My daughter has started having accidents at school: Advice?

I need some advice from anyone who has been through this situation with their 5 yr old. Our daughter started kindergarten 2 weeks ago. She just turned 5 a few days ago. This is her first time being in school all day, last year she went to prek 3 hrs a day. A few days ago, she had her 1st pee accident in school at the very end of the day. The bathroom in the class isn’t working, so they send them to another class…she went to a empty class instead and i thought it was just because she was scared or didn’t make it in time. (They dont send kids out of the class alone anymore, they have a buddy system to go to the right class). Today we get a message that she was at recess and didn’t make it inside to pee, another accident. When I picked her up, she was wet again! She had black shorts on, and she didn’t tell anyone. Before this, she has had maybe a few at night the past couple years shes been potty trained. We dont want to punish her for it, but we dont want her to think it’s ok. She was fine the 1st week a a half. Has anyone ever gone through this with their little ones? Any help is totally appreciated


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter has started having accidents at school: Advice?

You may want to ask the teacher and support staff to keep an eye out for the signs that she is holding it. She may be ignoring her body because she is enjoying herself and does not want to leave what she is doing. I worked last year at the my kindergarteners school and was often on recess supervision at the same time as them and had to remind them a few times to run to the bathroom cause I could see them doing everything they could to not leave the playground. Sometimes when they wait and wait by time they finally listen to their body they just can’t physically make it. Remind her that she needs to listen to her body and the fun will still be there when she gets out of the washroom.


Is she embarrassed to ask to go in front of the other kids.
I don’t know why but I remember that being a thing…


My new kindergartener was the opposite. Dry as a bone at preschool, but constantly peeing her pants at home. I got her a potty watch and set it to chime every 3 hours - the accidents have stopped at home. She started kindergarten today, full day, so we’ll see how things go with transition. But she hasn’t worn the watch in about 3 weeks and no accidents. She may just need the reminder because school is so busy.

Remind her to go potty befor she goes outside to play at recess…once they get busy playing they simply forget to stop the fun and go inside to the bathroom…a gentle reminder to potty befor class, then at lunch and befor recess might help…maybe have the teacher send her during these times

Do a reward system telling her if she goes potty in the bathroom then she’ll earn a sticker

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You have to watch teachers. Some only give bathroom breaks at certain times of the day. They refuse to let kids go any other times because it disrupts the routine. Make sure to talk to her teacher and find out. Also could be regression as she missed being at home or daycare. Send extra clothes.


My son didn’t have accidents but he was holding it all day. When I’d pick him up he was immediately begging me to stop by Walgreens and let him pee. He was scared to pee by himself in a strange place. Is she maybe holding it too long? We had to talk about how important it is to let your body do it’s job, how peeing cleans out your guts, etc. My sister finally threatened that his bladder would burst and he’d need emergency surgery, and that’s how he finally decided to be brave enough to pee at school.


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Make her wear pull ups. I bet she’ll hate them enough to stop her peeing herself.


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I really doubt she is doing it on purpose…usually they have them use the restroom before recess for just this reason. Maybe the teacher could make the time for a potty break for everyone before recess? Give he lots of love and hugs, this will eventually stop. Also does she maybe have a UTI?

Is sending 5 year olds to kindergarten normal?

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My youngest did the same thing. Her problem was a few things. 1) waiting too long because she’s having fun and doesn’t want to stop to go to the bathroom and 2) she doesn’t fully empty her bladder when she goes so she ends up having accidents. Thankfully that hadn’t happened in awhile. Hang in there mama❤️


My daughter was potty trained for years when she went to kindergarten and all of a sudden started having accidents at school. It lasted about a month and stopped. Was just some sort of regression due to the new environment.


I am a mother and kindergarten teacher. It could be a number of things. Like Loud flush or a bigger toilet. My daughter was very intimidated by the commercial toilet. When she has accidents at school are you picking her up from school or is she just changed and kept at school. If you are picking her up everytime she has an accident kids will repeat to go home. Ask her why this is happening and see if she will tell you why. It also could just be a change in her every day life. It’s only been two weeks. Give her some time. Do the teachers let them go whenever they want. Is she getting an excess of water or drinks at school. Uti? There are many things that could factor in to this. Don’t punish her. Talk to her and keep motivating her to go more often at school.


A lot of people have some great suggestions, so I’m just going to add one more thing that I don’t see mentioned yet.
Just make sure that your kiddo isn’t being picked on, because this can also be a sign of that.
I wish you the best of luck. :black_heart:


Maybe talk to her and try to figure out why she isn’t going potty and help her over come this! It’s probably all knew to her and she’s nervous or to busy wanting to play! If you think that’s the case just remind her she can play after she potties that it’ll only take a min to go potty! She’ll get there :two_hearts:

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Ask her why, and yes it’s OK, until you find out why.

There could be something going on at the school too. Bullies, a mean teacher etc.

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Yes I went through this with my son many many times. I ended up discussing it with the teacher and asked if she could remind him to go before leaving class for play time etc. She reminds him throughout the day and it has worked perfectly :slight_smile:

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My daughter does this sometimes. She gets too caught up in playing and so forth and she won’t want to stop playing to go pee.

Maybe it’s her nerves. Just tell her you got to tell someone when she needs to go potty before accident, offer rewards for when she goes all day at school dry and going potty. My son won’t poop at school lol

Reach out to the teacher and ask if they’d mind sending her to the bathroom periodically throughout the day. Especially before going out for recess or gym class.

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Seek a therapist or the school counselor. They could be experiencing social anxiety or are becoming shy and not able to speak up and ask for the bathroom. Speak with your child and see if maybe the teacher is not allowing her to the bathroom. There are so many reasons this could happen, but it is a sign of regression. It’s a big change and maybe that’s affecting them.


It could be a number of things. Have her checked for a UTI and have a glucose check. Then ask her teacher to remind her to go to the rest room a few times during the day. Before breaks, lunch, after lunch, and just before going home. Could be she’s just not paying attention and needs to be reminded for awhile. Talk to her at home about school and make sure she’s not having trouble with bullies or her teacher.

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How often does the teacher take them as a class to the restroom? If you can go spend the day with her. At her age too I’d send extra clothes to school. Sometimes the nurse will keep them for your daughter. Sometimes the teacher will. Please, please go stay a day with her. Sometimes just show up. The school will check your record. Even as a teacher or volunteer at the school they do background checks. I know that for a fact. So don’t be offended. Extra clothes, extra time to go with the class to the restroom. See how much time they have to go to the restroom. Sometimes they are rushed.

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Take her in to her Pediatrician…sounds like maybe a bladder/urinary tract infection…

Kindergarten can be quite an adjustment. How long has she been going to kindergarten? It could be thr change in environment and she’s just overwhelmed right now. This is most definitely not her fault and she should never believe it is. Just pack extra undies, pants, socks, and maybe an extra pair of shoes. They can be left in your child’s locker. The other direction you could go is the doctor just to rule out UTI or anything else. My belief is its just a change in environment and she just needs some time. Going from 3 hours to a full day can be a big change. And it doesn’t help that the bathroom in the classroom is unavailable. So I beg you to never punish her for it.

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I bet she doesn’t realize she has to potty until right when it’s time to go, everything is so new and exciting! That’s how I was and my daughter (11 now) was the same way, I would be so zoned in playing. I remember being in Kindergarten and not being able to find a teacher to let me in so I had an accident on the playground, didn’t tell anyone either out of embarrassment. I would talk to her and remind her that when she notices she needs to potty not to wait to help accidents from happening. Please don’t punish her unless you think it’s become an intentional habit. Also, keep a change of clothes in her backpack these things happen sometimes


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Get her checked for a UTI

Make sure she doesn’t have a bladder infection. (UTI). My daughter got them often at this age. Make sure she knows where the bathrooms are from all areas she may in at school, lunchroom, gym, etc. See if you can meet the teacher before or after school to do a tour of the bathroom locations. Ask you child what about the bathroom situation may be bothering her. Never consider punishment as it doesn’t work.

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It happens they get so involved in what is going on in class that they don’t want to stop and go potty. Just remind her that it is ok to ask to go potty and to listen to their body. Make sure to always send an extra change of clothes and undies every day. Make sure clothes are appropriate for whatever weather is going on.

Potty accidents happen, especially when big changes occur. Plus some kids have smaller bladders & don’t realize they have to go until its to late.

Ask if she would feel more comfortable in a pull up while at school. It’s no biggie.
I would be more concerned that a teacher is letting her sit in wet pee clothes honestly :person_shrugging:

3 things could be happening and all worth having a look at:

  1. How often is the teacher letting them go to the toilet plus, because they are still young is the teacher reminding them.

  2. I would send her to the GP to rule out UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

  3. Bullied or possible sexual assault. Needs to be assessed and made sure that it’s not the case. As accidents and bed wetting are sometimes the sign of sexual assault with kids.


They need to time toilet her. She is either to busy and waits to long. Or she is still not entune with her body yet and does not always feel it until it is to late. Or she is nerveous about school and this is how she expresses her uneasyness. Call for meeting with teacher to find out what is going on. SEND dry clothes to school so she does not sit in wet clothes. If she starts to smell, other kids might make fun of her. I assure you she is not the only 5 yr old who is having accidents at school. They also sell watch for potty training for $15/20 with potty reminder alarms or someway to remind her to go every x hours, if school will not help. If has been going on for awhile you could take her to doctor, but school is where it is happening so you and school need to do the same behaviors.