My daughter flips out over her blanket when she is sleeping: Advce?

My daughter is 21 months and flips out over her “blankie” when she is trying to sleep. She cries if I don’t put it on her…but then screams and cries “blankie” when it IS on her. I have tried adjusting it all different ways (leaving her feet out, tucking it around her, only on waist down, all the way to shoulder, wrinkled up, laid flat, ect) but there doesn’t seem to be a real correlation to how it is when she finally calms down. She isn’t making it a game, and she does this even when she is tired and asks to go to bed. It seems to stress her out really bad and I don’t know what to do. Is it a “her” thing or is this common? Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!


My son is 2 and does this with certain things. We think it’s a power play. We slowly stopped giving in(lots of screaming and not easy) and a couple of the habits have disappeared. Idk if that is in fact what’s going on with your daughter but I know toddlers like to think they’re in charge. Good luck mama!! :heart:


She’s trying to delay bedtime probably. Give her the blanket and walk away

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My daughter is the same age and she’s a major blanket baby but she doesn’t freak out. She’s good to go once she’s touching it.

I know everyone kinda jumps to it, but it could be a sensory issue, anxiety, etc OR it could just be her testing her limits with you. Its really hard to tell at that age. Have you tried different blankets?


Try a different blanket…its like cups…they might want a cup but it has to be a specific cup.

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My daughter was a blanket baby and she had to have one and with her once we gave it to her she had a certain spot on her blanket that she would rub all the way around until she found it! But at that age it could be a number of things like everyone has said so maybe try walking away to see if it’s delaying bedtime if that’s not it try another blanket cause my daughter had to have a certain blanket/passie or it was awful lol but good luck I’m sure you will be able to figure it out :heart:

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Put a corner of the blanket in her hand and see if that helps, or maybe a different blanket like Kandice said. She might also have her words confused and want something else


Sounds like a game! Good luck? :+1:

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Damn girl I’m so sorry you are having to go thru something so hard and frustrating it’s always hard to hear and see ur baby upset, I honestly think the other advice from every one that commented b4 me is a great start to trying to figure the issue out!!! Just try to be patient and flexible and willing to keep trying different things till you and her can come to a truce and she can drift off to sleep peacefully and u can get some comfort in knowing she is finally content and happy. Good luck ma!!!

Hey all, I’m the answer seeker on this one lol she will only use this specific blanket and gets very mad if we give her a different one. She woke up at 4 am last night as well crying about her “blankie” so I don’t feel like it’s necessarily a delaying bedtime type of thing? She acts like she is trying to adjust it and gets stressed that she can’t get it a specific way…but doesn’t seem to have a specific way that she actually likes it lol?

Mine was same way, she likes a certain Corner of it to rub on her face. She is still a blanket girl, 3 years old and thankfully I can switch it out for a new one when the “blankie” gets old

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My son does this. Has to have his blanky , no others! But then fights it! Its just him being tired and trying to get comfy I think. We do the same feet covered, feet not covered, tucked in, not tucked in, all the way up, half way down. Its just that he is tired and cant get it just right. No big deal. Frustrating yes but eventually it will pass. My son also does have sensory issues and I think it just depends on the night and which one of his sensory issues he is battling at the time on how he wants his blanket.

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My son is a blanket baby. Has been since he was about a month old. Takes it everywhere and has to have it at all times or he will lose his mind.

Sounds like my daughter. Only she cries for her blankie then some nights tosses it over the side of her crib and then continues to cry for blankie :joy: now it’s just hilarious to me. Nights where that happens I just have her cry it out. Usually she’s done within 10 minutes and I can sneak in and tuck her in

I would hand her the blanket maybe snuggle it next to her but not around her so she has comfort to it. If she cries on it’s not the right way she will eventually get it the right way. I had to do this with my daughter. She had to have her blanket just right for her to be happy and would cry if it’s not. I told her mommy tried to help now you fix it there were a few long nights and struggles but she found out how to fix it herself and she tells me mom I got this. Good luck momma gotta put a foot down sometimes otherwise it wont get better. Shes old enough to make it work! Your doing great just hang in there!