How are your toddlers with pre-school and potty training? I feel like we are getting so close at home and she stays dry all weekend and knows when she has to go… but as soon as she goes back to school they dont even care. We talk to the teachers, the director, she has a potty watch, underwear, pullups, spare pants and everything. I just dont know if its a communication thing that they don’t listen to her when she says she has to go or what. Last time we tried to continue training at school, she came home with pants on and NO UNDERWEAR. No Pull up either. there were spares of both and its like, how do you even conceive to not put a potty training child into something? Do they go commando too? its baffling. How can she stay dry all weekend, but then come home with multiple accidents from daycare every day?
My oldest kid was fully potty trained at age 2… at home. And she never went to school until kindergarten. But all of a sudden after 3 years of being potty trained, when she started school she started wetting her pants almost daily. I didn’t know what was going on with her. And then a couple other Moms I talked to said their kids did the same thing when they started school. And now, 15 years and 4 more kids later, I realize kids are still getting the hang of going potty long after they’re potty trained. Just when you think they’re good, there is a change in routine, or something of the sort, and they have issues. It’s probably a mix of things going on. And probably different for every kid. She and they will probably get the hang of it. Wishing the best for your situation.
Check the ratio at the school if it’s 1 teacher per 9 kids or so it could be a daily challenge maybe the teacher has to much on her plate or maybe the teacher uses a firm voice that scares her and she has accidents and she gets into trouble. Don’t believe every teacher at a daycare when they say one thing and do another
My son had a couple accidents in preschool learning their potty routine. I just asked the teachers to have him go one extra time on top of when they go as a group. Idk how when we don’t pee on a schedule they expect kids to
Well you have one child to deal with daycare has more then one. Sounds like she is not fully trained. I work at my granddaughter’s preschool and parents swear their kid is potty trained so that they can get them checked into the program
My kid got distracted by all the friends and toys and would honestly just forget or not notice until it was to late to get to the potty. Having teachers that are helpful with reminders and other kids that are potty trained and go potty then their friends want to too really helped my daughter.
Most likely the multiple distractions for your child and the staff. That’s understandable and time will work that out, however, not putting the appropriate underwear on her following an accident, is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
She may be too busy playing with friends and doesn’t want to stop playing to go potty.
Lordt it couldn’t be me cause I would have went off on them people
My kids refuse to wear underwear…JS…I pick my battles…it’s not gonna hurt them