mask. Pregnant women aren’t helpless.


I honestly feel like he should help . I wouldn’t want to take that chance either . Just because 10/20 people changed the litter and was just fine doesn’t mean the other 10 will be fine . Everyone is different . And I risked changing the litter and something happened to my child or myself because my child’s father refused to help me because he doesn’t like cats I’d be extremely upset . He could at least help . Or try . It’s not being “spoiled” it’s taking precaution . Something some of y’all don’t understand obviously . This woman is not YOU! Just because you had to because you didn’t have a man or whatever reason doesn’t mean she should have to . Some people are so insensitive and cynical these days. Geez .


I have 5 cats when i was pregnant i just put on a face mash and gloves then washed my hands and dr told me it was ok im fine my babys fine my pregnancy was fine. My big kids helped out but those are me and my kids cats so i never expected or asked him to do it, he took care of the dog and goat poop it doesnt mean hes going to be a bad dad thats exaggerating.

What’s wrong with changing the litter I did everything that they say u shouldn’t do while pregnant all my kids r normal just wear gloves and wash ya hands


When I had my kitten in the beginning of my pregnancy I had to do litter changes because he was my responsibility. I put on gloves, a mask and changed that litter. Then washed my hands really good after. No problem. Unfortunately it seems as if you’re gonna have to change that litter.
Also my boyfriend hated changing litter but is an amazing dad to our baby now. Just because he didn’t do litter I never doubted his ability to parent once our baby got here…

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Would also like to add that your 6months pregnant and NOW you’re worried about it? He honestly is probably saying f that cuz it looks you had no problems until NOW. Which is understandable- 6mo was when I started becoming so exhausted and everything hurt and my belly started growing and etc etc etc.

If that’s why you want him to change it- then explain that. don’t bring up the pregnant women aren’t suppose to change literboxes when you were okay with it for 6mo now.

Also you may want to do research on babies & cats as there are issues with having a newborn and cats aswell.


Well I changed my cat litter . Without any gloves nor mask… anvmy son was just find… your not playing in there . Your using a scoop an putting it in a bag… my question would be, if you don’t like ir l8ve cats I’m out of here… I would have never dated in tge first place… but that’s just me … all I can say is good luck

Some of you clearly are uneducated about toxoplasma parasites/why pregnant women are warned to steer clear of cat litter/changing the litter pan during pregnancy. Everybody’s acting like she’s just being a brat and doesn’t feel like doing it. This isn’t the case, her concerns are valid. All of that aside, I’d ask and educate him on why you shouldn’t be changing it, and if he refuses I would take every recommended precaution and change it myself. That’s one thing you don’t want to let go. The longer you wait, the higher the risk if you DO end up changing it. :woman_facepalming:t2:


girl, stop being so dramatic
he is absolutely right…
like come on hahah
put a mask on. everyone sells them everywhere, so there is no excuse!
pit trash bags under the box and take out once a wk or more since there is 3
grow up

Through the whole boyfriend out.