My childs father always go to his aunt for advice...thoughts?

Wait what? I’m sorry I’m confused what’s the problem here? I’m so lost as a problem and he goes to his aunts or is the problem that he isn’t asking you about another child that you may or may not have I’m confused please clarify So I can answer accordingly and he may have answered your own question here lol

Y’all are answering as if they’re divorced. I think they’re together but just work different shifts. So why wouldn’t he come to his partner/baby mama who he lives with first before asking his aunt?

OP: you need to ask him why 1) he doesn’t come to you first for advice, and 2) why he thinks his aunt would have a better answer than you? Or is he afraid he’ll bother you while you’re working so he defaults to his aunt?

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Two heads are better than one. Cherish the Auntie’s advice and the fact that she cares enough about your child to help.

Atleast he is asking advice and not abandoning his responsibility! :roll_eyes:

You aren’t in a relationship anymore. Assuming aunt is of mature age and knowledge,he obviously trusts her.

He has only one child. He is asking someone who he is close to, comfortable with and trusts for advice. You should be thankful he doesn’t just wing it and cares enough to seek advice. Unless she is advising him to do something that will cause harm to the child, you need to leave him be.

Grow up, your making something out of nothing


He doesnt trust your advice for some reason