I invited a co worker who has never met my family to my baby shower. When she was there she made comments about my husband being “cute” which whatever…he is…very cute so I didnt think anything of it…a day after the baby shower she added my husband on facebook…which at first i didnt think anything of it, but then i noticed she was liking his old posts ( he didnt post for a long time and barely ever posted, just scrolled)…then i noticed he would respond to stories she posted…he started also posting to fb and they were liking each others posts and replying to each other and now i feel some type of way…she never posted half naked stories before and now that she added my husband she is…my husband scrolls right past my posts but replies or reacts to her…am i over reacting or am i right to feel some type of way?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My co worker and husband have been talking on facebook
I’d be putting a stop to that Real quick.
Speak to your husband about how it makes you feel
No you aren’t over reacting. They didn’t even know each other until your baby shower? You have every reason to be validated in your feelings. Put the coworker in her place and put your foot down at home.
Definitely put a stop to that crap now or it will go further
No, that’s a recipe for disaster imo.
Listen to your gut !
You’re not wrong. They’re both gross at best. This kind of crap is how I found out my man cheated. He denied denied denied and called me crazy until I snatched his phone and saw the DMs myself. But it’s so obvious and so disrespectful.
She’s no friend.If your husband even cares for you a little bit,he won’t react when you step your foot down.Get her off your husbands Facebook and out your life.
Red flag this wench basically told ya she was gonna come on to your husband.
Ya your not over reacting she seems like one of those kinda women and I wld not allow that
Yikes. I’d be talking to him asap about that. I’ve been down the emotional affair road and it’s not fun.
He’s already cheating on you. I would be gone
Definitely not over reacting. I’d have to put her and him in their place!
Yea thats am actual problem it seems that has already started. And your husband seems to be entertaining it. Put a stop to that real quick
Giiiiiirrrrrllll!!! Follow your gut. This seems very suspicious! I’d have a talk with your husband and ask him to unfriend and block her. Let him know you’re noticing their interactions and you don’t appreciate being disrespected in such a manner.
And cut that coworker off from your lives outside of work completely!
Communication sis. Talk to your husband about how it makes you feel.
they are definitely going after eachother. she was wrong for requesting him and he was wrong for accepting.
Women don’t have respect for another woman’s man anymore…
FACTS I’d feel some kinda
Tell him to block her… END OF STORY!!
Get a divorce, he knows the game he playing and soon he’s gonna play that game on you
Yup, something is up or about to be. Nip it in the bud now.
Trust your instinct.
You need to check them both and put them in their place, put a stop to it and cut her off all I see is homewrecker
You know you are not overreacting since she has already expressed physical attraction to your husband.  keep in mind that women typically don’t stick around when men aren’t giving them a reason. 
Yep… put a stop to it… immediatly… he should not have accepted her friend request to begin with… ! I am not friends on fb, with any of my Friends Husbands ! I would never Disrespect my Friends like that !!!
Shame on your coworker. I would definitely let him know how you feel. If he reacts negatively…. Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your relationship. Know your worth
OH HELLLL NO! This is the beginning of bad things starting. Make him aware of your feelings and you need to set her straight. In the end, you can only hope that he doesn’t stray. If he does, especially after you have talked to him, then BUH BUY. He’s not worth it.
He has to choose you or her bro.
That’s a hard one
I would suggest talking with him or therapy, but if you genuinely believe that he’s cheating on you get a divorce. Having him Block her will not stop him from doing this with someone else
You aren’t over reacting… nip that’s shit in the bud…
Nope step in and tell them both to stop
That’s all the red flags you need.
Nope you are not over reacting. I suggest you kick it in the butt right now. You tell your husband you are not stupid you know what shes up to and it stops now. He is to unfriend her and you watch when he does. U tackle the bitch as well let her have it and tell her your husband is off limits. Watch him closely.
Not overreacting at all. Thats sus af. Hes enjoying her attention. Time to sit him down and have a nice chat with him.
Feel some kind of way
Nip it in the bud, or replace the man.
Fix it before it gets physical…if you can
Straight out ask him what’s happpening …n ask her tooo…
I’d definitely put a stop to it.
I would ask her why she thought that was okay it’s not like they were friends before why did she need to add him on Facebook now and if the conversation was inappropriate or made me uncomfortable I would let that be known very loudly too
I would talk to your coworker and tell her to find her own husband and shame on your husband too
Speak to him and her. Make it clear to her that she’s out of line. Make it clear to him that he’s being inappropriate and to remove her from his Facebook. I would fuckin snap. Your feelings are justified. How dare they do this while you’re pregnant especially. Ignorant.
She’s a triffling TWATWAFFLE and your husband is a cheating ASSHAT. Walk away from them both…this will not end well!
Omg say something…that’s not right at all…either that or log into his fb and block her ur self xx
You know that “gray area” that comes before the affair? This is what it looks like. Put those BOUNDARIES in place NOW.
Girl, that’s suspicious. I’d confront her and tell her to back the hell off.
Make sure you establish your boundaries, then if it continues, show him the door.
Make sure you establish your boundaries, then if it continues, show him the door.
Take up your issues with him. Not her. What she is doing isn’t right. But your husband is the married man entertaining someone else’s attention.
Your right to think something.
F that. I woudl say something
I have never added or accepted any of my friends boyfriends/husbands. Weird behavior man.
If you feel disrespected…it’s disrespect. Simple as that.
Put her back in her lane and tell your hubby to snap the fk out of it and delete her. ASAP.i don’t get why people add others after meeting them once. My partner does it. I’m still not friends with any of my work mates on any social media.
Red flag. She’s a hoe and your man is pushing the limits. I would set her straight first. Then tell hubby how u feel.
His job is you first. If that’s not the case they already slept together
Even if I thought so…I don’t tell another woman their husband “is cute.” Inappropriate. So the rest of the story is a red flag
Let her know its making you uncomfortable and let him know also
Trust your gut. You’re in a very vulnerable position right now and you don’t deserve the stress
Talk to him . Tell him ur not having it . Then tell her to Piss off
Girl you’re gullible. This girl basically told you she’s out for your husband and your husband is feeding into it. She’s baiting him and he’s falling. 1. He shouldn’t even be communicating with her. 2. Watch your “hub” he sounds like a cheater
Oh I’d be pretty upset… yeah definitely do something.
Yeah absolutely not. My husband knows better and yours should too. That’s a biiiig NO.
If he’s entertaining it but bye!
Squash it. Before it starts . It’s happened to me and I done it . He later said he was tempted. So I’m pleased I said
Throw the whole m3n away
Communication. Talk to him about it with no drama and tell him it bothers you. Also talk to her about it. Set boundaries tell her politely what your point of view on it is. Being an adult is hard but always talk to your spouse and make sure you can camly and rationally have a conversation. Attitude and drama don’t ever end well. Not saying you do any of this just saying.
She shouldn’t have added him. He shouldn’t have accepted. And now both of them are wrong. Step in and yell them both it’s inappropriate.
That is NOT a friend. How gross and sleezy is she
Be careful with who you bring around your family. Some people envy you and will try to destroy what you have. As for your husband he owes you loyalty and trustworthiness. Talk to him and cancel her out immediately.
Huge Red Flag!!! He didn’t have to reply ever. Imagine what u don’t know, as far as conversations
Tell him that baby and you aren’t going to put up with that disrespect. Then call her out at work.
Block her, then confront her and tell her you do not appreciate her actions! That’s a homewrecker!
That’s not okay, sounds like they have something going on your husband should not let this happen!!
You’re feelings are valid an that’s a horrible husband to even put you in this position to feel this way. I get it social media is just social media. To take the time an entertaine some other women nope …
You are not over reacting. This type of behavior (pre fb) was the first sign I was married to a man who did not respect our marriage. It’s not you… it’s him and the ho who is weaving her web. Call it out, stand your ground and don’t back down from doing what is mentally best for you and your baby. You can be rational and have a conversation that is not accusatory because you already know what your heart doesn’t really want to know.
You need to ask for out right do you like her. He needs to block her it’s inappropriate. I don’t have any of my Co workers husbands on fb x
Nah. You have every right to be upset and feel that way. I’d be highly upset and I’d flip a lid
You are not overreacting. Get on it NOW! Put a stop to it. Before it goes any further.
If he’s entertaining it maybe it’s time to reconsider your relationship. If he’s doing it to her who’s to say he won’t just do it with someone else that he gets the hots for if you tell him to stop? He doesn’t sound trustworthy anymore. You can tell him to block her and all that but you’ll always be suspicious of him so remember that. Hopefully he never acts this way again.
First and foremost can you say disrespectful. Your coworker and husband. I’ve been with my husband 23 years the only females on his Fb is family and that’s not from me complaining or stalking his Fb that’s because he respects me.
I’d definitely be letting both know my feelings about it.
I’d go about it calmly at first. Tell them both they are making you uncomfortable. If the behavior doesn’t stop, then I’d bring out the crazy
Follow your gut and communicate with your husband.
Nope. Put a stop to it now. Show your ass or whatever but nip that shit in the bud.
Be on your guard!!!
First of all he given her ammunition by showing her interest he the one that needs a good she wouldn’t be interested if he wasn’t paying attention to her you are pregnant with his baby an this is how he’s treating you walk away now his intentions are bad if he don’t cheat now he gonna some time down the line save yourself the rig now an be done with him because if he loved you an respected you she’d have nothing to go on so sorry your going true this during your pregnancy but it’s better to realise the truth now then to pay for it dearly down the line know your worth
I would sit him down and straighten this out real fast before it goes to far. I know because I kind of done the same thing. I admit it was wrong and stupid.
He needs to delete her from his Facebook. If he makes a big deal about doing so then there’s Definitely something going on. What they are doing is inappropriate and disrespectful to you.
Personally for me that’s a reach I mean add each other that’s cool but no need to be talking and messaging each other. Your coworker needs to back the hell up. I have no filter so I would’ve said something & as for my husband he would be Eatting cereal and pbnj breakfast, lunch & dinner if he’s thirsty he can get his self some water.
You are absolutely right to feel the way you feel.I would put a stop to it right away.Tell your husband that you are uncomfortable with it and you feel there is a boundary being crossed.And id flat out tell your coworker how you feel and to do whatever snake sh*t she doing elsewhere.
She is no friend to you any women putting half dressed pictures on FB you know it’s for your husband and why is he interested in her your his wife and mother of his upcoming baby. Be aware if they don’t meet and hook up!
Confront him obviously. Tell him you feel disrespected and bad about it all.
Wow I would tell him this makes you uncomfortable and to please delete her.
I would keep a close eye on them, it don’t sound good
Oh no she fancies him thats plain to see. The fact that hes respnding is a giant red flag. Nip it out now. Tell her to pack it in and him to either block her or leave
Your intuition is right. She’s after your man. Time to nip it in the bud.
Get on his phone and block her
yeaaaa time to whoop some ass between those two, honey.
Huge red flag! Not a friend!
You need to speak to your husband about this. Before you even confront her, you speak to him. Ask him to unfriend and block her and wait for his reaction.
Trust your instincts before it gets out of hand
Tell that B to take a hike! I’d ask her politely to stop reaching out to my husband