My child painted their bedroom wall with their poo...HELP

My child painted their bedroom wall with their poo when they were supposed to be napping…is this normal? AND HOW DO I GET THE SMELL OUT?


It’s normal. All of mine have went through that phase. I actually had to put my kids diapers on backwards for awhile


My only child did this,
Brings back a lot of memories :joy:
My husband and I are like why is it so quiet in her room? Go in to check it out and OMG she finger painted the entire room and bed in you know what.
It was everywhere!
Had to call my Mom and say WTH???
She said Denise what comes around goes around and you did it.
I mean the shit was everywhere.
I just wanted to give up but she finger painted from her crib to the walls.
Funny now but I hear ya!

Yes. You have a creative child. My, now 19 yr old, 2 yr old child painted her walls, bedspread and carpet a lovely brown starry night. We had a regular Van Gogh.


My 3rd born did this. It was horrific. All I can say is Clorox…lots and lots of Clorox


Hydrogen peroxide and dawn dish soap. I have a level 3 autistic son and he’s a certified pooo digger. He has rubbed poo on just about every wall and floor in this house. I tried bleach and I just don’t like the odor of it. Also poop digging is actually something I see ALOT ( I work at a daycare center) kids get curious.

Mine painted his big brother :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming::sweat_smile:


My daughter did it twice. The first time I cleaned it. The 2nd time I made her clean it. She didn’t do it again. I used Lysol wipes and it worked well for getting it off and the smell.

Nothing children do is normal lol it’s all chaos. My children have never painted the wall with poop but they did use an entire jar of Vaseline. You can clean poop with most household disinfectants lol have you ever tried to get 13oz of vaseline off your wall? I used 2 rolls of paper towels. I only wish it would have been crap lol :laughing: :joy:

“It’s my poo, I made it and it’s beautiful.” Let her/him know poo is yucky and have your child help clean up somehow. Maybe a final swipe everywhere with a disinfectant wipe, or several.


My older two never did this (3rd is just 2 months old lol), but I’ve heard of plenty of kids do this so yeah, I’d say it’s normal. Gross, but normal. Lol


time to potty train.
idk about normal, i’ve never had this issue.
i would obviously bleach everything & leave the windows open as much as possible.


Glad I never went through that

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It’s absolutely normal !!!

It’s normal. Welcome to parenthood :sweat_smile:

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No, not normal. If they’re old enough to do it they’re old enough to clean it, and keep cleaning it until it’s adult clean. Gurantee if they clean it, they won’t do it again. Mine has never and wouldn’t date she knows poop is dirty. Not a hard concept to teach

Throw the whole child away and start again :rofl::rofl::rofl: kidding. No advice as neither of my children ever did this :pray:

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Depending on the age I’d make them clean it my daughter was the hardest to potty train and after she did this I walked around and sprayed every spot with bleach and gave her a bucket and a sponge and told her to get scrubbing after that she decided she was potty trained


Have it appraised first. You could have another Pablo Poocasso!


It could be considered normal, depending on your child’s age.

Your 2 year old, sure. Your 12 year old, nah. :joy:

You’re gonna wanna clean the walls and open the windows!


My mom ran a daycare and this happened. She put the boy in a sleeper zipped backwards foe naps. Will out grow this

Thank goodness I never had to clean up poo off the walls; however, my son decided to stay on his toy loft and tell his dad look what I can do. He peed all over his room including stuffed animals, walls.


My first did this he was less than 2 years old.


My oldest son did this :rofl: he shitcaso’d his entire room, as high up as he could reach and his sister. Lots of tears, bleach and grandma :rofl:


Yep normal. My 31 yr old did it. Bleach it to disinfect.


Oh the memories my 3rd child finger painted his walls many times one time he climbed out of his crib and up his wardrobe and painted the ceiling he was around 2 I belive thank goodness we survived the artistc time of his life he is now 17 :joy:

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Have them help wash it with soap and water then after go with disinfectant. That’s what I did with my twinsnwhen they thought it was funny to do that in there room. But it was on the wall in the carpet the blankets sheets pillows toys and clean clothes oh and the window

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My oldest did it too but it was in every crevice of his crib and the wall🙃

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I had one to “hide” poop :nauseated_face:. But hot soap water and bleach/cleaner. This kid also took my vacuum apart and pooped in it :rage: it was thrown away but it’s time to potty train and/or potty schedule … to add I work in nursing homes and yes there’s plenty of grandparents that also finger paint in poop

2 of my 3 did this. I bleached the walls frequently and did a lot of laundry and baths :woman_facepalming:.
Having said that, my kids were like 1-2yrs old. If they are older, like 5+ then that’s not normal and you may want to talk to a doctor or behavioral therapist.

Thankfully my daughter never did but I have heard of other kids doing it. Best of luck

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Poofh spray works great on all kinds of stuff to take out odors. Commercials are in TV. You canals order it from walmart and amazon

Normal, yes. Gross, absolutely. I would take sleepers, Cut the feet off, and put them on backwards.
Scrub walls down, then magic eraser it, then scrub with diluted bleach and open a window

Painting with poo is definitely normal I myself apparently did so as a child…best bet is scrubbing your walls, opening your windows, and spraying some febreeze lol

My oldest did this to the bathroom shit was everywhere. I didn’t even know how to feel he was trying to wipe his own butt however things got crazy clearly.

I’ve raised 8 kids none did it! However my sis in laws kids would take diapers off n smear it all over the place. Me personally if they’re 4 or older I’d be making them help clean it! Bleach bleach n open windows

Be grateful it’s only 1 time so far. I had a friend tell me their kids were hanging their butts off the edge of the top bunk and using the bathroom that way. That’s when there was 2 kids under 3

I remember when my daughter was around a year n half i woke up one morning and found it strange that i woke up on my own, cus i always was woken by my daughter either crying to get up or just being loud after she woke up. So im like hmmmm. I’m a bit concerned. So i went to check on her (silence is scary at that age lol) she was awake, wearing NOTHING. Not even a diaper. And having the time of her life smearing her poo alllllll over the mesh of her pack n play​:sob::woozy_face::exploding_head::melting_face::face_with_raised_eyebrow::scream::rage::unamused::flushed::weary: those were all the emotions I felt when seeing this. Lol. It took forever to clean! But its absolutely normal. Kids and poo… Very strange what they get compelled to do with it lol. Same kid, a couple years later. Shes newly potty trained. I wake up, and again i woke up not hearing her. So I go in and check on her. Shes awake, standing in the middle of her room and i see her hide something in her hand behind her back as soon as she saw me walk in. I look at what she has and its a poo lmao. She was looking for a place to hide it cuz she had a accident :joy::joy::joy: which is so strange cuz not once did i or her dad Ever scold her for having accident. The more i thought about it, the more i realized it probably was her hiding it outta fear but more embarrassment. That girl tho.

My nephew was in a coup tent years ago in the hospital and dug poop out of his diaper and waved at the nurse!! He is in his 50s now.

Haha I wish I had that I had my son and he used to eat it and I find that sugar soap is awesome

I work in an intermediate care facility and deal with this daily. I use bleach and Clorox wipes to clean off the BM. Then use pine sol and magic eraser to get rid of the smell. Open windows too.

My oldest daughter did that but she painted herself… and her face… her mouth… memories :face_vomiting:

Sounds like a little SWITCH work would improve things

Have them to help wash, then paint it with kelt

LMFAO you’ve hit a personal milestone as a mom. I wish you so much luck from here :joy::joy::joy: Also clean and rewash with fabuloso. Stuff smells amazing. Lestoil or pinesole.

Get off of Facebook and clean it before it dries. Put on your gloves and mask with soapy, maybe bleach water. Be glad it’s not ground into a carpet

I had 3 and not one of them did this. Thank goodness.

Mine did it. I called her poo-caso still to this day 11 years later.

It’s normal. Prepare for it to happen again. And hell if I know.

I’m thankful mine NEVER did this

It’s normal. Parents always worry.

Yeah it’s normal for a young kid to paint anything and everything in poo
Including themselves
Wipe it off with a wet cloth
As for the smell
I found a spray bottle with some diluted lavender oil works

Mine did this at about 3 years old he took his diaper off got some plastic spoons and poked around and the turds that were in his diaper… I think they’re just curious at that age. Home depots and Walmarts sell something called OdoBan it comes in multiple scents it will get rid of the smell and it will disinfect better than anything else… It kills everything… And it won’t discolor or ruin anything like bleach will… in my personal opinion it works better in bleach when it comes to getting a smell or something yucky out.

I’d throw the whole kid away & move :baby::wastebasket: :joy:

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Is he in ad seg? Does he have beef with you or any of his other guardians in the facility! Try giving him more yard time, maybe some commissary…

I have had 3 kids and non of them have done this. Stop normalizing this nasty shidd.

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