As long as he still has rights, send him a text or voicemail when anything serious is going with your son. If he does not respond that is on him. At least you are doing the right thing. Keep all messages or texts just in case you need them in the future for court. After 2 years with no contact or support from him you can petition the court to terminate his rights. You want to make sure you follow any visitation to the T, if any. If he doesn’t show if he has visits then mark it down and keep a log. Also log on the messages you leave for him. It will be his loss and you did everything possible to keep him informed. Good luck.
As someone who has epilepsy:best thing to do get full custody and get full child support and move on,because all it will do will cause more stress for you and your son especially if he does have it.
Have him sign over legal rights and be done with it. Document everything. When you call, what you say etc. If he doesn’t sign over legal rights, then take all your documentation go to a lawyer and get him for abandonment. You can’t make a man interested in his own child.
If it’s not court ordered don’t bother telling him anything if he doesn’t want to be involved!
If you do leave a message or call log it down or screen shot when log if he calls back!
If there is no custody agreement make one ASAP with your local courts then if he is granted custody and he don’t show up “you have the upper hand and can take him to court again for child support and full custody
If he doesn’t want to get involved let him be. He doesn’t need you to update him on anything, if he cared he’d respond to your texts/calls. Police and social services already know he doesn’t care. It’s not your job to turn him into a responsible parent. Your job now is to make sure your son is taken care of. My best advice is to go to family court and fight for full primary custody like that he doesn’t have a say in your son’s care. Even without that my ex had no say in the care I provided for my daughter. The doctors didn’t even know who the hell he was and his name wasn’t on any of the paperwork in the hospital or school.
Well, he made his decision, he doesn’t want to be involved. You are forcing involvement. Respect his wishes and walk away and close down communication. Forget updates, forget shared weekends, and child support is involvement. You are 100% on your own, accept it and get busy.
Just be at peace with your son. Prayers for you and your Muffin.
If he doesn’t want anything to do with him, why bother? Look at it as his loss and give YOUR son the best life you can, when he’s old enough to ask about his father tell him what a piece of shit he is and about the choice he made.
If he doesn’t want anything to do with your son dont force him. Dont push and give him the blessing of knowing the health of his child he doesn’t want anything to do with. He wants to be an absent father he can pay child support to help you pay for them lengthy hospital bills. When your son asks about his father be honest with him. Do not lie to your child. Do not make his dad seem like a piece of shit either. Tell him exactly what it is. Daddy said he doesn’t want to know. Daddy said he doesn’t want to. You can’t make a man be a dad just because he got you pregnant. You can make him care for a kid just because he helped make him. Do what you can to show this boy as much love and comfort as possible and when hes old enough to understand he will gather his own opinion of his dad and his dad will have to deal with the fact that he didnt care.
Advice, fuck him. Take him to court for child support. He wont take visitation but ask for monitored visits bexause i wouldnt let someone take my child that doesnt want him and keep pushing he is contempting his visitation by not taking them and he will lose amy visitation and youll get his child support no matter what.
Go after him for child support
Good riddance. It’s his loss.
Try to get in touch with him out off respect but write it down so you have prove you did !
If he doesn’t want anything to do with your son , that’s his loss!
You are a woman , the stronger one, you’ll do it!!!
Wow can’t even believe you’re asking
You tried, that’s all you can do. It’s time to focus your energy on your baby now.
My mom tried for me and my brother till the day that man died, it wasnt worth it. It destroyed her. Very difficult to watch your mother drive herself crazy.
Don’t bother. Not worth the hassle for you. Stop involving him when he doesn’t want to be involved. Focus your energy on your son. He truly needs you more than anything.
I hope your child is ok. Your time n energy should be on your child and yourself . Doesn’t sound like the dad is the least interested in helping out , don’t waste pressous time on him … there’s nothing good coming out of 1am phone calls and def not worth loosing sleep over if the dad isn’t worried about the child .
Its best to let it go. He doesn’t want anything to do with him its probably for the best. He could hurt him with that attitude . My sons father is and was the same way I felt bad for my son but again I dud what was best for my son. His father killed his own father. Just be careful in your choices
Stop messaging him. If you know it’s toxic why are you still in a “relationship” and no you’re not if he doesn’t answer you. You’re in a relationship. He’s not. So that means everywhere too. That’s what a narcissist does to control you. Dollars to donuts he has another chick. Get his ass on child support and cut him out. Be smarter for your kid.
i wouldnt bother unless you need some medical information from him, if the di*k doesnt respnd have dr/hospital call or ask a relative of his if you know them-otherwise if its just for him to be in the know, dont anymore. He doesnt deserve to know, its hard to hear, he doesnt care.
Walk away and focus and raising your baby
Get your child support and let him stay at a distance. Get legal sole custody and love your baby. It’s hard but so worth it . Don’t beg him to be there because a child will know they’re not wanted. You can raise a happy, protected, and thriving individual without him.
why are u still with him u dumbass