My daughter got a rash after drinking grape juice: Thoughts?

So yesterday I gave my daughter grape juice. Red grape. It had red dye 40 in it. She broke out in a horrible rash on her butt, and her cheeks broke out. Has anyone had a child with a similar reaction? The odd thing is she can drink red Koolaid and is fine.


Perhaps it’s more of an allergy to artificial grape flavoring than red dye 40 if red Koolaid contains the same dye?

If she can drink something else with red 40 and is fine, that is not the component of the grape juice she is allergic to. It’s a different ingredient.

Also grape juice can be a form of laxative in children and can cause them to break out. I found this out because it happened to my daughter as well.

Might be a preservative. I get hives from some apple juices.

Talk to your peds doc, we aren’t schooled to diagnose


Red dye can cause UTI’s also…very strange reaction but it happens.

Facebook vs Pediatrician…hmmmmm


If it is hives from consuming the juice I would think it would not be confined to one or two areas. Maybe a doctor is your best bet!

My daughter couldn’t have any juice whatsoever…

Yes many reactions apple juice soft drinks give her water

I wouldn’t think it the dye if red koolaid has the same. And I’m guessing shes in Pampers still if it effected her behind, so it isn’t processed by the body at all. Like most fake things.
Get an allergy test for her. What’s a slight rash now can become worse with exposure

HAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Geeezzzzzz !!! Call tbe doctor… These people are not experts !!!

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How old is your Daughter.?! Call Dr or a medical line and ask ?? Good luck to u.

Some juices are just too strong. Do half water. And giving kids koolaid is nasty.

Get her tested for food allergies & Don’t settle for food with junk in it. Find juice that’s really 100% juice , and not “created” with a bunch of unnatural created in a chemistry lab ingredients. If you can’t say it spell it define it - stop eating it all the time. The Food part of the FDA is a joke. Sure all these “chemistry lab” ingredients are “safe” in limited quantities… Their version of “safe” is ignorance is bliss - and it’s not their problem if you exceed the “safe” amount in a day. They don’t factor in that most people eat those things countless time’s a day. They are safe 1 time. Not 15. So if you have your"safe" amount of red 40 in a bottle of gatorade in the morning - that’s it. the twizzlers you ate before lunch, and the fake strawberry filling in the donut you had, and that soda you drank later, and then the artificially colored/flavored doritos you eat before dinner, and that Nestle Quik Strawberry milk you drank, and artificially flavored/colored Keebler cookies you eat after dinner, and those artificially colored/flavored iced animal crackers you snack on late night, & that artifically colored cereal you had for breakfast - all that “artificle” color exposure beyond the first “safe” time you ate it that day - is at your own risk, and not still “safe”. 1 serving of bullshit ingredients is deemed “safe” eating that bullshit ingredient 10 times a day - is of no concern to them, you chose to exceed what’s deemed safe, and that’s not their problem…

Juices are acidic. So. It could also be an allergy. Talk to her pediatrician. Etc. You may need to see an allergist.
My youngest would get horrible, bleeding diaper rash when she ate peas. (As an example). She loves peas- but, for whatever reason (mild allergy?) the moment it came out as waste and came in contact with her skin- it was a problem. She’s 5 now. Still adores peas. No problems anymore because- potty trained.
Bring it up with the pediatrician. They’ll sort it out for you.

Allergic reaction I’d think ? Ask pediatrician -my daughter had food allergic reaction once causing a race to emergency room n epi pen

She’s allergic! You don’t know what else is in it. Allergy testing first off. Get her to the Dr!

Have you changed laundry soap or fabric softener? New furniture with scotch guard? Her BUTT CHEEKS only sound like something irritating her when she sits. If nothing has changed then you can look into an allergy tests. I suspect it’s something you changed and her sensitive skin is telling you to go back to the old. New underwear not washed before wearing or even new clothes from foreign countries are coated in additives to ward off moths and so on in shipping.

My son, now 11, started on Ritilin for ADHD in 2017. Then when he drank the blue Energade drink, he developed a rash all around his mouth. I though this so wierd cos hebhad had blue Energade before with no reaction. Then doctor said that it was the Ritilin that caused the reaction to the blue dye in the Energade drink.

My daughter was allergic to red 40
Shes 21 now and seems to have grown out of it

Something she’s allergic to in the grape juice


My husband as a child would break out in a rash from strawberry koolaid and that flavor only!

It is an allergic reaction

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It could be just too much acid in the juice. My son gets a diaper rash if we dont cut juices in half with water. Too much acid and then when they pee they sit in it and it bothers their little bottoms


Avoid juices with dyes. There are plenty of natural juices without artificial additives

Don’t give them that stuff. It’s horrible for them…esp Kool aid! 🤦

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Grape JUICE shouldn’t have dye in it. Most kids are sensitive to red dyes

give her some baby Benadryl :slightly_smiling_face:

A new beginning is on your horizon but you must have the courage to push through. Declare your struggles over. Declare your enemies defeated. Declare yourself victorious. Do this with passion. Your own self-talk is a very powerful tool in cultivating your belief system and ultimately your results. If you are defeated in your thoughts you will be defeated in your life. If you are a champion in your thoughts - your success is inevitable.

Try cutting the juice with water. If that doesn’t work work talk to your child’s dr

Try 100 real fruit juices instead. Sometimes the dyes in juice can give little ones a reaction. Honest makes really good juice boxes that are 100 percent real juice :+1::purple_heart:


It’s the acid in the juice. Juice needs diluted with water for babies


My son has never had anything but water and milk I gave him apple juice one time and he broke out in a rash never again!

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I thought you were supposed to cut juice with water ?


Then take her to a doctor to be tested.

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Red dye 40 is the fkn devil with my kids banned from my house

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Red dye 40 is very bad, i recommend cutting it out for 2 weeks and see the differences. Once you start looking on labels, it is crazy all the products that we consume on a regular bases that are toxic to our bodies and brains

Better yet, just dont give your kid any juice. Its alright on occasions but they really dont need any. At any age.

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My son couldn’t eat peaches or have any juice with peach in it. My sister son was the same with blueberries. It’s an allgeric reaction. Both boys grew out of it when they hit abt 5-6.

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Id steer clear of fruit juices in general. Packed full of sugar anyway

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It could just be the acidity in the juice itself, my daughter had a similar reaction to kiwis and pineapples (just the actual fruits- not juice).
But I have had an allergy to red dye 40 since infancy. It’s a true allergy, It starts with a rash after exposure (around the mouth if I eat it or in the area i was exposed to if its in a body wash/lotion) that quickly turns into a red, hot, raised painful rash that spreads rapidly. If it is in the food I eat I get a swelling in my tongue and throat as well. Try to avoid the dye in case of an allergy and bring it up to a GP or pediatrician.

You child has an allergic reaction and you consult people on here and not your dr? Wow


This happened w my son but w apple juice I just had to dilute w water and he was fine.

The acidity in juice always gave my babies rashes unless I diluted them with water. Idk about kool aid because I always used 100% fruit juice until they were out of diapers.

It’s the acid in it. My little sister was like that. She could only have juice if it was diluted. Try half water and half juice

Cut the juice in half with water only baby juice doesn’t have to be diluted

Yes sometimes mine will break out when she was little sometime watermelon did it or strawberrys ect

Probably the acid in the juice. Maybe dilute it with water and see if that helps, my daughter is crazy sensitive to juice

My son is alllergic to all kinds of stuff soy, milk, wheat, eggs peanuts treenuts this is almost always the reaction he has

I suggest seeking medical advice from allergist. My youngest would have red patches on skin from where tomato juice would drop down her chin. She is allergic to tomatoes. Your child needs testing. If allergic you need to know what to do in an emergency and have epi pen available.

My daugther had the problem with raseberry

All my kids have been allergic to grapes as babies. They easily break out in a horrible rash. When I say horrible I mean HORRIBLE. They’d get diarrhea and their skin (buttocks) would burn immediately. :sob:

It’s a slight acidity allergy. It happens to me and my toddler son too. Any citrus will do it to us too. It’s not the dye

How old is you child? Could be the red dye. Or has your child had grapes before? Could be allergic to grapes. Red dye is also known to make excema break out. My daughter is allergic to milk, eggs and peanuts. Eggs do this to my daughter. I would suggest talking to your pediatrician. Ask them to run and allergy blood test or a skin graph if they can.

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Get organic grape juice next time. The conventionals also have heavy metals. Have her eat metal deroxifying foods.

It could be sensitivity to grapes. My oldest couldn’t do any tropical fruits or berries. He’d break out in a rash all over and they always gave him diarrhea and a rash on his bum.

Fuckin ask your doctor


Also don’t give kids, adult’s, ANYONE red dye.
Its illegal in other countries for a reason

Did it give her diarrhea or just loose bowel movements??

4oz of juice and 4 oz of water mixed 1x a day for juice

You think it’s the dye in grape juice and also think that koolaid is okay?:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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My daughter has same problem with multiple juices. Just stop buying them.

My son couldnt have anything with pink dye or strawberry flavoring in it.
He could eat real strawberries…but not a drop of fake strawberry…
Fever, rash, hives…the more he ingested, the worse the reaction.
The red (cherry, etc…) did not affect him, just the pink.

Probably the dye. But have a test done. I’m allergic to alot of dyes.

A post goes viral about red dye 40 and now everyone’s trippin​:joy::joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t2:

Mmm why not give them plain water🤷and try to avoid juices with dyes

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I think it’s the sugar and acid content in the juice. I always watered juice down. For acidic diarrhea rashes, use pepto almost like an ointment. Makes a barrier on the skin so the acid is neutralized when they go again. Saves from a lot of ouch! Good luck!

Not really sure why she broke out and you definitely need to figure out what she had a reaction to so it doesn’t happen again.

However, juice is not good for anyone. Our bodies were made to ingest fruit in it’s natural form. The fiber in the fruit is what helps our bodies digest the sugars correctly. Without the fiber from the fruit, you are putting straight sugar into your (or your child’s) body, which is terrible.

If you want to drink juice (or give it to your child) please juice any fruits yourself. Preferably with some of the fibers intact. If you don’t have time to do this, then please don’t give your child juice. Or at the very least water it down by 50% minimum (as some others were posting). And don’t give her drinks like kool-aid or any other drinks with dyes in them.

My children are 15, 11 and 10 and have been perfectly happy without having juice their entire lives. They drink mostly water, milk and hot tea. They honestly don’t even notice that they are missing anything nor do they really care to have any juice.

Caveat: kids are kids and kids are human also. I’ve educated them on making good food/drink choices. Do they occasionally have juice or soda…yes. But I don’t buy it or keep it in my house and I definitely don’t have it as a staple in their diet. Do your child(ren) a favor and steer clear of juice and sugar drinks. There are so many better options to put in their bodies.

Was it 100% juice? My daughter is allergic to artificial grape but can eat grapes and drink grape juice as long as it’s 100% juice.

Ewww KoolAid? Hyper sugar water?
Just drink water and milk. Or buy a juicer and make your own. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Did you dilute it?
Could be a grape allergy

How old is your daughter?
No juice when younger
Doctor recommends water or milk only
As juices contain red dye and sugars super horrible for kids especially any special needs kids

My youngest is allergic to artificial grape flavoring. Her cheeks turn really red and feverish and makes her throw up.

Yep it’s red dye #40 all my girls allergic to it pretty much