My daughter is spitting up...advice?

My baby all day has been spitting up curdled formula. She’ll be 4 months old next Friday. She’s not vomitimg, it is spit up, but she’s not typically a spitter except during like a growth spurt. It’s worrying me because it’s not immediately after eating. She’ll eat, burp, play, take a nap, then she wakes up and spits up curdles. Our ped won’t field medical questions on the phone unless you’ve already called your insurance nurse line and they’ve told you to call your ped which is a 40 minute ordeal. Just wondering if this seems okay. She doesn’t seem sick but she’s been drooling a lot more recently.


Maybe the formula needs to be switched its common. Formula brand is not agreeing with tummy. One of my sons swallowed the placenta…

Curdled milk is normal after that long. It mixes with their stomach acid and curdles. I’d say it’s just a normal baby thing. If it’s not excessive and she doesn’t seem to be in distress, I wouldn’t be too concerned about it.


Possible lactose intolerance?, the part of milk that curdles is the Lactose protien, her body would have absorbed everything else leaving that behind . The drooling will just be teething

Is your house too warm? Or did you took her out for long? Overheated babies produce kefir inside them and from milk they drink if they get too hot

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My son is almost 4 months and he’s been doing the same thing, I was told it was from all the excess drool that they’re swallowing, it just doesn’t agree with their tummy. Excess drooling is expected for teething babies. Hope all goes well mama!:blue_heart::heart:

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My pediatrician had 24/7 nurse response for questions. Longest I’ve waited for a call back was 20 mins. Try to find new pediatrician.

I see some people say it’s normal but you still need to talk to your pediatrician. Hope it’s nothing

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Reflux from being lactose and unable to digest. She needs your milk or plant milk almond coconut or oat milk. NO COW MILK! COW MILK IS FOR COWS only. Cow milk is the culprit of every issue you just named.

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Is baby running a fever at all

My granddaughter does the same but her Dr said unless she does it all day then we worry plus she is drooling , so just relax and enjoy your baby

Had this problem with my daughter years ago. We change formula 3 times and that did not help. She eventually outgrew this. Once she ate cerial and food she was fine.

Granted my baby is now 36. But she did this until we switched her to soy milk. Not a fan of soy so maybe there is a better alternative right now.


Could be teething. Try real goat milk

I’d say if she’s not in distress she’s fine.

Maybe she has acid reflex which common with some babies

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Sounds like a lactose problem possibly. Happened with my kid, doctor kept telling me it was normal, I knew it wasn’t so I switched him to hypoallergenic formula and it completely went away as well as his fussiness

Teething. My first babe was the same way and started cutting teeth around 3mos, way earlier than I expected him to, but that’s what our pediatrician said it was, and sure enough he had a couple teeth a few weeks later… and then he did this every time he cut new teeth :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl:


I work in early childhood education and we see this happen sometimes. Do try to get a hold of your pediatrician if possible to check with them just in case it IS your formula. I would expect to see alarming poops if it was the formula causing discomfort.

This happens often when babies are teething really hard and swallowing a lot of extra saliva. Especially if the teething has them feverish. We had a baby recently at work, cutting 4 teeth at the same time who had this issue as confirmed by THEIR ped. It was rough but resolved when the teeth finished coming through.


If it’s an allergy or intolerance to dairy there should typically be more side effects than just spit up. Normally you will see symptoms such as vomiting, rashes, diarrhea or constipation, blood in the stool, signs of stomach pain (arching the back and/or curling up), excessive crying, failure to thrive or slower than normal growth with an actual allergy or intolerance.
Your post says she’s spitting up after waking up from nap. If it’s mostly happening after baby has been laying down, odds are it’s GERD (reflux). Your pediatrician can prescribe medication for her if it’s excessive, but small amounts of spit up are absolutely normal for babies. The drooling could be from a number of things, and is also normal for a baby of that age in most cases.
Follow your mama heart, if you feel something is off, make her an appointment and get her evaluated. Based on the medical knowledge I have and the life experience of having 6 kiddos that have all had some degree of allergy to cows milk and some that have had GERD, my bet would be that baby is experiencing some reflux.

Every baby is different not gonna get proper information from social media!

My son did this while teething, the teething tablets helped a lot. He also realized he loved chewing on my fingers. Really cold carrots in a teething bad we’re also a favorite but now at 11 he’s still obsessed with carrots

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I believe it’s teething issues as well. It will cause the stomach to be upset. My oldest boy was lactose intolerant (took yrs to diagnose) and he suffered from extreme colic from it. Cried constantly poor baby. I would have to lie him on his stomach in my lap and bounce him for hrs sometimes to get the gas out. Dr said all I could do is switch him to goats milk. Anyway, lactose intolerance does not sound like the issue you’re having.