My co worker and husband have been talking on facebook

My husband said it right “grown ass men with a family shouldn’t be on any type of social media”. “That shit is for children” he says. I almost agree with him. I would feel some type of way too. It’s time you sit down with him and tell him how you feel. I am pretty thankful I don’t have to worry about my husband being on any social media apps. That is one thing that attracted me to him so much!

I think that I would be asking questions for sure.

okay trust your intuition right away. get her off his page and get her out of your life and his now before this goes further if it hasnt already

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You have a right to feel that way.

Definitely not over reacting ! I’d be checking my husband if I was you !

Stand up for yourself and your family. Been there done that and have the divorce to prove it. It starts small. Tell him how you feel and ask him to delete and block her. It’s inappropriate.

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Better nip that in the butt & tell her your husband has

No you are not overreacting put a stop to it immediayely

Make him delete and block her

Your not over thinking.
What’s she’s doing is b.s but he’s also in the wrong confront him about it . If she’s nothing ro him . he’ll have no problem removing and even blocking her .
Nip this in thw but real fast . And omg at your baby shower . Shame on her !!!shame on them both !


That’s why we can’t trust the others… it ain’t your man but he IS GUILTY of falling for it…


I would shut that shit down now!

Always listen to your gut!! Mine has yet to be wrong!


I know we are focusing on the woman here but what about the fact that your husband is allowing all of this and participating in flirting with her?


Trust your instincts

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Tell him it makes you uncomfortable and ask him to unfriend her. If he makes a big deal out of it or gets defensive then that will answer your question. If nothing is going on he will have no problem deleting her.


I mean stay with him if you like feeling this :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Very disrespectful I don’t have any if his friends even if I knew them for 40 years or coworkers time to end that form of communication

Not overreacting. First things first, that b*tch wouldn’t be my friend anymore. She’s already made it clear that she’s out to get your man and he’s thriving in the attention. Shut it down immediately. It’s already started. Tell him to block her. If he gets mad, then you’ll see where his loyalty is.


You better tell him to block her and tell her to back the fuck off. Tell your husband that if he still wants to be married to you he better stop with that nonsense now. She’s flirting with a married man, get rid of her!! I’d be livid.

There are women out there that thrive on hurting other women unfortunately. Cut that cancer totally out of your life…and put your foot up that man’s ass !!! Protect your family sis.

Your husband should definitely know better - no reason any of this should be happening and it will more than likely escalate if nothing is said or done now. I’d also completely block that coworker from everything and only respond to her at work for work related things


This is on him. He’s the married father to be. He’s fully aware of and chose HIS life situation. He needs to check himself or show himself out. Period.

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That’s bs make him block her. You’re not over reacting. He is being a pos. Men really make me mad. You’re carrying his baby!! Just wow. So sorry girl.

No your not nip it in the bud. Not acceptable at all.

Girl you are NOT overreacting about the same thing happened with my now ex husband and his best friends now ex wife and my husband at the time kept saying I was crazy overreacting nothing was going on …well girl they are married now!!

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Are u sure they never knew each other before? Sounds fishy. :fish: :fish:


Get rid of her. And block her on his fb. This is how homewreckers act


Go on his Facebook and block her! He needs to realize your his wife not her

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Damn. I’d smack his phone right out his hand into her face. SMH lol. Nah he’s the asshole. And I’d screenshot it their shit share it and tag them in it with a big wtf

Your issue is with your husband because he could have stopped all that from the beginning


One hand if you text her she’s going to play it off as your insecure on the other she knows what she’s doing. Try blocking her from your husbands FB or better yet text her something really disgusting (maybe something a man would say) from his Facebook and then delete the message on his end or come home one day super excited, kind of like your hiding something, soon your husband will be curious and ask what’s going on tell him to keep it a secret but you just found out your coworker has hiv, a man came into your work and yelled at her about giving it to him​:woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:. Another thing that could work is you telling your husband that this situation makes you uncomfortable and that if he really loves you he’d unfriend her.


This is totally inappropriate and not ok. I’d confront them both about it.


She did not stay in her lane and I would feel some type of way too. She initiated contact but he’s definitely going along with it so I would confront both of them and tell your husband he needs to block her


Oh no put a stop to it now but with him mainly not her. She’s not the married one. Tell him that you’re uncomfortable and why and if he’s the right kind of man he’ll stop communicating with her asap.
I’d also drop her a subtle note to check herself before she gets wrecked.


She is disrespectful and so is he . Both at fault have a Convo with both of them that you are uncomfortable with situation ask him to delete and block her and tell her to leave your husband alone


Go unfriend and block, what’s hard there, even numbers delete

If it was me we’d have a nice long talk and bet she won’t be talking to any of us again. Work or not :rofl:


:fist_left:t4::fist_left:t4: girrrrrrlllllllll better nip in the bud now!!!


Have you talked to him about it??? These ppl saying make him delete and block her…my gosh… if there is that trust in your relationships, why are you in them???

I think you should block her
Your husband and both know the situation they should not be doing this

Nope! Watch them! If it makes you uncomfortable he should stop


She is not a friend. Tell. Your husband enough is enough, you are not stupid.


I’ve had thus exact same.shit happen to me and I lost my shit bad on my husband and hes.never done it again since. You are not overreacting nip that shit in the bud and stand your ground!

Nope he needs to delete and block her. That type of nonsense only leads to jealousy, insecurity, and opening a gate he doesn’t need to have opened. 100% if he respects you, you should be able to explain that it’s bothering you - you could even say maybe its not that you don’t trust him but it’s making you feel less secure - and he should have zero issues deleting her. My husband never randomly adds females but if they add him he’ll accept…he knows I don’t care or check but if I’ve ever asked him to delete someone (usually because I have an issue with that person, not him) he deletes without hesitation - he usually is the one to suggest it before I get a chance to…because he respects my feelings and our relationship. I’m sorry mama and I hope this works out well. <3
Also: she is NOT your friend. You should block her too. Yes it may cause awkwardness but she isn’t the marriage you’re invested in. Gotta protect yours babe! <3


Not overreacting. She knew exactly what she was doing when she added him. Call your husband on his actions too. I’d have zero qualms about telling him to block her. Personally, I’d also want him to first send her a message explaining her behavior was unacceptable and also accepting responsibility for his part in it. Otherwise it’ll just appear to her that you “made” him block her. Which may lead to her trying to contact him on other forms of social media or in person. He needs to put her in her place and respect your marriage himself. He should have no problem with that, if he does then I guess you have your answer. :woman_shrugging:t4:


The fact they THEY dont get how DISRESPECTFUL it is on BOTH sides is what gets ME.


My husband said red flag.


You need to report it to your employer asap and confront them right now have him remove and block her I HATE women like this


Your issue is with your husband.
He shouldn’t have responded to the friend request or be all over her Facebook like a rash.
She’s your co worker not his.
She may like him but it’s upto him to stay faithful to you.
Have it out with your husband and see what gets said.
He maybe doesn’t see anything wrong with the way she is been.
Obviously us women can spot it a mile off.


Red flag big red flag Just talk to your husband and ask him to delete her

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I’d be livid. Shut thay shit down asap. Block her confront her and him.

Uh. If you have to ask on this subject, you already know what the answer is hun.


Always trust your gut!


Communication is key to a successful relationship…and respect. So I’d tell him how you feel about it and he should stop his behavior immediately if he respects you and your feelings. Simple as that. I’d let her know to stay in her lane too.


They need to stop it


HE is the one who is married and committed to you. Address her all you want and call her out on it in front of everyone at work - which may cost you your job - but HE needs to be confronted and HE has already broken what you two have. HE let her in and continues to let her cross that line and now you’ll always have it in the back of your mind wtf is he doing when you’re not around, who else is he flirty with, what other social media or fling sites is he on . . .
annnnd you’re pregnant !! and the added stress is NOT good for you or the baby - yea, been there, done that.
Take care of yourself and best wishes🥰


They are both idiots. Not just him, not just her… BOTH! They are both disrespecting you. And that whole oh he’s the one who should know better, yes he is but her h** a$$ should too! She’s a homewrecker and your husband is a piece of sh**. They both know you can see all of this smh. I’d confront both of them.

Sounds like a homewrecker to me.


Every right if they haven’t allready soon b messin round block and delete or fuck that shit x

That ain’t no friend. I’d put her and him both in their places. He has no right liking and commenting on anything of hers… specially in private. Huge red flags there


ALWAYS trust your gut instinct!!! If you are not okay with it then tell him how you feel. He may not think anything of it…men sometimes don’t but be careful in how you approach him.


They’re gonna fuck the minute they get the chance

Honestly I don’t think you’re overreacting. I’d feel some type of way about that too. That’s weird to me. I don’t think that’s really your friend.


Ask your husband if a male friend of his did this with you would he be ok with it ??? I guarantee not !!


Two things, one he’s married so he shouldn’t even entertain anyone in that aspect emotionally or physically, second if she’s also encouraging this that’s not a real friend and she definitely doesn’t respect you or your marriage.


I would be pissed!!!
Not okay! :rage:

She definitely just tryna get your man and he seems to be taking the bait. Your feelings are valid on this one! Trust your gut instinct!!

He needs to delete and block her and if he doesn’t send him out the door. Ew. The disrespect of both of them like wtf! Call them both out. Straight out.


I would insist that he block her. Sounds like they are on the verge of an emotional affair! Good luck!

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Red flags!! You are not over reacting and your feelings are 100000% Valid.

work friends shouldn’t be mixed with personal… keep things separate for a reason…

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Oh no mam. You better set boundaries and cut her out & have him block her


Yeah no that’s not ok.
Tell him this is making you uncomfortable.
If it’s flipped around that YOU are the problem, you have your answer.

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Why was your husband so ready to accept her on FB ? He should have ignored her friend request . You need to tell her she’s inappropriate and to turn her attention to an unmarried man . Either way, their interest in one another is right in your face and the ball’s in your court .


He’s working toward cheating. Either get it stopped or divorce him. Cause he will cheat


Do a group text calling them both out and that if they want to be together she needs to make room for him bc you’re not down with the cheating, then immediately go to AG so once that baby is born they can go ahead and hit him up so you have money to help with the baby and such.


Yeah no!!! That wouldn’t fly with me

Your co worker had literally zero reason to add your husband… she knew what she was doing, your husband also isn’t stupid and should know better, I’d definitely have a conversation with him there’s no reason for them to be on each other’s social media.


Nope tell him he is to have no contact with her. and why you feel that way. It’s disrespectful on both parts and I’d call them both out on it! If it doesn’t stop…. Tell him there’s the door :v:Always trust your gut! It’s always right.


Yep time 2 end that. Start with her. Thats not ok.


I would have shown her the door as soon as she commented on how attractive my husband was.


My best friends husband accidentally (he didn’t know I was there) walked downstairs in his undies one night I was at her house and she went up to tend to baby I covered my eyes the entire time until i heard him going back up the stairs. I know she wouldn’t have cared but i dare not even look because I love my friend. She is not your friend. And your husband knows better


Your husband and coworker is disrespectful and has begun an online relationship!


Yes it is a red flag.
I would approach the issue not directly but like asking him the following. “How would you feel if I were friend with one of your male co worker, added him as a FB friend, liked his post and reply to his post, knowing his wife his pregnant, while ignoring my own husband post, just scrolling down. Would you think it’s a bit crass and is a red flag somehow, or would you feel it’s ok?” Asking for a friend.


I know most are saying block her off his FB, but if he’s entertaining this girl then blocking will not stop it. Then he may just go behind your back & get better at hiding it. I’d totally talk to him & express how uncomfortable this is making you feel & see what he says about it all first, if he makes the decision to block her then it may stop there, if you do it I feel if they really want to keep talking they’ll find another way, one you won’t know about. I believe you have every right to be feeling some type of way as any other person would be feeling the same. It is beyond disrespectful! On your husband’s end & her end, it’s apparent she doesn’t care about being a homewrecker& apparent your man doesn’t care about how it’s making you feel as any man would know better


Yeah that’s a big no for me

Wondering eyes are never good but you went wrong inviting her to a baby shower cant trust nobody and if your mans cute then girl recipe for disaster

You are absolutely not wrong about your feelings, you should call her out on her page to make her feel embarrassed about it, and you should definitely have a talk with your husband

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Girl I would have a talk with him.

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Okay this is going to be the uncommon answer but it is completely normal human nature to like attention from other people, it is what you do with the attention that defines you as either a cheater or not. I’m not in your marriage so I cannot speak for your husband, but if it is this and just this, then you need to be honest with him about how it’s crossed a line for you and that it’s disrespectful for him to keep up with the communication with your co worker. What he does is going to tell you if your husband was innocently flirting or if you have a bigger problem here. If he flips out and makes a big deal I would think this is a bigger issue, if he understands and agrees that your right to a line being crossed and stops it completely then I would personally be able to move on from it. Again, it comes down to 10000 percent honest communication for me. Don’t be afraid to admit to your husband your feelings and he should be able to do the same without being accused of cheating right off the bat. Maybe the innocent flirting is just that, maybe it’s much more but that is something you will need to determine inside of your marriage. As for your coworker- again she is someone you need to have a conversation with, tell her that it’s crossed a line for you and to stop communicating with your husband, that her comments about him being cute have made you feel disrespected and that it’s inappropriate for her as your co worker to be having any sort of conversations with your husband that do not include you. Good luck girlfriend , I’m sorry that you are having to deal with this I hope it all works out :two_hearts:


Better nip that now!!!


And now on fb you set yourself up for that one pray hes a good man n speak up

Follow your gut sounds like this girl might be bad news

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I didn’t know coming to a baby shower was the new way of being a skank :woman_shrugging: I would say something to her and him absolutely gross :face_vomiting: and your pregnant shame on them both :woozy_face:

Your Husband is Really the One To BLAME. HE’S LOVING THE ATTENTION A LITTLE TO MUCH. !!!


Oh, the audacity and disrespect :woman_facepalming:t2:


Demand he block her. He needs to put you first

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You need to address you partner. He needs to fix himself why he’s willing to entertain other people who are in to him. Your gut is telling you a problem is happening so listen to it. And don’t let him gaslight you about it either. They’re just friends, he would never, you’re crazy etc. all gaslighting esp if he’s aware of the boundaries in place for your relationship.


So disrespectful. You’re his Queen…She sounds like she wants to be his Princess. Talk to hubby before it goes further. She knows what she’s doing. Big red flag !


What has happened and is happening isn’t cool. I wouldn’t have an issue with them being Facebook friends, however they are out of line. Does he comment on other female friends post? I’m sure I would let them both know they acting in a way that offends me. IF they are interested in each other making them not communicate in this way will not stop it. If anything then they will communicate privately.