My daughter is constipated: Advice?

I need some mommy advice…. My daughter is 5 months she’s always had problems with pooping. She strains so hard she makes herself throw up. I’ve spoke to her dr and switched her formula 3x already. She’s on nutramigen now for like a month already and still the same. I took her to the dr 3 days ago about it again because it’s getting worse to me. They told me to do prunes and apple juice. She turns red and cries when she try’s to poop and nothing comes out but maybe one hard ball. She ended up going to the hospital 2 days ago. A day after I took her to the dr because she spiked a fever over 101. And still no clue why. They did everything they could and ended up getting her to pass 4 hard rocks. Well she didn’t poop at all yesterday. And today she pooped but still strained hard and her poop was still solid. I’m at a dead end and need to help my baby. I am going to call her dr tomorrow for a follow up and ask them to send her to a gi doctor. People are telling me karo syrup and stuff but I’m nervous. Besides the prunes, apple juice and water what do you all think ?


I accidently gave my grandson Activia yogurt. We wondered why he kept pooping so much. Maybe try some.

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Poor bubba!! You might need to change her formula again!! Which ones have you used?
What about Lactulose? Use it for afew days!! That’s pretty good helping bubbas who are constipated

My teen nephew gets constipated bad, my sister gives him mineral oil and it helps him. Maybe try that?

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You said the dr said to try prunes and apple juice. Have you tried it yet though? 1 oz of straight prune juice a day helped my kiddo a ton with pooping. He only did it for about a month and now he’s regular again

Ive heard of this with kids who later tested to have gluten allergies. Do any gluten sensitivities or celiacs run in your family?

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My son’s had bowel issues since he was born due to health issues and drs put him on movicol pediatric and it has helped him so much

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My son went threw that when he was baby, hes an adult know so im an old school mom and uses old idea passed down kyro syrup in each bottle. After many switching formula we end up with soy formula too. And once of water with either 1 ounce of prune or apple juice


I’m shocked a Dr advised prunes and apple juice at such a young age. I would get a referral to a gi dr and see if you can give miralax with the formula and maybe add in water since she’s almost 6mos old.

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Pear juice helped my son
Apple juice helped my daughter

All 3 of my grandsons were constipated most of their first year and dark Karo syrup helped tremendously. My nephew had to have miralax in his bottles every other day and that helped him.

Ancestral is now Canceled in Jesus mighty name Amene. Be sure to thank Jesus for her deliverance and.miracle healing Amene

My son was on nutramigan and he was also on miralax daily for a few months. Not even a teaspoon in every morning bottle (per dr) and it helped him tremendously. He had a bunch of issues and after having a barium X-ray he was full on constipated for months. So at about 5 months we started Miralax

Have you tried soy formula ? She could have a lactose intolerance?

Find yourself a chiropractor that specializes in infants.


Feed her puréed or just cubed avocado depending on how you prepare her food (pureed it just cut up small) instead of rice or other baby cereals instead and try to limit or cut down on the kinds of foods to see if any or which ones maybe causing some of the constipation like meats and dairy can make it harder to go . Avocado is so much better on their tummies instead of the cereals and filling

Glycerin suppositories may help until you find the problem…

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This is how my daughter was until we got her on soy formula

When my son was a toddler and was constipated I gave him apricots. It helped a lot.

I didn’t read the entire post but when my son was having trouble pooping his Dr office would me put a teaspoon of Karo syrup in his formula… And he always pooped within a couple hours… Corn syrup is a nayural stool softener and it always worked super well for my lo

My daughter had the same problem when she was a baby. Doctor also suggested prune and apple juice. And when that didn’t work, I showed her a video of her “pooping”, Doctor then put her on Miralax. She got a cap full every 2-3 days, if I remember right. But I’d talk with her doctor before going that route, if you choose it

Orange juice worked with my kids when they needed help with that

Karo syrup. Just a tiny bit goes a far way. Did you even try the prune or apple juice like your doctor said?

She needs stool softener in her formula

Apple purées help my daughter when she is a little backed up. I was very apprehensive to give my daughter juice when she was only 4 months old, as my doctor suggested, so I tried apple purée and it works wonders. I also did the typical bicycle kicks, belly massages, and warm baths. We did end up switching her to sensitive formula and that also helped. If you go the juice route just make sure that it is 100% fruit juice and you can even water it down and only give small amounts within a 24 hour period. Good luck, momma. It can be scary.