My co worker and husband have been talking on facebook

Helll no. That’s how it starts. That’s cheating behavior. Girllll, talk to him and end that shit now or your relationship gonna end next. He needs to unfriend and block her.

I’d talk to both of them n tell her to back off. He might be cheating. Tell him you’d be happy to take him to court for child support


Block it all. If he says no you know why.
Actions speak louder than words.
Do not ignore your intuitions.
You are not overreacting.
Many friends have been “single white femaled” by predatory people they know. Ones they sadly thought were their friends.
They can be quite sneaky with their approach too.
Me and my husband are super introverted so we notice pretty quickly. To a person ripe for the picking rather than seeing the person as intrusive they will be flattered by the attention. Gross.
Bad people may see what you have and try to insert themselves in your lives. It’s really creepy and devious.
If something is telling you something is developing nip it in the bud.


Both of them should be ashamed…oh yeah…ppl have no shame anymore!!! Kick both to the curb! If he falls for all that shallow crap what else would it take to get his attention? Not much, imo


Busted. Stop it all now.

Very inappropriate situation for sure


Delete her from his page I would


I’d give her a slap and kick his arse

Block her and your husband phone


You right they both wrong


Honey it sounds like he doesn’t have eyes for you any longer and that co worker is back stabbing you I also would get a little worried myself it sounds like things are starting to pick up between them and if it is get rid of him down the road you will have problems if he was loyal he would not have gone there with her and I’m sorry again


《《《《VIBE 》》》》
There’s definitely some Chemistry, Flirting etc… going on here. Try to Shut it down Now Before they take it too far. They are both disrespectful to you and trying to be low key… Heck naw


Yuk no way. She’s a mole and he’s custard


Yes I would feel a type of way too very very inappropriate of them


Nope I’d be pissed! Not okay


You’re definitely not wrong girl


I’d put an end to that immediately. That’s so disrespectful to you and your unborn child.


Facebook is how I found out my now ex-husband, was cheating. Stop that shit now. On both ends!

Nope, I’d open my mouth.

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I like to tussle … so my advice isn’t going to be any good lol!
But being you’re pregnant you need to sit his a$$ down and confront him . And don’t be nice about it . As for her ? At this point she’s showed she is NOT there to be your friend . Blocked & cut off from your circle completely !
I had one of my now husband’s ex’s do that and let’s just say i was heartbroken & she was physically hurt … :rofl::smiling_face:
Then years later she did it to another girl , ended up having a child w that girl’s boyfriend & got married , then he turned around and cheated with the girl he was originally with … can you say KARMA ?! :sweat_smile::flushed:

Honey don’t hold that shit in​:bangbang::bangbang: let it out! Confront both of them! SHE SHOULD’VE NEVER FRIENDED HIM WITHOUT ASKING IF IT WAS OK WITH YOU FIRST :bangbang:

Nope you’re not overreacting…I would have a conversation with both of them


Keep the hoes close to you :100: everyone is a suspect even her

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You need to check them now and put a stop to that now!


Right now, I wouldn’t even mention the “FB” stuff to either of them. Have a straight to the point convo w/ both of them, stat. Just say you are getting bad vibes & them interacting in any way makes you very uncomfortable, to please stop immediately. Then, watch. If the fb stuff continues OR either are still behaving strangely… you have a definite answer & just them not respecting your wishes (esp your husband) HUGE red flag imho. Nip it in the bud, so to speak & make those boundaries well known as deal-breakers all around.


Not ok and very inappropriate. Confront your husband now and make him unfollow her.


You have every right to feel any type of way about that. I would be livid.


Stop that immediately…she’s no friend…


I would be mad and put a stop to it now !!


Don’t trust a friend


emotionally cheating… i would confront both of them with it


Throw out the whole husband.


Realistically, they both need to be confronted, he needs to block her, and you need to have as little to do with that girl as you can.


Nope! I’d nicely say something to him about it


Talk to him. You have ever right to feel like you do.

Your husband is loving the attention but she is a attention ****
I’d say something to both of them. Don’t trust her. She’s no friend at all. :rage:


You shouldn’t have to tell your Husband not to do these things and it’s leading up to cheating as it is. Sounds like he’s shown what he is.


Not okay. Confront them both. But just getting rid of her from his fb isn’t gonna fix it, if he’s interested in straying, he’ll find another girl and another way.


Put a stop to it now. That’s how my ex and his got started. All of our friends figured it out without me ever saying a word.

You better fix this quick

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I would leave. I know both you having a baby together. But if he don’t block her. Or stop the conversation with her. You best must leave. You should make him chose. Or her. Or your family. See how quiet he’ll stay. And he’ll have to chose. Trust me been there done that.

Not okay at all on both parts. I feel for you.
How that must destroy you when he doesn’t comment or like your posts but he does hers.

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You are NOT overreacting! You need to talk to your husband and tell him her redd to put her in her place. If he won’t, you’ve already lost him cheating isn’t just physical. If my man starts entertaining another woman he’s gone. Not just saying that. In the middle of a divorce now because of this. Three weeks after I kicked him out, he announced on FB that they’re engaged. She wasn’t the only one he was cheating with either. Several came forward after they saw we were separated and talking wasn’t all they had done

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You said coworker. That’s disrespectful as fuck. You better put her in her place and your husband’s for entertaining it. He should know better.

Have your husband delete and block for the 1st part.

She’s a home wrecker. I would have eye on everything the moment she mentioned my husband

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You are not over reacting!! That’s wrong! She should never have added him without asking you first. And he certainly shouldn’t be entertaining her, either.

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I’d just have a word with him about how you feel :slight_smile: not being rude but sometimes men don’t even realise when things are inappropriate, I’ve seen someone flirt to my fiancé right to his face and he’s not even noticed and started talking about me and our son :see_no_evil:. Maybe once you’ve voiced your feelings it will stop. 100% watch that Co worker though, doesn’t sound like a friend.

Very suspicious if you ask me :thinking:

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Do what you feel you need to do. Trust your gut.!

NOT OK AT ALL…. She is a home wrecker. Put a stop to it now. :rage:


I’d talk to him and tell him how this makes you feel. As for her if you don’t trust her don’t be her friend and tell him that y’all are no longer friends so delete her. If he doesn’t have any interest in her he won’t have a problem with it.

This is definitely not ok. You are definitely NOT OVERREACTING. she is disrespecting n u would address it.


Talk to him and let him know how you feel. Also that’s highly inappropriate. If he tries to argue put your foot down and be firm. It’s not something you’re going to budge on. It makes you feel uncomfortable and it needs to stop. She needs to be removed/blocked and you need to have a conversation with her as well. There’s no reason for her to be talking to your husband. “Being friendly” isn’t an excuse and DO NOT let them gaslight you into thinking its nothing. Because it’s definitely something. Also cut her off after your convo. Let her know you don’t appreciate the way she’s making a move on your family and she’s no longer allowed to contact either of you. Confront her or she’ll keep running around on you.


I wouldn’t do anything. Honestly if a woman is able to get the man I’m with that easily, she can have him!


Put a stop to it right away!

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If anyone says you are OVERREACTING that’s cause they are guilty!

A friend wouldn’t do this.
HECK A COWORKER should not even do this!
That’s my opinion though.

He is wrong.
She is WRONG.


Then go to work and give her the eyes. See if he figures it out that she was blocked. Then y’all both sit down and hopefully can talk this out. :heart:


Know she is chatting tomorrow she will date him

All I gotta say is :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: and trust your gut. This is not ok. I doubt it’d be ok if the shoe was on the other food. Also, ditch your coworker friend.


Say something immediately


You can feel however you want and if you’re getting the this isn’t right vibe it’s because it’s Not! Tell your spouse that he needs to chill out with the likes and "friendliness " as he’s giving her, a single lady the wrong idea. Let him know that you are not comfortable with what’s going on and that if you can see it so can other people. He needs to shut it down or you will have to which is just gross. That’s straight up awful that this coworker is trying to get attention from your husband but at the end of the day it’s your husband that needs to respect you and stop engaging in this nonsense whatever it is… Shes not talking to herself. He’s interacting.


Definitely not ok. I don’t even have my Best friends husband and we have been bffs for over 30 years! I would say something.

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There’s an attraction there. Your husband adding your co-workers? That’s just weird. Imagine if you went and added all “the boys”? Your relationship is with him, you married him so is he capable of betrayal? How far would he go is the question.


He is dead wrong here and if he doesn’t understand your feelings he needs a reality check.


Have a talk with hubby SOON

Your gut and paranoia should be trusted.

Something is going on.

How you deal with it it don’t know……


What an asshole he is. Tell him that straight up.

Why the fuck do women act like that

I will admit, even 32 years later, I am the jealous wife. I don’t mind someone noticing my hot husband who is almost 55, and he doesn’t mind people noticing me at 51, but we have boundaries. He works in construction as an Electrician, not many women on that kind of job, hats off to them. We have a respectful pact, work is from clock in to clock out, come home. I haven’t worked for 16 years, so that’s irrelevant now. But we’re also old fashioned and traditional. My guy doesn’t have social media, he knows who is on mine and I leave it open, I have nothing to hide. If it bothers you, tell him.


What is wrong with him? Why would he allow your co-worker get in the middle of his family. I would definitely discuss with him.


You get to feel however you fell about this. Chances are, he’s enjoying the attention and it’s just a crush. If I were you, I would tell him: I love you and I trust you, but you liking and commenting on her posts is making me feel jealous and insecure, please help me feel better about this and remember what we have together is far more important than a fleeting attraction to an attention whore.

Because what kind of trashy, attention seeking woman does this? She’s gross.

Umm…no ! I would confront him, first, then confront her too, after!
Stop it now, before it’s taken further, to destruction of both yr lives! Just never know about these things!


Bitch… no… not in any way… you should stop that NOW and check that girl… And most of all your man… she doesn’t owe you anything but he vowed to be with YOU… ALSO would he like it if or was the other way around…

All these people saying have him block her. That’s literally gonna do nothing. For them to be interacting like this through posts and what not,I’m willing to bet that they’ve had private conversations first. These things don’t usually end well. He’s already opened the gates in my opinion.


Sounds like your man is a home wrecker…. He opened the door for someone else to come in. You either talk to them both. Put a stop to it. Accept it and let it go or you leave and find yourself a better man. But remember it’s not just her to blame. He opened that door.


Tell her to stop!!!

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Let your husband know that you’re uncomfortable with the friendship because you’re aware that she has inappropriate intentions. Then say as his wife he needs to put you first and take care of your feelings and cut off contact with her. This shouldn’t be a problem since they just met, it’s not even his friend, it’s someone he met through you. And he should be respecting that it could get uncomfortable professionally in your work place. His response, reaction, behavior will tell you everything. If he argues, defends, gets angry or upset at you and or refuses your request than he has feelings for her and is cheating or intends to.


I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19884 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

HEY ! BE FRIEND One of his BUDDY’S!!! And See how he likes it !!!:rofl:


Nope tell her knock it off then ask hubby delete her


Damn girl …get that :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

You have answered your own question sweetheart…good luck :kissing_heart::england:


Trust your gut! I’m sorry this is happening during what should be a joyous time in your life :broken_heart:


You have every right to feel how you are feeling.
Past experiences scream RED FLAG!


Text daily one of his friends does he like it is

You mentioned co-worker not friend. She probably shouldn’t have been at your baby shower. She openly told you your husband was cute, and then proceeded to add him on social media after only meeting once. I would let him know she mentioned him being cute and then this whole situation that followed makes you uncomfortable and you would like her removed from his page. He should respect that. Sounds like her stories are thirst traps and hes falling for it.


You are not over reacting.

I’d feel some type of way about this. She clearly has alterior motives and he’s feeding into it. This could turn into physical cheating quick


I would be furious, sorry there’s trusting someone and there’s being made a mug out of and those pair are in the latter :unamused: he needs to delete her asap - what a horrible thing for you to put up with while pregnant :cry: x

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Both of them are
j erks. Put a stop to it & only keep her as the saying goes “keep your friends close & your enemies closer”.

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No you need to go to his account block her and look into his phone for a phone number from her I would be talking to your husband then I would be in her face asking her why is she Facebook him

Confront that hoe, she literally met him at your BABY SHOWER, tell her to stop being trashy and go find a man on her own, you didn’t invite her to play matchmaker with your HUSBAND. Tell him how uncomfortable it makes you and that you want her removed from his stuff. If he can’t do that then it’s obvious she tainted him and you don’t need that while pregnant


Why did he accept her request after only meeting her once though? I wouldn’t trust either of them but that’s just me. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 20736 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. ===>

He needs to remove her n u need to tell her to leave your man alone


Seeing acts like this caught on video makes me question is having a video that shows the act good enough for the court systems to do what is right to the spitter?

This is such a trashy thing to do on both of their behalves.


Whether or not she’s coming on to your husband. It’s how he responds that is the problem. :woman_shrugging:t3:


How shitty!!! I’m so sorry your going through this. He definitely opened the door for her and she’s playing games!sadly some women have no morals,she’s to blame but he is to blame even more because he is the one that had the job to shut her ass down real quick. I’d be furious :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: don’t “tag” her but give us her name on here I’ll troll that hoe :rofl: really though!

I’d feel some type of way too

Whenever one of my friends/family husband’s friend request me, I ALWAYS ask their significant other if it’s ok to add them out of respect. And it’s never been a sexual thing EVER.