My Child's Father Never FaceTimes Him Between Visits: Is That Weird?

He shows up for his visits… that is a lot more than some parents do!!! My daughter is almost 12, her dad has never paid child support, never seen her, nothing. We were together 9 years before I got pregnant. Apparently he recently reached out to his mom asking her to contact me. Too late for anything at this point until she is of age. I don’t bad mouth him to her, she can make her own decisions when she is 18. But, if he is showing up to visits not even court ordered… he is doing better than many

My daughters dad doesn’t but has her every weekend from Friday after work 6pm - Sunday 5pm.
Probably drive me mad if he wanted to face time daily. But we always send message updates about our days and plans vice versa.

There’s nothing wrong with that. We randomly text my husband’s 15 year old. He and I are super close though. But we don’t FaceTime or anything. Give the man a break. He’s probably working overtime to give you the child support that you need to raise the kiddo.

My kids “dad” called on HIS birthday and that’s pretty much the extent of his involvement…and zero visits!!

If hes actually picking them up on his weekends and wants to see them during that time, then no i don’t think its weird. This is just something that might change in the future, maybe he will FaceTime or call more often when he realizes how quickly your child grows up. But since he’s actually making the trips, I wouldn’t worry. At least he’s not completely out of the picture like some fathers.


FaceTime with a two year old gets old quick… not much conversation there. My husband would FaceTime his son 1/2 a week when he was that young and 2/3 times a week now that he’s 7. Maybe it’s because dad doesn’t know how to communicate by phone with such a young child. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I couldn’t relate but I do have my opinion. I don’t see it odd since it’s “your” time to be with him, I wouldn’t see it weird either if you didn’t call and just let them have their alone time since it’s “his” time to be with him. I understand where you are coming from, but maybe because he’s 2 and it’s not like they can actually have a conversation. I’m sure when he’s older, both of them will want to have more communication.


Is Probley cause it’s out of sight out of mind…it just shows that ur more of the parent to ur child…don’t worry someday he might facetime just be glad hes involved in ur child life.


Have you asked? Talked about it?! Some
Men just don’t think that way, and if you don’t have the best relationship, he likely doesn’t want to mess with it.

My daughters dad has every other weekend and we FaceTime usually 2-3 times a week and text often. We don’t have the greatest relationship but we keep our daughter first.

My sons dad doesn’t either. And I don’t interfere with his time. The only time I call or FaceTime is when he goes for longer than the weekend.

My daughter is almost 4 and facetime with her is still difficult. She does see her father for 3 or 4 days a week though. I dont think it’s weird to not facetime a 2 year old between visits, but maybe if he doesnt ask about him at all that would be a little weird to me. When I go on “vacations” with my daughter, her father and I message every few days to check in since im usually out of state.
If you feel that he should be doing more to communicate, bring it up with him gently. Maybe “hey I was wondering if you would like to facetime him tonight?” And if he says no or that he’s busy, I would let him know that you feel its important to get some facetime in at least once a week but he’s no obligated to oblige and see if something could work with all of your schedules

No thats normal . My sons dad has him every other weekend and has never ever facetimed him. Sometimes he takes him for an extra weekend or an extra couple nights here or there but other than that I have him and there’s no communication. My son is four and has no problem with it. :woman_shrugging:

Don’t force anything when your son is ready to notice what’s happening he will.


When my children are with their other parent I might call them but they are 12 and 14. When we first split and they were little if they wanted to call me they were allowed to but I didn’t impose myself on the other parents time. Be glad that your child’s other parent is involved at all.

Tbh my kids dad has another daughter who lives in a different state and he hasnt seen her in physically in almost 2 years rare calls or video chats with her. I personally feel that’s just how dads are I’m not saying all but majority of the time the mother or child has to interact with the father or else they won’t do it on their own it sucks especially for the child’s/children’s sake cause most kids always think of the other parent when their away from the other one & always think why they haven’t tried to contact them in some way

Let it go. Stop over thinking shit. If he’s seeing the child every other weekend without court orders let it be.


My daughters dad same way and had been for years. She’s now 12 and goes whenever.

Its not weird at all especially if his dad works during the week… my son sees his dad every other weekend and he lives two hours away as well and he does not check in on our son in between visits unless he has a specific question about the upcoming visit he asks at that time how he is doing and how school has been going. He works monday thru friday every week and has a 2 year old with his now wife and i feel he is making the effort to support our son and see him and thats all i can ask


I think it’s a man thing in general.


There nothing at all wrong with that.

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Wow the kids 2, he sees him every week are you sure it’s not you that wants to see him??


My kids FaceTime or text me constantly when it’s his time… he gets them every other weekend and every Wednesday. They never, and I mean NEVER even text their dad when they’re at home with me. My kids don’t like going to their visits with him though, so maybe that’s why.

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Well imo it could be because that is your time and he doesnt want to intrude on that🤷‍♀️

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it’s probably hard on him seeing his child over a screen then in the flesh. He would probably more value the time spent together in person.

Currently in stage 4 lock down and I FaceTime my parents once or twice a week, cos it’s fucking hard hard not being able to go and see them and spend time with them.

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Maybe momma still wants to see daddy more than just the times where he collects and drops the child? A two year old don’t know how to converse properly yet🤷‍♀️and why impose on daddy’s time? Unless something is wrong with the child? Speak to the daddy if you feel that he should do more, ask him if you could FaceTime him? Does he even know you feel this way? How are things between you and the daddy? Too many factors that’s not adding up to just feel some type of way, does daddy have a new gf?


My baby’s father and I are together, but he works out of town all week and is home only on weekends… We facetime at least 2 or 3 of the days he’s gone…

I think it just means he has trust in you and knows his son is being cared for. It also shows a healthy attachment. He doesn’t feel like he NEEDS to check in every day

I actually think this sounds healthy. Granted if there are small milestones or moments I think it’s also healthy to send video/photo or text updates to the other parent. That goes both ways (when he’s with you as well as when he is with his dad)


Maybe ask him to read a book to your son over facetime. Or ask him if hed be interested in telling your child goodnight, nightly. I will say this from experience of videos calls from 1 years old and on, I do video calls nightly, and it can be pretty complicated sometimes with a toddler(running and chasing after them, with your phone in your hand). I have agreed to put it In our order since he was asking for it, thinking it would be beneficial to our daughter. I have had several problems with him accusing me of sabotage of the calls, Calling the police because the call did not happen, disrespecting me over the call. LIf you and him are able to co parent civilly, then do it, but if you and him have a toxic relationship, or if you or him would use it to keep tabs on one another. Your child would pick up on any toxic co parenting, and the stress that will come with it. I’d say age 3 or 4 and up would be a good age to try. I still do try my best for all civil co parenting, but my situation is alot different than most. All you can do is to continue to try and built the best positive relationship for the child and father. Your on the right track thinking of more communication. Also maybe offer him more weekends so they are getting more quality time together, if he has a safe home and environment for your child. I’ve agreed to 3 weekends a month and worry the 2 week break may hurt my child, but there are the calls to help ease that. All you can do is ask him if hed like to try something like that. You need to initiate the communication because obviously he is not.

Be thankful!!! My almost 3 year old sons father expects a video call from him every night & a lot of the time it ends up in me getting pissed casue my son doesn’t want to and his dad will just stay on the line. And if I try to hang up im the bad guy and I get yelled at

If he takes the child every two weeks that should be enough i would say. Be grateful he is not interfering too much in your life. I have to say i was the same a while a go with my daughter’s father but because my little one doesn’t talk yet we ended up talking a lot. After a while i realised he was more interested to call to see me and I was the same calling to see him🙈. Stupid. So i stopped doing this

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My son’s dad doesn’t ask how he’s doing or anything during the week but he takes him Friday’s

You have him full time instead of just weekends so of course it’s normal for you to talk to him everyday even when he’s not with you. My kids dad lives 1.5 hours away. Rarely ever takes them only because he lives with his mom. She has a problem with both of my kids being there. She’d rather have my son then my daughter there. So whenever I come to the city. I try see if he has time to visit. But as far as FaceTime goes I usually only do it when they ask. He never FaceTimes them. Rarely answers my calls/texts. Their 6 & 2. And most of the time the FaceTime calls lasts less then 5 mins. Eventually their gonna realize how it is. Why bother someone, who can’t even bother to try see how they are :+1:t3:

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My youngest 3 baby dad doesn’t message unless I message him first. He doesn’t even ask to talk to them on their birthdays but does see them every other weekend

Honestly, I wouldn’t make it into an issue. At the next exchange you can mention that your kid would love to facetime with him or better yet you could help your child facetime his Dad. You can get the ball rolling on that.

That’s perfectly healthy…

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Take it as a compliment, he has no worries when his child is in your care. He knows he is well taken care of and he will see him when it’s his parenting time. Thinking any more into it is not necessary.


Have YOU facetime a 2 year old? Lol. I bet he will.when the kids talks and carries on a conversation. It’s weird that you think it’s weird at this age


It’s fine. If he’s taking him and spending time with him on the weekends. When the boy gets older they might decide to FaceTime or at least call each other to talk but he’s trying to move on. Don’t try and force the relationship just let him have their time and make it special.

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I don’t think its weird at all.

Thats better than dropping the kids off after an accident and not explaining at all!

Ehhh. If it was me I’d be at least texting every day to see whats up. But who am I kidding. I wouldn’t ever be without my child. I couldnt imagine.

Give a parent time with the child without interrupting! He’s not interrupting your time why would you with his! If there was an issue he would contact you.


So true Lauren McKinnis miss my daughters and grandchildren like crazy :cry:

Be thankful he actually wants to get him. My son’s bio dad hasn’t seen him in months. Not even to ask how hes doing

Seems like your insecure

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My kids father gets him every other weekend as well and never calls him in between visits. I think it’s terrible but it’s their loss.

Ya my son’s father never checks in on my son, ever, even if he knows he’s been off sick from school. Trying to get a regular every second weekend, we will see, I’m not holding hope. I’m just glad now I don’t need my ex for anything & it’s my responsibility to look after my son and make him my priority.

Embarrassing he doesnt check up on him throughout the week. Just goes to show its clearly a chore to have him… part time daddy.

View him as a babysitter. Have no expectations.
Enjoy your weekends.


If this guy loved his child I think he would, he oviesley ay bothered if the child is OK or not, Probaly has him weekends so he can meet up with other ladies with kids,

Mention it … men are so inept sometimes after all of you both have your sons best interest at heart it shouldn’t be a problem tell him it’s an observation NOT a criticism and he is welcome to contact his son anytime.

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And I think it’s weird that my husband facetimes his daughter every chance he gets like multiple times a days and she’s 15 . Seems odd how much he talks to her. But only when I’m not around.

My son hasn’t seen his dad since March. He calls only once in a blue moon as well. It’s like our son is an afterthought. I just keep reminding myself that as the child grows up, they will know which one of us truly and deeply loved them unconditionally. The will respect you more for taking the time to care and check in. I don’t believe in this whole thing that men are wired differently, If they cared they would call… Period! They clearly enjoy the freedoms of not having the responsibility of parenting.

Yes its strange…I would just say we can set up a day to facetime if you would like as its a long time before you see him each week

I think its not ok to face time your kids on the dads weekends like thats the only time they get them and your gonna face time them like no let them be with their dad its one thing to message the dad just to check in but let them focus on building their relationship with him. We get My stepson every other weekend and his mom might text but very rarely on our weekends and my husband might call his son once a week while he’s at his moms but mostly just messages her to tell him he misses him or that he loves him. I feel like facetiming on the other parents time is rude especially because they only get them for 1 full day as it is.

It’s not weird …I have my son every other week he is 7…when its my time I’d hate for dad to infringe on my time by facetime and vice versa…unless something is wrong or we need to communicate about our son we let just let our time be our time…

My ex doesn’t see his kids for a couple months at a time, by his own choice. If he wanted to pick up every weekend then he could but he just chooses not to. Anyways, he does not check in, does not call or FaceTime or anything in between. Its weird to me too cause when they’re with him I pester him a lot to see how they’re doing. Probably annoys him, sorry lol but no he went like 5 months without seeing the boys once and didn’t check in at all. I used to always message him updates on how they’re doing and send pictures but ya i dunno :woman_shrugging: I do know part of it is that his current gf is still very jealous of me and insecure about us talking. I’m married and about to have a baby and have zero feelings to him AT ALL for the last 4 years but she doesn’t like that we were together before and gets uncomfortable with us talking.

meh… i think its weird

Mama’s baby and papa’s maybe. He is a single man living the single life.:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:And he is always going to act just as he is now. Don’t set yourself up for failure . Expect nothing so if he ever does something right, you will be surprised.

Hard to talk to A two year old especial on a iPad or phone especially or a man. Wait until he is older

What will you do about it? Go to court? I would be happy he wants his every other weekends. You know how many deadbeat parents there are?

Why dont you let the child call him maybe he is busy i Dont see why he needs to call him every day that seems like its more for you than the child …

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I don’t think it’s weird he doesn’t face time him but he should at least be sending a message to check up on him during the week

My son’s father has this idea that my son will call him if he misses his dad which is totally absurd at such a young age. But that’s how some men think.

My kids are 4 and 5, their dad and I have been apart 2 years, also only every other weekend visitation. Facetime and phone calls are not the means of communication for this age. I agree with those that say your son deserves uninterrupted time with his father, I don’t think you need to be calling. My ex calls them every day and they get really annoyed, usually choosing not to answer. They’re kids they want to play and read not sit and talk on devices. To the point my 5 year old has told me mom’s time is mom and dad’s is dad, I’ll talk to him when I see him.

Not odd that he doesn’t call or facetime at 2 years, at least he visits and does not have to be supervised for the child’s well being for his neglect to keep the child safe. Some have no relationship or interest in their kids’ lives. You calling him while Dad has him daily is a bit odd, you are with him daily Dad 2days, at 2 years old you should be able to go 2 days without your facetime with your boy, and the same with your boy. Obviously if you are calling him and not the boy calling you while with dad he can.