My daughter has been almost having accidents: Advice?

Urine infection see a doctor :man_health_worker:

I agree with Amanda Amanda A. Turner Erwood

My son had the same problem at the same age and he was just waiting to long because he did not want to stop what he was doing. After about 4 days of me telling him every half hour to stop, get up and try to go the bathroom…he got so tired of me it has not happened since lol. He is 9 now.

She could be constipated but yes I would definitely make a dr appt

She has a UTI take her to Dr asap

Not all bladder infections burn could be kidney infection.

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Why do people go to Facebook for advice??? These people are not doctors!! I dont get it!

Well calling a dr would be the first step. smdh

being a parent is hard enough, much less being a mommy. We are hard enough on ourselves that we don’t need mommy shamers. All you people have to say is “let the dr check her out” and then keep scrolling. Stop mommy shaming and being a part of a jacked up culture of doing so! We are all doing the best we can in the best way we know how for our children!!

With that being said: please take her to a dr :slightly_smiling_face: labs need to be ran such as a urine sample I’m sure blood work and if nothing else she will probably need a specialist if nothing turns up from basic tests

Dr. ASAP…Could be first sign of type 1 diabetic. Not to scare you but you need to know

My son had a small ureter, the size of a 18 month old baby. It’s grown some over the years but at the time it sounds like the signs were about the same. Go to the doctors and get a professional opinion. It will get better. Good luck :+1:

Could still be a urinary tract infection. Take her to the doctor.

She may have a weak bladder. Need to see her doctor about it cause there are medications and exercises that can help fix the problem while she still young. Could also be a sign she may easily get bladder infection or yeast infections. She will have to watch drinking things like dark soda a d such. Best of luck

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Give her some cranberry juice through the day… if it’s a uti , she will be fine by end of day

That sounds urine infection

It’s normal, kids put off going for whatever reason…tv, games, daydreaming… you just have to let her know she can wait that long. Tell her if you see her running you’ll know. Reward her for not waiting to long!

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I Never make a big deal out of it…there will be times in their lives when “accidents” as such happen…say females…pad leaks. I dont want them to think there’s something wrong with themselves,biology and life.

My daughter does this. When she was yungger she would say she didn’t need to go. Now she is 9 and tells the truth :relaxed: she is lazy and when she is laying down watching tv she doesn’t need to go but when she gets up she almost pees her pants. Sometimes it’s just a learning experience.

She could actually be diabetic. This sounds more kidney infection/pancreas malfunction than UTI. Go to a doctor.

I have a small bladder. I thought it was because I drink :joy: a lot. I see gyn Dr at huh.

For sure call your doc! There’s also a lot going on in the world, sometimes reaction to stress looks different for very person. This could be it too. I would start with the doctor and go from there!