My son’s grandparents on his dad’s side have been trying to control when they see my son. My boyfriend/sons father died a month ago, and ever since, his grandparents have been telling me, “when are you bringing the baby by today” or “we get next weekend with the baby,” and even “tell me what time I can come to see the baby” they don’t ask they demand. It makes me upset because they were never like this when his dad was alive. They saw my son when it was convenient for me. I have told them that I’m nervous with Covid because I’m seven months pregnant. (They have gotten Covid 2 times. The entire house. Which includes grandma and grandpa, their three daughters, their son, and his daughter, and their aunt) they don’t want social distance, and I ask them to wear a mask around my son, and they and I don’t listen. They say, “it’s not a real thing calm down” is it bad I don’t want my son around them? I don’t want to take him away from them, but they don’t respect my Time or wishes. They demand to see him but don’t ask what my plans are. I tell them they are more than welcome to FaceTime him anytime but they don’t. I don’t think I’m in the wrong because end of the day, it’s MY child, and I need to do what’s best for us grandparents should be grateful for whatever Time they do get with their grandchildren, not just treat seeing him like a custody agreement.
You’re not wrong. You are the mom. You set the rules. If you say no, then that’s it
I’m torn on how i feel. About the second half but the first half is weird. They need to run it by you. Not demand. But they also are mourning and they may feel being around the grandson is healing for them you clearly need to sit down and talk to them and everyone find a happy medium.
With it being so recent that your boyfriend has died, do you not think that this is part of their grieving and trying to spend as much time with your son as they can? Surely you all need to pull together in this sad time
Not sure what state ur in but in my state grandparents have no rights. Truthfully unless they fight for visitation righta there honestly ia nothing they can say or do.
Right now they are grieving and just wanna see the only piece of their son thats left and that ur child.
Set your rules and stick to them. If they cant listen thats their problem
Sounds like you need to lay some ground rules down and if they can’t abide by them then they don’t get to see your kid. You do what’s best for you and your kid.
Your child your rules. If they can’t respect that they can’t see him. You need to put your foot down. Ignore what ever crap they give you. They may be his grandparents but you are the mother and are under NO obligation to bow to their demands. You need to remind them who’s in charge in this situation.
Your healthy and the health of your children are your priority, not their wants.
It’s your child not theirs you decide
Ur children ur choice but they should understand grandparents has no rights
I understand that this must be difficult on you but think about why they be be acting that way maybe just give them a while to cope better. Do so by saying things like “I am sorry but baby and I are busy at that time, maybe next week at this time” etc.
They’re probably grieving, but that isn’t a valid excuse. Put your foot down when you feel like you have to. You’re the mom. Also, it would make me super uncomfortable for somebody who doesn’t believe in covid to have my kid. They could potentially get your son sick with that sort of mindset. Hopefully your state has no “grandparent’s rights” laws.
Honestly you owe no one anything. They will have to endure and get through their own grief without overstepping your boundaries. That’s exactly how I would state it to them.
Simply tell them your boundaries and if they want to continue to be involved in the child’s life at all then learn to respect others boundaries.
I have no issue cutting anyone off who don’t respect my wishes with MY CHILDREN!!
Frankly you need to put yourself in their shoes, if your son died laving behind a child you would want to be close to that child. They are grieving, they never thought their son would die that being said you need to tell them how you are feeling and either put your foot down or come up with a compromise. COVID is not going to go away ever, so if you wait for COVID to go away for him to see his grandparents he will never see them again. Look into natural immune system building blocks like vitamin C, vitamin D3 (the best form of D) and zinc. I do wish the age of the child was listed, are we talking about a 2 year old or a 15 year old, are they old enough to say how they feel.
I just want to say how sorry I am for this difficult time you are going through. You will make the right decision for your situation.
Your the mom. You make the rules.
Talk to them about the issue. Maybe the emptiness is filled when they’re with you and your son. Or maybe that is their way of expressing how they want yall close. Dont know the entire story but the only way to correct their verbal expressions is to hold a conversation about how you feel.
If they want to see your child then you tell them to come see you with a mask otherwise they can kick rocks. its truly that simple. You don’t have to go anywhere you don’t want to go and no one can force you. Tell them the only way they will see your child is if they follow your rules all the way and they come to you if they want to see him.
They are grieving and trying to control the situation, but be firm… don’t risk your health or the health of your children because of how they are processing the death. Maybe when they say ‘when do I get to see him today?’ You can just respond with ‘we can FaceTime at xyz’. Start controlling the situation yourself without trying to ask for their permission. It’s up to you to protect your family and assert your boundaries.
Bitch their son / grandson died and that baby is what they have left. You’re ignorant
Stand your ground and tell them how you feel! Like you said it’s your child not theirs. If you don’t set boundaries they will continue to disrespect you. Be honest and don’t feel guilty about it. You’re the parent they need to respect you.
They’re grieving. they want a connection with probably the only piece of their son they have left. I’m not saying let them walk all over you, I’m just saying keep that in mind. Set some boundaries but don’t keep the child from them. It’s completely acceptable for you to say hey I’m busy or I have plans, X day or whenever is going to work better for us, stick to it. You don’t have to be rude, sounds like they wanna see the baby enough that maybe they’ll follow those rules, they probably don’t understand your current feelings because… You know, their son just died… They’re not seeing clearly. Be nice be strong and good luck
Edit to add as far as the covid part goes be stern on that for sure, it doesn’t matter what they think if it’s real or not, you know it is they should respect you*
Just be straight up with them, work out when is good for you, and send it to them, and be open for them to see baby at other times that suit you both, they are going to be in babies life forever, so its best to keep the peace and work with them, I understand your worry, and its valid, you need to explain this to them in a kind way, not tell them they’re not seeing their grandchild, if they refuse, then they will have themselves to blame for not seeing their grandchild.
It sounds like they are trying to hold onto what family they have left. Maybe that’s their way of coping with loosing him. That being said, it’s still your child, your rules. They need to respect that
You are the mother you set the rules. Do they live nearby? If they are very controlling & will continue stressing you out maybe you can consider moving if that’s an option. Don’t feel guilty. With or without COVID, no one can dictate you when it comes to your child.
Tell them you love them and want nothing more to accommodate them but your OB/GYN has given you protocols to maintain a healthy pregnancy and you are going to abide by a professional’s advice for your health and the safety of your family. There is no discussion. It is set in stone. Write it in a loving note as well, reinforce how much you love them and sent a gift from your toddler (hand made). Tell them this is difficult on you too, express how much you want them in your lives and start calling them at certain times/ days of the week to face time.
Tell them with covid they can’t see him since they don’t take it seriously. They can FaceTime him when it’s convenient for you. If they don’t like that then oh well I get that their son just died but this child is YOURS so it’s your job to protect him.
They certainly don’t have the right to endanger a family with their careless ways, and demands during a pandemic anyway!
Wow some of these comments simmer down drama queens It has been ONE month FOUR weeks since their son DIED he’s dead he’s not coming back y’all they will never hug touch or speak to their kid again in this life. It’s still FRESH. Give them a break their over attentiveness will die down. You can address the COVID issue in other ways.
They probably feel closer to your sons father by seeing his son.
But no, put your foot down. Your babies mom.
Tell them point blank- as long as you ignore covid precautions my son will not be visiting. And I have a schedule, here is what I have avail- take it or leave it.
If They wanna fight or be jerks pay it no mind. Let them know you dont have time to hear there demands of your life right now but if they’d like to your son offer so n so time and go from there.
I wud just be explaining u have had covid 2 I dont want to risk it.
Maybe just the grandparents cud come round to urs whilst u do some jobs.
Also I wud tell them to stop demanding when u want to see him. I will let u know when I’m free
Nope. Your baby = your rules.
Flat out explain that they need to ask not tell you. You’re grieving as well.
As for the covid portion of it. Tell them ABSOLUTELY NOT. Especially because its gone like wild fire in their house . stand your ground for your child’s health and wellbeing
Keep them the fuck away from your child at all cost. Fuck that
As someone who experienced the same thing, wait a little bit and have a talk with them about when they’re going to be spending time with your child. My kids
Grandparents did the same thing and pretty much said that if they can’t have whatever time they want when they want it they will have nothing to do with the kids. It’s their loss. My children are fine. They have fried a few times but they understand that it’s not their fault. We also have grandparents rights after a parents death in my state and they haven’t instated those at all either. They know where we live, our phone numbers and where the courthouse is. We tried the nice way and got the middle finger. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this in losing your boyfriend and your child’s father.
You dont have to always accomodate them, but in many states, grandparents can sue for visitation rights in this situation. Maybe try to set some boundaries while trying to be diplomatic? That way, it probably wont progress to legalities. Im sure they are panicking about staying in the grandchilds life, as well as suffering the loss of their child. It doesnt give them the right to boss you around; but from their attitudes and what you are saying, I bet they’ve already talked to someone about their rights. God bless!
The whole COVID part of the situation is what gets me. They obviously don’t care about giving you COVID while you’re pregnant. I would set a time they could come or meet somewhere WITH a mask at your convenience otherwise they can Facetime.
Every time they don’t ask just tell them “ sorry I gave plans.” Don’t explain you don’t have to…
Send them all a message saying although there are many opinions and beliefs about
under medical and scientific advice you will not be ALLOWING anyone near you or or children unless
masked until further notice!
Don’t worry about grandparents rights at best they will get 6 suprvised visits a year because of unsafe covid practices.
Here’s some short term replies to get a break
Not today sorry too much to do
Not today sorry I m not feeling well
Not today sorry no money or fuel
Not today sorry my son is having a bad day
Not today sorry i have a headache you can face time
Not today sorry I am not feeling up to it need to rest
Sorry my doctor has told me to isolate! You can visit us electronically
YOU are in charge. You set the visitation schedule.
Don’t answer their calls. Tell them you are concerned about COVID and as such you and your child will not be visiting.
Fuck that cut the fuckers off ! If they can’t understand how serious COVID is then they don’t deserve to order u around . Send pics instead or FaceTime , some delusional people.
HELL NAH. U keep that baby and urself away from them while this covid shit is going on. They can FaceTime.
You’re going to want to watch out them trying for rights
Head to Advocates Against Grandparents’ Visitation Rights
Say no. They don’t get to treat you however they want just because he’s gone. I understand them wanting to see the baby but seeing how their household has had COVID twice, they clearly aren’t taking it seriously and using precautions. I wouldn’t want my child being exposed to it and you’re not selfish for speaking up for yourself and your baby. They either mask up and take it seriously, because it is serious, or they get to face time it is what it is.
Well considering they just lost their son I’m sure they’re more worried about losing more family to things that seemed to have been deemed less concerning lately. Many every day events or sicknesses have taken more lives than covid but aren’t a major concern because covid is the most publicized at the moment. It’s kind of a catch. I would hate to take the chance of being exposed to covid, which you can get exposed to from simple things like your groceries, but I also think of how I’d feel if I lost my child and not being able to love and hold the last physical thing in this world that’s a part of them. I would probably feel more terrified of losing that last part of him due to a car accident, choking or other every day things than I would be the covid so I know I’d personally want to hold them close as tight and as long as possible in case it ever was the last time I could.
I would not let them see the kids at the moment covid is real and if they can’t listen to you or social distance
And have had it more than once wow madness .
Now I can’t imagine how they are coping with the loss of their son . But that does give them the right to demand or be rude or not follow your rules because you are grieving too and 7 months pregnant so that is in it self super stressful time not to mention a world wide pandemic . No one can fault you for being safe you are now sadly your children’s only perant . I am so sorry for your loss
Don’t let them bully you at all you are their mother .
Tell them that your trying but they will not follow your rules or even talk to you with out it being a demand .
They have lost their manners . And understanding that its your children. You have to protect you and the baby your carrying as well as your child . Because what happens if you get sick .
I’d wish my daughters grandparents wanted to spend time with her:joy:What you have another person always wishes for. Remember that
In some states there are grandparents rights. I know in Indiana when I was going through my divorce I asked if I died would my Dad still be able to have visitation. My lawyer told me that if I passed my Dad would get the non-custodial parent’s share of time.
You lost me at grandparents should be grateful for whatever time they get.
Your child your rules,
They don’t need over night stays and they sure as hell don’t demand to see your child.
If you wanted you don’t have to let them see him at all,
And by the sounds off it I would be only letting them meet at a park and I would definitely be stopping over nights.
You don’t need to explain yourself, that is your child. Just bluntly say ‘not today, I’ll let you know when is convenient’ and leave it at that.
If they refuse to respect your boundaries, tell them they need to respect them or you just won’t involve them until they can and that includes social distancing.
If they refuse to keep your babies safe, tough, they can’t be near your babies, their health is a much bigger priority than seeing their grandparents.
Your son is the only special part of their son they have left. They are probably still grieving and might not realize how demanding they are being.
They just lost their son? I’d give it more time before you let this irritate you
They’re asking. Just aggressively. Be an adult. Make a schedule. Work together.
They just lost their son. Maybe it’s just helping them cope with life. I cant image going through this but I could definitely see wanting to be around their kids as a coping mechanism
where’s your empathy? They lost their son and would like to be involved with the child. Just be an adult and take control of the situation like you would with a kid.
“when are you bringing the baby by today?”
“we are busy today but are free xxx, let’s make plans for then”
But if they don’t follow covid, just respond with, “let’s make a time for a video chat”
This way you’re accommodating them but still protecting and setting boundaries
Is it that they are asking and your blowing them off constantly. Put yourself in their place that is all they have of their son . And it is your son’s family. I was blessed with an amazing daughter in law I would never have to beg for my grandchildren. Remember they are family also to him.
Do what you feel is safe for you and your babies. And let them know you will let them know when you feel it is safe
Grandparents should be grateful for getting to see their own grandson after their son has died? Wow saying tell me when I can see my grandson is not demanding and your not very understanding to your boyfriends parents after losing their son. Wowow you should be grateful they want to see him wow wow wow your a really hurtful person. Covid or not. Wow that’s so mean I guess your over their son eh
I would not let them be around your son at all because of their views on COVID-19 you need to protect your son and the hell with what they want.
They just lost their son. Have a little bit of compassion for that. I get the Covid issue but you sound childish and petty as hell. Meet at a park or a place that would require a mask. Don’t make your son resent you by playing Petty Betty with their link to their son.
They probably just miss their child and realize now how precious each and every moment is. Just talk with them and let them know with covid there will be no visitations. If there not face calling him you can face call them
I hope you know, that kid is half of his father. You withholding the only piece they have left of their son just because you feel you are having your privacy invaded shows more your character than the grandparents. You could have some that want absolutely nothing to do with the child… that don’t help out, I really am trying to take your feelings into consideration. However, as a mom, I can’t help but resent you for the fact you’re so selfish you’d hold a child from a family that actually loves him and wants to be apart of his life. Courts are different now, if they wanted to they could have half custody since dad passed, his rights would swing over into the place of his grandparents, either way, legally. If they want to, they can come after you for it. (The way it was worded it came off like the grandpa died and then all of a sudden was acting weird.)
Its YOUR child. YOUR rules. If they dont want to take precaution around ur child then u have to do whats best for ur childs safety. And they can ASK u when they can see the child. Ur going to have to set up some guidelines and keep to it. Otherwise theyre just gna keep pushing u and pushing u.
That’s the only thing they have left of THEIR child. You’re his mom, so ultimately everything is your decision, but I think you need to consider they lost their child and he maybe the only thing helping them right now.
I understand that their comments may sound demanding. It’s their grandchild though and if they want to see their grand baby, let them. They’re going through a hard time right now due to losing their son. If worried about Covid, meet at a park or something so you can still have distance but they can still see him.
i definitely agree with everyone saying that being with him probably makes them feel closer to their son. but at the same time, yes, we are in a pandemic, putting you at high risk, and i definitely understand you not wanting to see them especially since the whole household has had covid. i don’t think you are in the wrong either, grief and loss does not give you a free pass to ignore rules or people’s health and safety. as long as your state doesn’t have grandparents rights that they could nail you on i say that facetime is more than enough for the circumstances, unless they decide that they are going to start following the rules that you have put in place for you and your son. you’re doing great mama.
If they want to meet in a park or something with mask on then do it. If not facetime on the phone would be what they get. If they really want to see the child then they will do what they have to do to see him. If they are not willing to meet your limitis then it’s not really the child they want to see. As a grandparent, I would do whatever I was asked to do to see my grands. You are the mom and you should always do what is best for your child . Compassion is one thing, but you have lost your husband and your children have lost their father, you keep everyone safe so you don’t loose anyone else. If the grandparents won’t except that then let them go.
How would you feel If you lost your son they may want to be close to the baby as it reminds them of the son or helps them grieve or maybe there worried they will be cut out now the sons no longer here
It’s not wrong to protect your son. And I would seek legal advice on a relationship with them going forward to avoid them taking any legal action
Bub is probably a major reminder of there son and they probably crave time being able to see him, I understand it’s frustrating and especially if they are being blunt and demanding instead of asking but they may not realise thats what’s happening they are grieving too, make up a set schedule and tell them on these days you can have baby and then if they are missing him on other days face call because not only is a routine good, it gives you set days to do what you need to do on the days they have him so it might be easier for you too, I understand your grieving but try remember they are too and what it would be like for them having been the ones who raised him
I get that they just lost their son, but your son just lost his father too. Y’all need time to grieve and figure out how to move on. The last thing they should be doing, if they’re being complete maskholes, is pressuring you to bring by the baby, especially if you’re pregnant. You don’t need that stress, and you’re trying to make accommodations via FaceTime for them to see. You are your son’s protector, and need to do what’s best for him and yourself and if that means you limit contact to FaceTime, that’s what you do.
I say give them a little bit of a pass, they had a big loss and your child is their only connection to him. If they all had covid, they’re pretty much safe from getting it again. Try working on a schedule together. Good luck
No they need to respect your wishes , you are grieving just as much and they need to understand that its not just about them , you need to look after your family now… I would be saying yes you can see him whenever you want to but you come here and you wear a mask other than that you don’t see him sorry…
I know it sounds harsh but I wouldn’t allow it if that was their attitude towards me
I would say at this time due to rules you can have video contact with him
Honestly I think they are saying hey we want to be apart of his life. Maybe they are saying hey he can come over at the time on this day so it’s not awkward. I would most definitely let them see their grandson. That’s all they have left of their son. Let them be apart of that child’s life or you will forever regret it. I lost my dad at a young age and had very little contact with his side of the family. Also tell stories to him about his father even if it’s hard for you he will be grateful when he gets older.
I got covid and went into the ICU at 32 weeks pregnant and almost was intubated and was very close to an emergency c section. I didn’t think it would affect me that bad but thats the bad thing about covid. You don’t know who will get really sick and who will have a mild case. Your family and their health comes first, not pleasing others.
It doesn’t matter if they lost their son. Your son isn’t going to play as a stand in for it. They can’t disrespect you and your wishes, or demand your time or your son because they lost theirs. You’re right to be upset. If they can’t respect you or your time, then I would see them a lot less seeing as expressing yourself doesn’t work for them.
I am currently in the same situation. My sons grandparents are split up, his grandma is a blessing and has been involved and worked with me on everything thank heavens but my son grandad is exactly like what your explaining. I gave him an ultimatum, he could either take covid precautions and go by my schedule or they could get ahold of me when they grow up. (I was alot nicer and didnt use those exact words) but he got the point. You just have to be strong and stick to your guns. That is your baby and yes they are family and you want them involved but they have to think about the wellbeing and health of the child.
The loss of your boyfriend /their son has understandably made them more desperate to cherish every moment with their grandchild. I get that I do however with covid you have to do what you feel best for your child and being as upfront abt it is necessary. Do your best to include them in what you can but explain that you dont want to take chances with your son and you ate going to be a overprotective mom during these times .
First of all sorry for your loss.
Lay ground rules down. Tell them if they don’t social distance AND wear a mask they don’t see him at all. When they say it’s not real say well it’s real to me & these are the rules. If you want to see him it’s the way it is. If they continue demanding stop answering your phone, messages.
If they can’t respect your wishes of trying to be safe, I wouldn’t let them see him. I get they just lost their son but I’m not about to possibly lose my own son cause they don’t wanna be safe. I’m not gonna lose the last thing alive that was a part of his dad. They’re not the only ones that lost him. You lost him too. My kids are everything to me and I’d keep them safe, doesn’t matter who doesn’t like it
Losing someone does not give them the right to disrespect and trample all over you. Do not let ANYONE make you feel like you have to put up with that just because they are hurting right now. Set the boundaries straight from now on. Do not go back on them. I’m so tired of people acting like you have to let someone treat you poorly because you feel bad for them. You can feel terribly for someone and still hold healthy boundaries without being a bad person.
just here to say I’m sorry for your loss. I pray things get better for you. trust your gut. they’ll come to understand
No one had been in our home since March and we haven’t been in anyone else’s. I’m not risking my families health, and I’m currently pregnant. I even took a year of unpaid leave from work. Stick to your guns.
Be thankful they want something to do with him. My children’s grandmother wants nothing to do with her grandchildren since her son passed! They look just like their father. I don’t stop anyone from seeing them, but I ain’t going out my way either
You’re not wrong. You offered video calls and they aren’t doing them. You asked them to wear a mask and they won’t. That’s on them not you. If they can’t respect your boundaries especially while pregnant that’s on them.
Your kids your rules
Your baby your rules. End of story
Losing thier son is so raw still. They want to hang on to the last piece of him they have. But i think there needs to be some boundaries in place… Maybe ask if they would like to have him 1 night a fortnight, gives you a bitbof a break and some 1 on 1 with them… also maybe ask if they can babysit while you give birth to the next baby? They probably just want to feel included and not forgotten. Invite them out to public places like "sorry we have plans on tuesday, but would you like to meet us at the library for an hour?
That way you are there and able to be there but they still see the child. Its a win win.
I cant imagine how hard it is for them all to lose their son/brother or how hard it is for you son to lose his daddy. But dont work against each other. They sound like loving grandparents who just want ro be included to me but are unsure or acared they’ll be pushed out
Stand your ground. Keep telling them your concerns regarding COVID and mask wearing. You got this.
And I’m so sorry for your loss.
Set some ground rules with reasons behind them. They need to respect the fact that you are in charge of his time. At the same time people remember they are grieving the lose of their son and you have a tangible piece of him.
Sorry for your loss. With everything going on with covid I would say no. You need to protect yourself and babies. If they wont wear a mask then tough
I’m having trouble with the fact that they only saw your child when it was convenient for them before their son died. Your child is not theirs and they do not get to make demands of you. Yes, the loss of their son is devastating, but that doesn’t mean that they get to do what ever they want when it comes to your son. If they can’t respect your wishes, they can’t see him. They’ll learn that you’re his mother and you make the decisions.
“Yea, sorry, that’s not gonna work for me”. The only reason I’m not just suggesting “No” (which is a full sentence btw) is because sometimes it takes a bit to get comfortable with that.
They have legal right. If they have any kind of money, you do not want to go down that road. Why would you deprive your child anyways from seeing the grandparents? You are doing nothing but hurting that child.
God I hope my kids don’t grow up and reproduce with someone like you
Sounds more to me like you are the controlling one and get off on making sure the grandparents know you’re running the show. I’ll never understand people who can’t just be grateful for grandparents that want to be involved and actually love and want to spend time with their grandchildren! I buried my dad yesterday. I buried my mom 2.5 years ago. My kids only living grandparents are 75 and 80 years old and it breaks their hearts they can’t do more with their great grandkids. Let your child make memories with his grandparents before they’re gone and the chance has slipped away. Go get your nails done and let them babysit. If Covid is keeping you from the nail salon, let them babysit while you go home and watch a movie and catch a nap! Or clean your house because we all know cleaning with a toddler is like brushing your teeth with a mouth full of Oreos. Or don’t. Whatever.
I’m going to be honest here, I think your grief is clouding your judgement, they may be asking more or more insistent…but that’s not the same as demanding.
It’s important to remember that even though you lost your boyfriend…they lost their child. Your child, is their child’s child. Their grandchild.
It sounds as though they’re afraid you’re going to shut them out of their grandchild’s life, and given what you’ve written it sounds like this isn’t a baseless concern.
And as someone else mentioned under these circumstances they can take this to court for grandparents rights to get court ordered visitation.
not respectful at all…my oldest son and his ex have a 7mo old.i dont bug her or demand to see my grandson i wait for her to ask if she needs me or his dad to pick him up.its out of knows she can call on me whenever or when she has a vehicle knows she can drop him off…some ppl just have no clue.never apologize for putting your childs safety first💕
If they are those types “it’s not a real thing” then they are not being cautious and don’t care about anyone else around them. Just be upfront and tell them you may not care but I’m pregnant and we are social distancing in my household. Your kid, your rules.
Do not expose your children to this virus esp the unborn one. Tell them you are concerned about the pregnancy as pregnant women and their babies don’t do well with covid. And then tell them when a visit works for you if and only if they mask up.
You do what you think is best your child