Nothing a good butt whoopin can’t cure. Show them how it feels!
Have her charged with ausalt after making a video.
I would have her moved to a new class. There’s too much biased opinion going on from her teacher and your daughter is getting the brunt of it.
Ok, so we went through something similar…it was suggested to my son (by the teacher) that everytime LR (our class bully) touched/hit/pushed my son he needed to scream/holler/shout (be louder than normal, Even “stop that LR, that hurt” will help). LR was very sneaky and passive agressive, this alerted the teacher to his bullying. (I understand the mindset of elementary kiddos…)THIS ISN’T SNITCHING! Because you aren’t “telling on someone”.
i would tell your daughter to hit her back. my mum never told us to hit back, i was bullied throughout my whole school life and not once did i retaliate, i told teachers, principles, parents and nothing happened. i kept being bullied, because they saw me as weak. i should’ve just smacked them back. i will always tell my son, don’t throw that first punch, but if somebody hits you… stick up for yourself and hit back.
children should know that sticking up for themselves is never a bad thing. don’t teach them to be push overs. i guarantee if she hits her back, she won’t bother her again.
Ask for your daughter to be changed classes immediately and go right to the principal and if the principal doesn’t want to do anything go to the school board
Call Principal ! Insist on something done to stop Bullyin g.
Principal first, and mention that if the situation isn’t dealt with asap, “Here is the name of my lawyer, and you will be hearing from her/him if my daughter isn’t removed from this class as soon as possible.”
i believe the principle he is the boss of the school and he will call the ppl in and tell them like it is if your so called husbands cosin wife has a issue with you it should not be put the kids to take care of it u need to go to the lady and tell her if it dont stop u will go to the authorities and get it streightened out there r laws
take it to the principal and if nothing is done take it to the school board because that’s ridiculous and if your daughter was to defend her self she’d be the one in trouble
Go to the principal dont go to the teacher, she obviously knows and chooses not to address the situation.
l get pald over $ 130 per hour w0rking from h0me. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16823 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to the Principal and tell him if it’s not stopped you are going to press charges them
Tell. Your daughter to hit back in the form she got
Tell your daughter to take up for herself, if you take care of it for her, she will never learn to take up for herself and will continue to let kids bully her.
School principal. Parents are supposed to protect their children. I understand you can’t intervene every time but this bs needs to be stopped. I have to wonder where the other child gets her behavior from.
Please change her classroom. Don’t let your little girl be anxious and afraid all year. These incidents remain in a little child’s life forever and will definitely affect her confidence and self esteem.
Contact principal, it’s schools responsible to take care of these matters, tell him if he doesn’t take action you. will go to school board, kids are in school to learn, not be bullied
Can you put them in separate classes. I wouldn’t count on the mom changing her attitude or lack of parenting. If my kids were accused of hitting or being a bully they would be in so much trouble. Just because an adult doesn’t like another doesn’t excuse bad behavior. Tell your daughter they can be friends but friends don’t do that. Have you talked with the school? What about your husband having a conversation with the parents? Has the other parent reported it? Is there possibly issues you don’t know about that can be causing this behavior. It’s sad this is happening in 1st grade. Just keep encouraging your daughter to speak up and keep explaining its not acceptable behavior
Principal and If that’s spends slow results, the Principals boss --Administrative! You can go higher is need be! This is nothing to play with!
I went to the school principal to stop the bulling
Principal and document and honestly too much conflict of interest with teacher and other parties so I would have my kid moved to a different class.
I’ve been having same problem with my son he’s in the 3rd and this little girl calls him ugly , stupid all kinds of stuff always kicking him and hitting him. Well I tell my son don’t let them hit on you hit them back. I know he’s a boy and it’s a girl but she’s put her hand on him to many times he has enough and hit her and of course he got into trouble and nothing happened to her cause he’s a boy and hit a girl. Me and the principal got into it cause she only wanted to speak on my son’s behavior like okay but his behavior is like that because it’s the same girl and her friends always being mean to him everyday at school
Both in a meeting. Don’t mention mother other than knowing her. With permission give the name of the other child being bullied. Next year have them separated. Extend your child’s friendship group through outside activities
Talk to the principal.
principal since said teacher is disagreeing that the child is bulling
You go to the teacher and the principal and have a sit down with both. They can communicate with the other adult about their child. It doesn’t matter if they are family or not. You stand up for your child and get things resolved.
Go to the Principal it’s all you have to be fair you think!
I would go straight to the principal. If you don’t get satisfaction there, go to the superintendent. From there go to the school board. A lot of schools have a zero tolerance policy toward bullying. If your school doesn’t, go to the school board and push for one. I wouldn’t care whose kid it is. Bullying is serious and has to be stopped. It has caused suicide in very young kids.
Teacher, then principle, then school board. In that order lol
Talk to the school
Talk to the teacher have them talk to recess staff ect if it’s a big school you might need to find a better alternative I was fortunate and have a big sister for my 5 year old son who was being bullied sissy found the kids while he was hurting my son let’s just say he will never touch my son again. !!
Go to the principal and I would 100% call the parents especially being family?! that’s unacceptable behavior.
Unfortunately there are probably to many kids to watch - and lil’ ones can be sly😋 I would go to school administrators and ask for a meeting with them, teacher and child.
Teach your daughter how to defend herself and talk to someone higher than the teacher .
Both. And school counselor. And if that doesn’t work, school board/superintendent. Bullying is not something to take lightly, at any age, by anyone.
Have a meeting with both ASAP!!!
Teach her self defense. Have her tell the teacher and take it to the principal to establish a history. If it continues tell her to use the self defense you’ve taught her.
Try the teacher first, but if she doesn’t do anything go to the principal
Go straight to the principal
Straight to the principal. We had a similar situation, my kid wants everyone to be his friend too. After the first incident we spoke to the teacher. The second it was the principal and teacher. His dad is a salesman…. He had them laughing but said if nothing is done “little Tommy’s dad can meet me at the school and he can bring his friends”. We had an apology letter from the kid and parents within 2 days and no further issues.
You need to be in school talking to the teacher.
Your child is 6.
If you keep allowing this…your daughter’s future is going to be surrounded by a bunch of people that treat her like absolute garbage.
She’s 6.
You have to show her what is acceptable and not.
It sounds like your beef with each other is giving her an excuse to mess with you through her daughter.
Teach your daughter to make a fist and pop said girl. She isn’t starting it, she’s ending it. Teach her to take up for herself or it will get worse, people will treat you this way until you put an end to it
Why isn’t the teacher seeing this . Talk to the mother and principal
I would go straight to the principle. If that girls mom has already talked to the teacher and the teacher denied it then you talking to her is not going go do any good.
l get pald over $ 130 per hour w0rking from h0me. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 15986 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
If the teacher didn’t straighten it out by now then go straight to the principal. Things like this bully type of behavior can stay in a child’s mind forever causing them not to want to go to school
I would have her put in another class. If you’ve had problems with her mother that is probably the reason she gets bullied from the other little girl.
Straight to the principal! After transfer school.
Straight to the principle… Sad when teachers are biased based on family ties… That needs addressed asap… Possibly have your child be put in a different class with different teacher if this persists… Bullies are awful and evil… Bullies grow up to be bigger bullies and more vile… Squash this in the butt now before it escalates any further
Teachers don’t care. Go to the school board
I’d be knocking on my relatives door. Sounds like a familial thing and not a school thing.
I’d be driving to this family members house right now
Teach your daughter self defense and tell her next time said girl get in her personal space to defend herself. Obviously the teacher isn’t gonna do anything and you know that already. Go to principle and notify them that your daughter will defend herself since it’s obvious this bullying behavior is being over looked.
go to the principal and get her out of this class with the family member
Go to the principal.
Enroll your daughter in martial arts. It’ll teach her discipline, self confidence & when to fight.
Skip the teacher and Go to the principal.
Do you not know where she lives.? We’d be having a talk.
Talk to teacher and principal
I would write a nice calm letter to the principal.and the Board of Management explaining the situation in detail and what is actually going on with the bullying and how your child feels every day and how it effects you all and see what happens from there I know it is not easy but try to stay calm but try as best you can Hope it all works out well for you all
Tell your daughter to hit the girl back that will stop the bully.
Speak to the teacher asap !! They can’t do anything if they don’t know what’s going on
You go to the school and put in a formal complaint.
Your daughter is much more important than the bully or her mother or your husband.
I would talk to the principal but also Mom. She is family and if she can’t teach her daughter manners and kindness then tell mom you will be pressing charges of assault as that is what it is. It is neglectful of the woman to not care about her daughters future attitude and mental health.
Kids see bullying and some even help or join in because no one is stopping it. Your daughter may be a victim later in school as being abused by her other class members. Don’t just go to the principal but also the police dept and speak to them about what can be done. Take this seriously. She depends on your protection. God bless.
Go over her head cuz she is bullying more then ur child…not right.
Why are you not going to the school yourself? omg
Go to the principle explain what’s happening.
See if she can get moved to a different class
Why is this even a question? Go to the principal. It’s your child. And they should never be afraid to go to school!!
Sit in on class for a week…
Principal and make a formal complaint.
RE “My daughter is kind of shy so she won’t go and tell a teacher”
It’s YOUR daughter who is the victim here. What are YOU waiting for before YOU do something about what’s happening. Forget the family connection. Your daughter is getting bullied (and physically attacked). That’s all you need to do something about it!
Talk to principal, the girls need to be seperated immediately. It sounds like said girl is hearing some of the drama between the moms and this could be the said girls response
Do what you would do if it was anyone else. Bypass the teacher and go to the principal, I’d also request a new teacher.
Geez… Half the school is related huh? Lol… All jokes aside, yes, take it above the teacher to get help. If that doesn’t work… Go higher still. That poor baby girl shouldn’t have to go through this day in and day out. Good luck to you momma.
Principle or school board
Go to the principal,
If the girl’s mother is a friend of the teacher nothing will be done
Go to the teacher first. Give her a chance to correct the issue. If she doesn’t, then go higher. You have to give the teacher an opportunity to fix it, how do you expect her to if she doesn’t know about it?
I would go to the teacher 1st and let her know you are going to the principle and then the superintendent if you have to. There is supposed to be ZERO bullying in school but it happens and frequently they do nothing about it. Especially if you live in a small town where certain people and names run the town. Make sure they are watching at recess too even if you change rooms bc likely they will still jave recess together.
How does the teacher not see it happening? That means she’s either lying or not paying attention to her class. I’d go to the principal for sure and schedule a sit down with both kids and parents.
I would approach the teacher first and then approach the principal period up if she’s friends with this child’s mom something might not get done about it and I would also go to ur cousin that is married to her as well just to at least bring it up
I had the same type of problem with my husbands brothers step kids the 8 year old girl was punching my 5 year old saying mean things to him ya I was nice about it at first but then she would keep doing it because her mom did nothing to stop it even when she would be standing watching it herself I finally got sick of seeing my 5 year old getting hurt by this big ass 8 year old. So I just plainly said you been being a shit head to my son you punch him push him all this shit and you been asked to stop next time you put your hands on him I’m gonna get involved. After that she left him alone. When it comes to my babies these hands are rated E for everyone
Principal!!! Once you start complaining and raising hell, that’ll get EVERYONES attention! Stand up for your baby, she’s supposed to be protected in school, not afraid!
Go and sit through class a few times if you are able to.
If nothing is getting solved have your child flip the script they sure aren’t going to like it when she hits the little girl back and something will change.
As the mom, and considering the school isn’t doing anything, and this is a family matter. YOU as the parent should take care of this “Family situation”. WTH make a phone call to your cousin or whoever and tell them you need to sit down and talk about their kid bullying your kid. As for the school, make sure you have the claims in writing, to the school!!! My son was being bullied in 3rd grade and I wrote in to his teach, called and left messages all without response. Finally when I had enough, I called the principal, supplied the emails, etc… and told her my next step was the superintendent and the school board. They finally took care of it… YOU need to advocate for your child, and if not one is dealing with it, then you need to deal with it.
Principle and definitely request a new teacher for sure
My son and niece were not allowed to be in the same class. Maybe put her in a different class. Go to the principal and the school broad.
Go to their parents. Let them know you are not playing. Bc frankly we don’t play when it comes to our kids…a lessen in manners is needed it sounds like to me… you be the one to teach that lesson