My daughter complained the entire time we were out doing family time...advice?

Yesterday we took our two kids 8 and 3 to a local farm that opens seasonal with fall activities straw ride, maze, cornhole, cows, painting pumpkins, corn pit, food and ice cream, etc there’s a lot to do. My 3 year old had the time of his life but my 8 year old complained almost the entire time whatever we were doing she wanted to move onto the next thing. I told her we were stopping at all stations/areas and spending time whether she wanted to or not. I would look up and my daughter is just sitting in the corner pit and was the only one with a straight face not having a good time I guess. I mentioned it to her dad and he just says she’s getting older. I don’t think 8 is too old to enjoy those activities outside am I wrong? She just came off very ungrateful complaining the whole time.

I have a 3yr old girl ,then 8,10 and 12 yr old boys …the older ones get to do things the little one had to tag along for then she gets things they have to tag along for…we all have to make the best of are sacrifices

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My kids are 7 1/2 years apart 3 and 10 1/2 now. Sounds normal honestly.


8 and 3 is a big gap she probably got bored with the “little” kid stuff plus sounds like you focused on the little playing with them and no time with the older one
Try and make that more even a bit and if she’s responsible enough to stay at a station you can still see alone than let her have the bit of independence


Thats how YOU raised her!..

Are you doing activities for her age or just for the little one hoping she too will enjoy it since she’s young? I take my kids to places and they have a huge age gap 12 and 3 but they both enjoy our outings because I make sure to do age appropriate activities with both, it also could be she just needs some attention having a 3 year old can take time from her and it’s not intentional but maybe that could be the issue


Lol that’s my 8 yrs old lol


We have an 8yr,7yr,5yr and 15 month old. The three oldest hate doing things with the youngest. However, we have told them that it’s not always about them and that they need to learn that we will do things geared towards the 15 month old and yes we will do things that they enjoy as well. It’s about balance.

Kudos for not giving in and catering because kids need to learn that they can’t have their way all the time and sometimes we have to do things that we really don’t want to do.


It’s the age. Mine are 9, 6 and 3.5. Even though my 9 year old gets the most activities any time one is catered to the younger 2 he complains how boring it is the entire time :roll_eyes:.

We acknowledge it, but tell him this is part of being in a family. Normally once he sulks for a bit he joins in.

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Ask her questions on why she felt the way she did. It will make her feel validated. She will likely open up to you if you just talk to her.

Sounds like my 9 year old & my 5 year old. My oldest gets “bored” & says things “aren’t fun”. But my 5 year old is having the time of her life doing the same activities.


I was like that and it was mostly because I was either exhausted or overstimulated and doing something that felt really overwhelming. I don’t think forcing a kid to be grateful for an activity is right especially if they weren’t the ones that specifically asked for it . Next time ask if she wants to go or maybe do a different activity with her on another day


What were the activities?

Some kids just are not interested in this type of thing. I agree with another commenters idea of splitting them up and doing different things by 8 my sons maturity level was pretty high and he would have been just as bored as his old Mom😂

When my girls were that age they loved that stuff and now 11 and 12 they still would.

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Let her pout the rest have fun

Leave her home next time it’s an activity she wouldn’t enjoy. But make sure you plan activities she will enjoy as well.

She didn’t enjoy herself & that should be ok. Why should she be “grateful” to be forced to do something she doesn’t enjoy? And she wasn’t complaining, she was expressing her feelings, which should be encouraged- even if its something you don’t want to hear. Why not sit down and talk to her and see what kind of activities she would enjoy & start doing some of those too


It’s a control thing, and its a phase. Let her sulk, but she has to tag along anyway. Tell her its a choice to have a good time and its up to her, but she’s gonna be there for family time regardless of her attitude… She’ll eventually come around…


That was my son at 8…wish I could tell you it gets better!

My 8 year old is super moody and I’m noticing she is also “too old” for a lot of things she’s loved for years and it breaks my heart. Of course she still believes in Santa Clause because… gifts. Her 10 yo sister is a bit better about going with flow and at least she (10 yo) will put on a good show for their 3 yo sister. The best advice I have is to include her but don’t force her in to anything. We get more cooperation and a few hidden smiles if we don’t push.

You can’t force someone to have fun.

Maybe she was just having an off day, we all have them, kids or adults, as adults we just have more control of our days or activities.


Tell her that if she doesn’t at least be respectful and have good manners, then next time you will leave her with a babysitter… and follow through. Last year my 11 year old missed out on going to The Melting Pot for a celebratory dinner for this same reason. I honestly felt awful and guilty because I wanted her to go, but the lesson stuck. I only had to do that once and she didn’t forget it.

She may not be too old for those activities, but she is her own person, she may not be into those things but it doesn’t have to do with age, different kids enjoy different things just like adults don’t all enjoy the same things. Maybe ask her what things she would be interested in doing

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:joy: there’s always one ungrateful grouch in the family. In ours, it’s my husband.

I agree with most people talking about age gap, maybe you and dad can split up on some activities. You and your daughter can do a few things together, while dad’s with the little then swap. I’ve done this with my kids who have a 7 yr gap.


I have an 8 year old daughter and this sounds a lot like her lol It’s normal I wouldn’t worry like your husband said she’s just getting older And it’s going to be more vocal about what she wants and doesn’t want to do

She sounds like a normal kid. They go through an emotional phase at that age and kids are allowed to have off days!!

My 8 yr old would have had fun but she does like to rush through everything and only want to do what interests her. We usually let her lead for events like that. It keeps her interested

Make her go and ignore the negative behavior. Also have her pick outings as well. She maybe more engaged. But if the 3 yr old is getting more attention then she or she feels that way she maybe jealous and shutting down


We all have our days. I’m miserable too some days when everyone is happy. In words of Grumpy Monkey “it’s a wonderful day to be grumpy.”

I may have the biggest age gap between kids here, right now our son is almost 20, little one turned 6 August…the older one would act out, have the attitude when the younger one got the attention needed for being little. Still does​:rofl::rofl::see_no_evil::rofl::rofl:

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I have a 10 year old and so far he really seems to enjoy anything we go and do. But every kid is different. She may just not be into it.

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Sounds like she’s getting to that age where she thinks she’s too old and she’s dealing with a lot of feelings. I’d talk to her.

Sounds like my 11 year old and 6 year old. Unfortunately it doesn’t get easier it gets harder :joy: I don’t have advice cuz I’m going thru the same :poop: so I wish you luck

No, but she’s also at that age that everything is boring. I would honestly just ignore it. 

I think eight is a bit old and will be doing things far quicker than a three year old anyway.


Just a normal , moody, pain in the butt kid. Lucky so far my granddaughters are very excited and happy whatever we do. 10 and 7.

Get used to it. You have 4 more years before she becomes a person again. Then she’ll hit puberty. Lol. 16. That’s when they are fun again. Provided you have maintained a healthy relationship. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor

Did you ask her if she wanted to go? What she wanted to do? She probably didn’t want to be doing the toddler activities. Next time, consider your kids are 2 whole different individuals with a big age gap and therefore different interests.

Your kids aren’t you, sometimes they get dragged to do things to entertain the younger one. Be understanding and supportive that they feel dragged around. May not be their cup of tea.

If you explain it’s for the younger one you may have better engagement instead of then thinking it’s all about them……:wink:

Of course 8 years old is old enough to know if they enjoy doing something - or if it’s something they don’t enjoy.

It’s not that she’s too old, but these things may simply not interested in them.

Ask her why? Say to her so I feel as though you didn’t seem to be having fun yesterday at the farm. Can you tell me what you were feeling? Open ended question so she can communicate freely. Maybe she’s feeling like all the activities are centered around your three year old. She may need some one on one time. It’s hard when one child requires so much attention.


I hsve boys so I don’t know they go everywhere eith most onlyever gotten was csn we go home n I’ll say in a lil snd he drops it but probably just sn sgr thing sll kids are different

Maybe try ask what kind of activities she would enjoy doing and plan a day with her.

I would ask her what activity she wants to do since you did something for the 3 year old. 5 years is a pretty big gap

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My child would have enjoyed these things at 8 years old. 8 is still young.
Sounds more like an attitude problem


most 8 year old I know likes stuff like that. Maybe if she doesn’t like something y’all are going to do and she rather be at home than let grandparents or get a sitter for her.

My kids had a age gap as well and my son got everything he wanted all the time. God Forbid he had to join us cherry picking, I don’t think so. Personally I would’ve told my daughter to either get with the program or we get home and she can do nothing. We do stuff all the time when my older son would bring a friend and that helps but theres no reason 8 and 3 year old can’t play together. Or Dad can take her to the car and do nothing until were done. I know for a fact my kids are loved equally and given equal attention so theres no reason to act that way. These kids know now if they rush there’s something funner to do when they get home. Not to mention do you have any idea how many kids never get to go to a pumpkin patch. If I spent my hard earned money on that outing and she acted like that Id be upset as well. Do you know how many hours some people have to work to spend 200 for a day there. Maybe Im strict and we really cant give you exact advice because we dont know your kids or circumstances.

They say 8 is the hardest year for the single digits.

At 8 years old do you want to be doing more things that teenagers do. Kids these days are always trying to grow up faster. Those activities were definitely boring my kid by the age of seven. So we would look for other activities for her to do. I think those activities are more for younger kids up to the age of 6 possibly seven

My girls just turned 8 and doesn’t like that sort of thing anymore or the park etc, have you ever been made to do something u really don’t want to do? I always think just cause there kids they should still have a voice n be aloud to make choices what they do and don’t want to do x


It’s the age. Lol. It doesn’t get better until they are like 15/16. Lol

Old school,but methinks she needs an attitude adjustment,she might not have enjoyed some things,but that’s no excuse for bad manners,she could have been at least pleasant


next time get a sitter and leave her at home why let one child ruin everyone else’s time. Also let her know why

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Years different in age between all of us siblings (4). We were always grateful for quality outings with the family. If one of us were to act up and try to ruin it for the others. My father would go sit in the car with him/her and would switch off half way through with my mom. Next outing, he/she would stay home with a sitter. And after staying home bored with a sitter. We all learned to enjoy quality time spent as a family.

Well, the next time you take your family on an adventure tell her your going to leave her home alone. ( which you won’t of course) since is how she didn’t enjoy herself at the farm. See if she perks up then.

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She didn’t want to be there. She was letting you know. She has every right to tell you how she feels.

Something that might entertain your three year old is not gonna entertain your eight year old. There’s a big difference next time try to ask her what she would like to do.


Stop forcing your kids to do stuff that YOU like. She didnt like it and that is okay! Why would this be an issue? What are you going to do…punish her into liking the pumpkin patch??!

Try a mommy and me day or have dad do a daddy and me day or night.

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She probably hated it. Some people don’t like that kind of stuff. Does she need to learn to grin and bare it better? yes, but most children don’t understand the concept of you’ll miss it when it’s gone. Not much you can do but talk to her about the complaining and why doing things with family is important.

We bought our 8yr old daughter a doll yesterday…but the time she got home (about 5mins literally) she was complaining she wanted a different 1 cuz she got scammed…no idea where scammed came from…she is our youngest of 5…all the rest are boys…the above comment about hitting the teen years is gold…we have teen boys and that can be interesting believe me…testosterone flies and so does fists sometimes…but this 8yr old girl stuff is killing me faster than the bous…when she hits her teens I am moving out!!!..hahhahahahahahhahaha…


she was bored. dad is right.

Maybe she just didn’t want to do it. Kids are people too. They sometimes don’t want to do things.

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I have a 9 year old and unless her friends are in attendance she’s bored…. Even when she has a little brother who is only 17m younger.

Kids are growing up a lot faster then we did
There generation is not like ours I was still playing with dolls at age 14
14 year olds now are having sex and on TikTok.

She could have been bored
Maybe find something she also enjoys ? Maybe seperate time ? Mum and daughter time doing something she likes
8-3 is a big age gap

Buckle up & prepare for the ride :woozy_face::sweat_smile:


My older boy still loves that stuff, but I’m sure he’ll be too cool soon enough lol. Kids always seem to be ungrateful turds.

It’s ridiculous to ask someone to be greatful for things they didn’t ask for. It’s almost like she’s an individual human with her own personality and preferences.


So what you’re saying Is you’re completely ignoring her and her feelings
That’s wild

my 8 yr old is super excited to do pumpkin patch. but we don’t do stuff like that alot so all 3 my kids get excited about literally everything lol id ignore the negativity

My eight yr old grand loves going to the farms and doing all the activities. She loves animals though.

The only advice relevant to the situation is that you need to come back to reality and leave that fantasy world you live in alone. Your daughter was completely normal. Your reaction and you’re reaching out asking for advice is what’s not normal. 

Keep doing these excursions. Children rush to grow up to fast.

I have me a 12yr old daughter that has been the same way since she was 8…I think it’s just her. :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

My oldest one is like this since he was born. I just don’t care anymore :woozy_face:

She was just bored with that kind of entertainment, not her thing and she sounds like she’s very intelligent so maybe she just needs something more exciting and interesting for her personality​:biking_woman::woman_cartwheeling::woman_playing_water_polo::woman_playing_handball::grin:

You made a kid go do things she said she didn’t want to do at a 3 year olds pace and you’re upset that she didn’t look happy? Just because she’s a child doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have preferences. But she also is learning how to handle her feelings and being mad at her for navigating this isn’t going to encourage healthy communication. Ask her what SHE wants to do and go do that as a family outing as well. If you only take her to the things you want to do, or things that’s centered around the youngests age, she’s going to stop wanting to do anything with you altogether and possibly grow to resent the sibling.

Well, being the center of attention is normal at the ones age. The other, older is trying to break away. Normal too. Has she got her period?

My son stopped liking little kid stuff like that at an early age also. Her not enjoying something shouldn’t be seen as ungrateful and bad behavior. Maybe next time ask her opinion on what she would like to do for a family day since she is part of the family and should have an opinion in things like that


Whether she enjoyed it or not, it seems like she acted very disrespectful and that shouldn’t be tolerated if it was as bad as it sounds. There are going to be times when she is going to want to do something and the if after the first try it ended in the younger basically throwing a tantrum, I bet the parents would get a sitter or let someone w a child her age for a play date. Something until they got the appropriate behavior taught to the younger one. I have to do a lot of things that I really care for but I do them because they enjoy and vice versa. Heck, my husband went with his lil sister (18 year gap) to see the new barbie movie and he was so not excited about it but he ended up having a pretty good time especially w lil sis bc my old but fell asleep. They whole thing was my idea. The thing though is he did it to be nice and we will do things all together often as possible and it might even be something that makes the other cringe but you can still use manners. A poor attitude is probably one of the top negative characteristics that a person can have. If the 8yo really really didn’t want to go she could have tried to make plans w a friend and they could have at least addressed it before hand.

As long as it’s not against a really true deep belief like, faith, politics… etc.


Should of just let her do the stations by herself or brought a friend. I’m 11 yrs older then my sister and 7 years older then my brother, I hated family stuff. Felt like I was at a little kids party or a babysitter. My sons are 4 yrs apart and I did most of outings separate or let my older son bring a friend. 8 going on 16 is starting to not want to hang with parents or their much younger siblings.

She’s allowed to have a bad day . Just because everyone else seemed to be having fun, doesn’t mean she is automatically suppose to have fun too. She sounds like a normal kid, that just didn’t enjoy herself. Did you ask her why she wasn’t having a good time? Did you ask her what activity she maybe wanted to do next? Was your focus mostly on her younger brother? A lot could have played into her having a bad day. But at the end of the day, if she had a bad day, thats totally ok too.


Kids nowadays are mostly ungrateful brats. It’s all about me me me. How many times has the little one had to sit through a game or event for the older one? If they can’t act right make them go anyway or leave them doing something absolutely boring. Kids need to be taught. I’m a granny and I don’t put up with that non sense. Keep your negative remarks to yourself. My kids all ended up ok.

sounds bratty. speaking from experience (I have 3 girls nb, 6, 14.5)… 8 is old enough to voice opinions of like/dislike…sulking and ruining everyone else’s time is selfish. I’d explain either next time she vocalize what/why she feels and give you a chance to consider/accommodate her…or she can stay home. it’s not fair to be bratty…even if it’s not her thing.

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Sometimes kids are in a bad move for a reason, not feeling well, missing time with friends, wanted to do something else and sometimes they are just having a bad day, as we all do… At eight she probably did enjoy some of those things and you were right not to ruin the day for the three year old. I used to bring books and art supplies along for the older kids who might be a bit bored with some activities. Did you talk to her then or later about why she was unhappy? You may hear her talking with friends later and get a better idea of what was going on and you may even hear her bragging about where she went. Kids can be funny like that. Try to figure it out but don’t worry too much unless it becomes a pattern

Bad attitude !typical today kids

It only gets worse the older she gets…unless it’s all about her

It’s normal. No 8 year old is going to want to do what a 3 year old wants. Most festivals like that are for younger kids. It’s probably really boring to her. Next time, you and her do something she likes and the dad and do something with the 3 year old. I mean come on now :rofl:

Lmao this is my 8 and 10 year old girls​:roll_eyes: hormones are fun :rofl:

She was absolutely bored , nothing weird about that

We took my niece (6) and my daughter (10) to something similar over the summer. My daughter wanted to rush through from one attraction to the next while my niece wanted to linger at each attraction. But it wasn’t that one was bored and the other was excited. It was that they were both excited in different ways. My niece wanted to spend as much time as possible at each attraction while my daughter was excited to see it all as quickly as possible. While we planned for the trip to be a family event, we ended up splitting up so that each child could go at their own pace and enjoy the event how they wanted.


She’s a child…kids have mood swings for many different reasons. Just because you think something is fun doesn’t mean she HAS to enjoy it. Maybe something else is bothering her that she isn’t telling you.

She’s showing off so ignore her. Next time she wants to go something tell her no. And remind how she acted last time.
Kids need to understand cause and effect. How their actions effect others.

Mine would have gotten a trip to the bathroom and returned with a sore bottom and a better attitude.

Wait till she’s 15 lmao😭

She sounds pretty normal for an 8 yr old.
But at 8 their interests aren’t at a 3 yr olds level, attitude hence is gonna happen

She’s practicing for being a teenager.