Sadly there are some women out there that only date married men for the excitement and no commitment call her out on it if she doesn’t leave your husband alone and he doesn’t stop texting her then he’s being deceitful Too
He needs to delete her. He doesn’t need to be friends with your coworkers and you should set your privacy so the people you work with can’t see your personal information.
Your hubby is married, she isn’t. Talk to your hubby and stop this
Better shut that down now if you can
Shut that shit down asap
I’d be very upset. That happened with my Best friend and my kids dad. They are now married.
Yes you are not over reacting this is so wrong
Yes it’s BS f on both of them. But simply telling them to stop or fb blocking won’t stop anything. I went through this a few years back. I tried to spy on EVERYTHING! But I came to the realization that there are countless platforms now to communicate. So it really comes down to, do you trust HIM?? It’s a horrible, painful way to live if you don’t. She goes another one takes her place. You’ll never feel secure in your relationship. You will doubt your self worth and it will damage your self confidence.
I’m sorry because it really sucks
It’s called micro cheating and it’s very disrespectful. Its giving attention to others and crossing boundries. You need to bring this to his attention and talk to him about it and tell him it’s making you uncomfortable. Your gut is never wrong.
I would feel some type of way too
She is not your friend. Stop it now!
No their both disrespecting you! Either he tells her to fuck off & blocks her & fixes the mess hes caused with you. Or tell him to fuck off & they can have each other
Trust your gut… What he is doing isn’t right… My ex did the same thing and I recently found one he got another woman pregnant while I was pregnant with my baby.
She is diffently TROUBLE !!!
He needs to unfollow her
I’d let HIM know how it made me feel. If HE doesn’t change it. BYE
I would tell him to block her or leave
Yeah you might want to nip that in the bud real quick! She clearly has no boundaries and your husband should no better he’s a married man and should have redirected her attention to you so she knows it’s inappropriate! And if they keep doing it then leave his butt
Socal medical can be the death of a relationship. If you feel uncomfortable speak on it!!
Block that thing out of your life and your husband what a dirt b-a-g these women get a serious kick out of this stuff someone seriously only like a man because he’s taken and have serious mental issues she’s obviously one of them !! I would confront my husband and her and I would not waste my time on him !! He’s just as much at fault and fed right into with no hesitation
Seems like he’s already crossed the line. So disrespectful. I’m sorry, but I would reconsider going any further with this “man”
Seems like staying with him, will always keep you questioning his actions.
Red. Flag. Still a form of cheating. Had 2 ex’s do that and I left both. As for her, she definitely is NOT your friend!
I feel some type of way too! That’s a no! Totally disrespectful.
I would feel exactly the same way… I wouldn’t ask him to delete him. They’re not “friends” so it’s weird.
Sit him down and tell him it’s time to stop…if not ,time for him to go
She is bad news and I would talk with your husband. She sounds like trouble. Nothing good can come from this. So put a stop to it.
Also, check his messenger and find out if they have each others cell numbers. You can also message her privately and ask her nicely to delete your hubby and explain to her that your not cool with this behavior at all. If hes entertaining this, then hes crossing the line.
Just sit your husband down & in a calm way tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable. If there is something there or not you would like it if he could delete her. If the rolls were switched I’m sure you’d delete the person & then you both could move pass this. No need to overthink or Blame when it could just be nothing. Now if he doesn’t delete her then I’d keep an eye on it. Good luck hun best wishes.
I’m the type of petty that would confront her about it at work in front of other colleagues and him in front of his and my own parents. Then I’d leave
You need to set him straight about it. But, Dont be surprised if he blocks she to keep you from seeing anything on his timeline. Just saying I have been through ti so many times. Never would say anything about me but I was always seeing where he was telling another woman how beautiful she was or gorgeous never said nothing about my pictures.
When it doesn’t feel right to you, then it isn’t. Trust your gut feelings.
Inappropriate! She has no business adding your husband and he has no business accepting it. She’s your friend not his. Well, might be trouble in the making here. Put a stop to it now.
He knows wtf he is doing smh
You are no overreacting! Put that B in her place. Fast! And your husband too!
He should of never accepted her on fb! DELETE!!! And block…no respect
She is not your friend. Put a stop to this.
If she’s a coworker I believe this crosses a line if you can prove she’s causing stress mentally to your health js usually work places don’t go for drama and going for someone’s husband if you have proof could count
Buckle up buttercup he is cheating or is going to
Start posting half naked stories and see what happens
Log on his account and block her simple solutions
You are right to feel that way. You know what they say - the grass is always greener over the septic tank.
She is bad news, very bad news & your husband isn’t that innocent either; I’d put a stop to it
Very inappropriate cut that off and if she doesn’t stop report her for harrasement
Shut that sh*t down. She needs to learn her place and he needs to be a better huband. He’s shouldn’t be entertaining her.
If your feeling some type of way it’s for a reason. Something that starts off innocent can quickly turn into something ugly. I would ask your husband to block her and let him know it makes you uncomfortable as she’s a coworker of yours. Also speak with the coworker about her actions. Let her know that adding your husband was inappropriate as they do not work together nor have a need for interactions outside of you. If he has an issue with deleting her then they may have progressed passed a Facebook friendship. I hope it all works out and I hope this can be fixed with a simple conversation.
She has no business asking your husband to be friends on social media. She knows him thru you. I’ve never ever went and added my friends husbands, after meeting them. Especially after knowing the wife first. That’s so weird to me. And her liking his posts and what not is way way too far!! A discussion needs to be had with your husband. That’s 100% disrespectful. Block her. The both of you. She’s not your friends. Trust me. She sounds like a snake in the grass.
You are not overreacting. That would be a nope for me.
They’re both in the wrong
No I’d put a stop to this bull crap really quick
You feel that way for a reason.
No you’re not over reacting, by him strolling past you and acknowledging her in every way is disrespectful. As far as she goes she should be ashamed of herself. A real woman would never try to interfere and get in the middle of any relationship and post half naked pictures to gain attention.
Oh boy.
Keep your eyes open
You definitely have every right to feel some type of way. Me personally, I’d sit him down and talk to him about your feelings, and what he needs to do. If he doesn’t respect what you have to say, then… bye Felicia
He needs to block her. She is flirting and he is reacting to her flirts. It’s how cheating gets started. You are not overreacting with this.
Very disrespectful, You are NOT over reacting at all. I’d ask to look at his phone and just watch his reaction. Go from there, usually if they have something to hide they will over react or over complicate the situation! Don’t get enraged, just listen. Sometimes it’s better to be quiet and listen when you wanna beat some a@$!
Through my experience it will all come out in due time, God creates light to something he does not agree with, I’ll pray for you and your unborn child. You are in a situation that you never deserved to be in and I’m very sorry.
Seems weird right from the start.
Read between the lines. Thats where the truth often lives.
You’re not overreacting. I’ve been there. Put them both back in their place real quick. And get out honey.
Not over reacting. Put a stop now. Hope it works out for u
It might be harmless but is it worth taking a risk delete her of husbands fb thn she will have to ask again tell him no u dont trust her
Nah you aren’t overreacting. He’s cheating
Get rid of that bitch and ask your husband wtf
I get paid over $ 126 per hour w0rking from home. I never th0ught l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21996 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re lnf0…
Strange don’t trust them
Weird from the start, put a stop to that bullshit real quick. You’re not overreacting.
Nope. My “man” had done me the same 2ay and I’m still virtually dead on SM to him but he will like other females posts about their accomplishments or pics or posts abt their kids but none of mine of any of those.
Needless to say, he probably won’t be my man much longer. I deserve better and so do you so of you tell him how this makes you feel and he ignores it, leave.
Not over reacting…
Your man is just as wrong as she is though…
She knocked on that door, but HE let her in.
It takes TWO to tango. If they are BOTH talking to each other, then they are BOTH the problem.
Na FK this inbox me her name I’ll set her straight.
Gurl you better stop it right now. Chances are they are already talking on fb messenger. My kids dad was friends with his friend/coworkers wife and they was fn . Meeting up. I would have never thought that would happen and it did. I seen the msges. His friend ended up dying from covid last year. I never told because i didnt want to ruin their friendship or get my guy beat up thank God my best friend/Co worker would never do that.
Yep you need to be worried
Shut it down. If it’s on facebook, it’s usually phone and or e-mail as well. Bring it to a head to find out what is in fact going on.
Uh no that’s odd. Definitely not overreacting. They’re both wrong.
He opened that door. Yikes.
Tell that hoe to back off or you’ll beat her ass y’all got to assert dominance… wtf. You need to tell your man the same thing too. Unless he wants that girl wadded up and shoved up his bhole he betta knock it off too.
my husband won’t even add his friends wives who friend request him on Facebook out of respect for me/our friends.
Both the woman you brought to your shower and your husband are in the wrong here. Kick the woman to the curb and out of your lives and get things straight with husband.
You could always secretly block her from his fb and check back on it in a couple days to see if he noticed. Any move from that point forward (whether he notices and brings it up or unblocks her and re-adds her), he’s definitely sus
Yikes! She is trying to STEAL your man. Tell him how you feel and DEMAND he STOP all contact with her. Also, I would confront that heifer and tell her what happens to people who try to take what’s yours. Do NOT take this lightly it is an issue. Nip it in the bud or you will find yourself divorced.
Nah dude your feelings are very much valid, get screen shots from his phone sent to yours of the conversations and photos, then block her from off his profile account. Have someone you know and trust be on stand by for you during and after you confront them both. You’re going to need it, you got this. You have all of us beside you with love and support. Staying with him only to question things until it may or may not happen again is exaughsting. It hurts more when they don’t even bother to hide it. Just take a deep breath, remain calm, civil, and simply put them back in their place like a humble badass. You guys are adults (or at least realistically you are) and everyone involved knows that with the undeniable evidence of the interactions between them was not something a friend nor a husband would never do. She already crossed the line by calling him cute, even if it’s fact. Then felt the need to add him and was coherent enough to know the inappropriate interactions from that point to disrespect you and your family is inexcusable cause they both knew what they were doing. Put a stop to it for your sake. Shoot inbox me her name and I’ll help remind her that she’s a potential homewrecker.
Nope that’s crossing the line
Sorry but he opened the door to let her in like that. Talk to him and shut it down, if possible. If they’ve already gone past the point of no return is up to you to decide whether or not to forgive or. Personally, I would say eff that and carry on to better things.
You’re not overreacting. Follow your gut.
Nope they are flirting right in front of you, consistently
I would go with my gut feeling, and yout gut feeling is right
You are correct, red flags are waving! They are both actively and intentionally engaging each other. Scary. confront the issue for sure but they may just find alternate ways to communicate behind your back unfortunately.
Listen to your intuition it’s there for a reason. Tell your husband to stop all contact with this female and if he doesn’t then you’ll stay somewhere else
Some women are nasty, an sounds like the coworker fits that category…she knows he’s with you…id find this just disrespectful to you on both ends…you every right to feel the way you do.ya need to put them both in there place an call them out on this B.S.
I would feel some kind of way too. Both are in the wrong. HOWEVER she should have never added your man.
Wow that is AUDACIOUS for her to add your husband like that. and now all this, normally when i see these posts, my opinion is the OP is over reacting and insecure, but NO WAY this is not okay. I"d feel the same way but words would have been said before now, cuz i can’t keep my mouth shut
That’s a big nopeee. DIVORCE!
Trust your gut. Red flag!!!
Nope, you need to nip that right NOW.
Block her off his page no way!
That is not OK I’d be having a word with both of them tell her to and tell him how your feeling if he dksnr take.notice or says your overreacting then somghing is happening or.he wants somthing to happen
No ma’am ! NOT ok! XO
If it made me absolutely uncomfortable I would ask him to please delete and block her they don’t have any common ground other than you.
If anything happen take her to court n make both of them pay for a broken home n c where it goes
He’s heading towards a physical with her! Trust your gut!
Definitely red flags.
Confront him! Tell him you want her blocked and deleted! Watch him do it too! Check messenger to delete any chats as well. Don’t say anything to her. Just unfriend her and don’t speak to her at work!