My child cries every time they have to go to their dads house: Advice?

Do anybody else’s kids cry when they have to go to their dad’s house? Like my kid will legitimately cry tears when he has to leave to his dad’s, and it makes me sad and concerned every time, but whenever I ask him does anything happen over there, he tells me no. But I’m thinking maybe he hated leaving me. He will always go I don’t wanna leave my mommy and if he doesn’t give me a hug and a kiss he will freak out even more! But I’m wondering does anybody else’s kids do that?


Well not to freak anyone out, but personal experience, my son did this for months and it turns out that his father was molesting him every time he went over there and so was his girlfriend. Sit him down and see if he will tell you why he doesn’t like going to his dads house. It took a few times of me asking before my son finally told me the truth. Hopefully this isn’t the case for you but it won’t hurt to ask why


Mine does… she loves her dad, but the divorce has been hard on her… she is with me more so when she does go she gets sad and says I miss mommy with daddy​:pleading_face: breaks my :heart:

My duaghter everytime I take her to her moms it huets my heart


My husband and I raised our first grandchild till the age of 2 an a half. He’s back with his mom now and 4 yrs old but EVERYSINGLE time he stays with us which is 3 days a week he screams when we have to take him to his mom. Not little cries, screams I not go to mamas I stay with nana. It’s always stressed me but once he’s there and I leave he’s fine. Breaks my heart everytime though

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I was like this as a kid. I just liked being with my mom. I was a total mommas girl. Once I got over my mom leaving it was fine! I absolutely loved spending time with my dad. I think it’s just hard for tiny humans to really grasp what’s going on.


My girls cry everytime they have to go to their dads… it hurts my heart so bad…

Could be that he misses you or not. You could always take to a counselor if your worried its more.

My almost 4 year old son has cried almost every time since we started 50/50. It started full in sept this year and he did 1 day and every other weekend and he still cried then. I think with ours its separation anxiety but ive also heard his dad doesn’t pay much attention to him and he’s always been a mamas boy. But yes, if they are vocal ask why they dont want to go and what’s going on. He sends me snaps. Its hard on little ones. Sorry I know the feeling

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My boys were like this . at dads they did everything themselves and at moms they are kids clean in an environment that is scheduled and structured. He no longer takes them and my kids dont ask. Prayers for your little one ive been there and its heartbreaking

Mine did a few times when he was little. But he’s a mamas boy. Even now, he will be 10 on the 25th, and he still doesn’t like being away from me over night. To go play during the day is fine but towards night he wants to go home. They only way to get him to stay overnight with his grandpa or aunt or anyone is i have to send one of my blankets that smells like me with him and he has to have his phone so he can call me whenever he wants.


Yes! Every single time for the past 2 years lol kicks, screams, cries and then she’s fine. She’s never cried coming back to see me except once and it was a happy cry :sob:

Split households are hard on all kids, but little kids just want their mommy. It’s normal. I still cry every time she has to go, but it’ll be okay.

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Mine do, but nothing bad. Our houses just operate differently :woman_shrugging:t2: they are used to seeing me Mon-Fri so when they go to days it’s a solid 36-48hours since they see me next

I can remember being little and doing this to my mom. Sometimes it’s just the fear of change. You are your babies safe place

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My grandkids are 2 and 3 they scream when I do the exchange with their mom and they cry when I turn down the street to go to their dads house. I think they just love having fun with me. Kids are finicky sometimes. It doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong. I mean check for obvious red flags and maybe talk to his dad. Maybe you can discuss some of your sons favorite activities that could make the switch between parents less stressful.

My girls did after the divorce. Didnt last long. They were mommas girls and just didnt want to leave me. They are. Ow 11 and 12 and perfectly fine. It’s normal. Doesnt mean anything is happening or wrong

Could be something or it could be nothing :woman_shrugging:t4: you know your child better then anyone if you believe what he’s telling you about nothing going on then it’s probably nothing… but if you don’t believe he’s being truthful try to get to the bottom of it

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My son does this every time. But he only sees his dad one weekend a month if that. He always has fun. My son is 4.5yrs and a mamas boy all the way. He is by my side no matter what i do. When he says he doesnt want to go i always hug him real tight and tell him i know. But its not fair to daddy to keep you all to myself.

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Consider family therapy to try to work out what the issue is

I would ask him to send you a photo or video to make sure everything is okay. Kids do this at daycare also and than they are completely fine 5 min later. :slightly_smiling_face: hope all gets better x

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My son pretty much did that growing up. I was always in his life his dad wasn’t as much as me of course. He stopped around 6 or so give or take. He would tell me he would stay up all night crying for me and no one knew. I don’t believe anything ever happened he is 10 now and still sees his dad once a week. But he would just be really sad to leave me

My 5 year old stepson does this when we go to pick him up from his moms. Just found out from talking with him about it that it’s because he doesn’t have cool stuff at our house like he does at his mom’s house. He has his own tv in his room at his mom’s, not with us. He has his own Nintendo switch with his mom, we don’t have video games at our house. :frowning: we have tons of toys though and we try to go out and do things every weekend but it’s not the same and he just cries and cries until we get him home and then he’s fine.

My grandson hated it but my granddaughter was fine with it, he would literally hang on the stairs rail it would make me and my daughter sad but he finally got over it

Yes, mine do that too! Mine say it’s because their dad doesn’t care about them because he spends more time with his wife and step kids than our children.

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I have 2 boys who have diagnosed anxiety a therapist could help you see if that’s the case, figure out what kind (as there’re different types) maybe what’s causing and come up with a plan to manage it. Also you could ask him straight up what would make visits easier, like my 6yr needs lots of comfort items and my 10yr has just started anti-anxiety meds (no hate please I’m sharing my opinion/experience not asking for it) after trying many other coping mechanisms. Best of luck mumma.

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My youngest (3) recently started doing this! It breaks my heart leaving her there knowing she just wants me. But everytime I pick her back up shes happy and in a good mood and says she had fun.

Boys are mamas boys no matter how old they are he might be scared you might not come back reassure him kids get confused routine will kick in

Put him in counseling ASAP. He could be afraid to tell you things because it would hurt you.

Separation is hard for some kids.
Is he old enough to have a phone to take with so he feels he can access you more?

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Don’t make him go if he doesn’t want to. Something could very well be happening over there. His mind can also force him to forget and suppress it. Never make kids go where they don’t feel comfortable


Does he cry when left at grandparents house or daycare, or any other time that you have to leave him? That would be I think a good way to narrow down whether it is separation anxiety or if something is happening at his dads.


My son used to cry everytime he had to leave to dads bit now he cries everytime he has to come back :rofl::rofl:


If kids are crying… then there might be some kind of abuse happening or it’s just separation anxiety.

My son does and he lives with his dad. :woman_shrugging:t4: Cries and tells his dad he doesn’t want to live with him but won’t tell me why. Every single time I ask him to get in the car he says “don’t take me to dad’s” and I have to lie and tell him we are getting gas or he won’t get in the car or he will beg the whole way trying to convince me not to take him there. He hasn’t said he’s being hurt but he won’t say why either, I hope it’s just because he misses me.

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Talk to his dad if you have a decent relationship with him. Share your concerns so you can work together to make it easier for him. It’s got to be tiring for dad and him

Something to seriously question.


My mom said I did the same thing. They got a divorce before I turned 1 and I stopped going at age 13.

Yes mine did. He even climbed out his dads car window while his dad was still parking and ran to me. It takes time but your child will adjust.

Hopefully it’s just separation anxiety. I’m sure u can buy a little camera necklace or something if your concerned.


It’s hard to say. I used be so anxious to go to my dad’s house. I found him pretty scary.


My daughter used to do that when she was very little and she would also make herself throw up… I found out she was being abused by her donor his skank and her own grandmother (his mom) so please be careful


My grandson did that evey time he had to go to his mom’s house…he would completely loose his shit, from age 4 to about age 7 the boy would loose his mind. His dad was his ONLY stability as mom walked out when he was 3.


My bonus daughter, who is 6, will throw the biggest fit, crying and trying to climb out of the car when she goes to her moms house, but at the same point she cries to the same extent when we pick her up to bring her home. I mean full on hyperventilating, tears, begging not to go… it all comes down to her knowing she’s going to be missing the parent she’s not with at the time.


It’s tough. It’s stressful. They want to feel loyal to both of you. Try asking questions like tell me about what y’all had for dinner. Did you tell your dad about… I ask my kids if they have any plans for their weekend at their dads that they know of. Then I make some suggestions… maybe y’all can walk around and look at Christmas lights, etc.

On a daily basis I ask my kids… tell me something that made you laugh today… tell me something you didn’t really like… tell me something you could do different tomorrow. It sparks a lot of conversation


My daughter does this everytime. Its been 2 years and she is now 4. She cries at daycare when i drop her off even on the days she knows he will be the one picking her up. She says she justw ants me when I ask her why she cries. When he picks her up at my house she runs away screams you name it. It still breaks my heart but i know he is good to her and she enjoys her time there once she is there. Its rough i know how you feel.

Stop being dramatic and looking for an excuse for your unfinished emotional drama! Let the kid see his father! Damn. Sick of women like you, and no…I don’t have a baby daddy! I’ve been married for 20 years and I’m sick of seeing girls like you looking for trouble! Get over yourself and coparent properly.


Yup. It’s normal especially in split homes. Take it day by day.

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I was like this when i was little,actually even as a teen.i had separation anxiety.not sure how old he is, but mine started at the age of three I could not go to daycare or preschool and when I started school I had a really hard time and would make phone calls home to my mom and I could never stay at someone’s house all night I would cry and throw up uncontrollably

It even continued until I was about 16 I of course stop throwing up the older I got

My fiancé’s daughter is 8 and does this when it’s time to go to her moms. She’s done this since I’ve known her. So since she was 3. But I guess she does it when she’s with her mom too. :woman_shrugging:t3:

My daughter used to cry to go with anyone besides me, but she’d cry a couple minutes and be fine…so it is normal, however that doesn’t mean let your guard down…if she cries to go but doesn’t let on that anything else is wrong then when she does it give it 5 min and call just to see how she acts once she’s away from you

I would investigate. Send him over there with a teddy bear with a camera in it. Unless he’s just a really bad momma’s boy.


I’m not a child psychologist, not a doctor, nor do I know anything about you or your family so all judgments aside.

Could this just simply be a case of separation anxiety.


He may just have separation anxiety. Give him some time to adjust.

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My husband and I are happily in a relationship and my daughter cries to her dad every time he leaves to go to work, the store, the garage etc. and has to stay with me. Even at bedtime when he goes to bed before I do, my daughter cries thinking he’s leaving her behind so I’m thinking your son is just mourning his time with you during his transition to his dads and that’s why he cries. I don’t have any advice on handling the sadness it causes though

I’m not saying this is everyone’s experience but I used to do this as a kid leaving my dads house on the weekends but it was because I knew I had school, chores, and a bunch of responsibilities at home where as at my dads I go to play and eat whatever food I wanted and watch tv till I passed out. I was young and got over it when I was older. Like I said that was me. I’m not your child so i dont know.

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My bonus son would do this when he came to our house. Mom was doing what she could to make him scared of coming. Not saying that’s the case just what happened at ours. It was when she started to alienate him from us. Now he is 13 and his mother sent him to us for 5 weeks instead of the 1 that’s in the Court Order because he asks to come. He was an extreme mommy’s boy because she was hardly home and spent all her time at home with her older daughter.

My oldest son has some speach delays and he talks very soft at time. His dad has a hard time understanding him sometimes. When I ask him or his dad asks him if he wants to go to the store or somewhere with him by themselves he starts crying. He cries because he is nervous and has alot of anxiety. Then other times he debates if he wants to go and sometimes cries then wipes his eyes and goes. He always has fun he just is always with Mom and use to it. It could be an anxious then for your son as well. My son has improved some.

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My oldest has anxiety when he knows it dads weekend…

Sounds sketchy af go to professionals maybe something could be happening I’d just have to not send my kid tf we don’t force our will on people no matter what


My daughter is 13 and still does it sometimes. I think it’s a hard transition for kids and if you can communicate with them and the other parent well, it’ll end up okay. All depends on your situation and what you know about your child, the other parent, etc.

did someone report a comment by a Savannah Sumpter?? because she is in my inbox harassing me and accusing me and i have no idea what she’s on about

My twins did this for a long time, I chalked it up to seperation anxiety because the visits to their dad werent very regular, he went almost a year without seeing them and I modified his cs, well he decided he was going to file for custody so he didnt have to pay. When I told my twins they would have to see their dad again they went absolutely nuts, crying their eyes out, they confessed to their older sibling some things that were going on, then the police got involved and they started seeing a child advocate counselor…needless to say they were being abused by their bio dad, step mom and her son. So although it does happen that sometimes its just seperation anxiety…it could very well be something else. Dont just ignore it!!!


If I knew more about your child, I could possibly help. From experience, a child will say nothing happens even though something might. I’m not saying this is the same for you. It could very well be that your child does not want to leave you. Having parents in differnt homes is hard on child especially if they are young. Ask your child a lot of questions. Everything you want to know. What they did over the weekend, who came over, did you miss me, what would make it easier. Maybe make a small pillow or blanket out your old t shirts so that your child has something of yours to feel more comfortable. If you notice something odd always remember you can have an officer do a welfare check while your child is at the other parents. It can be anonymous so that tension doesn’t build. I’m just throwing different things out there; for I have no details other than your child cries.

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Kids do when leaving both mam and dad’s houses most times with both parents…all my 4 kids done it and now I see my grandchild doing it… He roars coming to his daddy (my son) and when we are taking him back to his mammy he roars leaving his daddy… Kids don’t like to leave either parent…

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Sounds like separation anxiety my daughter was like this as hard as it is if it’s at your house maybe meet at a macca’s or park

My firstborn displayed wicked bad anxiety when it was time to go somewhere else. Some kids have a hard time with transitions but it’s perfectly normal.

What I can offer is that when we had to go somewhere I would tell him, “in x min we have to clean up. In x min we gotta go to x.” And we would count down the minutes to prepare him.

It sounds like separation anxiety honestly. I had it as a kid and I remember one point crying and chasing after my mom after she left. She left me with my aunt who was great to us, like my second mom. I just didn’t want to be away from my mom.

My kids both do this when they go to their dads. I think it’s a comfort thing and just wanting to be with their mom… my partners daughter also always wants to go back with her mom when she’s with us… again a comfort thing I would assume. Looking back if my parents were separated I would definitely want to be with my mom all the time… not because I hated my dad but because of her motherly comfort❤️ I think it also would be where they have more fun probably.

Aww :cry: poor thing. You must be a loving mother. He will come to love being with his dad just as much, it’s just a security/age thing.

My niece is almost 2 and sometimes I help my brother by picking her up and the poor thing cries every time. But long story short baby momma kept my niece away from my brother and has been making it extremely difficult for my brother to have a relationship with his daughter so I think that has something to do with it. But typically in a few minutes she is fine and gets settled in. Also it’s mom, and children have a special bond with mom. It could be separation anxiety.

have you asked dad if he does the same when returning to you. Some just hate I separation…some have to adjust still.

My kids did this around the age of 4-5 they just had some separation anxiety from leaving me.

Send a shirt or sweater you’ve worn with him, separation anxiety is real and also maybe let him know mommy is safe and ok while you have fun visiting daddy. Little boys especially worry about their mamas and feel extremely protective

My son used to do this. Took 3 yrs to stop. He’ll still tell me he doesn’t want to go tho. Breaks my heart.

My sons were worried about ME. When they thought I was home missing them and sad while they were with their dad, they didn’t want to go and didn’t enjoy it. When I told them what I did or had to do they felt a bit better about leaving mom. Only you know what’s right for your babies but they are tiny humans and they worry just like you. Good luck mama, I know it’s hard to go through.

How is he after your gone? Does he calm down and he’s ok after you leave? Maybe have his dad take some random videos of him so you can see.

Or maybe your are coddling him to much I got some neighbor kids that were monsters before they got their meds right and Im not understating nothing

My step daughter does this when it’s her fathers week to take her(they do week on week off). I think the reason she does it though is we just recently started doing it this way and she’s not used to seeing us all the time.

I would be checking out dad some that right

Sounds like separation anxiety

My son did that up until 6 months ago
He’s almost 8

He only started going to his dads again after 3 years of not going there a year ago. But he did this before when he was a toddler too.
I think it gets easier as they age.

We came up with a safe word for him. So if he’s ever there and just NEEDS to come home (just because he’s sad, nothing ever happens). He can call me and say the safe word and I’ll go get him no matter what. It made him more comfortable being there, knowing he could come home. And he’s never even used the word. That helped a lot

It would of been helpful if you would of added the age of the child

I would do this as a kid (and I would pee the bed every night before I had to go) because my father was extremely neglectful of me and left me with my uncle 90% of the time. He said he would be going to get coffee around 7 or 8 in the morning and not be home until supper time. As a result, I played at my cousin’s a lot. They were just down the road and fed me a lot, even clothed me sometimes while I was there. Yet when my mom asked what was wrong, I said nothing, because I didn’t want to not go there anymore because of the slight chance he may actually say"Hey kiddo, I got the whole day free, what do you wanna do?" Instead of taking off.

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Ask questions because you just never know and I found out the hard way!

That is why parents don’t try hard enough to keep family together, they start having kids before they know what love is and they end up screwing being a family. Messing up the kids life is wrong just for your pleasure because you are not grown up for responsibility


Maybe just a seperation thing especially if he gets to dads and it fine. Maybe do something to help encourage him to go buy some cookies to send with him to cook with dad and decorate or a Lego kit for him and dad to build together talk to dad see if he has any plans for the weekend and if he does hype it dads going to take you here and it going to be so much fun. Ect

One of my daughters did that every single time he would even set foot into the house because she knew she had to go with him. After 4 months of that it stopped. I knew she just wanted to be with me that was all. But yeah she would cry and scream and scream the whole time we put her in the car but once she finally got used to going and started to actually have a routine of going it took a while but now she enjoys going.

Completely normal…theyll get used to it and stop. Juat keep doing the visits.

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My son did it when he was younger and would go with his bio mom. He is very attached to my husband (his bio dad) and since they split before he was even 2, he’s been primarily with dad. Now he’s 6 and has gotten so much better about handling the back and forth rotation.

Its pretty normal. As long as the child isn’t showing signs of abuse or neglect when they come home and they come home in a good mood they’re fine. Its separation anxiety probably because you have more custody of the child so its feels strange to them to go to dads. Just like when you take a kiddo into preschool for the first time. Try to get them excited about going to dad’s house and talk about how much fun they’ll have and it will help. :purple_heart:

Maybe try to build up to it everytime. Make him excited to go for a few days. Let him see that it’s a good thing (if it really is) and get him a travel buddy. Something he takes from your house to dad’s house. If it’s an older child, help make up stories with the travel buddy. I hope this passes quickly for you guys!

I feel all children in split homes should see a counselor. This is a neutral party and the child(ren) could open up to them. That would reveal either a big issue or the counselor can help them deal with their emotions.

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If he does that anytime you leave hin somewhere else (grandparents, aunts/uncles, school) then I wouldnt be concerned its normal my daughter does it too, but if thats the only place he ever does it then Id be concerned