My daughter has terrible night terrors, what can I do?

Something happened to her. Try talking to her when she is awake.
Who else has access to her ?
I was molested at 3 and had nightmares for many years.

My son had night terrors from 5 to about 10yrs old. Dr said no one can explain why people have them but was told to not wake him up just try to calm him and get him back to bed. They are terrible to witness and can not be controlled. Was told he would grow out of them and he did.

Tambien a mi hija desde bebe le pasaba, me di cuenta del proble.a hasta los 5 aƱos cuando un otorrinolaringologo la diagnostico con amigdalitis, la operaron le quitaron las amƭgdalas y listo.
El problema es que sus amigdalas (anginas) eran muy grandes y no podia respirar en la noche y comenzaba a tener malos sueƱos quizƔs q se ahogaba y despertaba llorando.
DespuƩs de su cirugƭa duerme muy bien

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Have you tried co sleeping for a night?

Talk to her pediatrician. It sounds like she needs sleep study and maybe a sleep specialist.

Just lay with her and caress her to sleep after the rage settles. Hold her tight

Get her checked for frontal lobe seizures

Question her about what she dreams about. Add calcium to her diet.

I know you donā€™t want to hear this but have her checked for worms.

Have you ever asked her about her dreams & who is doing what to her

My son had similar experience

Take her for a walk outside.

Maybe thereā€™s And entity in her room

Try a weighted blanket as well

I had night terrors until I was about 5 or 6. I was described as a happy little girl in the day as well, at night I would be sitting up screaming unable to wake up and I had the same recurring dreams. I was also a very anxious and sad little girl who hid it from people by trying to seem as happy as possible. There are a lot of connections between adult depression and anxiety disorders and having night terrors as a child. Try asking your daughter if she is feeling alright when she is happy and wake throughout the day and explain to her that she doesnā€™t have to hide emotions from people when she is sad, scared or angry. I wish I had heard that when I was younger.

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Try letting her sleep w you & a nighlight on.

It will stop they seem to all go through them .

  1. Get her evaluated
  2. Donā€™t put her to bed with a full tummy, feed her hours before bed time.
  3. Keep her room cold.

Coloca un Rosario bendito en su muƱeca y ella dormirƔ tranquila

Try a dream catcher. Donā€™t let her eat before bed. Donā€™t give her melatonin because after a while it can have these effects. My littler sister has Aspergers and night terrors are a sign of that. Not for all but just throwing that out there. Hers are HORRIBLE

unfortunately not much you can do. just be there holding her and in a calm voice just repeat you dont have to when she said she doent want to. my daughter went threw this not long ago

I had one child that had themā€¦but figured out that when he was stressed before he went to bed that was when he had themā€¦When he got in trouble before bedā€¦or when he was upsetā€¦or when he was overly tired and did not have time to calm down before bedā€¦it would happen more oftenā€¦The night terrors would be so bad that he could not see you or what you were and would pick at his pillow or you or at something in the airā€¦but it would take 5-10 minutes before it would subsideā€¦I finally decided that I had to be more careful with him getting ready for bed ā€¦That he had a pleasant experienceā€¦a nice warm bathā€¦before bedā€¦story timeā€¦and not rushedā€¦that he did far betterā€¦Over time they subsidedā€¦and soon were goneā€¦Good luckā€¦

I had them. Bad ones. They lessen as we get older

Get her to a doctor to be evaluated

Pray over her every nightā€¦

Gabi Thomas some helpful comments

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Ammar Omar HajHamad read the comments


Yusra Haj Hamad Kalbouneh

Many children who suffer from night terrors are kids who were sexually abused. Are you sure sheā€™s not around anyone else?

My DIL got a lot of useful information from this