My daughter complains of leg pain at night...advice?

So my daughter is 6 and a 1/2. Every once in a while, at night, she complains her leg hurts her. It’s like on her shin, the front of her leg. But tonight she’s crying on the floor holding it crying in pain. Is this normal?? Or is this something I should be worried about? She hasn’t been too active today. She walked around for like an hour outside but besides that, she hasn’t been too active.


Is she having calcium and vitamin d tablets?
Kindly get her cbc test done to check if she has any deficiency. If not pls consult a pediatric for professional help.

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Growing pains! My daughter gets this every so often as well. Bengay and heat pad

I remember as a child my legs use to hurt like that and my mom would always say it’s growing pains. Not sure if people still believe in that or not anymore. However I tend to think so, my daughter gets them too every once in awhile and it’s always at night. It never hurts to check with a Dr though if your concerned

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A lot of times it is growing pains, but to be actually crying in pain? Unless she is a very over dramatic child, I don’t see that being the case. I remember being this age and going to the doctor over leg pain and it was a semi serious issue. I was x-rayed and medicated, and had to use crutches for awhile, but I can’t remember what it was. But my legs would just give out and I would collapse. And the pain was terrible


My son had the most horrible pains. Even went to hospital. I also went through this as a child. Was never sure if growing pains

I’m 61 now, but I had growing pains at night.
I remember it hurting enough I would cry and my mom would come rub my legs and give me baby aspirin, that was like 55 years ago.
After a few years, they stopped

I remember the same pain and reaction growing up. I was just a little older than her, 7 years old. Thinking back, I think it was what they called growing pains. It hurt like hell :sob: Give her some Tylenol or something. They may come again, but won’t last forever.

I used to get them all the time, I did cry from them. Once I started eating bananas, they went away. I a banana a day

No my brother went thru this you need to take her to a doctor ASAP!!!

Banana or Gatorade before bed BUT my son went to a pediatric podiatrist and he ended up having inserts in his shoes because his flat feet were causing leg pain by the end of the day. They stopped since.

Ugh my daughter goes thur this started around seven and she is now 9. Still happens once in a awhile. My doctor told me it’s growing pains

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I can’t believe almost no one mentioned- that can be a sign of something more serious such as cancer. Unlikely but if it continues bring it up to pediatrician and get blood panel done etc and then whatever they recommend xray it mri etc etc etc if needed just to make sure nothing is going on and it’s really just growth pains which is probably all it is.


Could be growing pains. My daughter is almost 8 and still gets pain like that. She uses a weighted ice pack on her legs at night, it helps alot!

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Could be growing pains but I’d get it checked out just to be safe! Good luck -it’s so hard to see our kids in pain!

Growing pains! My mom used to give me aspirin and rub my legs till i fell asleep :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Whatever you do don’t massage it. Just in case it could be a clot. If massaged would turn the clot loose into the system and cause major problems

Google “shin splints” and try some of the stretching techniques they recommend. I agree w most that it sounds like growing pain tho! Shin pain can be very intense

I had that as a child. I can remember crying. My daddy use to run a massage over my legs to ease the pain

My daughter did that around 4 for a few days
I was so worried… Took her to the doctor and they did an xray… Doctor ruled it as growing pain
Hasn’t happened since and that was over a year ago

My daughter is now 14 and has been having these same pains in her legs since she was about 6 or 7. It’s always been ruled as growing pains because all of her blood work always came back normal. Fast forward to now that she is 14 growing pains have been ruled out. Blood work still all came back normal but her bone age is showing like she is 16 and not 14 so we have to go to an endocrinologist now to see if it’s a hormone imbalance. Prayers for your baby ask the pediatrician to look further into it just to be sure.

Could be anything. I was always told I had growing pains, that wasn’t it. It took me in my teens and found out I had RA! I would see a doctor to double check.

Mu daughter did this, we finally took her to the Dr and it was a separation in the growth plate under the knee. She had to wear a brace for a while.

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My son had growing pains as a child. Took him to the doctor n they done x-rays and nothing was wrong. Dr said growing pain can get really bad and for him to take a lot of hot baths and eat lots of bananas. And that what he did and it works.

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My oldest did this when she was young, many hours of rubbing/massaging her legs. Figured it was just growing pains. Later in High School while running Trac they said she had shin splints and wrapped her legs. Didn’t take her to the Dr. because it was never a constant issue.

My oldest son had really bad growing pains like bad. On really bad nights I gave him children’s advil and put heating pads/ warm rice pack on the areas that hurt the most. I would rub his back read him books, sing, something calming to help him relax and fall asleep. Maybe this will help your daughter?

My daughter use to regularly wake up crying with sore legs. She is now quite tall at 10 years old.
I use to just sit with her and massage her legs to relieve her pain. If it was really bad and the massages didn’t help, I’d give her some pain relief.

I know this all too well. I would cry almost every night with leg pain! My mom would rub my legs with a little rubbing alcohol

My daughter is 9 and had had this pain a few times over the last 3 years. It was always at night, she would cry hard. I gave her ibuprofen and an ice pack helped.
I started having her drink a small glass of water before bed. And that seemed to help also.

Sounds like growing pains, I had them terrible as a kid. A heating pad helps a bit, but I never really found anything that worked for sure.

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Most likely growing pains… I’ll massage my kids legs and give them an OTC pain relief. But if you’re concerned, make an appointment.

She’s probably just having growing pains. I know I did and my mom used to wet a wash rag, warm it up and put it in a plastic bag to put on my leg. We were too poor for a heating pad…

Doc told me it was from where bones were growing faster than the muscles were stretching so heat and ice alternating and to stretch by laying down and then moving my feet like I was tippy toeing then standing normal alternating to help muscles stretch

I would have to massage my daughter’s leg many nights. Doctor said it was growing pains.

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Both of my children experience this and it has been diagnosed as just growing pains. I massage my kids legs and give them Tylenol for the pain.

Could be shin splints too. Always better to be safe than sorry if it continues to be an issue

Growing pains will pass in time get a muscle cream for her

Take her to the pediatrician.

Mamas Uncut I get this when my Vitamin D levels are deficient…Maybe speak gp about getting your childs levels tested.

Growing pains. I would cry of it!

Growing pains. I had them something awful growing up. Tylenol, massage, heating pad, Ice. They suck.

Its a growing pain. Nurofen.

Growing pains, maybe muscle cramps, in back of leg.

Growing pains, leg cramps
 Try bananas before bed

Take Her to the Doctor,there are several things that could cause this.

Daughter is now deliverd in Jesus mighty name Amene. Be sure to thank Jesus for her deliverance and.miracle healing Amene

Could be Charlie horse which I had gotten since I was young I get them a lot from my knees down to my toes. Growing pains also but what they said was growing pains I still get til this day and I’m pretty sure I’m not growing anymore I’m about to be 35.

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I remember doing the exact same pain and my parents took me to the dr and it was just growing pains. Hurt like hell but not a lot anyone could do.

I used to get growing pains like this. It was the most painful thing ever. I cried all night too. I was around the same age.

My son use to get growing pains really bad, only on the middle of the night. The only thing that helped him was a warm bath. I’ve heard a tablespoon of pickle juice helps from several people who swear by it, but he absolutely hates pickles, so I wouldn’t know, lol. Hope she feels better.

Growing pains. I always know when my eldest daughter is hitting a growth spurt. A lot of sleepless nights massaging her legs and putting her in a hot bath. Nothing really works, doctor says nothing can really be done about it. Her dad had them and he said it got so much worse as a teenager.

Is she flat footed? When I was younger I use to get shin splints from wearing shoes with arches in the shoe.

I’d definitely get it checked with a doctor. If it ends up being growing pains, she’ll at least know how that feels. Magnesium lotion at night may help. Even if it doesn’t stop the pain, it could promote relaxation and sleep. I make my own, but the Ancient Minerals kind on Amazon is good. Start on a non school night when you’ll be home the next day in case it gives her the trots at first. That doesn’t continue with regular use.

I had growing pains bad as a child. I would cry and mom would rub them. Try a weighted blanket. That helps now when my legs hurt from overdoing

Spu ds like growing pains. My son got them real bad sometimes and I’d have to sit on his bed and rub his legs until he fell back asleep. Growing pains can be Terrible. If you think it may be more than that make an appt with her pediatrician.

My youngest went through this
Warm baths with bath salts and bananas and plenty of water
The only thing that helped her

My daughter went through the exact same thing. Give her some Tylenol or ibuprofen and heat compress and massage. My daughter had growing pains in both legs really badly and I mean in tears! It got to where she had them early in the evening even. I took her to the doctor twice because I was so worried something else was going on.

My daughter had them for a few years around that age. I would give her Tylenol or ibuprofen and massage her legs for a short bit and she would be able to go back to sleep. It was growing pains. In the days she did a lot of leg activity, soccer for example, it would be worse. I would give her a pain reliever before bed and have her take a warm bath at nights. It helped.

Growing pains. My kid’s experienced this as well.
I’d try to comfort and soothe them with Tylenol, a nice warm bath, you could try adding Epsom salt to the bath, I’d put my adult size crew socks on them (since they’d go up higher on their legs) for the warmth, and if they find it soothing you could rub their legs, possibly using Mentholatum or tiger balm or a similar rub for pain.

PS- drinking a little dill pickle juice helps for cramps/spasms. It doesn’t take much. But I never tried it for growing pains.

My daughter is the same age, has the same issues. We started giving her more water and that helps

I had very bad pains in my legs growing up. Doctor said they are growing pains. Let her soak in a hot bath and give her ibuprofen help for pain.

I had that so did my kids warm cloth and absorbing Jr worked

Try to add more potassium in her diet and also sounds like growth pains

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Charlie horse. I would get them all the time (even nowadays on rare occassions) and it was unbearably painful.

Rub her legs it’s just growing pains and restless legs.

Could be shin splints(you can Google stretches that will help).

Probably growing pains, but if it’s too concerning at least have the doctor do some blood work to check for vitamin and iron deficiencies and wbc.

All my kids who had this, are TALL!! Give some pain meds

Go get it checked… nothing wrong to just ease the mommas mind.

My mom rubbed rubbing alcohol on them and I was better quick.

Growing pains my kids all got them.

Growing pains or possibly shin splints.

All my kids did this… doc said growing pains

Lack of potassium, a banana a day

Definitely growing pains applying magnesium oil can help, or Epsom salt baths :cupid:

My son has done this for years. I was told it’s growing pains. And if I remember correctly, when I was younger it was always my legs specifically my shins and it HURT so bad.

Tylenol and massage her legs. They are growing pains

After having her checked by a Dr who may want to run some tests if you get an all clear there are other possibilities. Most Bone & muscle growing pains occur at night when the body is at rest Repairing itself! Muscles and bones can bring her to tears on occasion. Tylenol is good. If it’s muscle cramps increase her salt intake and water as this helps a lot. I took salt tablets off & on. Shin splints affect the bone if she injured herself running or jumping. Dr can evaluate if she can remember events prior. Hope this helps.