I’m really just lost on what to do or how to help him. My 6 year old daughter is in 1st grade and she has a little girl in her class that is in the family. My husband’s cousin is married to this little girls mom. (The mom and I have issues outside of this situation.) My daughter comes home from school and expresses to me that said girl keeps being mean to her and hitting her on the head and in the face. My daughter is kind of shy so she won’t go and tell a teacher about what is going on. I have expressed to her next time it happens she needs to go tell the teacher as soon as it happens. *My daughter being as so kind hearted as she is, still wants to be her friend. My husband’s aunt told me that said girls mother has talked to the teacher and the teacher states “that she has never seen her be mean to any kids”. I have had one other person with a child in the same class come to me and say said girl was bullying her son as well. *Also, the teacher knows my husbands aunt which is the “said girl’s” step grandmother. Should I go to the teacher or just go straight to the principal?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter is being bullied in school by a family member: What do I do?
Sounds like alot of conflict if interest going on. Change her class.
I would go to the principal and ask her to be moved to a different teacher.
Don’t go to the teacher go over her head
Id certainly go above her head
Go straight to principal. You are your childs voice, dont be silenced
I would confront the parents and it’s better for you bc your relatives with them. This should be an easy fix. I swear anyone put there hands on my kids, that will be the last thing they ever do. I dont play when it comes to my kids! Period
Call the mom up on the phone and tell her if she comes home with a single mark you will be talking to the police about assult charges. (I wouldn’t really do it at that age but it might get her kid to stop)
I would send an email first requesting a meeting and include both the teacher and principal. I would then request my child change classes and no longer be put in anything with that other little girl.
I would definitely write a email and make sure you add the administration to the email so something has to be done. Administration will be on the principal asking if changes were made. Good luck with this situation.
Put the girl in a separate class and go to the principle. This person has no business being a teacher if she’s playing favorites and facilitating the bullying.
It seems like a lot of drama. I’d def speak to the principal about it.
Go straight to Principal appears also to be a conflict of interest where the teacher is concerned if I’ve read your post correctly or ask for your daughter to move classes
Go to the teacher first and if there is no change go to the principal
Right to the principal.
Take her out that class
Over her head, change class, tell your husband that he better handle his damn family before you have too
Call the principal and tell him/her everything. Including what the teacher said. Then tell the principal if it can’t be resolved at school you will be talking to the police since your child is being physically assaulted. Then do what you say you will do.
I agree with changing the child’s class. These kids are at very least a huge distraction to each other
Put the fear of god into that little kid.
Go to the principal and have her moved to another class. And you need to teach your child to defend herself.
Sometimes ppl just need a good ol ass whoopin!
I can’t say what I would do on Facebook. I would catch another 30 day bann. But I would be going to the momma! You better believe that.
I’d go to the teacher And explain the situation. If nothing is resolved then I’d go to the principle
Start with the class teacher if that doesn’t help go to the principal
Ask if they can be put in different classes if that’s not possible they shouldn’t sit next to each other
Straight to principle since teacher is basically buddy buddy with the bullies granddaughter
You press charges for assault & battery. Yes. Yes you do.
You go to the school & demand the girls be seperated & put in seperate classes.
I had to show up & make it clear, arresting an 8yr old wasn’t beneath me when said kid is violent toward my child. It ended real quick.
Go over their heads to the principal.
Go to higher up.dont let this slide, put a stop to it now.
I’d go to the teacher first then the principal.
I wouldn’t bother with an email and would go straight to the principal about what’s going on… then I would call out the parents of this little girl, relatives or not it is not acceptable.
I’d go to the principal and bring up the conflict of interest. The other girl should be removed from the glass but I’d hate for retaliation on your daughter so I’d ask your daughter to be moved but make them aware it’s not just your daughter that is being allowed to be bullied
Go to the principal. I work in a school and I’ll tell you if the teacher has already made a remark like that then she’s not going to do anything to help. Give the principal the other childrens names that you know has been being bullied.
You must live in a small town…
How is your daughter doing in the class, would changing her class be beneficial to her?
Are you able to try to resolve the issues with the girl’s mother, take a meeting to her outside of school with both girls present to teach conflict resolution?
We are their voice, we are their teachers…
Honestly I’d be looking into transferring schools. That sounds like way too much, and you know that’s not gonna be the end of it. If the teacher and aunt weren’t friends I’d probably stay, but with that info nope they’re all gonna stick together.
Have principal sit in room n watch
Go to the principal. The teachers kids are normally the bully and the cause of problems. This teacher is the girls step grandma. She I the problem. Go to the school board its self and explain its not okay to let a teacher have a family member in class and explain what is going on to the school board! Take it to the principal then over the principal head!!!
Straight to the principal
Absolutely! Go to the teacher- and principal
I would go to the principal and explain the situation and how people are connected and friends so the problem isn’t being dealt with correctly and you are not going to let this go, then you go to the school board and put a complaint in there about said teacher.
Escalate strait to the top.asap!
I’d go to her mother and tell her that she better straighten her out or theres going to be a shit storm heading her way
This is a critical moment in your babies life. I would most definitely take action. Without question. She needs you to show her how we do things.
You must protect your daughter even if it means putting her in another school
E mails to prove you have complained .if nothing is done about it then go to the administrator! Document dates and times!
Both teacher and princeable
Go straight to the principal and tell them if they dont fix the issue you will get the cops involved, schools dont like when cops are involved
It is in the family? Tell the girls Mother if she hits your kid again you are spanking her daughter! My Mom did that to a kid bullying me when I was the same age. This was in the 1980’s though. Spanking is not abuse. Beating is and there is a BIG difference between the two!
Go to principal teachers comment like that she may not do anything about situation.
Go to the principle and have your daughter switch out of that class or any class that the little girl is in with your daughter.
We teach our kids to hit back🤷🏾♀️. If you aren’t going to be the parent who goes to that school and raises hell for your child….then she needs to know how to at least defend herself. I see to many of these and it pisses me off that people are even asking what they should do. Your job the moment that child was born was to protect them. People are to soft now days.
For one, if this was happening to my son, he would have my full permission to beat the bully’s ass and I’ll handle it from there with the school. If nothing happens from there, then guess what. I’m showing up at the parents doorstep and handling it myself. Teach your kids to stand up for themselves. I was bullied all through school and I wish I was raised to stand up for myself instead of just taking it. I’m raising my son on an entirely different perspective than I was.
I’d go above the teachers head, first no one but no one hurts my babies and second if the tea teacher is playing dumb you’re not likely to see any results or changes in the other kids behaviour so why waste your time. It’s also a conflict of interest to bring it to the teacher by the sounds of it which gives you total grounds to go above her and not seem like a total “Karen” your mom. Whatever you do momma do it with pride. Your little girl deserves for you to advocate for her and make it overly known that you believe her and you don’t agree with and won’t accept anyone hurting her in any way, family or not she is worth being respected, believed and stood up for
You are your child’s advocate/straight to the the Principal in this situation & I’d request an immediate change of class as well !!!
If you go to the teacher and she does nothing, go straight to the office, preferably with other parents with the same concerns if possible. If you’re having issues with her mother, there may be some stress in the home causing her to act out this way so give the child some grace (which I’m sure you are) the adults need to deal with it and correct it and get to the bottom of it.
Principal. If they will do nothing then police. Idgaf if it’s Jesus’s kid. No one is bullying my kids
If the principal does not do anything. Then go to the school board.
Mine was bullied as well. I went to the teacher,principal and childs mother. I dont fuck around about my babies feelings it got better though. Best of luck!
Go to the principal, she/he nerds to know what is going on and needs to investigate it💕
Straight to Principal and didn’t let this keep happening to your child.
Move the child to another classroom, next school year make sure they are not in the same room.
Principal. Teacher obviously doesn’t pay much attention or just doesn’t want to tell her friend her kids a brat
Ask for a meeting with both present…(I am a Teacher) document all conversations…if that doesn’t work go to the District’s Superintendent…if that fails… then to the School Board! Best of luck!!!
If the school won’t help her then I’d let her hit back.
Enroll your daughter in Karate so she can beat that little girls ass!!! Teach your daughter how to stand up for herself. There isn’t always going to be someone to run and tell when another person invades your space or “picks” on you. She needs to tell the other little girl to back off and stop touching her or there will be consequences
Straight to the family. How sad. I had one when I was young and I never will forget her.
Have principal call said teacher to office for you!
The teacher…they see more than the principal get all sides of the story
Go to the principal? No you know who the mom is, aside from whatever your two differences may be, right now that doesn’t matter because your child is involved. I would go right over and tell her this keeps being brought to your attention and you want to know what can be done to stop the situation from going any further and talk to the teacher as well. If that doesn’t work with you getting personally involved then go to the principal.
Go straight to principle as it is not common for teachers to deal with family members being bullies.
Idk how things work where u are but where I am charges can be pressed against the parent of the bully for their child being a bully. I’d suggest going to speak to the school personally. Request the other parent be brought in for a meeting. If nothing happens press charges against the other parent
I’d coordinate with the other mother who’s child is being bullied and I’d march straight into the principals office, and tell them that your children are being bullied by child, that child is distant family, and that you’ve been unable to resolve it outside of school and that teacher will not resolve it because she knows bully’s mom
To the principal. If that doesn’t work for you the school board
Principal. And definitely document any marks that may be from the girl bullying her. Document any emotional/behavioral change. Document the times you’ve spoken with the teacher!! Make her sign a letter stating that you came to her and she states that she has not seen any bullying. If she doesn’t want to sign, just notate that and of course date everything.
Document Documnet Document! Trust me, when that teacher sees that your serious about this shit, and the principal sees that too, you documenting everything, attitudes will change. That classroom, especially at that age, should be a safe place for her. Bullying happens, I get that and they learn from these experiences, buuuuut this seems more personal. So no ma’am. Good luck
I’d go to the principal
Principal! Can they move her to another class?
I would email BOTH teacher and principal. Don’t go by hear-say on anything. Start there, document everything and ask what they how you all can come to a resolution, and that you want this addressed immediately. Best of luck.
I’d request a meeting with both, to sit down with both of them at the same time. If possible, switch classes. I know that’s not always an option though.
Talk to the teacher. If you get no where go higher up. Dont stop till something is done
Talk to the other child’s mom and make an appointment for both of you to meet with the teacher AND the principal. You may need to make arrangements that the two children are not in the same class next year. Children who bully are often being bullied by someone else. It’s a pecking order so to speak. Action needs to be taken now before it gets worse for all involved.
Speak to the Principal and change her class ASAP.
I’m all for discussing it with the parents but only as a warning that if it happens again, it’s going down and my child will defend herself in any manner she can.
Principal since there is a conflict of interest.
You go straight to the principal! This is awful! Your daughter is straight up being abused physically and emotionally as she’s to scared to tell on her! I would care less about any family dynamics when it comes to my kids
Teach your child how to punch her in the face…trust me the teacher dont care
And with me…there would be a VERY clear line made within the family…I feel this is prompted by the mom
I see alot of ppl saying go to the principle and teachers. Which is not a bad idea, but since you’ve stated how up close the other party is being family. I would get the mothers phone number and ask for a meeting. Don’t be nasty or rude. Just simply state the concern for your child and ask her for advice on how to end this treatment from her daughter. Yall ladies are the adults. These girls are just children learning how to navigate through life.
I’d tell her mom it needs to stop or you’ll file assault charges it it keeps up.
Meeting with both Principal and teacher.
Fact of the matter should be your child’s well being definitely go to the principal about the situation and have teacher involved knowing that bullying is wrong NM what and if nothing is done go to the school board over the matter no child should be bullied period related or not I read so many times of children going to the schools shooting or even worse suicide over being bullied I’m not saying that is your daughter or will be but being bullied is terrible and needs to be taken care of. And as for the other parent maybe there are some other problems going on in the home for any parent to be fine with their child or children being bullies is definitely not a good thing and maybe they need some counciling as to see why it’s ok to them for their child to be abusive never know what goes behind closed doors and if it is known then something needs to be done definitely keep your distance from them but if you must I’d be getting law enforcement involved if I had to. I’m hoping it doesn’t have to come to any complicated issues . But they all need to understand your child’s needs come before anyone
I wuld make an appointment with the teacher and the principal and if it does not address the problem of bullying, then go to the superintendent of the school or the Board of Education. Don’t talk to the girl’s mom as it will fall on deaf ears. Protect your daughter at all costs. The other girl is preying on your daughter being so shy.
Go the the principal and have your daughter moved to a new class. Sounds like the teacher is against her too if she is defending the bully.
Principal and if it doesn’t stop threaten a lawsuit against the district
Principal to move classes I have also told my kids and I could careless if you don’t think ots right but I have told my kids that if someone hits you they have my permission to protect themselves and do what needs done to do so. So if someone hits them they have every right to defend themselves and if that means hitting them back they have my permission to do so and if they get suspended from school and I have to pick them up I will gladly
Switch her class. The girl is mean because her mum and grandma support and allow it and probably say mean sugg about u, so now they are doin things to your daughter
Go hit the mother in the fuckin face and then the husband. Then slap your husband for not doing it first.
Too much family drama to sort this out. Give your daughter self defense lessons and teach her that it’s ok to defend herself. In reality, the only way to deal with a bully that’s being physical is to strike back. That’s the way mankind has handled it since the beginning of time. If she gets in trouble at school, stand by her.
Call the principal. Don’t question yourself. So called Family or not. Because family (blood or not) does not treat family like that. A bully is a bully and needs to be treated as such. I’m sorry. I have a niece that is not allowed to even communicate with my kids or me. Draw your line. And stand on on that line. Your kids need you to protect them. Teach your kids it’s ok to protect themselves.
How old is the bully? If they’re 18 - work them over like a fresh batch of bread dough. If they’re under 18 - find someone who’s also under the age of 18 and have THEM work them over like a fresh batch of bread dough. Problem solved.