My daughter has been getting styes since I think right before she turned 2 in October and her doctor says that it’s normal but I don’t know anybody who gets them as often and as bad as she does. He perscribed an eye ointment and I think it’s working and all but why does she get them so often…? Anybody else who goes through this and has any remedies or advice?! Thanks!!
I used to get styles constantly when I was Young girl. I would have one in one eye and it would then start in my other eye. This was due to my passing on the infection by rubbing my sore eye, and not washing my hands right after, then touching my good eye, styes are contagious and can pass from eye to eye and person to person.
I apparently started young having styes but don’t remember until I was around 5.
My mother with eye doctors instructions, use to boil hot water and put a tea bag into it, until soaked and hot. Remove from water, set tea bag down until it cools down enough to touch. Give a gentle squeeze to remove most water, then place on the infected eye - tea bags will help pull out toxins and pus from eye and white cap in the eye. Place gauze a couple of layers over top of tea bag and then tape onto face, firm enough to hold the tea bag and gauze in place. Keep on for at least an hour. Do this at least twice a day. I would do it mornings and shortly after my supper, so I had at least the hour before bed.
I was told that I got it due to underdeveloped eye ducts and oils glands. I was also told I should grow out of the problem. I did but I was in my 20’s when I did.
Take her to ophthalmologist. A pediatrician does not specialize in anything that Is related two eyes
Yes my daughter got chalazions quite often at that age and we were told to rinse with tear free baby soap and warm compresses we were also given ointments at the eye dr the eventually got better with age
Take her to an ophthalmologist
In my daughter’s case it was caused by blepharitis. She was born with an issue with the oil producing glands in her eye. She still deals with issues now and she’s 14.