Yes … start teaching her to read … read to her and make her start reading back to you … even though she is in kindergarten, she can read … find you Your Baby Can Read … this is going to do three things for her … it will get her interested in reading, it will teach her to be quiet and be still to listen to the stories and three … she will start paying attention … also music … you will be amazed of what these two things can do to a child …
We had a similar situation with our one son. Come to find out he needed more challenging work…he was Bored
Sounds like something more is going on at school then you know kids act out for a reason and usually its a damn good one if more parents actually believed their kids you would be surprised how much stuff like bullying could be nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand
She may have an attention deficiency. I know some people have problems with this but children’s lose focus for many reasons. Her mind may run faster than the class. She’s bored because she’s highly intelligent. I’ve have worked with children dealing with add adhd and high IQs. People all learn differently there should be teacher in her school who can help you engage her.
Has anything changed in her life besides moving to kindergarten? Like a move or new sibling or a death in the family?
Whatever you do, do NOT give in to pressure to automatically put her on medication. You need to talk to her Dr first. In MOST cases, children cannot accurately be tested for ADD/ADHD until 6 years. There could many factors at work here. Do not give up, and talk to her and try to find why she is doing these things! Oh, ask for an IEP, too!
My daughter was the same way when she was in kindergarten.
She would hit kids disrupted the class. We didn’t know where to turn.
My sister who was a teacher looked things up that she was doing. And here she had ADHD.
Look it up or Google it
Yep. I have 2 sons with ADHD. I would start the conversation with the pediatrician.
Just a thought. If there is a show or dvd she really likes put it on. As she is watch make loud noises and block her view. When she says something try and explain what she is doing in school is like this.
Is she bored??? Seriously if she is not challenged a little she may be bored. My son was
My son was doing the same and was diagnosed adhd and ODD
Or maybe she and the teacher have “ personality” differences ?? Wonder how she would do w another teacher??
is she bored? maybe the work is too easy? or maybe the work is too hard so she acts out out of fusteration?
Yeah adha would be number one and 2 maybe she’s bored. its not like prek .now they dont play as much . my son started kindergarten this year to and all he talks about is its boring and doesnt want to go
Not mature enough, pull her out and let her start next year.
Shes probably not ready for sit down learning she is only 5
Sit and talk to her ask her questions on her behavior. I talk to my 2 year old when she acts up and she simple shows me or tries to tell me what it is she wants
her teacher needs to put some positive discipline Strategies to work in the classroom. but you can not control that. just j
keep gently reminding her on how she is suppose to behave at school.
Testing boundaries. Continuing to enforce the rules will be key. Unfortunately, we have found that it is time and maturity.
Bored…gifted kids tend to act out when bored. Might need some “harder” or more involved assignments
She need to be tested for attention deficit and or my kid had comprehension issues
I had this issue when my child started pre-k. He was having issues behaving in class. Everyday was a new issue. We ended up moving due to ap job change and he finished out pre k in ap different school. I never had any issues after that. The class he moved to was much smaller and there was more focus on him.
Maybe she just bored she might need to be in advance classes
Sounds like she doesnt like or respect her teacher. Was there a situation where the teacher said something to alienate her?
How bout instead of punishing for bad you reward her if its good ???
1st mom should go to daughters class room and stay for a few days to see how everything is going and what is been taught. 2nd your daughter might be bored, teacher needs to keep her busy n interested.
Have her IQ tested. She’s bored and needs to be challenged more intellectually.
Poor kid! Sounds like she’s bored out of her mind.
She could have ADHD. Have her tested, trust me!!!
May be adhd, talk to your pediatrician.
She is bored. The class work may be to simple.
Get tested ASAP! The longer you let it go the bigger the problem!
Go be with her in the classroom for a day.
Have her tested, an Iep evaluation
She’s not ready. Wait another year.
She is bored. The teachers need to give her work that challenges her.
What are you feeding her for breakfast? She may be having a sugar high or reaction. By the way rewarding a child for doing what is expected is not the answer. That just makes it tougher as she gets older.
She might have ADD. Ask a doctor.
Maybe she’s not ready yet. Let her grow up a littymore
She is probably bored. Some kindergarten classes expect the kids to sit at a desk all day except for recess. Kindergarten is the new 1st grade. Also with masks and social distancing its even harder on these young children.
Have you had her evaluated by a counselor?
Our son couldn’t sit in the circle at story time.
We found him a teacher that would allow him to stand at the sand table. But he was paying attention.
He was scolded by his kindergarten teacher for bringing in leaves from the play ground.
He was accused of be sexual (at 5) for rubbing his teachers leg. She had on nylons which he had never seen before!
My wife audited classes every year and choose which teacher he would be with the following year. He and they got through it without meds.
Hate meds for it. Sets them up for drug addiction.
This happened to us with public school. As soon as we moved her into a charter school, she miraculously didn’t have any issues at all.
Check with her doctor. May Be she can’t help herself. Get a psych EVAL WHY she’s not cooperating. This is more than bored.
I experienced this when my son went from pre-K to k. He’s in first now. I requested numerous meetings w/ the teacher… last one resulted in a meeting with the principal after watching her stand over him and berate him in front of us for 20 minutes. Before continuing, I’d like to say, I back up teachers. I know my kids and this one is sweet, kind, funny and a freakin handful… full of energy. Turned out , in this case, the teacher didn’t “get him” or know how to redirect him. No problems in pre-K, no problems in first. I am a firm believer in working WITH teachers for solutions and communicate w/ them (2) almost daily. His last yr was shit and I put a lot of blame on the teacher in this instance. I suggest meeting with the teacher and try to talk through solutions with your child present.
Have her evaluated for ADHD
She is 5 she is a baby still
She is probably excited at school wanting to play with her friends and gets carried away.
punishing her for normal 5 year old behaviour is excessive
Doesn’t sound at all like she has any behavioural issues as you have stated she doesn’t have any issues at home - if she had ADHD etc it would show in the home too
Just spend time with her explaining how to behave at school and why
To be honest the teacher doesn’t seem to know what to expect from that age group and should move to an older class
I have worked with this age and what you are describing is perfectly normal the teacher needs to learn how to help the child and keep her attention while in school
I would talk to her doctor
Set up a rewards system. If she comes home with all thumbs up 4/5 days on Friday she can get a special treat. You two can decide what that would be on Sundays.
If she listens to you at home, have you tried sitting in with her at school? You and the teacher might get a better point of view if you can work together.
If you or dad can go sit in on her classes for the day. See if she acts right then
She’s only 5, she’s still learning! Eventually she’ll learn to sit still, be calm, not be disruptive etc… but fk its a bit full on that shes being punished for something as simple as being a little disruptive during class
Your kids sounds bored, my sisters kid who is also 5 years old gets like that when he is not stimulated enough. Bored = equals brat lol
Ask the teacher if it is possible to give her more challenging things to do and see if that works
My 5 y.o. has ADHD and we givr him a little coffee before school and it helps calm him down
Being tested for ADHD is something to look into with your doctor…my son had the same similarities when we tested him he had ADHD also consider going to class with her and sitting with her for the day , just to see what it’s like , check out the environment she’s in …I had to do that a few times as well, my son is now in high school and he has come a long way in making adjustments to learning with ADHD and staying focused without meds , it’s challenging but her routine has to be consistent! And consequences must be given and not just told she will get a consequences…some consequences we did was no tv , no phone access to watch YouTube or anything like that and lots and lots of repeated talks about respect and how those actions affect others…it will get better but nip it now before it gets way out of control
Have the teacher do the same at school as you do at home. I do that what the teacher does and works cause we had the issue in Pre-K with my now kindergarten daughter. Where she wouldn’t listen to the teacher by picking up toys and stuff like that. We didn’t mind if the teacher took away recess or toy time if my child didn’t listen where she was a little difficult at home also. So I decided to take away her toys for the rest of the day time-outs. For the time of her age. In a short time she was back to herself and sleep schedule is different also. She now goes to bed at 8 pm and gets up at 6:30 7 am ready for the day. I did that for both of my girls and it seems to work out for them both
My little one began having difficulties in early preschool. During the spring prior to her entering kindergarten, I took her to a child therapist and within a few minutes determined her to have ADHD. I, then, took her to her pediatrician and working closely with him came up with a medication and dosage which has done wonders for her. She is now in first grade, loves it, and doing so well.
I would try a reward system instead of punishment. Give her some incentives to get a report. It doesn’t have to cost money it could be as simple she chooses dinner. Or a Mae all the family plays together. Have a play date with a friend. Turn getting a good report into a reward instead of a bad as a punishment.
Sounds funny she didn’t have these issues last year. Something wrong in this class?
Take her to be diagnosed for adhd. We found out our grandson was adhd when he was 6. He takes his meds and is now a sophomore in college.
My son is the same way, he is now 13. Get her in to see a counselor as soon as you can. Sounds to me like ODD and there aren’t any real meds for that. Family counseling and independent counseling will help, it is not something that can be cured.
She’s probably autistic or has ADHD, get her tested if this continues
Take her out till next year. Maybe she’s not ready.
Diet maybe? Cut the sugar!
A certain Red dye seems to cause behavior issues. Try cutting that out.
I met a child with a similar story recently. He was doing better this year, having moved up a class. The problem last year was the fluorescent lights in the classroom. He has Irlen’s syndrome and by the time he is another room with fluorescents, he will have the precisely tinted lenses he needs to minimize the problem.
Maybe she needs transition program! Like a pre first grade! She may be a bit immature for 1st grade competition! 30 years ago, my daughter was! Her birthday was Aug so she was a young first grader! She needed that extra year that transition provided ! Today she’s 38 yrs old and a teacher!
Kindergarten has changed. The schools I have taught at have handed me textbooks. As a teacher I had to make sure the materials for that day were covered. Students say there with worksheets. I had.stations prepared with activities that would deepen their understanding but there wasn’t enough time for these. They had a 10 minute recess and nap-time was not given. As a teacher I cannot go along with the way education has changed and is now going against all my teaching philosophies. I quit teaching after 16 years. Your child may have an issue but the big issue is the expectation put in these students and teachers for them to work in areas they are not ready for developmentally. Look at the system, research and then look at what happens in school. It’s crazy. Expectations in education need to change
This sounds like me in school. I had so many issues with talking and not listening to teacher and just generally being disruptive. This was a long time ago. As an adult I finally got diagnosed with ADHD when both of my sons did. I recognized my issues and was tested. But my self esteem was so badly damaged in lower school that as an adult i have had a lot Of emotional issues from being told that i was a “bad” kid. By 7th or 8th grade we moved between classes and i excelled at classes that had something besides sitting still in a seat. I sang in choir, did decently in gym and loved microbiology where we were dissecting frogs. Please get your daughter some help. Have her tested.
I feel like she’s bored. Maybe she’s ahead of the others intellectually and needs more to do. More stimulation or things to keep her busy, either physically or mentally. I was bored a lot in elementary school because I learned things quickly. I finished and had to wait for everyone else. I got in trouble for talking, laughing etc. simply because I was bored.