My daughter couldn't handle formula from birth and we have her on cows milk per doctors orders: Advice?

My daughter was born prematurely at 34 weeks. I, unfortunately, I was not able to breastfeed her (couldn’t produce milk even after seeing four different lactation consultants), so she has been on formula since birth. She instantly developed stomach problems and was not able to digest hardly any brand of formula, we found one that worked for her, and we have been mixing it with cows milk (doctors orders, also did this with my first daughter). We did this for the first three months, and then she began taking just formula. Currently, she is on schedule, eating, , and drinking correcting for her age, not behind in any way. She eats 2-4 servings of baby food daily, and she also has one cup of cows milk daily. About three weeks ago, she started turning away from formula bottles and started preferring the cow’s milk. I mentioned this to her doctor, and the doctor suggested to keep trying the formula and if she absolutely would not take it, let her have cows milk and supplement with vitamins. I guess my question is, has anyone went through anything similar? Or did anyone stop formula at such a young age? Should I be worried? My daughter was born prematurely at 34 weeks. I, unfortunately, I was not able to breastfeed her (couldn’t produce milk even after seeing four different lactation consultants), so she has been on formula since birth. She instantly developed stomach problems and was not able to digest hardly any brand of formula, we found one that worked for her, and we have been mixing it with cows milk (doctors orders, also did this with my first daughter). We did this for the first three months, and then she began taking just formula. Currently, she is on schedule, eating, and drinking correcting for her age, not behind in any way. She eats 2-4 servings of baby food daily, and she also has one cup of cows milk daily. About three weeks ago, she started turning away from formula bottles and started preferring the cow’s milk. I mentioned this to her doctor, and the doctor suggested to keep trying the formula and if she absolutely would not take it, let her have cows milk and supplement with vitamins. I guess my question is, has anyone went through anything similar? Or did anyone stop formula at such a young age? Should I be worried?


Have you thought about getting donor breastmilk

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How old is your daughter?


remember the doctors are not nutritionist and doctors do not specialize in the digestive system you should seek out somebody who does specialize in digestion or who is a nutritionist because doctors have been known to give bad advice when it comes to introducing foods and other related things


Have you tried aliminitem im probaly spelling it wrong its a purple can of similiac but its predigested only brand my two youngest could handle

I switched my daughter to cows milk at 9 months and shes a very strong and healthy 7 year old didnt see exactly how baby is but would suggest speaking with a professional other then your primary dr as a second opinion

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My daughter had to drink actual soy milk out of fridge section when she was little. At first watered down. She was unable yo keep anything else down or screaming for hours. This was per our doctor too

Idk what kinda dr suggested cows milk but they are WRONG! stomach was not developed enough for cows milk at that age. Jeez!


How old is she? Is she thriving ? Gaining weight? If she is. I don’t see an issue


My grandson had to have powdered milk, he couldn’t drink formula and couldn’t drink cows milk until he was over a year old

My neighbor was raised on goat milk and he lived till 87

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About 2 weeks after my mom brought me home from the hospital- I refused formula and I refused breast milk. Our family doctor at the time told my mom to put me on cows milk so she did. I was raised on cows milk from about 2 weeks old. 29 years old now and 0 health problems :blush:.


My daughter hated milk so I started using it in her food she was getting enough from the food she was eating and preferred flavoured water. This was from about 8 /9 months, she didn’t drink milk again until she tasted a milkshake even now she’s not a fan of milk, just go with you feel is right for your daughter as every child is different


I would get a second opinion or see a diet specialist cow’s milk does not have all the things a growing baby needs for their physical and brain development I would stop giving her vows milk all together if she’s hungry she will eat the formula


No doctor would prescribe cow’s milk so young…where the hell do people live that post here?


My son was born with a genetic disease called Marfan Syndrome. Comes with all kids of possible issues which includes a heart problem. Anyway, he refused bottles and fomula at 9 months. He only wanted milk in sippy cups. By then he was mostly eating baby food and some solids (mashed potatoes, things like that). It didnt matter what I tried or the docs said, he WOULD NOT take it. I did start mixing the baby rice cereal in with the milk after he refused the formula. He’s 9 years old now and other than the (currently) small heart issue, he is perfectly fine.


What the fuck. That doctor needs to not practice anymore. You sang just give a baby cows milk vs formula

Switched all my kids to cows milk at 9 months, they started eating baby food at 2 months to help reflux and it worked great they are all happy and healthy now.


You never mentioned how old she is. I would ask for a GI and nutritionist referral. They combined the appointments for my son so it was easier. She may need an amino acid based or other specialty formula. They are expensive but WIC or insurance will provide them with a prescription.


I missed in the original post how old your daughter is. Unfortunately this is the kind of issue I don’t think any of us can give you answers on as without age and full genetic description we may give you recommendations that make things much worse. I would reach out to your pediatrician and if you don’t trust their advice then I’d either find a new pediatrician or ask for a referral for a specialist on eating. There’s soooo much that comes into play in making this kind of decision that I would hate to give you exact recommendations that could seriously harm your lo

Please :roll_eyes: there is no way your doctor ordered that for either child. That is not good for a baby’s developing stomach. You’re destroying a tiny baby’s stomach with food too early and cow milk too early. She needs to see a specialist about her digestive issues if you aren’t full of :poop:.


How old is your daughter? I think your doc is crazy, cows milk does not give the nutrients an infant needs and I would find a new doctor. I’ve heard some crazy things but this is a new one… Ive even heard of basically making a new formula for an infant that can’t take even Alimentum. Alimentum is like the single most expensive baby formula for the most sensitive babies.


From what I’m reading, she gave the baby formula with cow’s milk from birth to 3 months, now at 3 months she drinks formula, cow’s milk and eats food. That is RIDICULOUS. No pediatrician is going to support that bullshit

Does this actually state the child’s age anywhere? All I see in the 2 times it is in the post since it repeats itself is how far along she was gestationally at birth.

“I dOn’T kNoW sCiEnCe Or BiOlOgY bUt MaYbE yOu’Ll GeT lUcKy LiKe I dId AnD nOt KiLl YoUr BaBy!” Idiots :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Find a new doctor ASSP and see a dietitian that is actually specializes in this. Baby’s before 6 months old should NEVER have had milk. Hope she doesn’t have even more stomach problems from the horrible advise from doctor. This doctor needs to be fired now before he hurts anymore children.


She doesn’t state the age of the baby. Could he close to 1 year old and if thats the case then cows milk is fine. My daughter drank formula until she was 18 months but her doctor said she could have milk at 1.

No way a doctor would order her to have cows milk & if they did then I’d be worried… Especially for any baby under the age of one! Even after the age of one a lot of doctors will tell you to avoid cows milk & give them toddler formula if possible! I’d get a new doctor ASAP


How old is the child I didn’t seem to see it in the post?


Babies stomachs cannot digest the protein in cows milk. I’d find a new doctor.


Cow’s milk best milk there is


Hunny I wouldn’t worry at all (easier said than done) my oldest grandson was breastfed and supplemented with formula and his stomach didn’t do well with different ones too and cows milk as well started irritating his belly. The doctor said try goats milk…it’s great. He’s now 2.5 and healthy and smart. As long as you supplement with vitamins like the doctor said, yous will be good. Please try to find all natural vitamin supplements though as synthetic ones actually inhibit your little ones ability to produce their own.

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How old is the baby?

I wish you guys would stop posting fake questions.
This question can’t be real for a few reasons:

  1. If the baby had a sensitivity to formula it’s most likely either a milk allergy or intolerance which means they would also most likely be allergic/intolerant to cows milk as it would be the same sensitivity.
    2.) No doctor would ever recommend mixing cows milk with formula in the first 3 months of life…as it can cause malnutrition. In fact any doctor that recommends cows milk before 9 months is a quack and needs to loose there license.
  2. If your baby is under 1 year and by the sounds of it she’s only 4 months than absolutely not should she be even getting one bottle a day of cows milk let alone stopping formula!!!
    Cows milk and baby food do not have the nutrients a baby needs. Your baby will end malnourished and extremely sick :woman_facepalming:

I have a 34 weeker and no way in hell either of his specialists would give me the go ahead for cows milk. Protein allergy and YOU’RE GIVING THE BABY COW MILK? I’m going to call bullshit. There are plenty of lactose free formulas that help with all kinds of problems. My brother was a 35 weeker and he had some special one Similac brand. :expressionless: Nothing lacks more nutrients and could worsen milk protein allergy as much as cow milk would.

I would personally try eating a lot more this will promo milk ! And weight loss if you can get the baby to eat as well as prompt faster healing from delivery have you tried drinking some mothers milk and adding Fenugreek but if that’s not what you want to do anymore I would try something easyier on the babies stomach Goat’s milk is easier for toddlers to digest. … Goat’s milk contains higher levels of minerals, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C than cow’s milk. It has a better protein makeup than cow’s milk, making it easier on toddler’s tummies. Goat’s milk is higher in calcium and magnesium, and lower in cholesterol than cow’s milk. Goat’s milk is not recommended for infants because it doesn’t have enough iron, folate, vitamins C and D, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid to meet an infant’s nutritional needs, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Babies who don’t get enough iron or vitamin B develop anemia, but you will be facing this same problem with cows milk but with more bad fat and cholesterol ect try goats milk with added vitamins

My sisters baby was like this. The doc said she could give her the omega milk and shes been on that ever since. She just turned one and is on regular milk now.

There is NOTHING wrong with cow/goat milk for babies :rofl: do you all know how many babies were raised on cow/goat milk and CARNATION CAN MILK :rofl: we all grew up and lived through it :woman_facepalming:t2:


at birth of my son, I wasn’t able to breast feed, he couldn’t tolerate any type of milk, caused diarrhea, had to hospitalize him and was put on a meat and water formula for months. After he was able to eat solid food he could have small amounts of milk.

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Wow. The judgement on this page. Up until about 40 years ago ALL non breast fed babies ate powdered milk mixed with corn syrup or sugar and water. Most infants CAN digest cows milk (proteins and lactose and all). Most formulas are derived from cows milk.
To the OP, just listen to your doctor, not the comments here from people who know nothing about you or your situation. Good luck.


How long has formula been around as opposed to cows milk? I’m sure babies of long ago, were given cows milk, when mothers couldn’t produce milk!


I don’t understand why you couldn’t produce milk. My son was born at 30 weeks and the hospital gave him donor milk for 1 day maybe 2 and then after that he was given my milk by feeding tube and I just pumped for him and he got breastmilk for his first 5 months.


Arla cravendale big milk is for kids and has added vitamins xx

Theres one for lactose intolerance…why in the world…!!!


Why are a lot of posts double text like this?
You only need to copy and paste ONE TIME

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Cow milk can make your intestines bleed. That’s why they don’t suggest it til after one.

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I stopped regular formula around probably 7 months. His belly just could not take it. Started him on whole milk and it took a few days for him to get used to it but he did.
I added baby organic fruits and veggie packets and the Gerber cereals into his sippy cups.
I hope this helps you momma.
If not, you could always try almond or soy milk.


She will be fine! I had really bad colic when I was little until one day my mom accidentally switched me and my older cousins bottles mine had formula hers had milk I drank the milk no problem and didn’t scream or anything after that bottle I was 4 months my mom switched me to milk from that moment on

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The dr advised you to mix cows milk with formula? Crazy! Most babies who have these kinds of problems and are sensetive to cows milk wouldnt have you mixing cows milk to formula because thats the same sensetivity. Instead we were advised to try goats milk. It worked wonderfully!

Sorry it doesn’t say how old the baby is now


My youngest son quit taking formula & a bottle at 8 months old. He refused to take a bottle and formula. So I quit the formula and bottle and gave him whole mike in a sipping cup and he would take that. He’s a healthy 21 year old 6’1 and 200pnds

I don’t understand why so many of these posts are asked on here and not to the pediatrician. Or an authority on whatever topic is being asked.

you are the mom do what you think best

Try mixing less formula like half scoop to two ozs and see if she takes it but i recommend a second opinion from a professional

I would probably find a different doctor. Formula is milk based unless you find one that isn’t, like a soy based formula. So it literally makes no sense that an infant is ok on cows milk but not formula. Mixing formula with milk also makes it calorie dense and would of course be hard on any child’s stomach. The milk alone probably feels better in her tummy, but then formula alone would too, and if you found a formula that was lactose free or free of cows milk ingredients, she’d probably be even better yet.

Definitely stop mixing formula with milk though, there’s a reason you mix it with water, and unless you have a tube fed child who’s underweight or who has trouble gaining weight, you don’t play with formula dilution.

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They make goats milk based formula now. I’d give that a shot! :grinning:

With out knowing how old your child is it’s hard to give an accurate opinion. I was born premature I also had a laundry list of GI issues and had to see GI doctors and specialists as well as I had a Milk Protein problem. I would recommend meeting with a Pediatric GI Specialist to start because you may need to start her on special formula in order to give her gut a rest. Also giving her food right now isn’t going to help with the digestive issues either because if she is already having digestive problems adding baby food truly will not help it will just ensure she is getting more calories

Did you ever try soy

Cows milk is a big no no! Girl get another doctor and a nutritionist !!!

Donner banks all around u!!! U need to find a mamas group near u get milk!

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Goats milk fixed the problem

as long as you are giving her suppliments to replace what shes lacking from milk and baby food you should be ok…i mean cows milk isnt the best at such a young age but if you have tried all formulas and goats milk then you gotta do what you gotta do… and any kid once given regular milk will stop wanting formula as milk tastes better… i would ask another doctor but… if they agree then yeah

All of my kids drank cows milk and ate baby food 3 times a day at least and they are all healthy and fine they are now 8,9,14,17 & 18. She’ll be fine

When we were growing up in the 1950’s all babies drank cows milk and breastfeeding was not encouraged. as long as she is happy and healthy don’t worry.

Try goat’s milk also my little brother couldn’t do formula at all and my stepmom couldn’t breastfeed my dad used goat’s milk and fresh fruits veggies

If you want to go to breast milk, facebook search Human Milk for Human Babies (your state), or look into a donor bank near you

Goats milk is easier on the little ones tummies.

Try goats milk, it’s milder on the stomach.

I mean how young of an age? Have you tried finding a breastmilk donor? Also I would probably consult with another physician but over all you are her mother what do you feel is the best course of action here? There is always goats milk or goats milk formula those are more gentle on her tummy? I’m not really sure what the real question is here other than is it too early to transition to milk but would need to know how old the child is.

Milk is absolutely a NO before 1 . You need to find a new doctor. Personally they make hypoallergenic formula that most likely would have worked like it did for my son when he was having major issues. Please stop kidney damage, anemia , malnourishment , bleeding in the stomach. Stop that is why they make formula to mimic breast milk.

I dont see an age in the post so it’s really hard to answer this… I have older kids who switched around 10mo just because it was common practice then. My oldest was lactose intolerant as a baby and took soy. I would just be careful if it’s a young baby. Cows milk isnt really good for anyone let alone a baby. It’s very difficult to digest, and the younger the baby, the harder it will be on her digestive system.