My childs father always go to his aunt for advice...thoughts?

I need help with with coping the fact that I’m trying to parent a child with my baby daddy but he always goes to his aunt for advice. we work different schedules so when he’s off I watch him and when I’m off he watches him but a text or a phone call can help at the end of the day just makes me want to cry because I can help but he just isn’t ask me I have another child before this so I have experience I just don’t know how to cope with it it’s really hitting me really hard I need help I need advice


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My childs father always go to his aunt for advice...thoughts?

I’m not sure what advice anyone can give you can’t make him not ask for advice. So I’m really not sure.


Why do you have a problem with him having a close relationship with her? This is exactly what family is for.


Seems he needs to not ask his aunt and figure it out for himself…man up and sort it out himself ffs :woman_facepalming: :england:


You need to stop taking it so personally. Most people have that 1 safe family member they go to. Remove yourself from the equation you don’t belong in it. Hopefully that’ll help you not feel so bad about it. He’s just close to his auntie that’s all. She’s probably helped him through a lot of hard shit in his life and helped shape him.

At least he is asking vs not. Maybe I don’t see the issue


If it’s his time he can have whoever he wants to watch him or help with him honestly. It sucks but that’s the way it is. As long as your son is safe and taken care of it shouldn’t matter. If he don’t wanna come to you for advice he don’t have to. I know it would be nice but he may not feel comfortable asking you for advice.


It takes a village to raise a child. Just be thankful baby has ppl on both sides w best intentions. It’s ok momma just relax some.


It’s not that serious :joy: unless his aunt is telling him to give the kid things he can’t have yet due to age or an allergy I dont see an with him asking someone he clearly trusts about something for his kid while you’re supposed to be busy at work. That’s literally what family (in most cases) is for. Help.

Wait your mad that he wants advice from his aunt instead of his ex?


If hes not your husband than its not your place to think you should be he support person :love_you_gesture:


So, he can’t ask for advice from family but you can from total strangers online? :woman_facepalming:t3:


Sorry you obviously grew up in a broken home and have no idea what a support system is. I hate that for you.


You said it yourself, he’s your baby daddy. Not your husband, bf, or even partner. He doesn’t have to ask you for advice.


This can’t be real :woman_facepalming:t2:You go to social media so……….


Why shouldn’t he be asking for help if he needs it?? Hun that’s a good thing, that at least means he’s trying to make sure he’s doing stuff right. You’re exes for a reason, he’s not going to go to you for everything like he would if you were still together


Maybe he trust his aunt. Is she crazy? I don’t see the problem.

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That’s controlling and creepy. He’s allowed to ask whoever tf he wants?


I’d communicate with him and tell him how u feel and why he Dosent ask you

What’s so wrong with that? I go to my Aunt for advice all the time- she knows things no one else knows about me.


what, what? Your mad he reaches out to someone he trusts for advice. Wow he’s a monster!


Unless the aunt is giving bad advice, I’d leave the issue alone. Sounds like you may be resentful he’s not coming to you. Be thankful he’s asking for help when he needs it. As they say; it takes a village.


But…you went to social media for your help? He feels comfortable asking his aunt and knows there won’t be any conflict in getting her opinion. Be glad he’s seeking advice and trying to do better and worry about how you parent in your time and let him do it his way on his time.


It’s his aunt. I’ve gone to my mom, my in-laws, my husband’s grandparents/aunts for advice and help and he’s done the same. Like… it’s not a big deal. He probably doesn’t want to bother you while at work when he can go to someone who’s available. Are You maybe suffering from ppd? That’s not something that should be affecting you so negatively


Your not there to talk to. Not good. Y’all need to have private counceling

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I don’t see any problem except that you don’t like him asking his aunt for advice. And that I also don’t see a problem.

What do you need help with?

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Be glad it’s the aunt and not some chick he is banging


What’s wrong with him asking his aunt for advice?


He can’t go to his aunt but you can go to social media to a bunch of random people? Makes sense.


I don’t see the problem here…

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I don’t understand the issue. He’s going to someone he trusts to discuss parenting with. If you’re at work how is he supposed to ask you???

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Seems like breakup was probably due to control issues… :woman_facepalming:
Your not a couple
He can seek help from others, same as you
Stop being a control freak


I’m a little thrown off with the “watch him” yall are parents… you don’t watch your own children :smiling_face_with_tear: … But that has always been a pet peeve of mine

Ask him if it bothers you so bad. But I really don’t see an issue with it. He trusts her and values her opinion . Nothing wrong with that .


Yeah that’s not normal or healthy on your part…sounds like your using your child as a pawn to control your ex …that would be the day my children’s father and I control each other when it involves our kids .:rofl: geesh find a hobby or a bf …thank god me n my ex aren’t jealous of our current spouses :rofl: I’m glad my ex has a supportive wife :heart: Just as I have a supportive husband :heart: It’s healthy to ask others for advice,get therapy …

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Tf? Lmfaooo so the man can’t ask someone he deems knowledgeable unless it’s you? You need help, I suggest to seek therapy. Let the man be and parent his way.


Some women can’t get their baby daddies to help AT ALL. But you have a baby daddy that’s helping and it’s a problem because he asks his aunt for advice? Seriously? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Unless she’s giving him advice that can harm your child, you need to pick and choose your battles because this ain’t it. Let that man parent his child the way he sees fit UNLESS he’s doing something that could hurt the child


You all aren’t together & it sounds like you’re having a hard time that he doesn’t “need” you… co-parent. That’s it & that means make decisions about the child’s health, education ect together. Not asking you for advice while it’s his time with the child. If his aunt isn’t giving bad advice then you just sound sad tbh.


I don’t get the watch him y’all made him it not watching him it called being a parent

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If you aren’t together, he needs a support system. Get over yourself. It’s not about you. Good on him for reaching out to be a better father.


Sounds like you need to relax. You think my mom wanted me to always call my gma for help and not her? It’s her mom, my gma, my sons great gma. That’s the baby’s aunt. She’s not gonna purposely give him “bad advice” it just may not be what you WANT HIM TO DO. He’s gonna do what he feels is right and go about it a completely different way than you are. You’re gonna parent differently than him. It happens. You need to teach yourself to stay calm when you don’t have the baby, you can always offer support and give gentle reminders you’d be more than happy if he’d call you if he needs anything, and truly mean that. Don’t make him feel bad or less for not having experience. We all started knowing nothing and all learned our own lessons. Maybe it’s just a him feeling more comfortable asking her? Maybe she lives closer if he needs something? To me I called my gma bc she lives minutes away while my mom lives almost 2 hours away. Look at all points of views and try to understand his perspective (always easier said than done). If you notice something that you absolutely hate you need to go about it calmly and explain to him the reason why you do something a certain way, don’t come off mad, hateful, shaming him for not knowing, any of that bc it may be a simple mistake he doesn’t understand. Always try to help each other, you may not be together but you did make a baby together so helping him is also always helping the baby and he needs to be the same way to you. You’re different positions of the same team. Work together.

So it’s okay for you to come to the internet to ask random people for advice but he can’t ask his aunt who is his family for advice?


I’m so :thinking:
Are y’all together?
Is he taking her advice and going against your parenting wishes?
I’m lost


No issue here. We’ll I can’t see one

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Maybe he wants to make his Aunt feel needed and a part of the child’s life. Remember, not everything is about you or making you feel bad.


Maybe he sees his aunt as a mother figure! I don’t see what the problem is…

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Take it as a blessing. Less for you to do.

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I see no issue here. You can get advice from anyone. I think you should try to keep calm. You’re making an issue and a big deal out of nothing.


What the age difference between the two.

If it’s good advice, chill and be grateful.


Not an issue unless the aunt is telling him to go against your wishes as the mother. You and the father of your child should work together to raise your child. If it’s just asking his aunt’s opinion on things, I don’t see a problem with it. She’s family :woman_shrugging:


Be happy he’s comfortable asking someone instead of doing something detrimental. Most men would rather go it alone than ask for help.


What’s wrong with going to someone for advice ? It’s not always about you


Dude. He’s trying to give you a break. Take it unless damage is being done.

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Grow up and relax. You don’t need to have control over other people like that. Is she giving bad advice? The only problem is you’re not controlling it.


You may need to go and speak with a professional. Like a therapist. It sounds like there is so much more going on within you that is affecting you and this is the one thing that is the proverbial straw that has broken the camels back. Me I’d be like thank goodness I can work and do my job, that might get me more money by a raise or promotion or even a better opportunity at a better job to better take care of my family that would be harder to accomplish if I were constantly getting calls or texts for help. Not only that, but yay…my child has family actively involved other than me and dad. I mean as long as auntie gives good advice that does not step on your toes or goes against your wishes. His support system is the child’s support system which in a way is also yours as well as it helps you out. Butterfly affect if you will.


I feel like people just pick random things to be annoyed at their partner for…


You are overreacting I go to advice with my mom it doesn’t hurt to get advice from other people


Why would he come to you??? If it’s his time…he can do what he wants and ask who he wants! Just as you are…FFS
Sounds like you’re controlling…and mad that you can’t when he has the child! :roll_eyes:
get over yourself!


I honestly don’t see the issue. If he is really close to his aunt and trusts her then i don’t see the issue. I am extremely close to my mom and trust her whole heartedly and I always go to her for advice


Be thankful you have him in your child’s life. If you don’t have your child, then be happy that baby daddy does find wisdom somewhere instead of just winging it. Sometimes, the best advice comes from the people who have made the best impact in a person’s life. Be at peace.


I love how she’s upset that he’s going to someone other than her for advice but she’s literally asking Facebook for advice herself? Hypocritical much?


That’s his auntie…let him. I’m sure his Auntie help raised him, too!


Well, unless you don’t like the advice he’s followed I wouldn’t worry about it. He probably doesn’t want to seem like he can’t handle childcare. Most likely, what he wants to know isn’t that earth-shattering. Relax.


He probably just doesn’t want you to think he’s incompetent or throw it in his face that he doesn’t know something. Not saying you would or do but that’s always a fear if things get ugly between you two.

Maybe he just wants you to think he can do it by himself? Grow up as long as the kid is happy and healthy what is the problem with another family member helping? Seriously. That’s her great niece/nephew too.

How is going to FB and random strangers better than him going to his trusted aunt?


Looks like he’s got a better person to go to than you do! You’re asking strangers for your advice.


He can go to whomever he wants to for advice and you need to get over it.


I wouldn’t take that personally. He probably figures you’re busy. Even if it was just because he respects his aunt and feels she’s easy to come to and ask for help, there’s nothing wrong with that and it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you as a mom. Could you maybe be going through post partum? I would discuss those kinds of feelings with somebody just incase

Has any of his Aunties advice been wrong :thinking:No :face_with_diagonal_mouth:relax one other had remarked,his aunty probably had alot to do with his up bringing.:yawning_face:

There is nothing wrong with calling his Aunt for advice or calling her for anything for all that matter. I love it when my nieces and nephews call me.

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Sounds like he’s being a great Dad :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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He goes to someone else for their point of view. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect your advice or your knowledge. It’s his first child. I’m sure you had someone to reach out to for advice. Let him have that comfort.

Uh… this is completely normal behavior on his part. Abnormal on yours! Why would you not encourage him seeking advice from his aunt??? Why do you feel He should only consult with you? That’s weird. You refer to him as your child’s father and baby daddy so I’m guessing there’s no relationship between the two of you… which would make it even more weird that you’re upset over this… get over him. Be happy he’s parenting your child and asking advice from his aunt and doing what he should!


He’s going to his family for advice. You’re going to strangers on the internet. Hypocritical much?


My son is 11 and I go to my aunt for advice… big deal… I also have another kid as well… so it’s really not a big deal if he goes to his aunt… having another kid doesn’t always make you an expert…

Maybe she is someone he has always went to for advice…some call mom…some ask dad…some a friend. Not a big deal.

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Atleast he is going to someone with experience and he trust.


Maybe he thinks you will think he’s not a good Dad. Praise him more and encourage him to come to you for any problem. You can work it out together. It will also help to learn together. Also if it doesn’t work out she is not to blame. God bless.

I don’t understand the problem

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Maybe he just doesn’t know how to communicate with you. You aren’t together, so be glad he’s asking advice from somebody who cares.

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He’s asking family. It’s perfectly normal, especially when it sounds like the two of you aren’t together.

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He obviously has a special connection to his aunt and looks to her for advice. Maybe he doesn’t want to bother you at work and he feels he can trust her when you’re at work. I wouldn’t be too upset here. He’s trying. His first child and he wants to learn. He should be able to ask his aunt.


l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15797 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

I’m trying to see why you’re upset. I can always play devils advocate and see both sides but I got nothing … Unless, you want him back and you’re hurt he isn’t asking you?
He’s the daddy. He is making an effort to not need you. Figure out why that bothers you.


He can respect your advice while still asking others. Its ok. Is the aunt saying he should dangle the baby upside down all day or something? If not then I dont see the issue. Also keep in mind if you have raised a child and he is just now raising his first, he may feel like he’s inadequate when he asks you for advice. Parenting is difficult on all ends, at least hes asking someone instead of giving up.


This page is really beginning to become absolutely ridiculous with these “fan questions.” like seriously???


Be grateful that you have the extra support and don’t take silly things so personally.

Are you together? Not that it really matters but he’s allowed to seek advice where he chooses same as you.


Talk to his aunt. Does she know how this hurts you?

What is really the problem with him asking his aunt? Maybe he feels more comfortable asking her , she is family and he is probably close to her.
Why women want to be in control of everything? So annoying


You think his aunt has less experience than you? Are you sure you don’t just need to be needed?


I’m having a hard time understanding you but nothing is wrong with asking others for advice

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It’s okay for HIM to have a support system. You have one too lady. I get it. I gotta trust God here too (in the middle of a panic attack) because, I want the freedom of association reciprocated.

Jeezo it’s his aunt and he is wanting to learn
Pick your battles atleats he is involved and cares


get over it… hes your baby daddy… thats it… hes allowed to go to someone for advice…


Your saying baby daddy … so I’m assuming your not together. He is probably close to his aunt and she might give good advise :man_shrugging: maybe he feels silly asking you :man_shrugging: be glad he is asking anybody for advise

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You’re not together right? Leave him alone

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