My C-Section Scar Hurts When I Cough: Is This Normal?


Question for those mommas who had a C-section:

My daughter is 3.5 now, and just recently, within the last 6-8 months, I’ve noticed that anytime I cough (or even sometimes when I sneeze), my stomach muscles right above my scar tense up and it almost feels like a Charlie Horse.

I legit have to walk around and massage my stomach to get it to finally stop. Has this happened to anybody else? Or am I crazy?"

RELATED QUESTION: I am struggling with my self-image after having a c-section scar: Advice?


“Mine is numb and itches sometimes and I’ve had quick sharp pains before. Nothing that lasted more than one or two seconds and it’s been 13 years. I would definitely get it checked.”

“I’d ask your doctor about it. I’ve had two, my first one 10 years ago and my 2nd one 3 years ago. Even after my first, it stayed tender for years. They also had to go in and remove scar tissue that built up after 3 years with my first one because the pain got so bad.”

“Mine is numb out to a couple CM top and bottom. No pain ever. I’ve had two. 10 years ago and 2 years ago.”

“I’ve had two c sections, the last one was in February of 2019. This happens to me too. It’s awful! It takes my breath away & takes a while to go away. I also have to walk around.”

“Mine isn’t above the scar but like right where the scar is. Sometimes the pain lasts a few seconds, sometimes a solid minute. But never longer than that. It’s like a stabbing and cramping sort of pain all at once.”

“Mine feels numb after nearly four years unless I cough, and I spoke to the doctor and he said it’s just the muscles pulling. Some people apparently use their stomach muscles more than others when coughing and it’s really bloody sore sometimes lol but I wouldn’t be too worried about it unless it gets so bad you can’t deal with the pain.”

“My son is 15 and mine still has pain that shoots through it. It’s also numb 90% of the time. I got cut up and down. Not bikini.”

“Mine still feels numb or feels being ripped apart when I carry heavy stuff, when I’m overly exhausted or when I stand for long periods of time. I had mine 5 years ago.”

“It could be a hernia. Talk to you doctor.”

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Mine still hurts 8 years later. It’s normal for most of us.

Not for me, maybe ask your doctor when you have your next visit

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This happened to me too.

Mines just numb :confused: i think it depends on how you were cut? I would talk with your doc. (My scar is about 3 years old)

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My son is almost 4 and mine still is tender and itches sometimes

That sounds like a hernia

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My son is 15 and mine still has pain that shoots through it. It’s also numb 90% of the time. I got cut up and down. Not bikini.

Mine is numb and itches sometimes and I’ve had quick sharp pains before. Nothing that lasted more then one or two seconds and it’s been 13 years. I would definitely get it checked.


I’ve had two c sections, last one was in February of 2019. This happens to me too. It’s awful! It takes me breath away & takes awhile to go away. I also have to walk around.

Scar tissue? There’s a condition that develops sometimes after surgery… adhesions I think is what it’s called, should bring it up to doc.

This happened to me. It was a hernia.


I’d ask your doctor about it. . I’ve had two, my first one 10years ago and my 2nd one 3 years ago. . Even after my first it stayed tender for years. They also had to go in an remove scar tissue that build up after 3 years with my first one because the pain got so bad.

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I haven’t had a section but I’ve had my gallbladder removed and have a small hernia that hurts when I cough at one of the incision spots. Its highly recommended you get checked out cause you could pinch the hernia and cause other issues especially if it’s hurting

Mine still hurt tome to time after 7 years now had another after 7 years and hasn’t gone away hell be 6 months soon

Ive had 3…
19, 18, and 11 years ago and it still hurts… laughing, coughing, rolling over in bed… its scar tissue and adhesions… my whole stomach is also numb. If you pinch my stomach in certain spots, i dont even feel it


That sounds like a hernia.

Go get checked for a hernia.

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Mine is numb out to a couple CM top and bottom. No pain ever. I’ve had two. 10 years ago and 2 years ago.

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I’ve had 2 c sections and my stomach is still numb and I still get sharp pains when I cough really hard or move a certain way.

Hernia, mine flairs up when I’m on my period. Mine often feels like the scar has torn.

It’s been 3 and a half years since my c section and it still hurts on the inside sometimes if i stretch wrong or sneeze but on the outside it’s still numb

My kids are 1 & 5 & I had a really bad cough like 3 months ago & had to go to the er for pain right above my c section scar. Turns out I had a hernia from coughing so hard.

Mine still feels numb or feels being ripped apart when I carry heavy stuff, when I’m overly exhausted or when I stand for long periods of time. I had mine 5 yrs ago.

I dont have a c section scar but I DO have an appendectomy scar. edit to add: on my right side about 4 inches long… so much smaller than a c section scar! however I got it in 07 and every now and then it feels tight and I have pain on the inside, like the scar tissue is being pulled or something. :confounded: sort of like a Charlie horse, yeah! I think its pretty common but not necessarily normal. would have it checked if you can.

my youngest is 11 and god help me if I’m in the wrong position and cough. agonising pain! only lasts a little while but mannnn

Adhesions from healing of the cut. Ultrasound will pick it up.

Mine isn’t above the scar but like right where the scar is. Sometimes the pain lasts a few seconds, sometimes a solid minute. But never longer than that. It’s like a stabbing and cramping sort of pain all at once. :woman_shrugging:t2: My c section kiddo turned 7a couple months ago.

I dont have a c sec scar but I do jave 1 from a splenectomy and have the same problem, it’s just the scar tissue cramping

I didn’t have a c-section but I have a friend who did and shyer complained to her doctor about a similar feeling. He told her it was from scar tissue that had adhered to her abdominal muscles. The scar tissue had to be surgically released. But I would look into massage first.

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My kids are 19 and 16 and this happens to me all of the time. It has gotten worse over the years. I had two c-sections.

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Scar tissue. I’ve had 4 c-sections and didn’t know what was going on until my last pregnancy.

I have this problem when I cough real hard, however I had my children naturally. So the only thing that helps if I breathe in deep and somehow it releases. I don’t know why it’s happening?

My youngest is 9 and mine still does it when I cough or sneeze. Dr says it’s scar tissue

My hernia scar from 60 years ago does same thing…but not bad…more so when I sneeze

I got muscle spasms for years.

Yea I agree with Penny Lawson it’s probably the scar tissue that attached itself. If not might want to be checked for hernia.

It sounds like attached scar tissue. It may need to be surgically repaired however, I would try going to a physiotherspist first. We can do laser treatments or ultrasound/sonic treatments to help reduce the scar tissue and to help stimulate your muscles. It’s all painless. Massage and vitamin E cream will also help.

Go outdoors and ground for pain relief. Try listening to solfeggio 9 frequencies on youtube. Watch this itll help.

I’ve had 2 csections twins 15 yrs ago and my oldest is 18. My scar still hurts if I do a big arms up stretch or if I’m leaning forward then stand up. And my scar is numb to the touch.

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3.5 months or yrs? My son 7 yr on Halloween an my scar still kills me from time to time. Stress, tension, or my son cries. Nerve endings coming back alive is at it is (I had back surgery an my spinfused neck to tailbone hence c back was 16 yrs ago an my nerve endings are coming alive after all these yrs

I’ve had 3 c sections and mine sometimes hurts when I sneeze or cough too. Your not crazy. My last c-section was almost 9 years ago.

I’ve had 3 c-sections, my last one was 4 years ago and I have no feeling around that area except the occasional ache for some odd reason.

Mine still does this after 3 csections sometimes it happens just sitting to long

Mine still hurts from time to time. I had 2 c sections. 30 yrs ago / 27yrs ago

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I had 2 csections. My last one was 2 years ago and my underwear sometimes irritates my section line. And some times, (the only way I can describe it is) it feels like I have stitches and they are being tightened. :deaf_person:t3:

Mine feels numb after nearly four years unless I cough and I spoke to the doctor and he said it’s just the muscles pulling some people apparently use there stomach muscles more than others when coughing and it’s really bloody sore sometimes lol but I wouldn’t be too worried about it unless it gets so bad u can’t deal with the pain x

I had a c section and a hernia. I’d get checked for a hernia. Call your doctor when you can.

I had a c section nearly 18 years since and its still hurts if I sneeze too hard :see_no_evil:

My pain came from a build up of scar tissue (keloids). An experienced massage therapist can help!