My brother in law constantly eats my toddlers food!

Wow food is nothing to die on the hill for.

He’s grown: tell him to move out.

Everything else (no job, whatever) is not your problem. He is GROWN.

Why would you leave them in the oven for hours even if it isn’t on it needs to be refrigerated

I’d punch my brother in his face but thats probably not the right answer🤷‍♀️

Does he live with you? If so evict him. If not don’t let him come over any more. What does your husband say about it?

Put a lock on a cabinet. He has no regard for how you feel.

Tell your husband to kick his butt out . Unless you live in his house or your in-laws . Put a small refrigerator in your bedroom. Keep your bedroom door locked . A friend of mine had to do that because of her son . I put a tow chain and padlock on my fridge doors at night . My son would get up and drink 13 Pepsis in the middle of the night on my husband. I bought him his own soda sugar and caffeine free under doctors orders . He was and still is diabetic

Toss his butt out! What a piglet

Kick him out :woman_facepalming: why leave food in the oven for hours???

Kick him out! Do what’s best for your daughter. This is your problem only you can stop it.

Kick him out!! If you’ve already asked him not to then he clearly doesn’t respect you. Make him leave!


Does he live with u or just comes by? Can he buy his own food? That’s kinda weird that he’s using her plates and bowls, that’s really weird in my opinion. Not saying what I really wanna say but is there some creepy fetish there ?? Don’t come at me, I’m just saying my thoughts, cuz who does that ??!! Using her utensils and all, what’s next, sniffing her clothes ?? I’m sorry, this man needs to go. That’s creepy. Kick him out, doesn’t matter any other situation, that’s just plain weird and creepy. If u think I’m wrong for saying this, there are sick people in this world we need to protect our children from and more times than often it’s a relative.

Why are you on here, obviously there is NO COMMUNICATION with your partner…kick the brother in law out.

Kick him out kick him out !

Kick his ass to the Curb , he’s a pig , lowlife , no respect for anyone ,anything

Kick him out. If you can’t, move. That’s ridiculous

His brother should put him in his place. Or he’s no man. Plus, who takes from a child? Garbage :wastebasket: that’s who!

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I would get the ball rolling on legally evicting him. :woman_shrugging:t2: Sure, it may sound drastic to some folks, however, OPs boundaries are fairly simple and not hard to respect.

Click bait you need to stop

Just kick him the hell out, or don’t let him come over. That is weird as hell.

Went through something similar! Sorry you’re dealing with that!!

This is half the reason why we kicked some family out a few years ago. We specifically told them that certain snacks and foods were off limits because they were our son’s. They were only here for 2 weeks and we spent 5x the money we normally did on food. Just for 3 extra people. Thankfully we still had money left over from moving in but we used the bulk of it on just food while they were here.


Sounds like a mental health/childhood issue. When my daughter was about two, my mom created a beautiful pink ‘baby’ room with all things nursery and little girl themed. All little girl style bed, toys, etc.

Anyway, my teenage nephew would start eating her puffs and yogart snacks and any other child snacks. He would also play with her baby blocks and other non-teenage toys. Eventually when they all started staying overnight…he would sleep in the ‘baby room’.
He basically took over that room and it got so messy that we couldn’t enjoy it when we visited. My mom doesn’t even buy special snacks for my girl anymore because those things are too expensive to be gulped down in two seconds by a teenager.

So, I can only assume it’s some form of jealousy or subconsciously wishing to be a very young child again. Do you know about his upbringing as a little kid? I know my nephew was often neglected at home and passed around to stay with older reletives when he was little. It could be that with your brother in law. Just a thought.

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I’m honestly shocked at how many people are attacking YOU for this.
FOOD IS EXPENSIVE. My SO and I have fought because he throws left overs away. If I get my daughter something to eat, cook or fast food, no one better touch it. That’s unbelievably rude and honestly slightly weird that he seeks it out even when you tell him not to. Does he live with you?? I’d be throwing a fit too. Make a scene if he isn’t taking " hey please don’t do that"
Start asking him for money for half of whatever it is.

U can’t make nuggets then leave them for hours to reheat :woman_facepalming: maybe just do her enough nuggets u know she will eat and then if she’s still hungry maybe put her a few more on but I don’t think the issue is with the food u have an issue with him being there maybe tell him or tell ur husband to talk to him

Honestly, I take an issue with this when they have snacks or drinks. I also don’t like it when people steal off her plate.

But I’ll be honest, half my daily intake is finishing off the food she decided she didn’t want. I hate food waste, so I’ll eat it.

If she’s hungry later I’ll just make her something fresh.

She also has a million cups, bowls and plates. If I don’t feel like washing a big plate and I’m just having a sandwich I’ll use one of hers. Some of them she gets upset, so those are only used by her, and always avaliable for her to use if she wants.

Idk, left over food is one thing. I don’t like when I just buy school snacks and they’re already half gone in one day cause an adult decides to be a pig.

Ew how creepy!!! That is so so weird even dogs can be trained not to do that

Why is he allowed in your house if he keeps doing this. I sure as f* know if my husbands brother did this my brother would tell him once and he would listen if not be not allowed over

Have your spouse talk to them! It’s their brother. They need to bring the heat down and be like “if you touch my child’s food again we’re gonna have a big problem”

Accidentally once, fine tell him to stop and they do.

Repeatedly doing it despite being told and asked to stop? He needs a hard check.

Your husband should handle it honestly

Tell someone it’s either him or you and mean it

Don’t let him in your house.

if he can’t be respectful, then stop allowing him around :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

Evict his ass or give him a bill every time he eats that childs food :person_shrugging:

If you’ve come to him repeatedly and he still refuses, then fuck em :person_shrugging:

He is doing it to piss you off. He is also jealous of your daughter. I would tell him it’s time to be getting a place of your own.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:,i thinks he wants to be born again :sweat_smile: