My daughter has a cold in both eyes: How can I help?

Pink eye is not always pink but it will clear up on its own in 3 to 7 days. Just makes sure she does not run them, keeps washing her hands and wash her bedding

Get sambucol. It’s an immune booster and help fight what she’s already gotten.

Take ur kid to the doctor, like really. The drops are ment to help :roll_eyes: idk were u are getting that it will make it last longer.
Take a warm face cloth and patt her eyes till she can get in to be seen
And it doesn’t have to be pink to be infected.


Get a warm wash cloth and clean them out

My son had the same thing it was his sinuses. The doc gave him an antibiotic ointment for em as well as one to swallow for his sinuses.

Go to the doctor! Kids are too precious to play doctor. We are not professionals and only a doctor can tell you what she has.


Warm wash cloth. But deff. Take em to the doctor. Facebook is not a good reliable place to ask questions concerning your child’s health.


It sounds like pink eye try breast milk it helps quickly!

Wash compresses will help to goop come off eyes easier! But should definitely see a doctor

Cooled boiled salt water and clean with a cotton bud, wipe from the inner corner to the outer and throw away don’t wipe more than once and repeat. Do it at least 3 times a day. X

Check for an ear infection. Sometimes in little kids it manifests as eye gunk

I had a stye that made my eye look terrible
Use the ointment. No need to have the child uncomfortable for no reason.

I’d do what you do to clean babies eyes, cotton wool ball and warm water but don’t use the same ball twice xx

Still could be pink eye. Might want to take her to the Dr just to be sure.

Eyes are important. As my dr told me. Anything that has to do with eyes seek medical attention asap.

My son just had this. It is indeed pink eye. Take her to the doctor to get prescription drops.

Bring her to the doctor! She probably has conjuctivitis my son has had it many times and the drops clear up his eyes within 24 hours!! Poor baby is probably miserable. Keep giving them to her for the full 7-10 days though so it doesn’t come back

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Eye Bright herb or homeopathic Euphrasia

Your daughter may have a cold but she does not have a cold in both eyes. There is no such thing.
As for “it says” that drops prescribed by a doctor, what is “it”? Is that one of those “they say” kind of things? If so, no one ever seems to know who “they” is.

You must take her to the emergency room have her checked out thoroughly. The issue of flu shot always come to mind. Did she have her flu shot? As a reminder, this flu season is severe, we urge everyone to get their flu shots. No matter your physical condition, the flu has no mercy.

Sounds like conjunctivitis… Take that baby to the Dr. He’s been rubbing snot in his eyes and got it infected. Use a warm rag to get the gunk off and try to keep his hands away. Also be careful you don’t catch it too


Get your daughter to the Dr. right way. Nobody should try home made remedies on eyes.

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Take her to see a pharmacist they can advise and give you the right stuff x

Soak a teabag in warm water and clean it. Put 1drop in both eyes. Do it like two times daily.

…take the child to the doctor…

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How about take her to a professional instead of seeking advice from (no offense) a bunch of women who majority of probably don’t have any medical knowledge to be giving advice

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Sounds like pink eye to me

Breast milk. Try it.

Who wants s “it”, take her to the doctor, you will get all kinds of answers on here, do what’s best for her!

I’ve never heard of someone describing it as a cold in their eye :thinking::thinking:

Warm damn cloth to wipe the eyes. If you smoke wash your hands before touching her. And baby eye drops. The person at any pharmacy should be able to point you in the right directions. My son is 16 months and has had this problem a few times

Go to the doctor. It sounds like conjunctivitis.


My eyes would always do that because of an allergic reaction.

Polysporin eye drops until you can get her to a doctor

Sounds like maybe a sinus infection.

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You know the Chamomile tea bags. Put them in warm water then wipe her eyes with them. It will help

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Breastmilk. And doctors eyedrops.

Camomile tea bags. Cook it up and let it cool off then the tea bag on the eyes.

Colloidal silver can heal it up. It can be used topically, in ears, eyes, internally.

Depending on where you live it could possibly just be allergies

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My son used to get those bad and the doctors told me to just use a warm rag and wipe it every hour or so - clean rag each time and wipe in one direction. Then a nurse friend told me to put Neosporin ON the eye - not in - to help with the infection. Like when they go to sleep and their eyes are closed, rub a little b/w your fingers together and put it across the eyelids. Always worked and I still do it.

Conjunctivitis… highly contagious so make sure every washes hands. Go to the dr for cream. It can glue your eye lids together which is horrible. Give antihistamine for the swelling and itch. Make sure she doesn’t keep touching her eyes

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My daughter’s eyes do the same thing went to dr and turns out its allergies so she has eye drops and zyrtec

Call her pediatrician. When my kids have that I keep consistently a warm clean rag and wipe their eyes gently.

It’s conjunctivitis. It requires antibiotic eye drops.

Use baby shampoo wash eyes out with warm water and baby shampoo then rinse 2 or 3 times a day. Very gentle, we use it here in the hospital for pink eye and eye infections.


So many reasons as to why. I have never heard of a body part catching a cold. If she has a cold or allergies then allergy drops may help. I would take her in to see a doc.

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For the gunk on the eyes I use saline drops(for kids) and q-tips to clean it and it goes away

Take her to an optometrist.

If it literally looks like snot coming out of the eyes it’s a bad case of sinusitis my girls had it last year and needed antibiotics

It can be viral pink eye there’s a difference my son had this kind. The eye isn’t pink, it has stuff in his eye and it woke up closed. It went away on its own

Don’t ask for comments, go to Doctor


Warm water on a gentle rag, we just went through it with our 3 year old. Nothing the first visit. 3 days later and LOTS of warm rags, he had bacteria building up in his sinuses causing him a double ear infection, pink eye and strep throat. All of which went away with antibiotics. But it was horrible. Anything bacterial or unexplainable ALWAYS call your pediatric nurses line to inform the dr of symptoms, ect that way if in a couple days she gets worse her symptoms are all right there on paper and you and the doc can focus solely on making her better


It’s conjunctivitis. Cold does not cause this. Speak to your pharmacist or GP.

Go to the dr. When my daughter had gunk in her eye, I took her to her pedi thinking it’s pink eye. Turns out they don’t treat pink eye anyways but that’s not what it was. She had an ear infection causing drainage from her eye

Colloidal or structured silver

Dont be an ass take her to the dr


She ‘could’ have something, corneal abrasion, allergies, something the eye, etc. Better be safe than sorry. You only have 2 eyes to last your entire life.


It’s conjunctivitis and it’s very nasty. She needs antibiotic drops from Dr.

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sounds like a staph infection

Take her to the dr pink eye hurts and itches I have had it so i know .all so if she needs antibiotics the dr has to get them for her so take her to make sure please

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Take her to the damn drnget eye drops. Pink eye is very contagious n this is how it starts, the drops will help with in 24hrs

Go to the doctors. I just went for the same thing this morning…no pink eye but sinusitis and I was prescribed oral antibiotic and eye drop. Doctor warned that this could lead to periorbital cellulitis if left untreated.

If there is drainage she needs eye drips

Clothes with warm water make sure that they are clean and

Sounds like conjunctivitis to me. The eye doesn’t necessarily have to be pink.

She likely has bacterial conjunctivitis and she needs to be seen by an optometrist or ophthalmologist ASAP for antibiotic treatment.

Allergy meds. Warm wash cloth. If it doesnt start to clear up in 24 hours. Time for the doctors. She might have an infection that requires antibiotics. Go with ur gut. If it hesitates find an educated professional to assist ur gut.

Take her to the doctor. All sorts of stuff it could be. Hot wet wash rag clean ones for each eye.

Wash with Johnson’s no more tears baby shampoo 3 times a day it will be gone in couple days the drs I worked for over the past 30 years recommended it over antibiotic eye drops

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Bring her to pediatrician my daughter had the same thing, ended up being pink eye and they gave her eye drops

Don’t let all these dramatic people scare you lol


Just because you think it’s pink eye doesn’t mean you need an antibiotic for it. If it’s viral antibiotics won’t do shit. Lol.

Warm wet wash cloth and some saline eye drops otc. My son gets this when he has a cold… If it doesn’t clear up in a day or so then dr. All these people screaming its this or that seek dr … Lol make me laugh. Its common in most kids who have a cold.

For the love of god, GO TO THE HOSPITAL

Sinus back up, could be ear or sinus infection

Soak a teabag in warm water, and use cotton pads with the tea water to clean the gunk off, 1 pad per wipe, never double wipe.
Always worked for my kids.

Plugged tear duct perhaps none the less I vote a trip to the pediatrician is always good !!! Better to be safe rather then sorry :slight_smile:


If you haven’t already get her to a Doctor

Cold tea on an eye pad or folded tissue … one wipe and throw it… will help soothe and treats conjunctivitis…

My youngest gets this almost every cold. The drops from the doctor will kick in and I can see a difference in the 2nd set of drops. So within 8 hours of getn them.

Cool tea bag, wipe over the eyes x

Needs to see a doctor. Probably needs antibiotics.

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You can not self diagnosed what you think it could or could not be. You are doing more damage playing dr or even asking facebook :roll_eyes:take that baby to the dr. Your eye doesn’t have to be “pink” to be pink eye. When I got it my eye swelled almost shut and had gunk. Best thing for YOU to do is take your baby to the dr and get off of facebook :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Instead of asking complete strangers who will probably give you the absolute wrong answers or advice…take her to a DR. Who can give a correct diagnosis and Rx if needed.


First thing is first…

Sounds like you need antibiotics or anti bacterial eye drops…
(To actually treat it)
Let doc sort it.

Don’t go listening to everyones home remedies and stuff all over the internet.
Some may work but they don’t know what your 2 yr old has either and as a mother/nurse myself, i wouldn’t be using my child as a guinea pig.

My boy sometimes gets conjunctivitis from daycare… which is contagious and requires same treatment as I’d said above to get rid of it… can make little ones very uncomfortable so
Don’t delay doc visit…

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Go to the doctor asap. It can affect her eyes. If its pink eye u need to get her antibiotic eye drops.

Saline water on some cotton balls and clean top to bottom using 1 cotton ball per wipe and get some antibiotic eye drops

Breast milk is in each eye multiple times a day.

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My son gets this and all i do is put warm water on a wash cloth and clean his eyes off a few times a day. His went away within a few days. And of course washing his face in the bath too with the washcloth! Btw i took him to the dr and it wasnt pink eye. She said their sinuses are packed so tight when they are little that sometimes it comes out the eyes bc it has no other way out. She also said its normal.

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And this is still considered a type of pink eye and very contagious. I just gt over this with help of doc and drops that r antibiotic.last are 10 days but won’t go away without drops that are antibiotics.

Take her to a doctor! Eyesight is nothing to mess with! I know from experience…I lost the vision in my right eye!

My son just had this this morning. We took him to the doctor. He had a double ear infection that only showed through the backed up gunk in his tear ducts. I would recommend a doctor.

Can you please stop allowing people to turn to FB for medical advice instead of trained professionals. If the child hasn’t been seen for this yet they need to be. Stop allowing people to put off seeking medical treatment for their children by continuing to allow them to ask for “help” on a social media platform. I could see allowing a post that is asking for other things to help baby be more comfortable AFTER seeing their doctor but to be just straight up seeking medical advice on these mommy pages needs to stop!


Jezuz :woman_facepalming:t5:. Stop looking for medical advice on FB and get your baby to the damn pediatrician SMH.

My grandson eyes swelled up puffy and red nothing in his eyes and his pediatrician said sinus infection gave in antibiotics for infection

Collidal Silver will do the trick

Squirt some boob milk in her eye 3-5x a day

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Doctors. They will give you drops.

I just had the same issue with my 6 yr. old. Took her to get looked at and turns out she had a double ear infection.